[jboss-as7-dev] JNDI integration question

David Bosschaert david at redhat.com
Mon Jan 23 06:58:59 EST 2012

Hi all,

I'm looking at integrating the OSGi JNDI spec [1] with AS7.
Implementations of this spec (which exposes OSGi services via JNDI to 
allow JavaEE integration) create a few javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory 
instances to handle some additional namespaces, e.g. osgi:service lookups.

To get this working with AS7 I can call
and that works fine.

However, I'm curious, is there a non-JBoss-specific way to do this too 
(i.e. part of the JEE naming spec). If there is, I can make the Apache 
Aries OSGi-JNDI implementation call this directly and it would avoid the 
need for some AS7-specific glue code...



[1] Chapter 126 in the 4.2 Enterprise Spec 

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