[jboss-cvs] JBossRemoting/docs ...

Tom Elrod tom.elrod at jboss.com
Mon Jul 31 00:17:38 EDT 2006

  User: telrod  
  Date: 06/07/31 00:17:38

  Modified:    docs     README.txt
  JBREM-559 - updating release notes.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.8       +135 -2    JBossRemoting/docs/README.txt
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: README.txt
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/JBossRemoting/docs/README.txt,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision 1.8
  diff -u -b -r1.7 -r1.8
  --- README.txt	27 Jan 2006 06:34:17 -0000	1.7
  +++ README.txt	31 Jul 2006 04:17:38 -0000	1.8
  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
  -JBoss Remoting 1.4.0 final
  -January 26, 2006
  +JBoss Remoting 2.0.0.CR1
  +July 31, 2006
   This distribution of JBoss Remoting contains the following directories:
  @@ -39,6 +39,139 @@
   in Jira, please create one.
  +Release Notes - JBoss Remoting - Version 2.0.0.Beta2 (Boon)
  +** Bug
  +    * [JBREM-304] - org.jboss.test.remoting.transport.multiplex.MultiplexInvokerTestCase(java_serialization) fails
  +    * [JBREM-371] - HTTPClientInvoker does not pass an ObjectOutputStream to the marshaller
  +    * [JBREM-405] - NPE when calling stop() twice on MulticastDetector
  +    * [JBREM-406] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in InvokerLocator
  +    * [JBREM-408] - client lease updates broken on server side
  +    * [JBREM-409] - Invocations fail when the pool exhausts and under heavy load
  +    * [JBREM-414] - JNDI detection failing
  +    * [JBREM-418] - ObjectInputStreamWithClassLoader can't handle primitives
  +    * [JBREM-426] - keyStorePath and keyStorePassword being printed to standard out
  +    * [JBREM-432] - TransporterClient missing serialVersionUID
  +    * [JBREM-440] - CallbackStore.getNext() won't necessarily get the oldest one
  +    * [JBREM-441] - DefaultCallbackErrorHandler.setConfig needs to avoid NPE
  +    * [JBREM-449] - Failure Information lost in RemotingSSLSocketFactory
  +    * [JBREM-450] - ClassNotFoundException for class array type during deserialization
  +    * [JBREM-464] - ssl socket invoker not using ssl server socket factory
  +    * [JBREM-467] - NPE when calling Client.removeConnectionListener()
  +    * [JBREM-470] - javax.net.ssl.SSLException: No available certificate corresponds to the SSL cipher suites
  +    * [JBREM-472] - Misspelled serialization type generates obscure NPE
  +    * [JBREM-479] - ClientConfigurationMapTestCase failure
  +    * [JBREM-482] - client invoker configuration lost after first time invoker is created
  +** Feature Request
  +    * [JBREM-312] - make TransporterClient so can be sent over network as dynamic proxy
  +    * [JBREM-363] - make callbacks easier with richer API for registering for callbacks
  +    * [JBREM-411] - Add chunked streaming support to the HTTP invoker
  +    * [JBREM-413] - Transporter server should allow multiple pojo targets
  +    * [JBREM-422] - Add plugable load balancing policy to transporter client
  +    * [JBREM-425] - Add support for setting the HTTP invoker content encoding that is accepted
  +    * [JBREM-431] - transporter server should automatically expose all interfaces implemented as subsystems
  +    * [JBREM-439] - StreamInvocationHandler.handleStream should throw Throwable for consistency
  +    * [JBREM-469] - Enable HTTP polling
  +    * [JBREM-471] - need better InvokerLocator.equals() implementation
  +    * [JBREM-481] - Changing StringUtilBuffer creation on JBossSerialization
  +** Task
  +    * [JBREM-299] - MultiplexInvokerTestCase failure
  +    * [JBREM-314] - need org.jboss.test.pooled.test.SSLSocketsUnitTestCase for remoting
  +    * [JBREM-328] - change lease ping to be HEAD instead of POST for http transport
  +    * [JBREM-362] - convert Connector to be standard mbean instead of xmbean
  +    * [JBREM-365] - set default user agent header in http client invoker
  +    * [JBREM-366] - clean up client invoker tracking within InvokerRegistry
  +    * [JBREM-367] - set live server socket factory on Connector
  +    * [JBREM-370] - add changes from 1.4.1 release to master.xml doc
  +    * [JBREM-377] - need to convert ConnectionValidator to use TimerQueue
  +    * [JBREM-379] - need to update jboss-serialization jar being used
  +    * [JBREM-380] - change ConnectionValidator to only notify once of failure
  +    * [JBREM-382] - disable lease ping for local invoker
  +    * [JBREM-415] - sync bug fixes with pooled invoker and socket invoker
  +    * [JBREM-420] - JNDI Detector should not need a connector when running in client mode
  +    * [JBREM-421] - remote stream handler api inconsistent with regular handler
  +    * [JBREM-436] - Extend MultiplexingInputStream with readInt() to avoid creating a MultiplexingDataInputStream in VirtualSocket.connect() and elsewhere.
  +    * [JBREM-437] - Eliminate "verify connect" phase from virtual socket connection protocol.
  +    * [JBREM-443] - add HandshakeCompletedListener support to ssl multiplex
  +    * [JBREM-451] - Send the pre-release jar to the messaging team for testing
  +    * [JBREM-455] - checking of socket connection is not really needed
  +    * [JBREM-456] - block callback handling when callback store full
  +    * [JBREM-460] - createSocket() in SSLSocketClientInvoker and SSLMultiplexClientInvoker should not assume SocketFactory has been created.
  +    * [JBREM-465] - property setting on the client from locator parameters and config map
  +    * [JBREM-476] - make externalization of Client match original instance state
  +    * [JBREM-478] - fix local client invoker handling of disconnected server invokers
  +    * [JBREM-483] - remove LocalLeaseTestCase
  +    * [JBREM-485] - use the ClientInvokerHolder to contain the reference counting instead of having to use clientInvokerCounter
  +    * [JBREM-486] - Fix ConcurrentModificationException in org.jboss.test.remoting.transport.mock.MockServerInvocationHandler
  +Release Notes - JBoss Remoting - Version 2.0.0.Beta1
  +** Bug
  +    * [JBREM-372] - memory leak on server side leasing
  +    * [JBREM-376] - problem versioning with not using connection checking
  +    * [JBREM-378] - client connection checking not working
  +** Feature Request
  +    * [JBREM-340] - Strong version compatibility guarantee
  +** Task
  +    * [JBREM-374] - single thread the leasing timer
  +Release Notes - JBoss Remoting - Version 1.4.4.GA
  +** Bug
  +    * [JBREM-426] - keyStorePath and keyStorePassword being printed to standard out
  +Release Notes - JBoss Remoting - Version 1.4.3.GA
  +** Bug
  +    * [JBREM-418] - ObjectInputStreamWithClassLoader can't handle primitives
  +Release Notes - JBoss Remoting - Version 1.4.2 final
  +** Feature Request
  +    * [JBREM-429] - Create JBossSerialization MarshalledValue more optimized for RemoteCalls
  +Release Notes - JBoss Remoting - Version 1.4.1 final
  +** Bug
  +    * [JBREM-313] - client lease does not work if client and server in same VM (using local invoker)
  +    * [JBREM-317] - HTTPClientInvoker conect sends gratuitous POST
  +    * [JBREM-341] - Client ping interval must be lease than lease period
  +    * [JBREM-343] - Exceptions on connection closing
  +    * [JBREM-345] - problem using client address and port
  +    * [JBREM-346] - fix ConcurrentModificationException in cleanup of MultiplexServerInvoker
  +    * [JBREM-350] - ConcurrentModificationException in InvokerRegistry
  +    * [JBREM-361] - Race condition in invoking on Client
  +** Feature Request
  +    * [JBREM-310] - Ability to turn connection checking off
  +    * [JBREM-325] - move IMarshalledValue from jboss-commons to jboss-remoting.jar
  +** Task
  +    * [JBREM-2] - sample-bindings.xml does not have entry for remoting
  +    * [JBREM-220] - clean up remoting wiki
  +    * [JBREM-316] - Maintain tomcat originated code under the ASF license.
  +    * [JBREM-319] - ability to inject socket factory by classname or instance in all remoting transports
  +    * [JBREM-323] - client lease config changes
  +    * [JBREM-329] - create global transport config for timeout
  +    * [JBREM-330] - create socket server factory based off of configuration properties
  +    * [JBREM-335] - Client.invoke() should pass configuration map to InvokerRegistry.createClientInvoker().
  +    * [JBREM-336] - InvokerRegistry doesn't purge InvokerLocators from static Set registeredLocators.
  +    * [JBREM-337] - PortUtil.findFreePort() should return ports only between 1024 and 65535.
  +    * [JBREM-342] - Thread usage for timers and lease functionality
  +    * [JBREM-354] - ServerInvokerCallbackHandler should make its subsystem accessible.
  +    * [JBREM-356] - ServerInvoker should destroy its callback handlers.
  +    * [JBREM-359] - MultiplexInvokerConfigTestCase should execute MultiplexInvokerConfigTestServer instead of MultiplexInvokerTestServer.
   Release Notes - JBoss Remoting - Version 1.4.0 final
   ** Feature Request

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