[jboss-as7-dev] Community AS8 Management API Changes and Freeze Dates

Richard Achmatowicz rachmato at redhat.com
Fri Apr 12 15:32:32 EDT 2013

1. is going to be complete in a day or two.
2. Starting on 2 next week.
If time permits (I think it will), i'll resurrect some existing work 
done on 3.
On 04/12/2013 08:19 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> That sounds like a lot for a short schedule.
> On 4/12/13 2:13 PM, Richard Achmatowicz wrote:
>> Projected changes to clustering management APIs:
>> 1. addition of runtime metrics to JGroups and Infinispan subsystems (a
>> definite)
>> 2. x-site (cross site) management configuration (a definite)
>> 3. clustering subsystem (a possible)
>> 1. involves:
>> (i) adding run-time metrics to existing Infinispan resources
>> /subsystem=infinispan/cache-container=X
>> /subsystem=infinispan/cache-container=X/cache=Y
>> (ii) adding run-time metrics to new resources
>> /subsystem=jgroups/channel=X
>> /subsystem=jgroups/channel=X/protocol=Y
>> 2. involves adding new resources for managing cross-site replication
>> - see
>> http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/infinispan-dev/2012-October/011486.html
>> 3. involves creating a new subsystem which permits viewing the
>> participation of a node in a cluster
>> This is experimental at the moment.
>> See https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-4388
>> Richard
>> On 04/05/2013 08:50 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>> A couple points re: allowing teams who provide management tooling for
>>> the AS to plan for AS 8:
>>> 1) Major subsystem changes
>>> If you are responsible for a subsystem and expect to create a new
>>> subsystem for AS 8 or to make significant modifications to the
>>> management API exposed by an existing one, please reply to this thread
>>> with a brief summary of what you expect to do. This will give Heiko
>>> Braun a chance to plan.
>>> 2) Management API Freeze Dates
>>> The roadmap Jason has laid out will of course involve some changes to
>>> the management APIs exposed by the AS core and by its subsystems. In
>>> order to allow tooling that depends on the management APIs to react to
>>> any changes we make, we'll need to complete changes to the management
>>> APIs in advance of the July 11 CR1 date.
>>> After discussions with Heiko Braun, we agreed upon the following
>>> "freeze" dates for the management APIs:
>>> 1) June 11 (Beta release date) -- no new subsystems after this date, no
>>> substantial changes to the core management API after this date, no large
>>> new features in existing subsystems after this date.
>>> 2) June 25 -- final management API freeze. No further management API
>>> changes except minor bug fixes that will not affect the console.
>>> If you have any concerns about making any of these dates, please speak
>>> up now.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -- Brian
>>> On 3/27/13 12:28 PM, Jason Greene wrote:
>>>> Hello Everyone,
>>>> I am happy to announce a proposed roadmap for AS8. After some discussions with various AS developers and community members, the goals we think are important are:
>>>> 1. Java EE7
>>>> 2. Integration of Undertow (EE7 Web Sockets + performant non-blocking i/o)
>>>> 3. Patching
>>>> 4. Migration from JacORB to the JDK Orb
>>>> 5. Transition to the new yet to be announced name
>>>> I am proposing an agressive 6 month timeline for this release, with the following key milestones:
>>>> May 7 - Release Alpha1
>>>>       + Includes undertow, some ee7
>>>> June 11 - Release Beta
>>>>       + more progress on EE7
>>>> July 11 - Release CR1
>>>>       +  EE7 feature complete
>>>> July 25 - Release CR2 if needed
>>>>       (Hopefully TCK 100% by this date)
>>>> August 8 - Release Final
>>>> As usual the August 8th date is conditional on the Java EE certification process.
>>>> I look forward to any and all feedback. Thanks!
>>>> --
>>>> Jason T. Greene
>>>> JBoss AS Lead / EAP Platform Architect
>>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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