[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r58142 - trunk/cluster/src/etc

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon Nov 6 00:05:04 EST 2006

Author: bstansberry at jboss.com
Date: 2006-11-06 00:05:02 -0500 (Mon, 06 Nov 2006)
New Revision: 58142

Add 1st cut at MC replacement for cluster-service.xml

Added: trunk/cluster/src/etc/cluster-beans.xml
--- trunk/cluster/src/etc/cluster-beans.xml	2006-11-05 22:57:55 UTC (rev 58141)
+++ trunk/cluster/src/etc/cluster-beans.xml	2006-11-06 05:05:02 UTC (rev 58142)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<deployment xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">
+   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Shared cache for JBoss cluster services                              -->
+   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
+   <!-- The HAPartitionCache instance defined here is shared by JBoss cluster services that
+         use JBossCache as their underlying data store.  Currently the services that share this 
+         cache are HAJNDI and DistributedState.  Valid changes to the JGroups configuration
+         shouldn't cause any problems; it should also be possible to change the cluster name but this 
+         isn't recommended since it will be more difficult for others to recognize that the renamed 
+         cluster is the one used by JBoss cluster services.  
+   -->
+   <!-- First we create a Configuration object for the cache -->
+   <bean name="HAPartitionCacheConfig" 
+   		class="org.jboss.cache.config.Configuration">
+        <!--JGroups multiplexer is required for this cache -->
+        <property name="multiplexerService">jgroups.mux:name=Multiplexer</property>
+        <property name="multiplexerStack">${jboss.multiplexer.stack:udp}</property>
+        <property name="transactionManagerLookupClass">org.jboss.cache.JBossTransactionManagerLookup</property>
+        <!-- Valid isolation levels are 
+                              SERIALIZABLE
+                              REPEATABLE_READ (default)
+                              READ_COMMITTED
+                              READ_UNCOMMITTED
+                              NONE
+        -->
+        <property name="isolationLevelString">REPEATABLE_READ</property>
+        <!-- Valid modes are LOCAL, REPL_ASYNC and REPL_SYNC -->
+        <property name="cacheModeString">REPL_SYNC</property>
+        <!-- Just used for async repl: use a replication queue -->
+        <property name="useReplQueue">false</property>
+        <!-- Replication interval for replication queue (in ms) -->
+        <property name="replQueueInterval">0</property>
+        <!-- Max number of elements which trigger replication -->
+        <property name="replQueueMaxElements">0</property>
+        <!-- Name of cluster. Needs to be the same for all nodes in clusters, 
+          in order to find each other -->
+        <property name="clusterName">${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}-HAPartitionCache</property>
+        <!-- Whether or not to fetch state on joining a cluster  -->
+        <property name="fetchInMemoryState">true</property>
+        <!-- The max amount of time (in milliseconds) we wait until the
+            initial state (ie. the contents of the cache) are retrieved from
+            existing members in a clustered environment -->
+        <property name="initialStateRetrievalTimeout">5000</property>
+        <!-- Number of milliseconds to wait until all responses for a
+            synchronous call have been received. -->
+        <property name="syncReplTimeout">20000</property>
+        <!-- Max number of milliseconds to wait for a lock acquisition -->
+        <property name="lockAcquisitionTimeout">15000</property>
+    </bean>
+   <!-- Now we use the above configuration to construct the cache itself -->
+   <bean name="HAPartitionCache" class="org.jboss.cache.jmx.CacheJmxWrapper">
+      <depends>jboss:service=Naming</depends>
+      <depends>jboss:service=TransactionManager</depends>
+      <depends>jgroups.mux:name=Multiplexer</depends>
+      <property name="configuration"><inject bean="HAPartitionCacheConfig"/></property>
+      <property name="mbeanServer"><inject bean="JMXKernel" property="mbeanServer"/></property>
+      <property name="cacheObjectName">jboss.cache:service=HAPartitionCache,partition=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}</property>
+   </bean>

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