[jboss-cvs] JBossCache/src-50/org/jboss/cache/pojo ...

Ben Wang bwang at jboss.com
Tue Jul 11 05:07:40 EDT 2006

  User: bwang   
  Date: 06/07/11 05:07:40

  Modified:    src-50/org/jboss/cache/pojo     ObjectGraphHandler.java
  Added:       src-50/org/jboss/cache/pojo     PojoCacheDelegate.java
  Removed:     src-50/org/jboss/cache/pojo     TreeCacheAopDelegate.java
  Renamed TreeCacheAopDelegate.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.7       +3 -3      JBossCache/src-50/org/jboss/cache/pojo/ObjectGraphHandler.java
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: ObjectGraphHandler.java
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/JBossCache/src-50/org/jboss/cache/pojo/ObjectGraphHandler.java,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision 1.7
  diff -u -b -r1.6 -r1.7
  --- ObjectGraphHandler.java	7 Jul 2006 10:36:44 -0000	1.6
  +++ ObjectGraphHandler.java	11 Jul 2006 09:07:40 -0000	1.7
  @@ -24,16 +24,16 @@
    * @author Ben Wang
    *         Date: Aug 4, 2005
  - * @version $Id: ObjectGraphHandler.java,v 1.6 2006/07/07 10:36:44 bwang Exp $
  + * @version $Id: ObjectGraphHandler.java,v 1.7 2006/07/11 09:07:40 bwang Exp $
   class ObjectGraphHandler
      private PojoTreeCache cache_;
      private InternalDelegate internal_;
      private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ObjectGraphHandler.class);
  -   private TreeCacheAopDelegate delegate_;
  +   private PojoCacheDelegate delegate_;
  -   public ObjectGraphHandler(PojoTreeCache cache, InternalDelegate internal, TreeCacheAopDelegate delegate)
  +   public ObjectGraphHandler(PojoTreeCache cache, InternalDelegate internal, PojoCacheDelegate delegate)
         cache_ = cache;
         internal_ = internal;
  1.7       +2 -13     JBossCache/src-50/org/jboss/cache/pojo/PojoTreeCache.java
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: PojoTreeCache.java
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/JBossCache/src-50/org/jboss/cache/pojo/PojoTreeCache.java,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision 1.7
  diff -u -b -r1.6 -r1.7
  --- PojoTreeCache.java	8 Jul 2006 17:41:16 -0000	1.6
  +++ PojoTreeCache.java	11 Jul 2006 09:07:40 -0000	1.7
  @@ -6,34 +6,23 @@
   package org.jboss.cache.pojo;
  -import org.jboss.aop.InstanceAdvisor;
   import org.jboss.cache.CacheException;
   import org.jboss.cache.DataNode;
   import org.jboss.cache.Fqn;
  -import org.jboss.cache.NodeImpl;
   import org.jboss.cache.RegionNotEmptyException;
   import org.jboss.cache.TreeCache;
  -import org.jboss.cache.lock.UpgradeException;
   import org.jboss.cache.marshall.ObjectSerializationFactory;
   import org.jboss.cache.marshall.Region;
   import org.jboss.cache.marshall.RegionNameConflictException;
   import org.jboss.cache.pojo.eviction.AopEvictionPolicy;
   import org.jboss.cache.pojo.util.ObjectUtil;
   import org.jboss.cache.pojo.observable.Observer;
  -import org.jboss.cache.transaction.BatchModeTransactionManager;
   import org.jboss.cache.xml.XmlHelper;
   import org.jgroups.JChannel;
   import org.w3c.dom.Element;
  -import javax.transaction.RollbackException;
  -import javax.transaction.Status;
  -import javax.transaction.SystemException;
   import javax.transaction.Transaction;
  -import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
  -import java.lang.reflect.Field;
  -import java.util.ArrayList;
   import java.util.Iterator;
  -import java.util.List;
   import java.util.Map;
   import java.util.WeakHashMap;
  @@ -42,7 +31,7 @@
      // Class -> CachedType
      // use WeakHashMap to allow class reloading
      private Map cachedTypes = new WeakHashMap();
  -   private TreeCacheAopDelegate delegate_;
  +   private PojoCacheDelegate delegate_;
      private Element config_ = null;
   //   boolean detachPojoWhenEvicted_ = false;
      private boolean marshallNonSerializable_ = false;
  @@ -77,7 +66,7 @@
      private void init()
  -      delegate_ = new TreeCacheAopDelegate(this, observer_);
  +      delegate_ = new PojoCacheDelegate(this, observer_);
  1.1      date: 2006/07/11 09:07:40;  author: bwang;  state: Exp;JBossCache/src-50/org/jboss/cache/pojo/PojoCacheDelegate.java
  Index: PojoCacheDelegate.java
   * JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
   * Distributable under LGPL license.
   * See terms of license at gnu.org.
  package org.jboss.cache.pojo;
  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
  import org.jboss.aop.Advised;
  import org.jboss.aop.Advisor;
  import org.jboss.aop.ClassInstanceAdvisor;
  import org.jboss.aop.InstanceAdvisor;
  import org.jboss.aop.advice.Interceptor;
  import org.jboss.aop.proxy.ClassProxy;
  import org.jboss.cache.CacheException;
  import org.jboss.cache.Fqn;
  import org.jboss.cache.pojo.interceptors.dynamic.AbstractCollectionInterceptor;
  import org.jboss.cache.pojo.memory.FieldPersistentReference;
  import org.jboss.cache.pojo.util.AopUtil;
  import org.jboss.cache.pojo.interceptors.dynamic.BaseInterceptor;
  import org.jboss.cache.pojo.interceptors.dynamic.CacheFieldInterceptor;
  import org.jboss.cache.pojo.observable.Observer;
  import java.lang.reflect.Field;
  import java.util.Collection;
  import java.util.HashMap;
  import java.util.Iterator;
  import java.util.List;
  import java.util.Map;
  import java.util.Set;
   * Delegate class for PojoCache.
   * @author Ben Wang
  class PojoCacheDelegate
     private PojoTreeCache cache_;
     private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PojoCacheDelegate.class);
     private InternalDelegate internal_;
     private ObjectGraphHandler graphHandler_;
     private CollectionClassHandler collectionHandler_;
     private SerializableObjectHandler serializableHandler_;
     // Use ThreadLocal to hold a boolean isBulkRemove
     private ThreadLocal<Boolean> bulkRemove_ = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>();
     private final String DETACH = "DETACH";
     private PojoUtil util_ = new PojoUtil();
     // Observer for field event notification
     private Observer observer_;
     public PojoCacheDelegate(PojoTreeCache cache, Observer observer)
        cache_ = cache;
        internal_ = new InternalDelegate(cache);
        graphHandler_ = new ObjectGraphHandler(cache_, internal_, this);
        collectionHandler_ = new CollectionClassHandler(cache_, internal_, graphHandler_);
        serializableHandler_ = new SerializableObjectHandler(cache_, internal_);
        observer_ = observer;
     public void setBulkRemove(boolean bulk)
     private boolean getBulkRemove()
        return ((Boolean) bulkRemove_.get()).booleanValue();
     Object _getObject(Fqn fqn) throws CacheException
        // TODO Must we really to couple with BR? JBCACHE-669
        Object pojo = internal_.getPojoWithGravitation(fqn);
        if (pojo != null)
           // we already have an advised instance
           return pojo;
        // OK. So we are here meaning that this is a failover or passivation since the transient
        // pojo instance is not around. Let's also make sure the right classloader is used
        // as well.
        ClassLoader prevCL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
           if (cache_.getRegionManager() != null)
           return _getObjectInternal(fqn);
     private Object _getObjectInternal(Fqn fqn) throws CacheException
        // the class attribute is implicitly stored as an immutable read-only attribute
        Class clazz = internal_.peekAopClazz(fqn);
        //  clazz and aopInstance can be not null if this node is the replicated brother node.
        if (clazz == null)
           return null;
         * Reconstruct the managed POJO
        CachedType type = cache_.getCachedType(clazz);
        Object obj;
        // Check for both Advised and Collection classes for object graph.
        if ((obj = graphHandler_.objectGraphGet(fqn)) != null)
           return obj; // retrieved from internal ref node. We are done.
        AOPInstance aopInstance = internal_.getAopInstance(fqn);
        if (aopInstance == null)
           throw new RuntimeException("PojoCacheDelegate._getObject(): null AOPInstance.");
        if (Advised.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz))
              obj = clazz.newInstance();
              // TODO Need to populate the object from the cache as well.
           catch (Exception e)
              throw new CacheException("failed creating instance of " + clazz.getName(), e);
           // Insert interceptor at runtime
           InstanceAdvisor advisor = ((Advised) obj)._getInstanceAdvisor();
           CacheFieldInterceptor interceptor = new CacheFieldInterceptor(cache_, fqn, type);
           util_.attachInterceptor(obj, advisor, interceptor, observer_);
        } else
        { // Must be Collection classes. We will use aop.ClassProxy instance instead.
              if ((obj = collectionHandler_.collectionObjectGet(fqn, clazz)) != null)
              } else
                 // Maybe it is just a serialized object.
                 obj = serializableHandler_.serializableObjectGet(fqn);
           catch (Exception e)
              throw new CacheException("failure creating proxy", e);
        InternalDelegate.setPojo(aopInstance, obj);
        return obj;
      * Note that caller of this method will take care of synchronization within the <code>fqn</code> sub-tree.
      * @param fqn
      * @param obj
      * @return
      * @throws CacheException
     Object _putObject(Fqn fqn, Object obj) throws CacheException
        if (!cache_.isMarshallNonSerializable())
        if (obj == null)
           return cache_._removeObject(fqn, true);
        // Skip some un-necessary update if obj is the same class as the old one
        Object oldValue = internal_.getPojo(fqn);
        if (oldValue == obj) return obj;  // value already in cache. return right away.
        if (oldValue != null)
           // Trigger bulk remove here for performance
           cache_._removeObject(fqn, true); // remove old value before overwriting it.
        // Remember not to print obj here since it will trigger the CacheFieldInterceptor.
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
           log.debug("putObject(): fqn: " + fqn);
        // store object in cache
        if (obj instanceof Advised)
           CachedType type = cache_.getCachedType(obj.getClass());
           // add interceptor
           InstanceAdvisor advisor = ((Advised) obj)._getInstanceAdvisor();
           if (advisor == null)
              throw new RuntimeException("_putObject(): InstanceAdvisor is null for: " + obj);
           // Step Check for cross references
           Interceptor interceptor = AopUtil.findCacheInterceptor(advisor);
           if (interceptor != null && graphHandler_.objectGraphPut(fqn, interceptor, type))
           { // found cross references
              return oldValue;
           // We have a clean slate then.
           _regularPutObject(fqn, obj, advisor, type);
            * Handling collection classes here.
            * First check if obj has been aspectized? That is, if it is a ClassProxy or not.
            * If not, we will need to create a proxy first for the Collection classes
        } else if (collectionHandler_.collectionObjectPut(fqn, obj))
        } else if (serializableHandler_.serializableObjectPut(fqn, obj))
           // must be Serializable, including primitive types
        } else
           // I really don't know what this is.
           throw new RuntimeException("putObject(): obj: " + obj + " type is not recognizable.");
        return oldValue;
      * Based on the pojo to perform a bulk remove recursively if there is no object graph
      * relationship for performance optimization.
     private boolean bulkRemove(Fqn fqn, Object obj) throws CacheException
        // Check for cross-reference. If there is, we can't do bulk remove
        // map contains (pojo, cacheinterceptor) pair that needs to undo the the removal.
  //      return false;
        Map undoMap = new HashMap();
        if (pojoGraphMultipleReferenced(obj, undoMap))
           return false;
        } else
           cache_.remove(fqn); // interceptor has been removed so it is safe to do bulk remove now.
        return true;
     private void detachInterceptor(InstanceAdvisor advisor, Interceptor interceptor,
                                    boolean detachOnly, Map undoMap)
        if (!detachOnly)
           util_.detachInterceptor(advisor, interceptor, observer_);
           undoMap.put(advisor, interceptor);
        } else
           undoMap.put(DETACH, interceptor);
     private static void undoInterceptorDetach(Map undoMap)
        for (Iterator it = undoMap.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
           Object obj = it.next();
           if (obj instanceof InstanceAdvisor)
              InstanceAdvisor advisor = (InstanceAdvisor) obj;
              BaseInterceptor interceptor = (BaseInterceptor) undoMap.get(advisor);
              if (interceptor == null)
                 throw new IllegalStateException("PojoCacheDelegate.undoInterceptorDetach(): null interceptor");
           } else
              BaseInterceptor interceptor = (BaseInterceptor) undoMap.get(obj);
              boolean copyToCache = false;
              ((AbstractCollectionInterceptor) interceptor).attach(null, copyToCache);
      * Check recursively if the pojo and its graph is multiple referenced. If it is, we can't
      * do a bulk remove.
     private boolean pojoGraphMultipleReferenced(Object obj, Map undoMap) throws CacheException
        // store object in cache
        if (obj instanceof Advised)
           CachedType type = cache_.getCachedType(obj.getClass());
           // add interceptor
           InstanceAdvisor advisor = ((Advised) obj)._getInstanceAdvisor();
           if (advisor == null)
              throw new RuntimeException("pojoGraphMultipleReferenced(): InstanceAdvisor is null for: " + obj);
           BaseInterceptor interceptor = (BaseInterceptor) AopUtil.findCacheInterceptor(advisor);
           // just in case
           if (interceptor == null)
              return false;
           AOPInstance aopInstance = interceptor.getAopInstance();
           // Check if there is cross referenced.
           if (aopInstance.getRefCount() != 0) return true; // I have been referenced
           if (aopInstance.getRefFqn() != null) return true; // I am referencing others
           boolean hasFieldAnnotation = hasAnnotation(obj.getClass(), ((Advised) obj)._getAdvisor(), type);
           // Check the fields
           for (Iterator i = type.getFields().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
              Field field = (Field) (((FieldPersistentReference) i.next())).get();
              Object value = null;
                 value = field.get(obj);
              catch (IllegalAccessException e)
                 throw new CacheException("field access failed", e);
              CachedType fieldType = cache_.getCachedType(field.getType());
              // we simply treat field that has @Serializable as a primitive type.
              if (fieldType.isImmediate() ||
                      (hasFieldAnnotation &&
                              CachedType.hasSerializableAnnotation(field, ((Advised) obj)._getAdvisor())))
              // check for non-replicatable types
              if (CachedType.isPrimitiveNonReplicatable(field))
              if (!hasFieldAnnotation)
                 if (CachedType.hasTransientAnnotation(field, ((Advised) obj)._getAdvisor()))
              // Need to do a getObject just in case this is a failover removeObject.
              if (value == null)
                 value = _getObject(new Fqn(interceptor.getFqn(), field.getName()));
              if (value == null) continue; // this is no brainer.
              if (pojoGraphMultipleReferenced(value, undoMap)) return true;
           boolean detachOnly = false;
           detachInterceptor(advisor, interceptor, detachOnly, undoMap);
        } else if (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof List || obj instanceof Set)
           // TODO Is this really necessary?
           if (!(obj instanceof ClassProxy)) return false;
           InstanceAdvisor advisor = ((ClassProxy) obj)._getInstanceAdvisor();
           BaseInterceptor interceptor = (BaseInterceptor) AopUtil.findCollectionInterceptor(advisor);
           AOPInstance aopInstance = interceptor.getAopInstance();
           if (aopInstance == null) return false; // safeguard
           // Check if there is cross referenced.
           if (aopInstance.getRefCount() != 0) return true; // I have been referenced
           if (aopInstance.getRefFqn() != null) return true; // I am referencing others
           // iterate thru the keys
           if (obj instanceof Map)
              for (Iterator it = ((Map) obj).keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
                 Object subObj = ((Map) obj).get(it.next());
                 if (pojoGraphMultipleReferenced(subObj, undoMap)) return true;
           } else if (obj instanceof List || obj instanceof Set)
              for (Iterator it = ((Collection) obj).iterator(); it.hasNext();)
                 Object subObj = it.next();
                 if (pojoGraphMultipleReferenced(subObj, undoMap)) return true;
           // Don't remove now.
           boolean removeFromCache = false;
           ((AbstractCollectionInterceptor) interceptor).detach(removeFromCache); // detach the interceptor. This will trigger a copy and remove.
           boolean detachOnly = true;
           detachInterceptor(advisor, interceptor, detachOnly, undoMap);
        return false;
     private void _regularPutObject(Fqn fqn, Object obj, InstanceAdvisor advisor, CachedType type) throws CacheException
        // TODO workaround for deserialiased objects
        if (advisor == null)
           advisor = new ClassInstanceAdvisor(obj);
           ((Advised) obj)._setInstanceAdvisor(advisor);
        // Let's do batch update via Map instead
        Map map = new HashMap();
        // Always initialize the ref count so we can mark this as an AopNode.
        AOPInstance aopInstance = InternalDelegate.initializeAopInstance();
        // Insert interceptor at runtime
        CacheFieldInterceptor interceptor = new CacheFieldInterceptor(cache_, fqn, type);
        util_.attachInterceptor(obj, advisor, interceptor, observer_);
        map.put(AOPInstance.KEY, aopInstance);
        // This is put into map first.
        InternalDelegate.putAopClazz(type.getType(), map);
        // we will do it recursively.
        // Map of sub-objects that are non-primitive
        Map subPojoMap = new HashMap();
        boolean hasFieldAnnotation = hasAnnotation(obj.getClass(), ((Advised) obj)._getAdvisor(), type);
        for (Iterator i = type.getFields().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
           Field field = (Field) (((FieldPersistentReference) i.next())).get();
           Object value = null;
              value = field.get(obj);
           catch (IllegalAccessException e)
              throw new CacheException("field access failed", e);
           CachedType fieldType = cache_.getCachedType(field.getType());
           // check for non-replicatable types
           if (CachedType.isPrimitiveNonReplicatable(field))
           if (hasFieldAnnotation)
              if (CachedType.hasTransientAnnotation(field, ((Advised) obj)._getAdvisor()))
           // we simply treat field that has @Serializable as a primitive type.
           if (fieldType.isImmediate() ||
                   (hasFieldAnnotation &&
                           CachedType.hasSerializableAnnotation(field, ((Advised) obj)._getAdvisor())))
              // switched using batch update
              map.put(field.getName(), value);
           } else
              subPojoMap.put(field, value);
        // Use option to skip locking since we have parent lock already.
        cache_.put(fqn, map, internal_.getLockOption());
        // This is in-memory operation only
        InternalDelegate.setPojo(aopInstance, obj);
        for (Object o : subPojoMap.keySet())
           Field field = (Field) o;
           Object value = subPojoMap.get(field);
           Fqn tmpFqn = new Fqn(fqn, field.getName());
           _putObject(tmpFqn, value);
           // If it is Collection classes, we replace it with dynamic proxy.
           // But we will have to ignore it if value is null
           if (value instanceof Map || value instanceof List || value instanceof Set)
              Object newValue = cache_.getObject(tmpFqn);
              util_.collectionReplaceWithProxy(obj, value, field, newValue);
        // Need to make sure this is behind put such that obj.toString is done correctly.
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
           log.debug("_regularPutObject(): inserting with fqn: " + fqn);
     private static boolean hasAnnotation(Class clazz, Advisor advisor, CachedType type)
        return CachedType.hasAnnotation(clazz, advisor, type);
      * Note that caller of this method will take care of synchronization within the <code>fqn</code> sub-tree.
      * @param fqn
      * @param removeCacheInterceptor
      * @param evict
      * @return
      * @throws CacheException
     public Object _removeObject(Fqn fqn, boolean removeCacheInterceptor, boolean evict)
             throws CacheException
        Class clazz = internal_.peekAopClazz(fqn);
        if (clazz == null)
           if (log.isTraceEnabled())
              log.trace("_removeObject(): clasz is null. fqn: " + fqn + " No need to remove.");
           return null;
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
           log.debug("_removeObject(): removing object from fqn: " + fqn);
        Object result = cache_.getObject(fqn);
        if (result == null)
           // This is not a *Pojo*. Must be regular cache stuffs
           if (cache_.exists(fqn))
              // TODO What do we do here. It can still have children pojo though.
              if (!evict)
              } else
           return null;
        // can check if we need to do any bulk remove. E.g., if there is no object graph.
        if (getBulkRemove())
           if (bulkRemove(fqn, result))
              // Remember not to print obj here since it will trigger the CacheFieldInterceptor.
              if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                 log.debug("_removeObject(): fqn: " + fqn + "removing exisiting object in bulk.");
              return result;
        if (graphHandler_.objectGraphRemove(fqn, removeCacheInterceptor, result, evict))
           return result;
        // Not multi-referenced
        if (Advised.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz))
           _regularRemoveObject(fqn, removeCacheInterceptor, result, clazz, evict);
        } else if (collectionHandler_.collectionObjectRemove(fqn))
        } else
        { // Just Serializable objects. Do a brute force remove is ok.
        internal_.cleanUp(fqn, evict);
        // remove the interceptor as well.
        return result;
     private void _regularRemoveObject(Fqn fqn, boolean removeCacheInterceptor, Object result, Class clazz,
                                       boolean evict) throws CacheException
        InstanceAdvisor advisor = ((Advised) result)._getInstanceAdvisor();
        CachedType type = cache_.getCachedType(clazz);
        for (Iterator i = type.getFields().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
           Field field = (Field) (((FieldPersistentReference) i.next())).get();
           CachedType fieldType = cache_.getCachedType(field.getType());
           if (!fieldType.isImmediate())
              _removeObject(new Fqn(fqn, field.getName()), removeCacheInterceptor, evict);
        // batch remove
        // Determine if we want to keep the interceptor for later use.
        if (removeCacheInterceptor)
           CacheFieldInterceptor interceptor = (CacheFieldInterceptor) AopUtil.findCacheInterceptor(advisor);
           // Remember to remove the interceptor from in-memory object but make sure it belongs to me first.
           if (interceptor != null)
              if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                 log.debug("regularRemoveObject(): removed cache interceptor fqn: " + fqn + " interceptor: " + interceptor);
              util_.detachInterceptor(advisor, interceptor, observer_);
     boolean isAopNode(Fqn fqn)
           return (internal_.isAopNode(fqn));
        } catch (Exception e)
           log.warn("isAopNode(): cache get operation generated exception " + e);
           return false;
     Map _findObjects(Fqn fqn) throws CacheException
        // Traverse from fqn to do getObject, if it return a pojo we then stop.
        Map map = new HashMap();
        Object pojo = _getObject(fqn);
        if (pojo != null)
           map.put(fqn, pojo); // we are done!
           return map;
        findChildObjects(fqn, map);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
           log.debug("_findObjects(): Fqn: " + fqn + " size of pojos found: " + map.size());
        return map;
     private void findChildObjects(Fqn fqn, Map map) throws CacheException
        // We need to traverse then
        Set set = cache_.getChildrenNames(fqn);
        if (set == null) return; // We stop here.
        for (Object aSet : set)
           String obj = (String) aSet;
           Fqn newFqn = new Fqn(fqn, obj);
           Object pojo = _getObject(newFqn);
           if (pojo != null)
              map.put(newFqn, pojo);
           } else
              findChildObjects(newFqn, map);

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