[jboss-as7-dev] Changed arguments…can we do better ? :P

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Wed Feb 1 07:14:47 EST 2012

Someone just mentioned that Max posted this question regarding AS7 startup:

> Going over the AS7.1 server and how startup arguments has changed we
> noticed besides the -logmodule not being needed the following two was
> added:
> -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=org.jboss.byteman
> -Djava.awt.headless=true
>  . . .
> Any reason why byte man gets added and not the others ?

Yes. If you don't add this at startup then the module loader will hide 
all the Byteman classes from all JBoss classloaders. This means that you 
cannot decide to install a Byteman agent after AS startup in order to 
debug/trace behaviour in a broken App Server. It just won't work (TM). 
That's going to give our support team (not to mention our developers who 
need to use Byteman for testing) a major headache.

Of course, we could always advise all AS7 users to configure this 
setting in their own startup and leave it undefined by default but in 
practice that's just going to be a FAIL. David Lloyd and I discussed 
this some months back (July 11?) and having checked that adding this to 
the startup had *negligible* overhead it was added as a default.

Also, I think the idea of adding this via a properties file sounds nice 
at first but actually it is just splitting up the config by another 
name. One file to rule them all . . .


Andrew Dinn

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