[jboss-as7-dev] JSF Groovy support in AS8?

Stuart Douglas stuart.w.douglas at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 17:52:18 EDT 2013

I say that we should leave it out.

Unless the user wants the exact version of Groovy that we are shipping 
it may not actually be helpful anyway.

There are lots of things that we could ship that 'could be useful to 
some users' (e.g. Spring, pretty much every java web framework), however 
unless there is a compelling reason to include them I think we should 
just let the user package the exact version they want in their jars.


ssilvert at redhat.com wrote:
> On 4/10/2013 10:26 AM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
>> Resending - this time replying to the list.
>> Does it have to be a module that we ship? Or would it work if users
>> added it as a simple Java EE library to their application
>> (.war/WEB-INF/lib for example)?
> Adding it to your WAR is something you can do today.
> I'm asking for opinions on shipping it with AS so that JSF apps have
> this capability by default.
> I won't really argue either way.  It's trivial to add and very, very
> trivial to leave out.
>> -Jaikiran
>> On Wednesday 10 April 2013 05:56 PM, ssilvert at redhat.com wrote:
>>> Mojarra has supported Groovy for quite some time now.  It's kind of neat
>>> because you can prototype JSF artifacts with Groovy and achieve dynamic
>>> reloading of these artifacts during development.  Here is the original
>>> introduction to this feature from way back in 2008.
>>> https://blogs.oracle.com/rlubke/entry/groovy_mojarra
>>> Today, if you want to use this feature with AS you have to download
>>> Groovy and package it with your WAR.
>>> I have the code already written to add Groovy support to AS8 and it
>>> works well.  The only downside is that it introduces a module for
>>> groovy-all.jar, which is about 6MB.
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> Stan
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