[jboss-cvs] jboss-portal/format ...

Julien Viet julien at jboss.com
Sun Jul 16 18:51:01 EDT 2006

  User: julien  
  Date: 06/07/16 18:51:01

  Modified:    format   build.xml
  - extracted common stuff to run tests into a macro available in all modules
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.14      +9 -54     jboss-portal/format/build.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-portal/format/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.13
  retrieving revision 1.14
  diff -u -b -r1.13 -r1.14
  --- build.xml	28 Jun 2006 20:08:31 -0000	1.13
  +++ build.xml	16 Jul 2006 22:51:01 -0000	1.14
  @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
      <!ENTITY targets    SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/targets.ent">
  -<!-- $Id: build.xml,v 1.13 2006/06/28 20:08:31 rgenova Exp $ -->
  +<!-- $Id: build.xml,v 1.14 2006/07/16 22:51:01 julien Exp $ -->
   <!--| JBoss Portal (The OpenSource Portal) Build File                      |-->
  @@ -200,64 +200,19 @@
      <!-- Deployment                                                         -->
      <!-- ================================================================== -->
      <target name="test" depends="compile">
  -      <property name="build.testlog" value="${module.output}/log"/>
  -      <echo><![CDATA[
  -      ${build.reports}
  -      ${build.testlog}
  -      ${module.output}
  -      ${junit.printsummary}
  -      ${junit.batchtest.haltonerror}
  -      ${junit.batchtest.haltonfailure}
  -      ${junit.batchtest.fork}
  -      ${junit.timeout}
  -      ${junit.jvm}
  -      ]]></echo>
  -      <mkdir dir="${build.reports}"/>
  -      <mkdir dir="${build.testlog}"/>
  -      <junit
  -         dir="${module.output}"
  -         printsummary="${junit.printsummary}"
  -         haltonerror="${junit.haltonerror}"
  -         haltonfailure="${junit.haltonfailure}"
  -         fork="${junit.fork}"
  -         timeout="${junit.timeout}"
  -         jvm="${junit.jvm}">
  -         <formatter type="plain" usefile="${junit.formatter.usefile}"/>
  -         <!-- <formatter type="xml" usefile="${junit.formatter.usefile}"/> -->
  -         <sysproperty key="build.testlog" value="${build.testlog}"/>
  -         <sysproperty key="build.resources" value="${build.resources}"/>
  -         <!-- definition of the property for keeping results between configuration -->
  -	 <sysproperty key="jboss-junit-configuration" value="${jboss-junit-configuration}"/>
  -	 <formatter classname="org.jboss.ant.taskdefs.XMLJUnitMultipleResultFormatter" 
  -	 	usefile="${junit.formatter.usefile}" extension="${jboss-junit-configuration}.xml"/>
  -         <jvmarg value="${junit.jvm.options}"/>
  -         <sysproperty key="jbosstest.deploy.dir" file="${build.lib}"/>
  -         <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="file:${build.resources}/log4j.xml"/>
  +      <execute-tests>
  +         <x-test>
            <test name="org.jboss.portal.test.format.BBCodeHTML2HTMLTestCase"/>
            <test name="org.jboss.portal.test.format.BBCodeHTML2TextTestCase"/>
  -         <classpath>
  +         </x-test>
  +         <x-classpath>
               <pathelement location="${build.classes}"/>
               <pathelement location="${build.resources}/portal-format-lib-jar"/>
               <path refid="library.classpath"/>
               <path refid="dependentmodule.classpath"/>
  -         </classpath>
  -      </junit>
  +         </x-classpath>
  +      </execute-tests>

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