[jboss-as7-dev] read-only configs

Kabir Khan kabir.khan at jboss.com
Sun Jul 8 07:15:47 EDT 2012

Brian asked me to get some feedback on this.

The following commit https://github.com/jbossas/jboss-as/commit/435c862b9514bfcf0a036bb2b916ac3dc63b4f4a implements the following new command line switches for https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-4764:


These work much the same as their 'standard' counterparts, e.g. --server-config etc. apart from:
*They allow an absolute path in addition to the relative path supported by --server-config etc.
*The file passed in will never be overwritten, however the other history files do get persisted as usual so you can make changes to the config and copy the standalone.last.xml file to use that the next time you want to boot from a read-only config

The reload operations now take the following parameters:
-- use-current-domain-config (domain controller only)
-- use-current-host-config (domain and host controllers)
-- use-current-server-config
The default value for all of these is false, and these parameters are only taken into account if --read-only-xxx-config was used. If false, the reloaded process is started with the initial, unchanged config that was passed in to --initial-xxx-config. If true, it uses the current model for the reloaded process (using the corresponding .last.xml file). The idea for the 'true' path being that you might want to reboot into admin-only mode to make some changes which should take effect once the process is put back into normal mode.

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