[jboss-as7-dev] Module for EL

Hardy Ferentschik hardy at hibernate.org
Mon Apr 15 07:21:54 EDT 2013


another related question is which EL implementation to use.

We are currently using JBoss EL which afaiu is not actively maintained anymore.  EE 7 will bring an update to  EL via JSR 341. What implementation will we use within AS8? The reference implementation, an somehow updated JBoss EL or JUEL (provided there will be a JSR 341compliant JUEL version).

>From the Bean Validation perspective and in order to move https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-6665 along just creating a standalone el module is enough, but I think for the long term we need to discuss which EL implementation to use.


On 9 Jan 2013, at 9:45 PM, Gunnar Morling <gunnar at hibernate.org> wrote:

> Thanks to Scott's help, I think I understood the details a bit more. 
> HV uses javax.el.ExpressionFactory/FactoryFinder which in turn uses the TCCL to find implementations and cache it in FactoryFinderFache. For WAR deployments, the cache is pre-populated by ELExpressionFactoryProcessor with the implementation from the web module mentioned by Shelly.
> As this is not the case for other deployment types (e.g. RARs), tests using HV based on such deployment types fail with the exception.
> So I think a separate EL module (upon which HV could depend, independently from the current deployment type) would indeed make sense.
> --Gunnar

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