[jboss-as7-dev] How to verify a patches for non-public AS

Fernando Lozano fernando at lozano.eti.br
Wed Apr 17 12:42:04 EDT 2013

Hi Jason,

> Can we please take this internal Red Hat process discussion off the community list? I am sure that 99% of our external subscribers would rather not get spam about this kind of thing, and much rather see technical topics :)
While I understand and agree that Red Hat internal processes are 
off-topic in this mailing list, the thread started with a question that 
affects jboss users and customers: how (and when and where) fixes to EAP 
lands on AS.

I hope I'm not the only customer in this list who would like to be able 
to check a fix to an issue before the next EAP release. :-)

[]s, Fernando Lozano

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