[jboss-as7-dev] Question about recently resolved branding issue

Jason T. Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Wed Jan 11 11:23:06 EST 2012

On 1/11/12 9:24 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> I've been involved with branding in the past, but you need to be more specific in order to help.
>> What exactly are you looking for?
> As discussed on the jira (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-1807 now that jira is up)
> I was concerned about the suggestion that stated the startup scripts had to state the used branding.
> If that is the case then that creates a challenge for every tool/script that does not use the startup scripts.
> And furthermore depending on how this branding is implemented this could be used to
> identify what server we are actually installing from disk.  (i.e. SOA-P vs EAP etc. since I assume/hope that SOA-P main jar will still
> be the same as EAP thus it will say EAP not SOA-P so something else is needed to separate these).
> 1) how was this in the end implemented ? Something need to change at startup?


> 2) can we use this branding content to somehow identify the server (type/name)

For the product version, the following values will be undefined if its a 
community release, or set to something if its a product:


The true real underlying component version (what maven calls it) is:


These are set on both product and project. There is also no version 
overlap on release-version, which is inline with wolf.

Jason T. Greene
JBoss AS Lead / EAP Platform Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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