[jboss-cvs] jboss-profiler/java/webapp/lps/components/charts/common ...

Takuro Okada t2-okada at nri.co.jp
Thu Oct 26 05:00:55 EDT 2006

  User: tokada  
  Date: 06/10/26 05:00:55

  Added:       java/webapp/lps/components/charts/common     Tag:
                        JBossProfiler_Expansion axis.lzx
                        rectangularchart.lzx chart.lzx verticalaxis.lzx
  Revision  Changes    Path
  No                   revision
  No                   revision   +562 -0    jboss-profiler/java/webapp/lps/components/charts/common/Attic/axis.lzx
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: axis.lzx
  RCS file: axis.lzx
  diff -N axis.lzx
  --- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
  +++ axis.lzx	26 Oct 2006 09:00:55 -0000
  @@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
  +    <include href="../styles/strokestyle.lzx"/>
  +    <include href="../common/label.lzx"/>
  +    <include href="../common/tickmarklabel.lzx"/>
  +     <!--- A abstract class that represents one of the axes of a rectangular chart. In general, axis isn't instantiated directly     
  +    -->     
  +    <class name="axis" extends="drawview">
  +    <!--- Data Column that is used to override the values of Tic Marks labels   -->
  +    <attribute name="ticklabelcolumn" value="$once{''}" type="string"/>
  +    <!--- Indicates the axis type can be 'linear' or 'categorical' -->
  +    <attribute name="type" type="string" />
  +    <!--- Indicates the interval of values between the tic marks of the axis -->
  +    <attribute name="interval" value="null" />
  +    <!--- Indicates the column name associated to the axis -->
  +    <attribute name="columnName" type="string" />
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="dataSeries" value="[]" />
  +    <!--- enable or disable the axis -->
  +    <attribute name="axisEnabled" type="boolean" value="true" />
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="categoricalArray" value="null" />
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="ratioPixel" type="number" />
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="scale" type="number" value="1"/>
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="offset" type="number" value="0"/>
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="tickmarkLabelMaxDecimals" type="number" value="2"/>
  +    <!--- Attribute that controls if the labels are vertically repositioned to avoid overlaping -->
  +    <attribute name="labelReposEnabled" type="boolean" value="true"/>
  +    <!-- Major and Minor tickmarks attributes -->
  +    <!--- enable Major Tics Marks -->
  +    <attribute name="majorTickEnabled" type="boolean" value="true"/>
  +    <!--- enable minor Tics Marks -->
  +    <attribute name="minorTickEnabled" type="boolean" value="false"/>
  +    <!--- Allows to customize the interval of the Major Tics Marks-->
  +    <attribute name="majorInterval" type="number" value="5"/>
  +    <!-- Begin Axis title attributes -->
  +    <!--- Indicates the placement of the Axis title possible values: 'low','high','default'-->
  +    <attribute name="titleLocation" type="string" value="default"/>
  +    <!--- Axis title label-->
  +    <attribute name="title" type="string"/>
  +    <!--- Indicates the placement in X position of the Axis title -->
  +    <attribute name="titleX" type="number" value="null"/>
  +    <!--- Indicates the placement in Y position of the Axis title -->
  +    <attribute name="titleY" type="number" value="null"/>
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="titleGap" type="number" value="10"/>
  +    <!-- End Axis title attributes -->
  +    <!--- Exposes distances where tickmarks are drawn 
  +        @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="tickMarkPositions" value="[]"/>
  +    <!--- Exposes distances where tickmarks are drawn 
  +        @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="labelTextArray" value="[]"/>
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="labelArray" value="[]"/>
  +    <!-- Begin Axis Tick Marks Attributes -->
  +    <!--- Numerical value that indicates the Minimum value in the axis can be positive or negative value -->
  +    <attribute name="minimum" value="null"/>
  +    <!--- Numerical value that indicates the Maximum value in the axis can be positive or negative value -->
  +    <attribute name="maximum" value="null"/>
  +    <!-- Attributes that represent the boundaries of the values that can
  +             be rendered. -->
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="minimumRender" type="number" value="0"/>
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="maximumRender" type="number" value="0"/>
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <attribute name="adjustmin" value="false" />
  +    <!--- enable the rendering of tic Marks labels -->
  +    <attribute name="tickMarksLabelsEnabled" type="boolean" value="true"/>
  +    <!--- Indicates the axis title rotation can be 'horizontal' or 'vertical' -->    
  +    <attribute name="labelrotation" type="string" value="horizontal"/>
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <viewspool name="_labelspool" parentview="${parent}" viewclass="tickmarklabel"/>
  +    <!--- Fix the range of the axis to the maximum &amp; minimum   -->
  +    <attribute name="fixedRange" value="false" type="boolean"/>
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <view name="tickMarksView"/>
  +    <!--- End Axis Tick Marks Attributes-->
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <strokestyle name="objStroke" />
  +    <!--- @keyword private -->
  +    <label name="titleView" />
  +    <!--- Render ticks 
  +    @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="renderTick"> <![CDATA[
  +            if (type.toUpperCase()=='CATEGORICAL') {
  +                renderCategoricalTick();
  +            } else if (type.toUpperCase()=='LINEAR') {
  +                renderLinearTick();
  +            }
  +       ]]>
  +    </method>  
  +    <!--- Method for extensible label rendering 
  +        @param string pLabel : a label text -->
  +    <method name="processData" args="pLabel">
  +        return pLabel;
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- Method to return a pixel position given graph data
  +        @param Number pInput : for linear charts a graphicable data.
  +        @keyword private
  +        -->
  +    <method name="getPixelDistance" args="pInput"/>
  +    <!--- Returns the distances for where tickmarks will be drawn 
  +        @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="getTickMarkPositions">
  +    <![CDATA[
  +        return this.tickMarkPositions;
  +    ]]>
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- Actually render tickmarks and tickmark labels
  +        @param Number pTickyoff : tickmark offset from the axis
  +        @keyword private-->
  +    <method name="renderCycle" args="pTickyoff">
  +    <![CDATA[
  +        if (this.tickMarkPositions!=null && this.tickMarkPositions.length > 0 ) {
  +            for(var i=0;i<this.tickMarkPositions.length;i++)
  +            {
  +                var distance = this.tickMarkPositions[i];
  +                if ( this.minorTickEnabled && i>0 && this.majorInterval!=null && this.majorInterval>0 ) {
  +                    //get the previous tickmark
  +                    var lPrevDistance = this.tickMarkPositions[i-1];
  +                    var lMinorDistance = (distance - lPrevDistance)/(this.majorInterval);
  +                    for( var j=1; j<(this.majorInterval) ;j++) {
  +                        renderTickMark(pTickyoff-this.style.tickminor.length,lPrevDistance+Math.round(lMinorDistance*j), this.style.tickminor);
  +                    }
  +                }
  +                //render the tick mark
  +                if ( this.majorTickEnabled ) {
  +                    renderTickMark(pTickyoff,distance,this.style.tickmajor);
  +                }
  +                //if enabled
  +                if(this.tickMarksLabelsEnabled) {
  +                    renderTickMarkLabel(this.labelTextArray[i],distance,pTickyoff,i);
  +                }
  +            }
  +        }
  +    ]]>
  +    </method> 
  +    <!--- Init method
  +        @keyword private-->
  +    <method name="init">
  +        this.setupDelegate();
  +        super.init();
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- setupDelegate
  +        @keyword private-->
  +    <method name="setupDelegate">
  +        this.del = new LzDelegate(this, "setScaleAndOffset");
  +        this.del.register(this, "onheight");
  +        this.del.register(this, "onminimum");
  +        this.del.register(this, "onmaximum");
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- clear
  +        @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="clear"> 
  +        super.clear();
  +        objStroke.clear();
  +        _labelspool.reclaimAll(); 
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- setAxisTitleAttributes
  +        @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="setAxisTitleAttributes">
  +        this.titleView.setAttribute('style', this.style.label);
  +        this.titleView.render(this.title);
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- Render axis title 
  +        @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="renderTitle">
  +    </method>
  +    <!---
  +        Get the length of the axis.
  +        @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="getAxisLength"/>
  +    <!--- Render categorical tick marks  
  +    @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="renderCategoricalTick"> 
  +    <![CDATA[
  +        //Number of tickmarks
  +        //Make sure max and min are integers
  +        maximumRender = Math.round(maximumRender);
  +        minimumRender = Math.round(minimumRender);
  +        var lTickMarks = (maximumRender - minimumRender) + 1;
  +        if(lTickMarks>0){ 
  +            var lTickmarkSpace = 0;
  +            //determine ratio
  +            lTickmarkSpace = getAxisLength() / lTickMarks;
  +            //determine offset
  +            var tickyoff = 0;
  +            if(this.style.tickmajor.position == 'outside') {
  +                tickyoff = this.style.tickmajor.length;                
  +            } else if(this.style.tickmajor.position == 'across') {
  +                tickyoff = (this.style.tickmajor.length/2);
  +            }
  +            this.labelArray = new Array(lTickMarks);
  +            //Setup position array
  +            this.tickMarkPositions = new Array(lTickMarks);
  +            this.labelTextArray = new Array(lTickMarks);
  +            //Fill the distance array
  +            var lArrayIndex = 0;
  +            for(var i=minimumRender;i<(maximumRender+1);i++)
  +            {
  +                this.tickMarkPositions[lArrayIndex] = Math.round((lArrayIndex*lTickmarkSpace) + (lTickmarkSpace/2)) ;
  +                this.labelTextArray[lArrayIndex] = this.categoricalArray[i];
  +                lArrayIndex++;
  +            }
  +// HACK begin
  +            if(this.ticklabelcolumn != ""){
  +                useLabelColumns();
  +            }
  +// HACK end
  +            //Do the actual render
  +            renderCycle(tickyoff);
  +            //Reposition labels if enabled
  +            if(tickMarksLabelsEnabled && this.labelReposEnabled) {
  +                    reposLabels(lTickMarks);
  +            }
  +        }
  +        ]]>
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- Adjust the minimum value to cero if attribute is true 
  +        @keywords private -->
  +    <method name="adjustMinimum"> 
  +    <![CDATA[        
  +        if(minimumRender >= 0 && maximumRender >= 0) {
  +            minimumRender = 0;
  +        } else if(minimumRender <= 0 && maximumRender <= 0) {
  +            maximumRender = 0;
  +        } 
  +    ]]> 
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- Calculate an adecuate range to have 5-10 tickmarks 
  +        @param Number pRange: range on what to find a good interval
  +        @keywords private -->
  +    <method name="calculateAutomaticInterval" args="pRange"> <![CDATA[        
  +        var lRetValue=1;
  +        var lCanonicalInterval = pRange * 0.1;
  +        if( pRange < 1) {
  +            do {
  +                lRetValue = lRetValue/10; 
  +            }while(lRetValue > lCanonicalInterval);
  +            while(lRetValue * 2 < lCanonicalInterval) {
  +                lRetValue = lRetValue*2;
  +            }
  +        } else {
  +            do {
  +                lRetValue = lRetValue * 10;
  +            } while(lRetValue <= lCanonicalInterval);
  +            while(lRetValue / 2 > lCanonicalInterval) {
  +                lRetValue = lRetValue / 2;
  +            }
  +        }
  +        return lRetValue;
  +    ]]> 
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- Find the outside border value using the interval 
  +            @param Number pNum: nombre to overcome
  +            @param Number pInt: interval.
  +            @param Boolean pMinMax: true if this value is a maximum.
  +            @keywords private -->
  +    <method name="findOutsideBorder" args="pNum,pInt,pMinMax"> <![CDATA[
  +        var lRetValue = 0;
  +// HACK begin
  +      if(pMinMax) {
  +        lRetValue = Math.ceil(pNum/pInt) * pInt;
  +      }else {
  +        lRetValue = Math.floor(pNum/pInt) * pInt;
  +      }
  +      /*
  +      if(pMinMax) {
  +        if(pNum >= 0) {
  +          while(lRetValue < pNum){
  +            lRetValue += pInt;
  +          }
  +        } else {
  +          while((lRetValue-pInt) > pNum) {
  +            lRetValue -= pInt;
  +          }
  +        }
  +      } else {
  +        if(pNum >= 0) {
  +          while((lRetValue+pInt) < pNum){
  +            lRetValue += pInt;
  +          }
  +        } else {
  +          while(lRetValue > pNum){
  +            lRetValue -= pInt;
  +          }
  +        }
  +      }
  +      */
  +// HACK end
  +            return lRetValue;            
  +        ]]> </method>
  +    <!--- Render a tick mark
  +            @param Number pOffset : displacement depending on the position of the tickmark
  +            @param Number pPos : actual tickmark position along the axis
  +            @param expression pStyle : tickmark style object to use on the render
  +            @keywords private -->
  +    <method name="renderTickMark" args="pOffset,pPos,pStyle"/>
  +    <!--- Set label position
  +            @keywords private -->
  +    <method name="setLabelPos" args="pLabel,pOffset,pTW,pTH,pPos"/>
  +    <!--- Render a tickmark label
  +            @keywords private -->
  +    <method name="renderTickMarkLabel" 
  +        args="pLabel,pPos,pOffset,pI"> <![CDATA[    
  +            //create label and set text
  +            var lLabel = _labelspool.getView();    
  +            var lHeight=0; 
  +            var lWidth=0;
  +            //set the font style            
  +            lLabel.style=this.style.tickmajor.label;
  +            lLabel.render(processData(pLabel));    
  +            //Process orientation
  +            var lTW = 0;
  +            var lTH = 0;
  +            lTW = lLabel.getTextWidth();
  +            lTH = lLabel.getTextHeight();
  +            this.setLabelPos(lLabel,pOffset,lTW,lTH,pPos); 
  +            //add label to array
  +            this.labelArray[pI] = lLabel;
  +        ]]> 
  +        </method>
  +    <!--- Check label location and change placement to avoid labels
  +            overlaping
  +            @keywords private -->
  +    <method name="reposLabels" args="pMarks"/>
  +   <!--- Calculate automatic outside borders
  +            @param Number pMin : minimum data to be rendered
  +            @param Number pMax : maximum data to be rendered
  +            @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="setAutomaticMinMaxRender" args="pMin, pMax">
  +            if( !this.fixedRange ) {
  +                this.minimum = pMin;
  +                this.maximum = pMax;
  +            } else {
  +                if( typeof( this.minimum ) == "undefined" ) {
  +                    this.minimum = pMin;
  +                }
  +                if( typeof( this.maximum ) == "undefined" ) {
  +                    this.maximum = pMax;
  +                }
  +            }
  +            //Find graphic data range
  +            var lRange = this.maximum - this.minimum;
  +            //If interval is not defined, calculate one
  +            if( this.interval == null ) {
  +                this.interval = calculateAutomaticInterval(lRange);
  +            }
  +            //Find the data ending and starting points of the plot area
  +            this.minimumRender = findOutsideBorder(this.minimum,interval,false);
  +            this.maximumRender = findOutsideBorder(this.maximum,interval,true);
  +        </method>
  +    <!--- Render linear ticks
  +    @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="renderLinearTick"> 
  +    <![CDATA[
  +            //First adjust min and max if adjustmin attribute is present
  +            if(this.adjustmin) {
  +                adjustMinimum();
  +            }
  +            //Determine how many marks we need
  +            var lMarks = Math.floor((Math.abs(this.minimumRender-this.maximumRender))/this.interval) + 1;
  +            //determine total graph area
  +            var lGA = Math.abs(this.minimumRender - this.maximumRender);
  +            var lRatio = 0;
  +            //determine ratio
  +            lRatio = (this.getAxisLength() / lGA);
  +            //Set the ratioPixel
  +            ratioPixel = lRatio * interval;    
  +            //Array to store the labels
  +            this.labelArray = new Array(lMarks);
  +            //determine offset
  +            var tickyoff = 0;
  +            if(this.style.tickmajor.position == 'outside') {
  +                tickyoff = this.style.tickmajor.length;                
  +            } else if(this.style.tickmajor.position == 'across') {
  +                tickyoff = (this.style.tickmajor.length/2);
  +            } 
  +            //Setup position array
  +            this.tickMarkPositions = new Array(lMarks);
  +            this.labelTextArray = new Array(lMarks);
  +            //Fill the distance array
  +            for(var i=0;i<lMarks;i++)
  +            {
  +                this.tickMarkPositions[i] = Math.round(i*ratioPixel);
  +                this.labelTextArray[i] = ( i * this.interval ) + this.minimumRender; 
  +                this.labelTextArray[i] = trunDec((( i * this.interval ) + this.minimumRender),this.tickmarkLabelMaxDecimals); 
  +            }
  +            if(this.ticklabelcolumn != ""){
  +                useLabelColumns();
  +            }
  +            //Do the actual render
  +            renderCycle(tickyoff);
  +            //Reposition labels if enabled
  +            if(tickMarksLabelsEnabled && this.labelReposEnabled) {
  +                reposLabels(lMarks);
  +            }
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +    <!--- 
  +        This method replaces the array labels with an array from a Data Column
  +        @keyword private -->    
  +    <method name="useLabelColumns">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +        //Using useLabelColumns
  +        //Perform validations
  +        if(this.labelTextArray!=null && dataSeries!=null && dataSeries[0]!=null && dataSeries[0].getDataColumn(this.ticklabelcolumn).values!=null && this.labelTextArray.length==dataSeries[0].getDataColumn(this.ticklabelcolumn).values.length) {
  +            this.labelTextArray = dataSeries[0].getDataColumn(this.ticklabelcolumn).values;
  +        }
  +        ]]> 
  +    </method>    
  +    <!--- setter for data series 
  +          @param expression dataSeries: dataSeries to set to the Axis. 
  +          @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="setDataSeries" args="dataseries"> 
  +        this.setAttribute('dataSeries', dataseries); 
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- setter for scale and offset 
  +    @keyword private -->   
  +    <method name="setScaleAndOffset">
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- setter for plot area 
  +    @keyword private -->   
  +    <method name="setPlotArea" args="plotarea"> 
  +        this.setAttribute('plotarea', plotarea); 
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- Render axis 
  +        @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="renderAxis">
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- Render method render Axis Title, Axis lines, Tic Marks and TickMarks labels
  +        -->
  +    <method name="render" > <![CDATA[               
  +        this.objStroke.setAttribute('strokeColor', this.style.axisline.color);
  +        this.objStroke.setAttribute('strokeType', this.style.axisline.type);
  +        this.objStroke.setAttribute('strokeWidth', this.style.axisline.size);
  +        this.objStroke.setAttribute('opacity', this.style.axisline.opacity);
  +        this.setVisible(axisEnabled);
  +        setAxisTitleAttributes();
  +        renderAxis();
  +        renderTick();
  +        renderTitle();
  +        ]]> 
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- Allow to set the minimumRender and the maximumRender attributes manually 
  +    @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="setNewMinMaxRenderer" args="pNewMin, pNewMax">
  +        this.minimumRender = pNewMin;
  +        this.maximumRender = pNewMax;
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- Truncate decimals
  +        @param Number pNum: input number
  +        @param Number pDec: number of decimals to leave
  +         @keyword private -->
  +    <method name="trunDec" args="pNum,pDec">
  +        <![CDATA[ 
  +            var lNum = pNum + "";
  +            if (lNum.indexOf('.')!=-1 && pDec>-1) {
  +                if ( pDec==0 ) {
  +                    return lNum.substring(0,lNum.indexOf('.'));
  +                }
  +                var lRem = lNum.substring(lNum.indexOf('.')+1,lNum.length);
  +                if (lRem.length > pDec)    {
  +                    lRem = lRem.substring(0,pDec);
  +                }
  +                return lNum.substring(0,lNum.indexOf('.'))+"."+lRem;
  +            } 
  +            return pNum;
  +        ]]>  
  +    </method>
  +* Copyright 2001-2005 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              
  +* Use is subject to license terms.                                            
  +****************************************************** -->
  +<!-- @LZX_VERSION@ -->
    +570 -0    jboss-profiler/java/webapp/lps/components/charts/common/Attic/rectangularchart.lzx
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: rectangularchart.lzx
  RCS file: rectangularchart.lzx
  diff -N rectangularchart.lzx
  --- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
  +++ rectangularchart.lzx	26 Oct 2006 09:00:55 -0000
  @@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
  +    <include href="chart.lzx"/>
  +    <include href="horizontalaxis.lzx"/>
  +    <include href="verticalaxis.lzx"/>
  +    <!--- class that provides all common features for the rectangular charts like line, bar and column -->
  +    <class name="rectangularchart" extends="chart" clip="true">
  +        <!--- The minimum virtual value to be rendered in the 'x' axis -->
  +        <attribute name="minx" type="number" value="0"/>
  +        <!--- The maximum virtual value to be rendered in the 'x' axis -->
  +        <attribute name="maxx" type="number" value="0"/>
  +        <!--- The minimum virtual value to be rendered in the 'y' axis -->
  +        <attribute name="miny" type="number" value="0"/>
  +        <!--- The maximum virtual value to be rendered in the 'y' axis -->
  +        <attribute name="maxy" type="number" value="0"/>
  +        <!-- The default min's ans max's values that belongs to all the data series -->
  +        <attribute name="defaultminx" type="number" value="0"/>
  +        <attribute name="defaultmaxx" type="number" value="0"/>
  +        <attribute name="defaultminy" type="number" value="0"/>
  +        <attribute name="defaultmaxy" type="number" value="0"/>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <attribute name="dataSeriesLeaf" type="expression" value="${null}"/>
  +        <!--- Determines if the vertical grid lines are going to be used -->
  +        <attribute name="verticalGridLines" type="boolean" value="false"/>
  +        <!--- Determines if the horizontal grid lines are going to be used -->
  +        <attribute name="horizontalGridLines" type="boolean" value="false"/>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <attribute name="gridlinecolor" />
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="setHAxisMin">
  +            this.haxis.minimumRender = this.minx;
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="setHAxisMax">
  +            this.haxis.maximumRender = this.maxx;
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="setVAxisMin">
  +            this.vaxis.minimumRender = this.miny;
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="setVAxisMax">
  +            this.vaxis.maximumRender = this.maxy;
  +        </method>
  +       <!--- Draw the grid lines 
  +       @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="renderGridLines">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            if ( this.verticalGridLines ){
  +                this.renderVerticalGridlines();
  +            }
  +            if ( this.horizontalGridLines ) {
  +                this.renderHorizontalGridlines();
  +            }
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!-- Render vertical grid lines 
  +        @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="renderVerticalGridlines">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            if ( haxis.getTickMarkPositions()!=null && haxis.getTickMarkPositions().length > 0 ) {
  +                haxis.strokeStyle = this.style.vaxisstyle.gridline.color;
  +                haxis.lineWidth = this.style.vaxisstyle.gridline.size;
  +                haxis.globalAlpha = this.style.vaxisstyle.gridline.opacity;
  +                haxis.fill();
  +                for ( var i=0; i < haxis.getTickMarkPositions().length ; i++ ) {
  +                    haxis.beginPath();
  +                    haxis.moveTo(haxis.getTickMarkPositions()[i], 0  );
  +                    haxis.lineTo(haxis.getTickMarkPositions()[i], -(vaxis.height) );                
  +                    haxis.stroke();
  +                }
  +            }
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>        
  +        <!-- Render horizontal grid lines 
  +        @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="renderHorizontalGridlines">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            if ( vaxis.getTickMarkPositions()!=null && vaxis.getTickMarkPositions().length > 0 ) {
  +                vaxis.strokeStyle = this.style.haxisstyle.gridline.color;
  +                vaxis.lineWidth = this.style.haxisstyle.gridline.size;
  +                vaxis.globalAlpha = this.style.haxisstyle.gridline.opacity;
  +                vaxis.fill();
  +                for ( var i=0; i < vaxis.getTickMarkPositions().length ; i++ ) {
  +                    vaxis.beginPath();
  +                    vaxis.moveTo(0, vaxis.getTickMarkPositions()[i] );
  +                    vaxis.lineTo(haxis.width, vaxis.getTickMarkPositions()[i] );                
  +                    vaxis.stroke();
  +                }
  +            }
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>        
  +        <!--- render the chart -->
  +        <method name="render">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +// HACK begin
  +            //var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
  +// HACK end
  +            this.renderAxis();
  +            this.adjustAxesToLayout();
  +            this.renderPlotArea();
  +            this.renderGridLines();
  +            if (this.valuelinesenabled) {
  +                this.renderValueLine();    
  +            }
  +            if (this.valuepointsenabled) {
  +                this.renderValuePoint();
  +            }
  +            if (this.valueregionsenabled) {
  +                this.renderValueRegion();
  +            }
  +            this.applyBGStyle( this.style.chartbgstyle );
  +            haxis.sendBehind(plotarea);
  +            vaxis.sendBehind(plotarea);
  +// HACK begin
  +            //Debug.write("render time: " + (((new Date()).getTime() - startTime) / 1000) + " seconds");
  +// HACK end
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- render the axis 
  +        @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="renderAxis">
  +        <![CDATA[        
  +            vaxis.clear();
  +            vaxis.setDataSeries(this.dataSeriesLeaf);
  +            if ( this.style.vaxisstyle!=null ) {
  +                vaxis.style = this.style.vaxisstyle;
  +            } else {
  +                vaxis.style = new axisstyle();
  +            }
  +            vaxis.setX( (this.plotarea[x] != null ? this.plotarea.x : this.x) );
  +            vaxis.setY( (this.plotarea[y] != null ? this.plotarea.y : this.y) );
  +            vaxis.setHeight( (this.plotarea[height] != null ? this.plotarea.height : this.height) );
  +            vaxis.render();
  +            haxis.clear();
  +            haxis.setDataSeries(this.dataSeriesLeaf);
  +            if ( this.style.haxisstyle!=null ) {
  +                haxis.style = this.style.haxisstyle;
  +            } else {
  +                haxis.style = new axisstyle();
  +            }
  +            haxis.setX( (this.plotarea[x] != null ? this.plotarea.x : this.x) );
  +            haxis.setY( (this.plotarea[y] != null && this.plotarea[height] != null ? 
  +                           this.plotarea.y + this.plotarea.height : this.y + this.height) );
  +            haxis.setWidth( (this.plotarea[width] != null ? this.plotarea.width : this.width) );
  +            haxis.render();         
  +        ]]>    
  +        </method>
  +   <!--- @keyword private -->
  +   <method name="renderValueLine">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            var valueLines = this.getNodesOfClass("valueline");
  +            for(var i = 0; i < valueLines.length; i++){
  +                valueLines[i].render();
  +            }
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +   <method name="renderValuePoint">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            var valuePoints = this.getNodesOfClass("valuepoints");
  +            for(var i = 0; i < valuePoints.length; i++){
  +                valuePoints[i].render();
  +            }
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- Render the value regions defined in the chart 
  +        @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="renderValueRegion">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            var valueRegions = this.getNodesOfClass("valueregion");
  +            for(var i = 0; i < valueRegions.length; i++){
  +                valueRegions[i].sendBehind();
  +                valueRegions[i].style = this.style.valueregionstyle;
  +                valueRegions[i].render();
  +            }
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- Adjust the plot area to the dimensions of the chart and the 
  +              axes. This method overrides chart.adjustPlotAreaToLayout() 
  +              @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="adjustPlotAreaToLayout">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            if( this.plotarea != null ) {
  +                this.plotarea.setAttribute( "width", haxis.width );
  +                this.plotarea.setAttribute( "height", vaxis.height );
  +                this.plotarea.setAttribute( "x", (vaxis.x + vaxis.width) );
  +                this.plotarea.setAttribute( "y", vaxis.y );
  +            }
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="adjustAxesToLayout">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            var overHeight = 0;
  +            var overWidth = 0;
  +            vaxis.clear();
  +            overHeight = getAxisOverDimension("horizontal");
  +            if( (vaxis.height + overHeight + this.topMargin + this.bottomMargin) > this.height ) {
  +                vaxis.setAttribute( "height", (this.height - 
  +                                               (overHeight + this.topMargin + this.bottomMargin) ) );
  +            }
  +            haxis.clear();
  +            haxis.setRightMargin();
  +            overWidth = getAxisOverDimension("vertical");
  +            if( (haxis.width + overWidth + this.leftMargin + this.rightMargin) > this.width ) {
  +                haxis.setAttribute( "width", (this.width - 
  +                                              (overWidth + this.leftMargin + this.rightMargin) ) );
  +            }
  +            vaxis.setX( overWidth + this.leftMargin );
  +            vaxis.setY( this.topMargin );
  +            vaxis.render();
  +            haxis.setX( overWidth + this.leftMargin );
  +            haxis.setY( (vaxis.y + vaxis.height) );
  +            haxis.render();
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="getAxisOverDimension" args="axis">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            if( axis == "horizontal" ) {
  +                // Tests horizontal axis with axis title below the axis line.
  +                if( haxis != null ) {
  +                    if( haxis.columnName == 'x' && haxis.titleLocation == "low" ) 
  +                        return (haxis.height + haxis.tickMarksView.height + 
  +                                        2*this.verticalGap + haxis.titleView.height);
  +                    else 
  +                        return (haxis.height + haxis.tickMarksView.height + this.verticalGap);
  +                }
  +            }
  +            else if( axis == "vertical" ) {
  +                // Tests vertical axis with axis title at the left of the axis line.
  +                if( vaxis != null ) {
  +                    if( vaxis.columnName == 'y' && vaxis.titleLocation == "low" ) 
  +                        return (vaxis.width + vaxis.tickMarksView.width + 
  +                                        2*this.horizontalGap + vaxis.titleView.width);
  +                    else 
  +                        return (vaxis.width + vaxis.tickMarksView.width + this.horizontalGap);
  +                }
  +            }
  +            return 0;
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keywords private
  +         rerender a chart when new data come in -->
  +        <method name="dataload">
  +            this["haxis"] = this.getNodeOfClass("horizontalaxis");
  +            this["vaxis"] = this.getNodeOfClass("verticalaxis");
  +            this.dataSeriesLeaf = this.getDataSeries().getDataSeriesLeafs();
  +            this.calcDefaultMinMax();
  +            this.minx = this.defaultminx;
  +            this.maxx = this.defaultmaxx;
  +            this.miny = this.defaultminy;
  +            this.maxy = this.defaultmaxy;
  +            this.adjustOptimizeMinMax();
  +            super.dataload();            
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="adjustOptimizeMinMax">
  +            if( haxis.type.toUpperCase() == 'LINEAR' ) {
  +                haxis.setAutomaticMinMaxRender( this.minx, this.maxx );
  +                this.setAttribute("minx", haxis.minimumRender);
  +                this.setAttribute("maxx", haxis.maximumRender);
  +            }
  +            if( vaxis.type.toUpperCase() == 'LINEAR' ) {
  +                vaxis.setAutomaticMinMaxRender( this.miny, this.maxy );                        
  +                this.setAttribute("miny", vaxis.minimumRender);
  +                this.setAttribute("maxy", vaxis.maximumRender);
  +            }
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- Set the min and max to show all data 
  +        @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="calcDefaultMinMax">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +           // Set the minx and maxx values based on the data series.
  +           if( haxis.type.toUpperCase() == 'LINEAR' ) {
  +                this.buildLinearMinMax( haxis, 'x' );
  +            } else if( haxis.type.toUpperCase() == 'CATEGORICAL' ) {
  +                this.buildCategoricalMinMax( haxis, 'x' );
  +            }
  +           // Set the miny and maxy values based on the data series.
  +            if( vaxis.type.toUpperCase() == 'LINEAR' ) {
  +                this.buildLinearMinMax( vaxis, 'y' );
  +            } else if( vaxis.type.toUpperCase() == 'CATEGORICAL' ) {
  +                this.buildCategoricalMinMax( vaxis, 'y' );
  +            }
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="buildLinearMinMax" args="pAxis, pOrientation"> 
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            var i = 0;
  +            var column = null;
  +            var singledataseriesmin = [];
  +            var singledataseriesmax = [];
  +            for (i = 0; i < this.dataSeriesLeaf.length; i++) {
  +                //Get the a single data series from the array
  +                column = this.dataSeriesLeaf[i].getDataColumn(pAxis.columnName);
  +                //Get the mininum value of the single data series
  +                singledataseriesmin.push(column.getMin());
  +                //Get the maximum value of the single data series
  +                singledataseriesmax.push(column.getMax());
  +            }
  +            //Set the minimum and maximum values for this axis.
  +            if( pOrientation.toLowerCase() == 'x' ) {
  +                this.defaultminx =  findMin(singledataseriesmin);
  +                this.defaultmaxx =  findMax(singledataseriesmax);
  +            } if( pOrientation.toLowerCase() == 'y' ) {
  +                this.defaultminy =  findMin(singledataseriesmin);
  +                this.defaultmaxy =  findMax(singledataseriesmax);
  +            }
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="buildCategoricalMinMax" args="pAxis, pOrientation"> 
  +        //Categorical Axis - When the axis type is categorical, the axis class only expects one data serie
  +        //The Axis minimun value is 0 and maximum value is the # of Categories -1 for the data serie.
  +            pAxis.categoricalArray = this.dataSeriesLeaf[0].getDataColumn(pAxis.columnName).values;
  +            //Set the minimum and maximum values for this axis.
  +            if( pOrientation.toLowerCase() == 'x' ) {
  +                this.defaultminx = 0;
  +                this.defaultmaxx = pAxis.categoricalArray.length - 1;
  +            } if( pOrientation.toLowerCase() == 'y' ) {
  +                this.defaultminy = 0;
  +                this.defaultmaxy = pAxis.categoricalArray.length - 1;
  +            }
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- Allows to customize the minimum and maxium data value.
  +              @param Number pMinX: the new minimum value in 'x' of the chart.
  +              @param Number pMaxX: the new maximum value in 'x' of the chart.
  +              @param Number pMinY: the new minimum value in 'y' of the chart.
  +              @param Number pMaxY: the new maximum value in 'y' of the chart.
  +          -->
  +        <method name="customizeMinMax" args="pMinX, pMaxX, pMinY, pMaxY">
  +            this.minx = pMinX;
  +            this.maxx = pMaxX;
  +            this.miny = pMinY;
  +            this.maxy = pMaxY;
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="findMin" args="arr">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            var min;
  +            if(arr.length > 0) {
  +                min = arr[0];
  +            }
  +            for(var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
  +                if(arr[i] < min) {
  +                    min = arr[i];
  +                }                                
  +            }
  +            return min;         
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="findMax" args="arr">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            var max;
  +            if(arr.length > 0) {
  +                max = arr[0];
  +            }
  +            for(var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
  +                if(max < arr[i]) {
  +                    max = arr[i];
  +                }                                
  +            }
  +            return max;
  +        ]]> 
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->                        
  +        <chartactionhelper name="actionhelper" chart="${parent}"/>
  +        <!--- change the virtual boundary of the rectangular chart 
  +            @param Number newminx: the new min x of the boundary
  +            @param Number newminy: the new min y of the boundary
  +            @param Number newmaxx: the new max x of the boundary
  +            @param Number newmaxy: the new max y of the boundary
  +            @param Number animated: the animation duration in milliseconds. 0 for no animation
  +            @param Number undoable: deterimine if the action can be undo
  +        -->
  +        <method name="changeBound" args="newminx, newminy, newmaxx, newmaxy,  animated, undoable">
  +            actionhelper.changeBound(newminx, newminy, newmaxx, newmaxy,  animated, undoable);
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- undo the last chart zoom interaction to the one previous -->
  +        <method name="undo" args="duration">
  +            actionhelper.undo(duration);
  +        </method>
  +        <method event="onRenderStart">
  +        </method>
  +        <method event="onRenderStop">
  +        </method>
  +    </class>
  +    <!--- @keyword private 
  +        class that help with the zoom animation and undo ability
  +    -->
  +    <class name="chartactionhelper">
  +        <attribute name="chart" type="expression"/>
  +        <attribute name="actionlist" value="[]"/>    
  +        <attribute name="animateProgress" value="0" type="number"/>
  +        <animator name="animatezoom" attribute="animateProgress" from="0" to="1" start="false" duration="500">
  +            <method event="onstart">
  +                parent.setAttribute("isdrawing", true);
  +            </method>
  +            <method event="onstop">
  +                parent.setAttribute("isdrawing", false);
  +            </method>
  +        </animator>
  +        <method name="changeBound" args="newminx, newminy, newmaxx, newmaxy,  duration, undoable">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            //Debug.write("changeBound(" + newminx + ", " + newminy + ", " +  newmaxx + ", " + newmaxy + ")");
  +            if(duration == null)
  +            {
  +                duration = 0;
  +            }
  +            if(undoable == null)
  +            {
  +                undoable = false;
  +            }
  +            chart.onRenderStart.sendEvent();  
  +            if(undoable)
  +            {
  +                this.actionlist.push(
  +                    {
  +                        minx : chart.minx,
  +                        miny : chart.miny,
  +                        maxx : chart.maxx,
  +                        maxy : chart.maxy
  +                    }
  +                );
  +            } 
  +            if(duration > 0)
  +            {
  +                this["origminx"] = new Number(chart.minx);
  +                this["origminy"] = new Number(chart.miny);
  +                this["origmaxx"] = new Number(chart.maxx);
  +                this["origmaxy"] = new Number(chart.maxy);
  +                this["newminx"] = new Number(newminx);
  +                this["newminy"] = new Number(newminy);
  +                this["newmaxx"] = new Number(newmaxx);
  +                this["newmaxy"] = new Number(newmaxy);
  +                this.animateProgress = 0;
  +                this.animate("animateProgress", 1, duration, false);                                          
  +            }
  +            else
  +            {                  
  +                /*       
  +                chart.minx = newminx;                
  +                chart.miny = newminy;
  +                chart.maxx = newmaxx;
  +                chart.maxx = newmaxy;
  +                */
  +                this.chart.setAttribute("minx", newminx);
  +                this.chart.setAttribute("miny", newminy);
  +                this.chart.setAttribute("maxx", newmaxx);
  +                this.chart.setAttribute("maxy", newmaxy);                
  +                this.chart.render();                
  +                chart.onRenderStop.sendEvent();
  +            }
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <method name="undo" args="duration">
  +            var action = actionlist.pop();
  +            if(action)
  +            {
  +               this.changeBound(action.minx, action.miny, action.maxx, action.maxy, duration, false);
  +            }
  +        </method>
  +        <method event="onanimateProgress">
  +        <![CDATA[        
  +            //Debug.write("AnimateStep: " + chart.minx + " " + chart.miny + " " + chart.maxx + " "  + chart.maxy);
  +            chart.setAttribute("minx", this.origminx + (this.newminx - this.origminx) * this.animateProgress);
  +            chart.setAttribute("miny", this.origminy + (this.newminy - this.origminy) * this.animateProgress);
  +            chart.setAttribute("maxx", this.origmaxx + (this.newmaxx - this.origmaxx) * this.animateProgress);
  +            chart.setAttribute("maxy", this.origmaxy + (this.newmaxy - this.origmaxy) * this.animateProgress);
  +            if(this.animateProgress < 1)
  +            {
  +                chart.render();
  +            }
  +            else
  +            {
  +                //chart.adjustOptimizeMinMax();
  +                chart.render();
  +                chart.onRenderStop.sendEvent();             
  +            }
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>                 
  +    </class>
  +* Copyright 2001-2005 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              
  +* Use is subject to license terms.                                            
  +****************************************************** -->
  +<!-- @LZX_VERSION@                                                       
  +   -->
    +315 -0    jboss-profiler/java/webapp/lps/components/charts/common/Attic/chart.lzx
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: chart.lzx
  RCS file: chart.lzx
  diff -N chart.lzx
  --- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
  +++ chart.lzx	26 Oct 2006 09:00:55 -0000
  @@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
  +    <include href="datatip.lzx"/>
  +    <include href="charts/styles/styleparser.lzx"/>
  +    <include href="charts/styles/defaultchartstyle.lzx"/>
  +    <include href="base/basecomponent.lzx"/>
  +    <!---
  +        chart is the base class representing a chart. In general,
  +        this class is not instantiated directly. A chart contains 
  +            at least one dataseries element 
  +            at least one axis element 
  +        The chart needs to look at its dataseries children and pass 
  +        the relevant dataseries to each axis. Relevent dataseries 
  +        for the chart must have columns for each of the axes 
  +        that the chart cares about.  
  +    -->    
  +    <class name="chart" extends="basecomponent">
  +        <!--- @keywords private -->
  +        <datatip name="datatooltip"/>
  +        <!--- enable zoom-->
  +        <attribute name="zoomEnabled" type="boolean" /> 
  +        <!--- enable data point(data marker) -->
  +        <attribute name="dataPointsEnabled" type="boolean" value="false"/>
  +        <!--- enable tooltip for data -->
  +        <attribute name="datatipEnabled" type="boolean" value="false"/>
  +        <!--- data column name of the tooltip -->
  +        <attribute name="datatipColumn" type="string" />
  +        <!--- data column name of the data label -->
  +        <attribute name="datalabelColumn" type="string" />
  +        <!--- enable data label -->
  +        <attribute name="datalabelEnabled" type="boolean" value="false"/>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <attribute name="plotarea" type="expression" value="${null}"/>        
  +        <!--- enable value lines -->
  +        <attribute name="valuelinesenabled" type="boolean" value="true"/>
  +        <!--- enable value points -->
  +        <attribute name="valuepointsenabled" type="boolean" value="true"/>
  +        <!--- enable value region -->
  +        <attribute name="valueregionsenabled" type="boolean" value="true"/>        
  +        <attribute name="databorderEnabled" type="boolean" value="true" />
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <attribute name="_datalabelpool" type="string" />
  +        <!--- subview have  -->
  +        <attribute name="initdone" value="false" type="boolean"/>
  +        <!-- Area Margins attributes -->
  +        <!--- The blank space bordering the top of the chart area. -->
  +        <attribute name="topMargin" type="number" value="10"/>
  +        <!--- The blank space bordering the bottom of the chart area. -->
  +        <attribute name="bottomMargin" type="number" value="10"/>
  +        <!--- The blank space bordering the left side of the chart area. -->
  +        <attribute name="leftMargin" type="number" value="10"/>
  +        <!--- The blank space bordering the right side of the chart area. -->
  +        <attribute name="rightMargin" type="number" value="10"/>
  +        <!--- The default blank space bordering the right side of the chart area. -->
  +        <attribute name="defaultRightMargin" type="number" value="10"/>
  +        <!-- Gaps between components -->
  +        <!--- The vertical blank space between components. -->
  +        <attribute name="verticalGap" type="number" value="5"/>
  +        <!--- The horizontal blank space between components. -->
  +        <attribute name="horizontalGap" type="number" value="5"/>
  +        <!-- End of Area Margins attributes -->
  +        <!--- The default style to be applied to the chart. -->
  +        <attribute name="defaultstyle" type="expression" value="${defaultchartstyle}"/>
  +        <!--- @keywords private 
  +              Object to render the stroke and the gradient chartBackground-->
  +        <drawview name="chartBackground" width="${parent.width}" height="${parent.height}" visible="false"/>
  +        <!--- @keywords private 
  +              Object to render the stroke and the gradient plotareabackground-->
  +        <drawview name="plotareabackground"/>
  +        <method event="oninitdone">
  +            // No style defined.
  +            if( this.style.classname != "chartstyle" ) {
  +                this.style = this.defaultstyle;
  +            } else {
  +            // Check for a complete style definition.
  +                var parser = new styleparser(this, {style:this.style, defaultstyle:this.defaultstyle});
  +            this.style = parser.style;
  +            }
  +            var rootseries = this.getDataSeries();
  +            //if(rootseries["datadone"])
  +            {
  +                this.dataload();                
  +            }            
  +            new LzDelegate(this,"dataload", rootseries, "ondatadone");                        
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keywords private -->
  +        <method name="applyBGStyle" args="s">
  +        <![CDATA[
  +            this.chartBackground.clear();
  +            this.chartBackground.setAttribute( "visible", false );
  +            this.chartBackground.setAttribute( "lineWidth", s.line.size );
  +            this.chartBackground.setAttribute( "strokeStyle", s.line.color );
  +            this.chartBackground.globalAlpha = s.line.opacity;
  +            var lOffset = Math.floor(this.chartBackground.lineWidth / 2);
  +            this.chartBackground.beginPath();
  +            this.chartBackground.lineTo(lOffset, lOffset);
  +            this.chartBackground.lineTo(this.width-lOffset, lOffset);
  +            this.chartBackground.lineTo(this.width-lOffset, this.height-lOffset);
  +            this.chartBackground.lineTo(lOffset, this.height-lOffset);
  +            this.chartBackground.lineTo(lOffset, lOffset);
  +            this.chartBackground.closePath();
  +            this.chartBackground.stroke();
  +            this.chartBackground.setAttribute( "width", this.width );
  +            this.chartBackground.setAttribute( "height", this.height );
  +            if( s.region.gradient != null && s.region.gradient != "none" ) {
  +                var g = null;
  +                if( s.region.gradient == "linear" ) {
  +                    g = this.chartBackground.createLinearGradient(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
  +                } else if ( s.region.gradient == "radial" ) {
  +                    g = this.chartBackground.createRadialGradient(0, 0,
  +                                                  .7, this.width, this.height, 0);
  +                }
  +                this.chartBackground.sendToBack();
  +                if( g != null ) {
  +                    this.chartBackground.globalAlpha = 0;
  +                    g.addColorStop(0, 0x000000);
  +                    this.chartBackground.globalAlpha = 1;
  +                    g.addColorStop(1, s.region.color);
  +                    this.chartBackground.fillStyle = g;
  +                }
  +            } else if( s.region.image != null ) {
  +                this.chartBackground.setSource( s.region.image );
  +                //this.chartBackground.globalAlpha = s.region.opacity;
  +                // TODO::The transparency value is being applied to the entire view.
  +                // It should be applied only to the image by using globalAlpha (see commented)
  +                // line above.
  +                this.chartBackground.setAttribute( "opacity", s.region.opacity );
  +                this.chartBackground.stretchResource();
  +            } else {
  +                this.chartBackground.fillStyle = s.region.color;
  +                this.chartBackground.globalAlpha = s.region.opacity;
  +            }
  +            lOffset = 2*lOffset;
  +            this.chartBackground.beginPath();
  +            this.chartBackground.lineTo(lOffset, lOffset);
  +            this.chartBackground.lineTo(this.width-lOffset, lOffset);
  +            this.chartBackground.lineTo(this.width-lOffset, this.height-lOffset);
  +            this.chartBackground.lineTo(lOffset, this.height-lOffset);
  +            this.chartBackground.lineTo(lOffset, lOffset);
  +            this.chartBackground.closePath();
  +            this.chartBackground.fill();
  +            this.chartBackground.setAttribute( "visible", true );
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- Method that renders the chart. This method is overridden by 
  +              class rectangularchart. The class piechart uses it as is. -->
  +        <method name="render">
  +            this.applyBGStyle( this.style.chartbgstyle );
  +            this.renderPlotArea();
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="createLabelViewspool">
  +            return new viewspool(this, {parentview:this.plotarea, viewclass:'datalabel'})
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keyword private -->
  +        <method name="renderPlotArea">
  +            this.adjustPlotAreaToLayout();
  +            this.plotareabackground.clear();
  +            this.plotareabackground.setAttribute( "x", this.plotarea.x );
  +            this.plotareabackground.setAttribute( "y", this.plotarea.y );
  +            this.plotareabackground.setAttribute( "width", this.plotarea.width );
  +            this.plotareabackground.setAttribute( "height", this.plotarea.height );
  +            this.plotareabackground.lineWidth = this.style.plot.linesize;
  +            this.plotareabackground.strokeStyle = this.style.plot.linecolor;
  +            var lOffset = Math.floor(this.plotareabackground.lineWidth / 2);
  +            this.plotareabackground.beginPath();
  +            this.plotareabackground.moveTo(lOffset,lOffset);
  +            this.plotareabackground.lineTo(this.plotarea.width-lOffset, lOffset);
  +            this.plotareabackground.lineTo(this.plotarea.width-lOffset, this.plotarea.height-lOffset);
  +            this.plotareabackground.lineTo(lOffset,this.plotarea.height-lOffset);
  +            this.plotareabackground.lineTo(lOffset,lOffset);
  +            this.plotareabackground.closePath();
  +            this.plotareabackground.stroke();
  +            this.plotareabackground.setAttribute( "width", this.plotarea.width );
  +            this.plotareabackground.setAttribute( "height", this.plotarea.height );
  +            lOffset = 2*lOffset;
  +            this.plotareabackground.beginPath();
  +            this.plotareabackground.moveTo(lOffset,lOffset);
  +            this.plotareabackground.lineTo(this.plotarea.width-lOffset, lOffset);
  +            this.plotareabackground.lineTo(this.plotarea.width-lOffset, this.plotarea.height-lOffset);
  +            this.plotareabackground.lineTo(lOffset,this.plotarea.height-lOffset);
  +            this.plotareabackground.lineTo(lOffset,lOffset);
  +            this.plotareabackground.closePath();
  +            this.plotareabackground.lineWidth = this.style.plot.linesize;
  +            this.plotareabackground.strokeStyle = this.style.plot.linecolor;
  +            this.plotareabackground.fillStyle = this.style.plot.fillcolor;
  +            this.plotareabackground.globalAlpha = this.style.plot.opacity;
  +            this.plotareabackground.stroke();
  +            this.plotareabackground.fill();
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- @keywords private
  +         rerender a chart when new data come in -->
  +        <method name="dataload">
  +            //FIX ME!!(peter, 6/27/2005) not sure why this.style.plot.parent != this.style
  +            //clear cached to reapply all style
  +            this.style.plot.parent.markChange();
  +            this.render();
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- return an array of subnodes with the class name
  +              @param string className: name of the class -->
  +        <method name="getNodesOfClass" args="className">
  +        <![CDATA[            
  +            var objs = [];                       
  +            for (var i = 0; i < this.subnodes.length; i++)
  +            {
  +                if(this.subnodes[i].classname == className)
  +                {
  +                    objs.push(this.subnodes[i]);
  +                }               
  +            }
  +            return objs;
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- return a subnode with the class name
  +              @param string className: name of the class -->
  +        <method name="getNodeOfClass" args="className">
  +        <![CDATA[            
  +            var objs = [];                       
  +            for (var i = this.subnodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  +            {
  +                if(this.subnodes[i].classname == className)
  +                {
  +                    return this.subnodes[i];
  +                }               
  +            }
  +            return null;
  +        ]]>
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- get the dataseries -->
  +        <method name="getDataSeries">
  +            return this.getNodeOfClass("dataseries");           
  +        </method>
  +        <!--- Adjust the plot area to the dimensions of the chart and other 
  +              components -->
  +        <method name="adjustPlotAreaToLayout">
  +            // Adjust the plot area to the chart area.
  +            if( this.plotarea != null ) {
  +                var lWidth;
  +                var lHeight;
  +                var lX;
  +                var lY;
  +                lX = this.leftMargin;
  +                lY = this.topMargin;
  +                lWidth = this.width - (this.leftMargin + this.rightMargin);
  +                lHeight = this.height - (this.topMargin + this.bottomMargin);
  +                this.plotarea.setAttribute( "width", lWidth );
  +                this.plotarea.setAttribute( "height", lHeight );
  +                this.plotarea.setAttribute( "x", lX );
  +                this.plotarea.setAttribute( "y", lY );
  +            }
  +        </method>
  +        <!-- dummy view to determine of all child views have finished init -->
  +        <view visible="false" initstage="late">
  +            <method name="init">
  +                parent.setAttribute("initdone", true);
  +            </method>
  +            <view/>
  +        </view>
  +        <method event="oninitdone">
  +//HACK begin
  +            //Debug.write("initdone: " + this.initdone);
  +// HACK end
  +        </method>
  +    </class>
  +* Copyright 2001-2005 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              
  +* Use is subject to license terms.                                            
  +****************************************************** -->
  +<!-- @LZX_VERSION@                                                       
  +   -->
    +171 -0    jboss-profiler/java/webapp/lps/components/charts/common/Attic/verticalaxis.lzx
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: verticalaxis.lzx
  RCS file: verticalaxis.lzx
  diff -N verticalaxis.lzx
  --- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
  +++ verticalaxis.lzx	26 Oct 2006 09:00:55 -0000
  @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
  +    <include href="../styles/strokestyle.lzx"/>
  +    <include href="../common/label.lzx"/>
  +    <include href="axis.lzx"/>
  +<!-- Begin Vertical Axis Class -->
  +<!--- Represents the Y axis on the rectangular chart, extends from Axis class  -->
  +    <class name="verticalaxis" extends="axis">
  +    <!--- @keyword private-->
  +    <attribute name="datacolumn" type="string" value="y" />
  +    <!--- Init
  +        @keyword private
  +        -->
  +    <method name="init">    
  +            this.setWidth(objStroke.strokeWidth);
  +            super.init();
  +    </method>    
  +    <!--- Render the vertical axis line
  +        @keyword private 
  +        -->   
  +    <method name="renderAxis"> 
  +    <![CDATA[     
  +        this.minimumRender = parent.miny;
  +        this.maximumRender = parent.maxy;
  +        objStroke.renderStroke(0, 0, 0, this.height);
  +    ]]>
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- Render axis title 
  +        @keyword private
  +        -->   
  +    <method name="renderTitle">
  +    <![CDATA[
  +     if ( this.titleX == null && this.titleY == null ){
  +            switch( titleLocation ) {
  +                case "high":                    
  +                    this.titleView.setX((this.width + this.style.tickmajor.length)+titleGap);
  +                    this.titleView.setY((this.height)/2);
  +                    break;
  +                case "low":
  +                    this.titleView.setX(-(this.width + this.tickMarksView.width)- titleGap - titleView.width);
  +                    this.titleView.setY((this.height)/2);
  +                    if ( this.titleView.embeddedFont(style.label.fontname) ){
  +                        if ( style.label.fontangle > 20 &&  style.label.fontangle < 45)
  +                            this.titleView.setX(this.titleView.x + this.titleView.width/4);
  +                        else if ( (style.label.fontangle > 45 &&  style.label.fontangle < 90) || (style.label.fontangle > 220 &&  style.label.fontangle <= 270))
  +                            this.titleView.setX(this.titleView.x + this.titleView.width/2);
  +                        else if ( style.label.fontangle >= 90 &&  style.label.fontangle < 220)
  +                            this.titleView.setX(this.titleView.x + this.titleView.width);
  +                    }
  +                    break;
  +// HACK begin
  +                default:
  +                    var cWidth = _mapWidth(this.titleView.width, this.titleView.height, style.label.fontangle);
  +                    var cHeight = _mapHeight(this.titleView.width, this.titleView.height, style.label.fontangle);
  +                    this.titleView.setX(-tickMarksView.width-cWidth);
  +                    this.titleView.setY(this.height/2-cHeight/2);
  +                    //this.titleView.setX(- (this.titleView.width/2));
  +                    //this.titleView.setY( - this.titleGap - this.titleView.height);
  +                    break;
  +// HACK end
  +            }
  +        } else {
  +            this.titleView.setX(this.titleX);
  +            this.titleView.setY(this.titleY);
  +        }
  +            ]]>
  +    </method>
  +<!-- HACK begin -->
  +    <method name="_mapWidth" args="width,height,rotation">
  +      return Math.abs(width*_floor(Math.cos(rotation/180*Math.PI))+
  +                      height*_floor(Math.sin(rotation/180*Math.PI)));
  +    </method>
  +    <method name="_mapHeight" args="width,height,rotation">
  +      return Math.abs(width*_floor(Math.sin(rotation/180*Math.PI))+
  +                      height*_floor(Math.cos(rotation/180*Math.PI)));
  +    </method>
  +    <method name="_floor" args="value">
  +      return Math.floor(value*1000)/1000;
  +    </method>
  +<!-- HACK end -->
  +    <!--- setter for scale and offset 
  +        @keyword private
  +    -->   
  +    <method name="setScaleAndOffset">
  +        <![CDATA[                       
  +        this.scale = this.height / (this.maximum - this.minimum);
  +        this.offset = - this.minimum * this.scale;    
  +        //flip y                    
  +        this.offset = this.height - this.offset;
  +        this.scale = - this.scale;                                             
  +        ]]>
  +    </method>
  +    <!---  Method to return a pixel position given graph data
  +        @param Number pInput: for linear charts a graphicable data.
  +        @keyword private
  +        -->
  +    <method name="getPixelDistance" args="pInput">
  +    <![CDATA[
  +        //FIXME : Find out why the current pixel rate is not accurate
  +        return ((pInput - this.minimumRender) * (this.height/(this.maximumRender - this.minimumRender)));
  +    ]]>
  +    </method> 
  +    <!--- Get the length of the axis.
  +         @keyword private
  +        -->
  +    <method name="getAxisLength">
  +    <![CDATA[
  +        return this.height;
  +    ]]>        
  +    </method>
  +    <!---  Check label location and change placement to avoid labels
  +            overlaping
  +            @keywords private -->
  +    <method name="reposLabels" args="pMarks"></method>
  +    <!---   Render a tick mark
  +            @param Number pOffset: displacement depending on the position of the tickmark
  +            @param Number pPos: actual tickmark position along the axis
  +            @param expression pStyle: tickmark style object to use on the render
  +            @keywords private -->
  +    <method name="renderTickMark" args="pOffset,pPos,pStyle"> <![CDATA[
  +            this.beginPath();
  +            this.moveTo(- pOffset, this.height-pPos);
  +            this.lineTo(pStyle.length-pOffset , this.height-pPos);
  +            //set color
  +            this.strokeStyle = pStyle.color;
  +            this.lineWidth = pStyle.size;
  +            //complete line
  +            this.stroke();
  +        ]]>
  +    </method>
  +    <!--- Set label position
  +            @keywords private -->
  +    <method name="setLabelPos" args="pLabel,pOffset,pTW,pTH,pPos">
  +    <![CDATA[
  +        pLabel.setX(-pOffset-pTW);
  +        pLabel.setY( this.height-pPos-(pTH/2) );
  +        if ( (pLabel.getTextWidth() + this.style.tickmajor.length) >= this.tickMarksView.width )
  +            this.tickMarksView.setAttribute('width', this.style.tickmajor.length + pLabel.getTextWidth());
  +    ]]> 
  +    </method>  
  +    <!--- Render tickmarks 
  +    @keyword private  -->    
  +    <method name="renderTick"> <![CDATA[
  +            if (type.toUpperCase()=='CATEGORICAL') {
  +                renderCategoricalTick();
  +            } else if (type.toUpperCase()=='LINEAR') {
  +                renderLinearTick();
  +            }
  +       ]]> </method>
  +    </class>
  + </library>
  +<!-- End Vertical Axis Class -->
  +* Copyright 2001-2005 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              
  +* Use is subject to license terms.                                            
  +****************************************************** -->
  +<!-- @LZX_VERSION@  -->
  \ No newline at end of file

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