[jboss-as7-dev] Add Notification support to the domain management API

Jeff Mesnil jmesnil at redhat.com
Fri Feb 15 11:36:28 EST 2013

Le 14 févr. 2013 à 23:42, Brian Stansberry <brian.stansberry at redhat.com> a écrit :

> Just some basic categories of use cases:
> 1) Internal to the server. See usage of ControlledProcessStateService 
> for an example. It's essentially a notification emitter for a couple 
> specific management events.
> A lot of internal to the server use cases though might be better done 
> with services though. For example, say a service injects a 
> SocketBindingService to learn it's socket configuration during start. 
> Then that service wants to listen for notifications of changes to the 
> socket binding config. Is it better off listening for messages from a 
> generic notification mechanism, or should the SocketBindingService 
> itself generate events?

In this case, I'd still use a generic notification mechanism. The SocketBindingService will have its configuration changes through calls to :add/:remove/:write-attribute operations in any case, right?
The service that injects a SocketBindingService could register a listener on the SBS's path address and be notified on any config changes.

I think we could also allow any resource (or service) to generate well-defined notifications too (e.g. when a host joins/leaves a domain) but notifications from :add/:remove/:write-attribute could cover most of the use cases.


Jeff Mesnil
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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