[jboss-cvs] repository.jboss.com/jboss-portal/2.4.0.BETA1-JBINSTALL-57 ...

Alex Pinkin alex.pinkin at jboss.com
Thu Jul 20 12:16:25 EDT 2006

  User: apinkin 
  Date: 06/07/20 12:16:25

  Added:       jboss-portal/2.4.0.BETA1-JBINSTALL-57  component-info.xml
  JBINSTALL-57: adding installer artifacts to repository components
  TBD: components builds need to be updated
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1      date: 2006/07/20 16:16:25;  author: apinkin;  state: Exp;repository.jboss.com/jboss-portal/2.4.0.BETA1-JBINSTALL-57/component-info.xml
  Index: component-info.xml
  <project name="jboss-portal-component-info">
     <!-- The component id is the repository path -->
     <!-- The license type for which there must be an *.txt in repository.jboss.com/licenses -->
     <!-- The version of the component -->
     <!-- The component home/info page -->
     <!-- A short description of the component -->
     <component id="jboss-portal"
                description="JBoss Portal">
        <!-- Artifacts produced by this component -->
        <artifact id="jboss-portal.sar"/>
        <artifact id="portal-hsqldb-ds.xml"/>
        <!-- The artifacts exported by this component -->
           <include input="jboss-portal.sar"/>

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