[jboss-cvs] JBossRemoting/lib/spring/caucho ...

Tom Elrod tom.elrod at jboss.com
Sun Aug 13 15:30:04 EDT 2006

  User: telrod  
  Date: 06/08/13 15:30:04

  Added:       lib/spring/caucho  hessian-2.1.12.jar
  JBREM-578 - including spring remoting tests (rmi and hessian transports) to the performance benchmark testing.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1      date: 2006/08/13 19:30:04;  author: telrod;  state: Exp;JBossRemoting/lib/spring/caucho/hessian-2.1.12.jar
  	<<Binary file>>

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