[jboss-cvs] cvs.forge.jboss.com Activity

forge-admin at jboss.com forge-admin at jboss.com
Mon Oct 30 01:00:28 EST 2006

Commit from rsigal (2006-10-29 02:16 EST)

JBREM-620: Added a unit tests that verifies that if http transport is not sending raw payloads, i.e., doing native Remoting communication, HTTPClientInvoker will throw Exceptions as they are generated on the serer side.

  JBossRemoting  src/tests/org/jboss/test/remoting/transport/http/errors/ErrorHTTPInvokerTestClient.java  1.5

Commit from sbryzak2 (2006-10-29 03:56 EST)

Fixed security example

  jboss-seam  examples/security/resources/WEB-INF/components.xml  1.9

Commit from sbryzak2 (2006-10-29 03:58 EST)

Set debug to false

  jboss-seam  examples/security/resources/WEB-INF/components.xml  1.10

Commit from rsigal (2006-10-29 15:24 EST)

JBREM-605:  Added unit tests, and send > 1 callback per test.

  JBossRemoting  src/tests/org/jboss/test/remoting/callback/acknowledge/CallbackAcknowledgeTestCase.java  1.2

Commit from rsigal (2006-10-29 15:28 EST)

JBREM-621:  New unit tests that verify that http transport works with both raw and non-raw communication.

+ JBossRemoting  src/tests/org/jboss/test/remoting/transport/http/raw/HTTPInvokerTestClient.java  1.1
+ JBossRemoting  src/tests/org/jboss/test/remoting/transport/http/raw/HTTPInvokerTestCase.java    1.1

Commit from rsigal (2006-10-29 15:29 EST)

JBREM-621:  Added test for whether incoming payload is wrapped in an InvocationRequest.

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/coyote/CoyoteInvoker.java  1.22

Commit from rsigal (2006-10-29 15:40 EST)

JBREM-620:  Will throw original server side exception if wrapped in an InvocationResponse.

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/http/HTTPClientInvoker.java  1.31

Commit from rsigal (2006-10-29 15:43 EST)

JBREM-619:  In run(), put ServerSocketRefresh thread interrupt in a finally clause.

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/MultiplexServerInvoker.java  1.59

Commit from chiba (2006-10-29 18:33 EST)

StackMapTable support (not complete)

  javassist  src/main/javassist/util/proxy/ProxyFactory.java  1.16
+ javassist  src/main/javassist/bytecode/StackMapTable.java   1.1
  javassist  src/main/javassist/bytecode/AttributeInfo.java   1.14

Commit from bstansberry (2006-10-29 22:53 EST)

[JBCACHE-824] Cleanup determination of coordinator

  JBossCache  src/org/jboss/cache/TreeCache.java  1.259

Commit from bstansberry (2006-10-29 23:32 EST)

[JBCACHE-825] Don't passivate if node is not in memory

  JBossCache  src/org/jboss/cache/interceptors/PassivationInterceptor.java  1.30

Commit from bstansberry on branch Branch_JBossCache_1_4_0 (2006-10-29 23:40 EST)

[JBCACHE-825] Don't passivate if node is not in memory

  JBossCache  src/org/jboss/cache/interceptors/PassivationInterceptor.java
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