[jboss-cvs] JBossCache/tests/functional/org/jboss/cache/notifications ...

Ben Wang bwang at jboss.com
Mon Oct 30 03:10:06 EST 2006

  User: bwang   
  Date: 06/10/30 03:10:06

  Added:       tests/functional/org/jboss/cache/notifications 
  Test remote node event notification as the origination is remote.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1      date: 2006/10/30 08:10:06;  author: bwang;  state: Exp;JBossCache/tests/functional/org/jboss/cache/notifications/RemoteCacheListenerTest.java
  Index: RemoteCacheListenerTest.java
   * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
   * Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
   * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
   * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
   * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
   * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
   * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   * Lesser General Public License for more details.
   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
   * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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  package org.jboss.cache.notifications;
  import junit.framework.TestCase;
  import org.jboss.cache.Cache;
  import org.jboss.cache.Fqn;
  import org.jboss.cache.Node;
  import org.jboss.cache.AbstractCacheListener;
  import org.jboss.cache.factories.DefaultCacheFactory;
  import org.jboss.cache.lock.IsolationLevel;
  import org.jboss.cache.config.Configuration;
  import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
  import javax.transaction.Transaction;
  import java.util.Collections;
  import java.util.Map;
  import java.util.HashMap;
  import java.util.List;
  import java.util.ArrayList;
   * Remote conterpart of CacheListenerTest. Main difference is event is originating as local.
   * @author Ben Wang
   * @since 2.0.0
  public class RemoteCacheListenerTest extends TestCase
     protected boolean optLocking = false;
     public RemoteCacheListenerTest(String s)
     private Cache cache, cache1;
     private TransactionManager tm;
     private EventLog eventLog = new EventLog();
     private Fqn fqn = Fqn.fromString("/test");
     protected void setUp() throws Exception
        Configuration c = new Configuration();
        if (optLocking) c.setNodeLockingScheme(Configuration.NodeLockingScheme.OPTIMISTIC);
        cache = new DefaultCacheFactory().createCache(c);
        cache1 = new DefaultCacheFactory().createCache(c);
        tm = cache1.getTransactionManager();
     protected void tearDown() throws Exception
        Transaction t = tm.getTransaction();
        if (t != null) t.rollback();
     // simple tests first
     public void testCreation() throws Exception
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        cache.put(fqn, "key", "value");
        Map data = new HashMap();
        data.put("key", "value");
        List<Event> expected = new ArrayList<Event>();
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_CREATED, fqn, true, false, null));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_CREATED, fqn, false, false, null));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, true, false, Collections.emptyMap()));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, false, false, data));
        assertEquals(expected, eventLog.events);
        assertEquals("value", cache.get(fqn, "key"));
     public void testOnlyModification() throws Exception
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        cache.put(fqn, "key", "value");
        Map oldData = new HashMap();
        oldData.put("key", "value");
        // clear event log
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        // modify existing node
        cache.put(fqn, "key", "value2");
        Map newData = new HashMap();
        newData.put("key", "value2");
        List<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event> expected = new ArrayList<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event>();
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, true, false, oldData));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, false, false, newData));
        assertEquals(expected, eventLog.events);
     public void testOnlyRemoval() throws Exception
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        cache.put(fqn, "key", "value");
        Map oldData = new HashMap();
        oldData.put("key", "value");
        assertEquals("value", cache.get(fqn, "key"));
        // clear event log
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        // modify existing node
        List<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event> expected = new ArrayList<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event>();
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_REMOVED, fqn, true, false, oldData));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_REMOVED, fqn, false, false, null));
        assertEquals(expected, eventLog.events);
        // test that the node has in fact been removed.
        assertNull("Should be null", cache.getChild(fqn));
     public void testRemoveData() throws Exception
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        cache.put(fqn, "key", "value");
        cache.put(fqn, "key2", "value2");
        Map oldData = new HashMap();
        oldData.put("key", "value");
        oldData.put("key2", "value2");
        // clear event log
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        // modify existing node
        cache.remove(fqn, "key2");
        Map newData = new HashMap();
        newData.put("key", "value");
        List<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event> expected = new ArrayList<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event>();
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, true, false, oldData));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, false, false, newData));
        assertEquals(expected, eventLog.events);
     public void testPutMap() throws Exception
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        Map oldData = new HashMap();
        oldData.put("key", "value");
        oldData.put("key2", "value2");
        // clear event log
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        // modify existing node
        cache.put(fqn, oldData);
        List<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event> expected = new ArrayList<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event>();
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_CREATED, fqn, true, false, null));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_CREATED, fqn, false, false, null));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, true, false, Collections.emptyMap()));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, false, false, oldData));
        assertEquals(expected, eventLog.events);
     public void testMove()
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        Fqn newParent = Fqn.fromString("/a");
        cache.put(fqn, "key", "value");
        cache.put(newParent, "key", "value");
        Node n1 = cache.getChild(fqn);
        Node n2 = cache.getChild(newParent);
        eventLog.events.clear(); // clear events
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        Fqn newFqn = new Fqn(newParent, fqn.getLast());
        List<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event> expected = new ArrayList<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event>();
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, true, false, null));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, newFqn, true, false, null));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, false, false, null));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, newFqn, false, false, null));
     // -- now the transactional ones
     // TODO: Reinstate these once we have a proper plan for dealing with transactions and notifications.
     public void testTxCreationCommit() throws Exception
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        cache.put(fqn, "key", "value");
  //      assertEquals("Events log should be empty until commit time", 0, eventLog.events.size());
        Map data = new HashMap();
        data.put("key", "value");
        List<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event> expected = new ArrayList<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event>();
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_CREATED, fqn, true, false, null));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_CREATED, fqn, false, false, null));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, true, false, Collections.emptyMap()));
        expected.add(new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, false, false, data));
        assertEquals(expected, eventLog.events);
        assertEquals("value", cache.get(fqn, "key"));
     public void testTxCreationRollback() throws Exception
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        cache.put(fqn, "key", "value");
        assertEquals("Events log should be empty until commit time", 0, eventLog.events.size());
        assertEquals("Events log should be empty until commit time", 0, eventLog.events.size());
     public void testTxOnlyModification() throws Exception
        fail("implement me");
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        cache.put(fqn, "key", "value");
        Map oldData = new HashMap();
        oldData.put("key", "value");
        // clear event log
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        // modify existing node
        cache.put(fqn, "key", "value2");
        Map newData = new HashMap();
        newData.put("key", "value2");
        List<Event> expected = new ArrayList<Event>();
        expected.add(new Event(ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, true, true, oldData));
        expected.add(new Event(ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, false, true, newData));
        assertEquals(expected, eventLog.events);
     public void testTxOnlyRemoval() throws Exception
        fail("implement me");
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        cache.put(fqn, "key", "value");
        Map oldData = new HashMap();
        oldData.put("key", "value");
        assertEquals("value", cache.get(fqn, "key"));
        // clear event log
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        // modify existing node
        List<Event> expected = new ArrayList<Event>();
        expected.add(new Event(ListenerMethod.NODE_REMOVED, fqn, true, true, oldData));
        expected.add(new Event(ListenerMethod.NODE_REMOVED, fqn, false, true, null));
        assertEquals(expected, eventLog.events);
        // test that the node has in fact been removed.
        assertNull("Should be null", cache.getChild(fqn));
     public void testTxRemoveData() throws Exception
        fail("implement me");
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        cache.put(fqn, "key", "value");
        cache.put(fqn, "key2", "value2");
        Map oldData = new HashMap();
        oldData.put("key", "value");
        oldData.put("key2", "value2");
        // clear event log
        assertEquals("Event log should be empty", Collections.emptyList(), eventLog.events);
        // modify existing node
        cache.remove(fqn, "key2");
        Map newData = new HashMap();
        newData.put("key", "value");
        List<Event> expected = new ArrayList<Event>();
        expected.add(new Event(ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, true, true, oldData));
        expected.add(new Event(ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, false, true, newData));
        assertEquals(expected, eventLog.events);
     public void testTxMove()
        fail("implement me");
     // ============= supporting classes and enums =======================
     public static class EventLog extends AbstractCacheListener
        public final List<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event> events = new ArrayList<RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event>();
        public void nodeCreated(Fqn fqn, boolean pre, boolean isLocal)
           RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event e = new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_CREATED, fqn, pre, isLocal, null);
        public void nodeRemoved(Fqn fqn, boolean pre, boolean isLocal, Map data)
           RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event e = new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_REMOVED, fqn, pre, isLocal, data);
        public void nodeModified(Fqn fqn, boolean pre, boolean isLocal, Map data)
           RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event e = new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MODIFIED, fqn, pre, isLocal, data);
        public void nodeVisited(Fqn fqn, boolean pre)
           RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event e = new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_VISITED, fqn, pre, false, null);
        public void nodeMoved(Fqn from, Fqn to, boolean pre)
           RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event e = new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MOVED, from, pre, false, null);
           e = new RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod.NODE_MOVED, to, pre, false, null);
        public String toString()
           return "EventLog{" +
                   "events=" + events +
     public static class Event
        RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod methodName;
        Fqn fqn;
        boolean pre;
        boolean local;
        Map data;
        public Event(RemoteCacheListenerTest.ListenerMethod methodName, Fqn fqn, boolean pre, boolean local, Map data)
           this.methodName = methodName;
           this.fqn = fqn;
           this.pre = pre;
           this.local = local;
           this.data = data;
        public String toString()
           return "Event{" +
                   "methodName=" + methodName +
                   ", fqn=" + fqn +
                   ", pre=" + pre +
                   ", local=" + local +
                   ", data=" + data +
        public boolean equals(Object o)
           if (this == o) return true;
           if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
           final RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event event = (RemoteCacheListenerTest.Event) o;
           if (local != event.local) return false;
           if (pre != event.pre) return false;
           if (data != null ? !data.equals(event.data) : event.data != null) return false;
           if (fqn != null ? !fqn.equals(event.fqn) : event.fqn != null) return false;
           if (methodName != event.methodName) return false;
           return true;
        public int hashCode()
           int result;
           result = (methodName != null ? methodName.hashCode() : 0);
           result = 29 * result + (fqn != null ? fqn.hashCode() : 0);
           result = 29 * result + (pre ? 1 : 0);
           result = 29 * result + (local ? 1 : 0);
           result = 29 * result + (data != null ? data.hashCode() : 0);
           return result;
     public enum ListenerMethod

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