[jboss-as7-dev] Pull-Request build aborted after 2 hour timeout

Joe Wertz ewertz at redhat.com
Wed Jan 9 06:38:24 EST 2013

Hello All,

Wondered if anyone knows what's causing this issue.

There have been 11 pull-request builds that have aborted after 2-hour 
timeouts since Monday. My pull, 
http://hudson.jboss.org/hudson/job/as7-param-pull/5414/, failed twice on 
the same test, but the others have timed-out elsewhere, both before and 
after this test. They're all the grey ball builds in the sidebar.

Not sure what's causing it. Can't replicate locally. Can't figure out a 
connection between the other failed builds.

Advice is most appreciated!

Joe Wertz

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