[jboss-as7-dev] Circular dependency: jbossts depends on jboss-as

Tom Jenkinson tom.jenkinson at redhat.com
Thu Jan 19 10:46:02 EST 2012

On 2012-01-19 15:36, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
> As Jonathan kindly pointed out to me, we do this rant every quarter or 
> so. :-!
> On 01/19/2012 02:35 PM, Tom Jenkinson wrote:
>> Hi Carlo,
>> TS imports the AS parent so it has the same dependency versions as 
>> those in AS7.
> That statement is just wrong. TS gets dependencies of AS 7 (-1). In 
> this case an even older one: Beta1b.

Fair comment

>> If the TS pom is judged incorrect, what would be the recommended 
>> approach for this conundrum? 
> IMO the only correct way to fix this is have a pom (/BOM) higher up 
> the dependency chain on which both TS and AS 7 depend. Neither of 
> which can produce anything for that pom.
> I need to talk to Paul & John to get a better line-up of what they 
> have for EAP.

I see what you are saying and its somewhat implied when I pointed out 
the jboss-javaee-6.0 spec dependency doesn't have none-API dependencies 
defined in there. However, presumably this new pom (to define 
none-api-spec dependencies) would somewhere say something like "JBossTS 
version x" or whatever which would start us off with a different 
circular dependency. I see that you are saying "Neither of which can 
produce anything for that pom." but lets take hornetq, jboss-ts and 
jboss-as as an example, at some point they will all need to know about 
it each other in a pom where they are producer and consumer for it is my 

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