[jboss-as7-dev] Modules and hidden packages

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at redhat.com
Tue Apr 2 13:05:28 EDT 2013

On 04/02/2013 12:03 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> On 4/2/13 11:40 AM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
>> The grim fact is that our logging ID scheme in the AS project is simply
>> not sustainable.  We have to change it or we will start running into
>> major problems, especially as we fork and branch things over time, and
>> even more so as we move towards finer-grained components and start
>> phasing components in and out.  The rename gives us an opportunity to do
>> so in a way that *is* sustainable.
>> We will not break any existing searches/KB keys, and it would be easy
>> enough (essential really) to provide a one-time, one-way mapping from
>> existing codes to future codes (the reverse would be impossible of
>> course, and undesirable in any case) which would be easy to publish.
> Beyond "essentially really", I'd say required as part of the change, and
> no change patch related to this is accepted unless this is part of it.
> Then we are getting somewhere. If it's a task to do later it won't get
> done, or it will become a crap task that some poor unlucky soul is stuck
> with.


> I also think any logging id conversion should be an AS 9 task. We don't
> have the bandwidth now.

Sounds fine, with the caveat that once the name is announced, any *new* 
subsystems or components should start with the new scheme to avoid 
needless conversion later on.

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