[jboss-as7-dev] Problem met on as7 clustering with mod_cluster

Weinan Li weli at redhat.com
Fri Jan 20 05:59:22 EST 2012

On Jan 20, 2012, at 3:58 AM, Radoslav Husar wrote:

> On 01/19/2012 07:31 PM, Weinan Li wrote:
>> Now there's another question: How can I configure mod_cluster to use
>> round-robin to distribute requests?
> Weinan,
> mod_cluster has been built around the idea of load-balancing intelligently by communicating load from the server to the load-balancer. Round-robin is far from intelligent :-) and there is no such option.
> Look at what options you have for configuring load metrics in AS7 http://docs.jboss.org/mod_cluster/1.1.0/html_single/#LoadMetric (so "requests" might be the best one to actually see it load-balance).
> You might also want to try killing the server to see it fail-over to the other instance.
I've tried to kill domain controller and the requests are forwarded to slave host, and sessions are not lost. Cool!

Another question: can domain controller be also support failover?
> HTH,
> Rado
>> I've tried to access cluster with different computers/browsers, but it
>> seems all the requests are direct to master. Can I configure this in
>> domain.xml?
>>> Cheers
>>> Jean-Frederic
>> Cheers,
>> - Weinan Li
>> JBoss, Redhat
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> -- 
> Radoslav Husar

- Weinan Li
JBoss, Redhat

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