[jboss-as7-dev] Modules and hidden packages

Jeff Mesnil jmesnil at redhat.com
Tue Apr 2 12:33:39 EDT 2013

Le 2 avr. 2013 à 18:29, Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org> a écrit :

> A few projects already use *.impl.* or *.private.* packages. Any reasons to use this unnatural (for Java) _private prefix? Could that be made a customizable Glob or regexp like pattern in the xml dd. 

Eclipse uses .internal.* for internal implementation packages[1]. This looks more readable than _private.

As a personal preference, I prefer to have a suffix for internal impl package rather than a prefix: this makes the API and its implementation siblings in IDE or file hierarchy.


[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Naming_Conventions#Internal_Implementation_Packages

Jeff Mesnil
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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