[Jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r55093 - projects/microcontainer/trunk/build

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Wed Aug 2 22:23:32 EDT 2006

Author: scott.stark at jboss.org
Date: 2006-08-02 22:23:31 -0400 (Wed, 02 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 55093


Deleted: projects/microcontainer/trunk/build/build-release.xml
--- projects/microcontainer/trunk/build/build-release.xml	2006-08-03 02:23:17 UTC (rev 55092)
+++ projects/microcontainer/trunk/build/build-release.xml	2006-08-03 02:23:31 UTC (rev 55093)
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-<!-- JBoss Release Build Script
-Structure: This script creates a self contained release structure rooted
-under a directory corresponding to the release version number. Under this
-are the cvs source tree and dist binaries. The structure for the jboss-3.2.4RC2
-release would be:
-+ jboss-3.2 - the cvs source tree tagged with JBoss_3_2_4_RC2
-+ dist - the release binaries
-1. The cvs branch to build the release for must have been tagged with the
-release tag, for example, JBoss_3_2_3, JBoss_3_2_4_RC2, etc:
-[starksm at cvs releases]$ cvs rtag -r Branch_3_2 JBoss_3_2_4_RC2 jboss-3.2
-1a. Take the build/release-build.xml file from the branch cvs tree
-and move it to the parent directory which will contain the release
-build. For example /usr/jboss/releases.
-1b. If you don't have the release cvs branch, you can co just the release-build.xml
-using a co like:
-cvs co -r Branch_3_2 _jboss_build/release-build.xml
-Now you need to create a release.properties file containing the version
-properties to use for the release branch checkout. For example, the
-JBoss_3_2_4_RC2 release properties would be:
-# The cvs module name, jboss-head, jboss-4.0, jboss-3.2, etc.
-# The release version properties. These will be validated against
-# the corresponding version.major, version.minor, version.revision,
-# and version.tag as seen in the source tree build-common.xml 
-2. Optionally checkout the tagged cvs release branch using the
-cvs-co target. If you have already have the correct working dir
-checked out under the release 
-<project name="Build Release" default="release">
-   <!-- Pickup the expected release version properties -->
-   <property file="release.properties"/>
-   <!-- Validate the release.properties values -->
-   <fail unless="release.version.major">
-   The release.version.major is not defined. Create a release.properties with:
-# The release version properties. These will be validated against
-# the corresponding version.major, version.minor, version.revision,
-# and version.tag as seen in the source tree build-common.xml 
-   </fail>
-   <!-- Include the environment properties -->
-   <property environment="env" />
-   <!-- The cvs top level module name -->
-   <property name="cvs.module" value="jboss-head"/>
-   <property name="cvs.tag" value="JBoss_${release.version.major}_${release.version.minor}_${release.version.revision}_${release.version.tag}"/>
-   <!-- -->
-   <property name="version" value="${release.version.major}.${release.version.minor}.${release.version.revision}${release.version.tag}"/>
-   <property name="jboss.id" value="jboss-${version}"/>
-   <property name="jboss.build.dir"
-      value="${version}/${cvs.module}/build"/>
-   <property name="jboss.dist"
-      value="${jboss.build.dir}/output/jboss-${version}"/>
-   <property name="jboss.tests"
-      value="${version}/${cvs.module}/testsuite/output/reports/html"/>
-   <property name="jboss.thirdparty"
-      value="${version}/${cvs.module}/thirdparty"/>
-   <patternset id="source.ignore">
-      <exclude name="**/output/**"/>
-      <exclude name="**/CVS/**"/>
-      <exclude name="**/local.properties"/>
-   </patternset>
-   <target name="cvs-co"
-      description="Checkout the release cvs cvs.module using the env CVSROOT">
-      <echo message="Checking out ${cvs.module} on branch ${cvs.tag}"/>
-      <echo message="CVSROOT=${env.CVSROOT}, CVS_RSH=${env.CVS_RSH}" /> 
-      <cvs command="checkout"
-         cvsRoot="${env.CVSROOT}" cvsRsh="${env.CVS_RSH}"
-         package="${cvs.module}"
-         tag="${cvs.tag}"
-         dest="${version}"
-         error="cvs.error" output="cvs.log"/>
-   </target>
-   <!-- Validate the source tree version properties against the release.properties -->
-   <import file="${version}/${cvs.module}/tools/etc/buildmagic/version-info.xml"
-      optional="true" />
-   <target name="build-dist" description="Builds the dist">
-      <fail>
-        <condition>
-          <not>
-             <and>
-               <equals arg1="${release.version.major}" arg2="${version.major}" />
-               <equals arg1="${release.version.minor}" arg2="${version.minor}" />
-               <equals arg1="${release.version.revision}" arg2="${version.revision}" />
-               <equals arg1="${release.version.tag}" arg2="${version.tag}" />
-             </and>
-          </not>
-        </condition>
-        The release.version.* properties to not match the version.* values:
-        release.version.major (${release.version.major}) != version.major (${version.major})
-        release.version.minor (${release.version.minor}) != version.minor (${version.minor})
-        release.version.revision (${release.version.revision}) != version.revision (${version.revision})
-        release.version.tag (${release.version.tag}) != version.tag (${version.tag})
-        Check the ${version}/${cvs.module}/tools/etc/buildmagic/version-info.xml
-      </fail>
-      <ant antfile="build.xml"
-         dir="${version}/${cvs.module}/build" />
-      <antcall target="version-release" />
-   </target>
-   <target name="version-release"
-      description="Versions the dist jars and creates a jars-release.version.xml">
-      <javac destdir=".">
-         <src path="${jboss.build.dir}"/>
-         <include name="VersionRelease.java"/>
-      </javac>
-      <echo message="Versioning: jboss-${version}" /> 
-      <java classname="VersionRelease">
-         <arg value="${jboss.dist}"/>
-         <classpath>
-            <pathelement location="."/>
-         </classpath>
-         <syspropertyset>
-            <propertyref prefix="version"/>
-            <propertyref prefix="specification"/>
-            <propertyref prefix="implementation"/>
-         </syspropertyset>
-      </java>
-   </target>
-   <target name="release"
-      depends="bundle-docs, bin-tgz, bin-zip, source-tgz"
-      description="Creates the release binary and source archives from the dist"
-      >
-      <!-- Build a war of the release DTDs -->
-      <war destfile="${version}/dist/dtds.war"
-         webxml="${jboss.build.dir}/etc/web.xml">
-         <webinf dir="${jboss.build.dir}/etc">
-            <include name="jboss-web.xml" />
-         </webinf>
-         <fileset dir="${jboss.dist}/docs">
-            <include name="dtd/**" />
-         </fileset>
-      </war>
-   </target>
-   <target name="bundle-docs"
-      description="Include license, readme, etc">
-      <!-- Copy the thirdparty/licenses to docs/licenses -->
-      <copy todir="${jboss.dist}/docs/licenses">
-         <fileset dir="${jboss.thirdparty}/licenses"/>
-      </copy>
-      <!-- Copy the build/docs to the dist root --> 
-      <copy todir="${jboss.dist}">
-         <fileset dir="${jboss.build.dir}/docs"/>
-      </copy>
-   </target>
-   <target name="bin-tgz"
-      description="Build .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 archives">
-      <mkdir dir="${version}/dist"/>
-      <mkdir dir="${jboss.tests}"/>
-      <tar destfile="${version}/dist/${jboss.id}.tar.gz"
-         longfile="gnu" compression="gzip">
-         <tarfileset dir="${jboss.dist}"
-            prefix="${jboss.id}">
-            <exclude name="**/data/**"/>
-            <exclude name="**/log/**"/>
-            <exclude name="**/tmp/**"/>
-            <exclude name="**/work/**"/>
-            <exclude name="bin/*"/>
-         </tarfileset>
-         <tarfileset dir="${jboss.dist}"
-            prefix="${jboss.id}" mode="755">
-            <include name="bin/*"/>
-         </tarfileset>
-         <tarfileset dir="${jboss.tests}"
-            prefix="${jboss.id}/docs/tests">
-         </tarfileset>
-      </tar>
-      <checksum file="${version}/dist/${jboss.id}.tar.gz" />
-      <tar destfile="${version}/dist/${jboss.id}.tar.bz2"
-         longfile="gnu" compression="bzip2">
-         <tarfileset dir="${jboss.dist}"
-            prefix="${jboss.id}">
-            <exclude name="**/data/**"/>
-            <exclude name="**/log/**"/>
-            <exclude name="**/tmp/**"/>
-            <exclude name="**/work/**"/>
-            <exclude name="bin/*"/>
-         </tarfileset>
-         <tarfileset dir="${jboss.dist}"
-            prefix="${jboss.id}" mode="755">
-            <include name="bin/*"/>
-         </tarfileset>
-         <tarfileset dir="${jboss.tests}"
-            prefix="${jboss.id}/docs/tests">
-         </tarfileset>
-      </tar>
-      <checksum file="${version}/dist/${jboss.id}.tar.bz2" />
-   </target>
-   <target name="bin-zip" description="Build zip archive">
-      <mkdir dir="${version}/dist"/>
-      <zip destfile="${version}/dist/${jboss.id}.zip">
-         <zipfileset dir="${jboss.dist}"
-            prefix="${jboss.id}">
-            <exclude name="**/data/**"/>
-            <exclude name="**/log/**"/>
-            <exclude name="**/tmp/**"/>
-            <exclude name="**/work/**"/>
-            <exclude name="tmp/**"/>
-         </zipfileset>
-         <zipfileset dir="${jboss.tests}"
-            prefix="${jboss.id}/docs/tests">
-         </zipfileset>
-      </zip>
-      <checksum file="${version}/dist/${jboss.id}.zip" />
-   </target>
-   <target name="source-tgz">
-      <tar destfile="${version}/dist/${jboss.id}-src.tar.gz"
-         longfile="gnu" compression="gzip">
-         <tarfileset dir="${version}/${cvs.module}"
-            prefix="${jboss.id}-src">
-            <patternset refid="source.ignore"/>
-            <exclude name="tools/bin/*"/>
-         </tarfileset>
-         <tarfileset dir="${version}/${cvs.module}"
-            prefix="${jboss.id}-src" mode="755">
-            <patternset refid="source.ignore"/>
-            <include name="tools/bin/*"/>
-         </tarfileset>
-      </tar>
-      <checksum file="${version}/dist/${jboss.id}-src.tar.gz" />
-      <tar destfile="${version}/dist/${jboss.id}-src.tar.bz2"
-         longfile="gnu" compression="bzip2">
-         <tarfileset dir="${version}/${cvs.module}"
-            prefix="${jboss.id}-src">
-            <patternset refid="source.ignore"/>
-            <exclude name="tools/bin/*"/>
-         </tarfileset>
-         <tarfileset dir="${version}/${cvs.module}"
-            prefix="${jboss.id}-src" mode="755">
-            <patternset refid="source.ignore"/>
-            <include name="tools/bin/*"/>
-         </tarfileset>
-      </tar>
-      <checksum file="${version}/dist/${jboss.id}-src.tar.bz2" />
-   </target>
-   <target name="clean">
-   </target>

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