[jboss-cvs] jbosside/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse.console/schema ...

Max Rydahl Andersen mandersen at jboss.com
Thu Aug 10 03:01:52 EDT 2006

  User: mandersen
  Date: 06/08/10 03:01:52

  Modified:    hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse.console/schema 
  customizing properties for exporter
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.4       +24 -2     jbosside/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse.console/schema/exporters.exsd
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: exporters.exsd
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jbosside/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse.console/schema/exporters.exsd,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -b -r1.3 -r1.4
  --- exporters.exsd	22 Apr 2006 08:18:16 -0000	1.3
  +++ exporters.exsd	10 Aug 2006 07:01:52 -0000	1.4
  @@ -102,14 +102,36 @@
            <attribute name="name" type="string" use="required">
  +                  Name of the property, e.g. &quot;ejb3&quot;. It is also used as a unique id for properties.
            <attribute name="value" type="string" use="required">
  +                  The default value for this property.
  +               </documentation>
  +            </annotation>
  +         </attribute>
  +         <attribute name="type" use="default" value="string">
  +            <annotation>
  +               <documentation>
  +                  The type of the property. Used when editing the property to provide e.g. a proper field editor.
  +               </documentation>
  +            </annotation>
  +            <simpleType>
  +               <restriction base="string">
  +                  <enumeration value="string">
  +                  </enumeration>
  +                  <enumeration value="boolean">
  +                  </enumeration>
  +               </restriction>
  +            </simpleType>
  +         </attribute>
  +         <attribute name="description" type="string">
  +            <annotation>
  +               <documentation>
  +                  Description to be used in e.g. property sheets instead of the name.

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