[jboss-as7-dev] EJB Over HTTP

Eduardo Martins emartins at redhat.com
Mon Aug 27 10:09:38 EDT 2012

Hi everyone, I'm about to (finally) start working on EJB over HTTP, which seems to be an essential feature that we had in previous AS versions.

I don't know much yet about the previous design and implementation, but here is a doc wrt AS5 that explains it: https://community.jboss.org/wiki/EJB3OverHTTPHTTPSInJBossAS-5

The JIRA issue for this development is https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-4714 , which contains already some ideas for the implementation.

So, first question, anyone knows if the old design and/or implementation was good enough to be migrated? Or perhaps someone knows if it had any issues?

In a IRC chat and in the JIRA issue, websockets and xnio were mentioned as possible foundations for the AS7 implementation, which would mean to discard previous code already at low level. What is the reasoning for this, i.e., what advantages does the adaption of either of these bring to the feature and to AS7 as a whole?

Your contribution on this feature discussion is very welcome, thanks ;-)

-- E

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