[jboss-as7-dev] master/trunk snapshot issues for CLI and -ds.xml

Max Rydahl Andersen max.andersen at redhat.com
Mon Jan 30 20:57:22 EST 2012


I wanted to try out AS7 master tonight to test out the new -ds.xml features but I ran into a bunch of issues;
and since it seem to be such basic issues I didn't want to pollute jira upfront.

Is any of this expected currently:

A) jboss-cli --connect just freezes

B) jboss-cli --gui loads UI but NPE's and clicking causes more errors

C) deploying -ds.xml with xadatasource fails after logging a lot of errors/warnings about private api
     "[org.jboss.as.dependency.private] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS018567: Deployment "deployment.wonka.war" is using a private module ("<x.y.z>") which may be changed or removed in future versions without notice"

D) deploying -ds.xml without xadatasource seem to work but once app is trying to access logs gets filled with more:
[org.jboss.as.dependency.private] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS018567: Deployment "deployment.wonka.war" is using a private module ("org.jboss.iiop-client:main") which may be changed or removed in future versions without notice

E) I can't figure out how to reference it in persistence.xml or resource lookups.
    Using the datasource name, i.e. java:jboss/datasources/DeployedDS does not work in persistence.xml 
    Tried both with -ds.xml inside and outside war.
   note, I did nothing special - just a servlet and a CDI bean + persistence.xml; trying to keep it as simple as possible.

should I open lira's or is master considered non-functional in these areas at the moment  ? :)


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