[jboss-cvs] jboss-docs/jbossas/j2ee/examples/src/main/org/jboss/test/util/ejb ...

Norman Richards norman.richards at jboss.com
Wed Nov 1 13:14:22 EST 2006

  User: nrichards
  Date: 06/11/01 13:14:22

  Added:       jbossas/j2ee/examples/src/main/org/jboss/test/util/ejb      
                        EJBTestCase.java EJBTestRunner.java
                        EJBTestRunnerBean.java EJBTestRunnerHome.java
  modified for j2ee guide
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1      date: 2006/11/01 18:14:22;  author: nrichards;  state: Exp;jboss-docs/jbossas/j2ee/examples/src/main/org/jboss/test/util/ejb/EJBTestCase.java
  Index: EJBTestCase.java
   * JUnitEJB
   * Distributable under LGPL license.
   * See terms of license at gnu.org.
  package org.jboss.test.util.ejb;
  import java.util.Properties;
  import javax.naming.InitialContext;
  import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
  import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
  import junit.framework.TestCase;
  import junit.framework.TestResult;
   * An ejb test case is an extension to test case where the test is executed
   * in the ejb server's virtual machine.
   * Two new methods setUpEJB and tearDownEJB have been added. These methods 
   * work just like setUp and tearDown except they run in a sepperate transaction.
   * The execution order is as follows:
   * <pre>
   * 	1. setUpEJB (TX 1)
   * 	2. run (TX 2)
   * 		2.1. runBare
   * 			2.1.1 setUp
   * 			2.1.2 <your test method>
   * 			2.1.3 tearDown
   * 	3. ejbTearDown (TX 2)
   * </pre>
   * For an ejb test case to run successfully, the following must be setup:
   * <pre>
   * 	1. The ejb test case class must be availabe to the client vm.
   * 	2. The ejb test case class must be availabe to the EJBTestRunner bean
   * 			on the server.
   * 	3. The EJBTestRunnerHome must be bound to "ejb/EJBTestRunner" in the
   * 			jndi context obtained from new InitialContext();
   * 	4. The EJBTestRunner bean must be configured as specified in the 
   * 			EJBTestRunner javadoc.
   * </pre>
   * @see EJBTestRunner
   * @see junit.framework.TestCase
   * @author <a href="mailto:dain at daingroup.com">Dain Sundstrom</a>
   * @author Scott.Stark at jboss.org
   * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
  public class EJBTestCase extends TestCase
     private boolean serverSide = false;
     protected Properties props;
      * Constructs a test case that will run the method with the specified name.
      * @param methodName the name of the method that will executed when this 
      * 		test is run
     public EJBTestCase(String methodName)
      * Sets the flag that is used to determine if the class
      * is running on the server side.
      * @param serverSide boolean flag that this class uses to determine
      * 		if it's running on the server side.
     public void setServerSide(boolean serverSide)
        this.serverSide = serverSide;
      * Is this class running on the server side?
      * @return true if this class is running on the server side	 
     public boolean isServerSide()
        return serverSide;
     /** Allow EJBTestCase subclasses to override the EJBRunnerHome JNDI name
      * @return The JNDI name of the EJBRunnerHome home interface binding. The
      * default is "ejb/EJBTestRunner"
     public String getEJBRunnerJndiName()
        return "ejb/EJBTestRunner";
      * @return the properties associated with the test case
     public Properties getProps()
        return props;
      * @param props the properties associated with the test case
     public void setProps(Properties props)
        this.props = props;
     public void run(TestResult result)
        ClassLoader oldClassLoader = null;
           // If we are on the server side, set the thread context class loader
           // to the class loader that loaded this class. This fixes problems
           // with the current implementation of the JUnit gui test runners class
           // reloading logic. The gui relods the test classes with each run but 
           // does not set the context class loader so calls to Class.forName load
           // the class in the wrong class loader.
           if (!isServerSide())
              oldClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
           // be a good citizen, reset the context loader
           if (oldClassLoader != null)
     public void runBare() throws Throwable
        if (!isServerSide())
           // We're not on the server side yet, invoke the test on the serverside.
           EJBTestRunner testRunner = null;
              testRunner = getEJBTestRunner();
              if( props != null )
                 testRunner.run(getClass().getName(), getName(), props);
                 testRunner.run(getClass().getName(), getName());
           catch (RemoteTestException e)
              // if the remote test exception is from an assertion error
              // rethrow it with a sub class of AssertionFailedError so it is 
              // picked up as a failure and not an error.
              // The server has to throw sub classes of Error because that is the
              // allowable scope of application exceptions. So 
              // AssertionFailedError which is an instance of error has to be
              // wrapped in an exception.
              Throwable remote = e.getRemoteThrowable();
              if (remote instanceof AssertionFailedError)
                 throw new RemoteAssertionFailedError(
                    (AssertionFailedError) remote, e.getRemoteStackTrace());
              throw e;
              // be a good citizen, drop my ref to the session bean.
              if (testRunner != null)
           // We're on the server side so, invoke the test the usual way.
     /** Sets up the ejb test case. This method is called before
      * each test is executed and is run in a private transaction.
      * @param props the properties passed in from the client
      * @throws Exception if a problem occures
     public void setUpEJB(Properties props) throws Exception
        this.props = props;
     /** Tears down the ejb test case. This method is called after
      * each test is executed and is run in a private transaction.
      * @param props the properties passed in from the client
      * @throws Exception if a problem occures
     public void tearDownEJB(Properties props) throws Exception
      * Looks up the ejb test runner home in JNDI (at "ejb/EJBTestRunner")
      * and creates a new runner.
      * @throws Exception if any problem happens
     private EJBTestRunner getEJBTestRunner() throws Exception
        InitialContext jndiContext = new InitialContext();
        // Get a reference from this to the Bean's Home interface
        String name = getEJBRunnerJndiName();
        Object ref = jndiContext.lookup(name);
        EJBTestRunnerHome runnerHome = (EJBTestRunnerHome)
           PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref, EJBTestRunnerHome.class);
        // create the test runner
        return runnerHome.create();
  1.1      date: 2006/11/01 18:14:22;  author: nrichards;  state: Exp;jboss-docs/jbossas/j2ee/examples/src/main/org/jboss/test/util/ejb/EJBTestRunner.java
  Index: EJBTestRunner.java
   * JUnitEJB
   * Distributable under LGPL license.
   * See terms of license at gnu.org.
  package org.jboss.test.util.ejb;
  import java.rmi.RemoteException;
  import java.util.Properties;
  import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
   * The remote interface of the server side test runner. The EJBTestClient calls
   * run with the names of the test class and test method to execute. Then run
   * calls setUpEJB, runTestCase, and tearDownEJB in sepperate transactions. In
   * order for the the tests to run as expected by the client the EJBTestRunner
   * bean must be setup exactly as follows in the ejb-jar.xml file:
   * <pre>
   * &lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
   * &lt;!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC 
   *       "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN"
   *       "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd"&gt;
   * &lt;ejb-jar&gt;
   *    &lt;enterprise-beans&gt;
   *       &lt;session&gt;
   *          &lt;description&gt;JUnit Session Bean Test Runner&lt;/description&gt;
   *          &lt;ejb-name&gt;EJBTestRunnerEJB&lt;/ejb-name&gt;
   *          &lt;home&gt;net.sourceforge.junitejb.EJBTestRunnerHome&lt;/home&gt;
   *          &lt;remote&gt;net.sourceforge.junitejb.EJBTestRunner&lt;/remote&gt;
   *          &lt;ejb-class&gt;net.sourceforge.junitejb.EJBTestRunnerBean&lt;/ejb-class&gt;
   *          &lt;session-type&gt;Stateless&lt;/session-type&gt;
   *          &lt;transaction-type&gt;Bean&lt;/transaction-type&gt;
   *       &lt;/session&gt;
   *    &lt;/enterprise-beans&gt;
   * &lt;/ejb-jar&gt;
   * </pre>
   * Additionally, the home interface must be bount to the jndi name:
   * "ejb/EJBTestRunner"
   * It is recomended that the test classes and the classes of JUnitEJB be 
   * packaged into a single jar.
   * @see EJBTestCase
   * @author <a href="mailto:dain at daingroup.com">Dain Sundstrom</a>
   * @author Scott.Stark at jboss.org
   * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
  public interface EJBTestRunner extends EJBObject
     /** Runs the specified test method on the specified class by calling
      * run(className, methodName, props) with props built from the java:comp/env
      * bindings.
      * @param className the name of the test class
      * @param methodName the name of the test method
      * @throws RemoteTestException If any throwable is thrown during execution 
      * of the method, it is wrapped with a RemoteTestException and rethrown.
     public void run(String className, String methodName)
        throws RemoteTestException, RemoteException;
      * Runs the specified test method on the specified class.
      * @param className the name of the test class
      * @param methodName the name of the test method
      * @param props any properties passed in from the client for use by the
      *    server side tests
      * @throws RemoteTestException If any throwable is thrown during execution 
      * of the method, it is wrapped with a RemoteTestException and rethrown.
     public void run(String className, String methodName, Properties props)
        throws RemoteTestException, RemoteException;
  1.1      date: 2006/11/01 18:14:22;  author: nrichards;  state: Exp;jboss-docs/jbossas/j2ee/examples/src/main/org/jboss/test/util/ejb/EJBTestRunnerBean.java
  Index: EJBTestRunnerBean.java
   * JUnitEJB
   * Distributable under LGPL license.
   * See terms of license at gnu.org.
  package org.jboss.test.util.ejb;
  import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
  import java.util.Properties;
  import javax.ejb.EJBException;
  import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
  import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
  import javax.naming.Binding;
  import javax.naming.InitialContext;
  import javax.naming.NamingException;
  import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
  import javax.transaction.Status;
  import javax.transaction.SystemException;
   * Implementation of the ejb test runner.
   * @see EJBTestRunner
   * @author <a href="mailto:dain at daingroup.com">Dain Sundstrom</a>
   * @author Scott.Stark at jboss.org
   * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
  public class EJBTestRunnerBean implements SessionBean
     transient private SessionContext ctx;
     private String runnerJndiName;
     /** Run the specified test method on the given class name using a Properties
      * map built from all java:comp/env entries.
      * @param className the name of the test class
      * @param methodName the name of the test method
      * @throws RemoteTestException If any throwable is thrown during 
      * execution of the method, it is wrapped with a RemoteTestException and 
      * rethrown.
     public void run(String className, String methodName)
        throws RemoteTestException
        Properties props = new Properties();
           InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
           NamingEnumeration bindings = ctx.listBindings("java:comp/env");
           while( bindings.hasMore() )
              Binding binding = (Binding) bindings.next();
              String name = binding.getName();
              String value = binding.getObject().toString();
              props.setProperty(name, value);
        catch(NamingException e)
           throw new RemoteTestException(e);
        run(className, methodName, props);
     /** Run the specified test method on the given class name
      * @param className the name of the test class
      * @param methodName the name of the test method
      * @param props
      * @throws RemoteTestException If any throwable is thrown during 
      * execution of the method, it is wrapped with a RemoteTestException and 
      * rethrown.
     public void run(String className, String methodName, Properties props)
        throws RemoteTestException
        EJBTestCase testCase = getTestInstance(className, methodName);
        setUpEJB(testCase, props);
        RemoteTestException exception = null;
        catch (RemoteTestException e)
           exception = e;
              tearDownEJB(testCase, props);
           catch (RemoteTestException e)
              // favor the run exception if one was thrown
              if (exception != null)
                 exception = e;
           if (exception != null)
              throw exception;
      * Runs the setUpEJB method on the specified test case
      * @param testCase the actual test case that will be run
      * @throws RemoteTestException If any throwable is thrown during execution 
      * of the method, it is wrapped with a RemoteTestException and rethrown.
     private void setUpEJB(EJBTestCase testCase, Properties props)
        throws RemoteTestException
           catch (Throwable e)
              throw new RemoteTestException(e);
           if (ctx.getUserTransaction().getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE)
        catch (Throwable e)
           catch (SystemException unused)
              // eat the exception we are exceptioning out anyway
           if (e instanceof RemoteTestException)
              throw (RemoteTestException) e;
           throw new RemoteTestException(e);
      * Runs the test method on the specified test case
      * @param testCase the actual test case that will be run
      * @throws RemoteTestException If any throwable is thrown during execution 
      * of the method, it is wrapped with a RemoteTestException and rethrown.
     private void runTestCase(EJBTestCase testCase) throws RemoteTestException
           catch (Throwable e)
              throw new RemoteTestException(e);
           if (ctx.getUserTransaction().getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE)
        catch (Throwable e)
           catch (SystemException unused)
              // eat the exception we are exceptioning out anyway
           if (e instanceof RemoteTestException)
              throw (RemoteTestException) e;
           throw new RemoteTestException(e);
      * Runs the tearDownEJB method on the specified test case
      * @param testCase the actual test case that will be run
      * @throws RemoteTestException If any throwable is thrown during execution 
      * of the method, it is wrapped with a RemoteTestException and rethrown.
     private void tearDownEJB(EJBTestCase testCase, Properties props)
        throws RemoteTestException
           catch (Throwable e)
              throw new RemoteTestException(e);
           if (ctx.getUserTransaction().getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE)
        catch (Throwable e)
           catch (SystemException unused)
              // eat the exception we are exceptioning out anyway
           if (e instanceof RemoteTestException)
              throw (RemoteTestException) e;
           throw new RemoteTestException(e);
      * Gets a instance of the test class with the specified class name and
      * initialized to execute the specified method.
      * @param className the name of the test class
      * @param methodName the name of the test method
      * @return a new instance of the test class with the specified class name and
      *    initialized to execute the specified method.
     private EJBTestCase getTestInstance(String className, String methodName)
        Class testClass = null;
           ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
           testClass = loader.loadClass(className);
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
           throw new EJBException("Test class not found : " + className);
        Constructor constructor = null;
           constructor = testClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{String.class});
        catch (Exception e)
           throw new EJBException("Test class does not have a constructor " +
              "which has a single String argument.");
           EJBTestCase testCase =
              (EJBTestCase) constructor.newInstance(new Object[]{methodName});
           return testCase;
        catch (Exception e)
           throw new EJBException("Cannot instantiate test class: " +
     public void ejbCreate()
     public void ejbRemove()
     public void ejbActivate()
     public void ejbPassivate()
     public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx)
        this.ctx = ctx;
  1.1      date: 2006/11/01 18:14:22;  author: nrichards;  state: Exp;jboss-docs/jbossas/j2ee/examples/src/main/org/jboss/test/util/ejb/EJBTestRunnerHome.java
  Index: EJBTestRunnerHome.java
   * JUnitEJB
   * Distributable under LGPL license.
   * See terms of license at gnu.org.
  package org.jboss.test.util.ejb;
  import java.rmi.RemoteException;
  import javax.ejb.CreateException;
  import javax.ejb.EJBHome;
   * Remote home interface of the ejb test runner.
   * @author <a href="mailto:dain at daingroup.com">Dain Sundstrom</a>
   * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
  public interface EJBTestRunnerHome extends EJBHome
      * Creates an ejb test runner.
      * @return a new EJBTestRunner
     public EJBTestRunner create() throws RemoteException, CreateException;
  1.1      date: 2006/11/01 18:14:22;  author: nrichards;  state: Exp;jboss-docs/jbossas/j2ee/examples/src/main/org/jboss/test/util/ejb/RemoteAssertionFailedError.java
  Index: RemoteAssertionFailedError.java
   * JUnitEJB
   * Distributable under LGPL license.
   * See terms of license at gnu.org.
  package org.jboss.test.util.ejb;
  import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
   * RemoteAssertionFailedError is the client-side view of an assertion
   * failed error on the server.  
   * All throwables caught on the server are wrapped with a RemoteTestException
   * and rethrown.  On the client side the exception is caught, and if the 
   * server side exception is an instance of AssertionFailedError, it is
   * wrapped with an instance of this class and rethrown. That makes the 
   * exception an instance of AssertionFailedError so it is reconized as 
   * a failure and not an Error.
   * @author <a href="mailto:dain at daingroup.com">Dain Sundstrom</a>
   * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
  public class RemoteAssertionFailedError extends AssertionFailedError
     private AssertionFailedError remoteAssertionFailedError;
     private String remoteStackTrace;
      * Constructs a remote assertion failed error based on the specified
      * AssertionFailedError and remote stack trace.
      * @param e the AssertionFailedError that was thrown on the server side
      * @param remoteStackTrace the stack trace of the assertion failed error
      * 		exactly as it appeared on the server side
     public RemoteAssertionFailedError(
        AssertionFailedError e,
        String remoteStackTrace)
        remoteAssertionFailedError = e;
        this.remoteStackTrace = remoteStackTrace;
      * Gets the message exactly as it appeared on server side.
      * @return the message exactly as it appeared on server side
     public String getMessage()
        return remoteAssertionFailedError.getMessage();
      * Prints the stack trace exactly as it appeared on the server side.
      * @param ps the PrintStream on which the stack trace is printed
     public void printStackTrace(java.io.PrintStream ps)
      * Prints the stack trace exactly as it appeared on the server side.
     public void printStackTrace()
      * Prints the stack trace exactly as it appeared on the server side.
      * @param pw the PrintWriter on which the stack trace is printed
     public void printStackTrace(java.io.PrintWriter pw)
      * Gets the assertion failed error object from the server side.
      * Note: the stack trace of this object is not available because
      * 	exceptions don't seralize the stack trace. Use 
      *		getRemoteStackTrace to get the stack trace as it appeared 
      * 	on the server.
      * @retun the assertion failed error object from the server side.
     public AssertionFailedError getRemoteAssertionFailedError()
        return remoteAssertionFailedError;
      * Gets the stack trace exactly as it appeared on the server side.
      * @return the stack trace exactly as it appeared on the server side
     public String getRemoteStackTrace()
        return remoteStackTrace;
  1.1      date: 2006/11/01 18:14:22;  author: nrichards;  state: Exp;jboss-docs/jbossas/j2ee/examples/src/main/org/jboss/test/util/ejb/RemoteTestException.java
  Index: RemoteTestException.java
   * JUnitEJB
   * Distributable under LGPL license.
   * See terms of license at gnu.org.
  package org.jboss.test.util.ejb;
  import java.io.PrintStream;
  import java.io.PrintWriter;
  import java.io.StringWriter;
   * RemoteTestException is the client-side view of a throwable on the server.  
   * All throwables caught on the server are wrapped with a RemoteTestException
   * and rethrown. On the client side the exception is caught, and if the 
   * server side exception is an instance of AssertionFailedError, it is
   * wrapped with a RemoteAssertionFailedError and rethrown. That makes the 
   * exception an instance of AssertionFailedError so it is reconized as 
   * a failure and not an Error.
   * @author <a href="mailto:dain at daingroup.com">Dain Sundstrom</a>
   * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
  public class RemoteTestException extends Exception
     private Throwable remoteThrowable;
     private String remoteStackTrace;
      * Constructs a remote test exception that wrapps the the specified
      * throwable.
      * @param e the Throwable that was thrown on the server side
     public RemoteTestException(Throwable e)
        remoteThrowable = e;
        StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
        PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(stringWriter);
        StringBuffer buffer = stringWriter.getBuffer();
        remoteStackTrace = buffer.toString();
      * Gets the message exactly as it appeared on server side.
      * @return the message exactly as it appeared on server side
     public String getMessage()
        return remoteThrowable.getMessage();
      * Prints the stack trace exactly as it appeared on the server side.
      * @param ps the PrintStream on which the stack trace is printed
     public void printStackTrace(java.io.PrintStream ps)
      * Prints the stack trace exactly as it appeared on the server side.
     public void printStackTrace()
      * Prints the stack trace exactly as it appeared on the server side.
      * @param pw the PrintWriter on which the stack trace is printed
     public void printStackTrace(java.io.PrintWriter pw)
      * Gets the throwable object from the server side.
      * Note: the stack trace of this object is not available because
      * 	exceptions don't seralize the stack trace. Use 
      *		getRemoteStackTrace to get the stack trace as it appeared 
      * 	on the server.
      * @return the Throwable object from the server side.
     public Throwable getRemoteThrowable()
        return remoteThrowable;
      * Gets the stack trace exactly as it appeared on the server side.
      * @return the stack trace exactly as it appeared on the server side
     public String getRemoteStackTrace()
        return remoteStackTrace;

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