[jboss-cvs] JBossCache/docs/tutorial-pojo/en ...

Ben Wang bwang at jboss.com
Wed Sep 27 04:03:33 EDT 2006

  User: bwang   
  Date: 06/09/27 04:03:33

  Added:       docs/tutorial-pojo/en  master.xml
  Separated PojoCache tutorial from Cache one.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1      date: 2006/09/27 08:03:33;  author: bwang;  state: Exp;JBossCache/docs/tutorial-pojo/en/master.xml
  Index: master.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <article lang="en">
      <title>PojoCache Tutorial</title>
  <releaseinfo>Release 2.0</releaseinfo>
      <pubdate>October 2006</pubdate>
         <email>ben.wang at jboss.com</email>
       <para>JBoss Cache is an in-memory replicated (synchronous or
       asynchronous), transactional, and fine-grained cache. It consists of two subsystems:
          Cache (generic cache) and PojoCache (object-oriented POJO cache).
          In this tutorial, we will demonstrate the usage of PojoCache feature.
          For details of the usage and APIs, please
       refer to the user manuals for <ulink
       url="http://labs.jboss.org/portal/jbosscache/docs/index.html">PojoCache</ulink>. There is a separate
       tutorial on Cache.</para>
          <para>PojoCache creation and modification</para>
           <para>Cache loader</para>
      <para>First download the standalone JBoss Cache code from <ulink
      You will <literal>jboss-cache-pojo-xxx.zip</literal>. Unzip it, and you will get a
         root directory (jboss-cache in our
      <para>The configuration files are located under the etc directory. You can
      modify the behavior of the underyling Cache through editing the various configuration
          <para><literal>log4j.xml</literal>. Logging output. You can turn on logging level or
          change log file directory (default is
          <para><literal>replSync-service.xml</literal>. Cache configuration file (file name
          is not fixed. You specify the file to be read in in
          <literal>Configuration</literal>). This settings are for a
          replicated, synchronous, and transactional cache. The default
          DummyTransactionManager is used with a transaction isolation level of
          REPEATABLE_READ. For details of the configuration parameters, please
          refer to the <ulink url="http://www.jboss.org/products/jbosscache/docs">Cache</ulink>. Note that
          this file is used in the BSH (<ulink
          url="http://www.beanshell.org/">BeanShell</ulink>, a lightweight Java
          compatible scripting language) script to configure the cache.</para>
          <para><literal>pojocache-aop.xml</literal>. PojoCache configuration file that contains definition for the
          example POJO classes, Person and Address, respectively. For details of
          how to put your own class under AOP, please refer to the <ulink
          url="http://www.jboss.org/products/jbosscache/docs">PojoCache</ulink>. This file is read in
          when the process is started.</para>
      <para>The script files that are needed (located under install directory)
      in this tutorial are:</para>
          <para><literal>build.sh</literal> (or <literal>build.bat</literal> for DOS/Windows).
             Simple build script that wraps
          around ant. Users can simply type <literal>sh build.sh</literal> for
          help. Note from now on, we will only refer to the Unix version with
          the understanding that there is a corresponding DOS counterpart. The
          same goes for runDemoShell explained next.</para>
          <para><literal>runDemoShell.sh</literal>. Simple run script that wraps around BeanShell.
          This is used to operate the replicated cache through interactive
          command line.</para>
          <para><literal>pojocache.bsh</literal>. Java codes that instantiate and configure the aop
          cache. In addition, it also sets up the example POJO (plaing old Java
          object) classes (e.g., Person and Address).</para>
          <para><literal>pojocacheWithTx.bsh</literal>. Same with aop.bsh except it also instantiates a
          transaction context.</para>
      <title>Example POJO</title>
      <para>The example POJO classes used for PojoCache demo are:
      <literal>Person</literal> and <literal>Address</literal>. They are located
      under <literal>tests/org/jboss/cache/pojo</literal>
      directory. <literal>Person</literal> has attributes of <literal>String
      age, Address addr, List languages</literal>, etc. We will demonstrate that
      once you put the POJO instance in the cache, plain get/set POJO methods
      will be intercepted by the cache.</para>
      <para>Here is the snippet of the class definition for
      <literal>Person</literal> and <literal>Address</literal> plus the PojoCache annotation.</para>
  public class Person {
     String name=null;
     int age=0;
     Map hobbies=null;
     Address address=null;
     Set skills;
     List languages;
     public String getName() { return name; }
     public void setName(String name) { this.name=name; }
  public class Address {
     String street=null;
     String city=null;
     int zip=0;
     public String getStreet() { return street; }
     public void setStreet(String street) { this.street=street; }
      <para>To run the demo, you will need at least two windows: one to peruse
      the cache contents and the other to operate the
      cache directly. Of course, you can also open more than one GUI window to
      see the cache replication at work to multiple members. You will also need
      to run the scripts under jboss-cache installation directory after you
      unzip the release package (jboss-cache-pojo-dist.zip). Due to the limitation of the
       GUI, please note that:</para>
         <listitem>For each
      demo example, it'd be best if you re-start the whole setup.</listitem>
         <listitem>While you can modify the cache content on the GUI window and it will show up on the BSH cache
         content, this won't work on PojoCache demo.
         That is, you can only modify the cache content on the BSH window.</listitem>
      <para>The two demo programs to run are:</para>
          <para>On the first window for the GUI, type <literal>sh
          build.sh</literal> to see the available commands. To run the GUI, type
          <literal>sh build.sh run.demo</literal>. It will startup a
          PojoCache GUI. Later on, you can click on a node to view the the
          contents. Note that you can also add/modify the node contents for
          non-AOP cache entries. Since the GUI entry only accepts String for
          now, operation on aop cache from the GUI will not always work (unless
          it is a String type).</para>
          <para>On the second window for the interactive Java commands, type sh
          runShellDemo.sh to fire off the BeanShell interactive command shell
          (you can use either ^D or ^Z in Windows and Unix to exit afterward).
          You can then read in the Java code scripts to showcase the cache
          capabilities (e.g., pojocache.bsh, and pojocacheWithTx.bsh). See the
          following for details.</para>
      <para>Once you are in the shell, type
      <literal>sourceRelative("pojocache.bsh");</literal> to execute the shell script.
      Basically, pojocache.bsh illustrates the steps to instantiate a cache, configure
      it, and then create entries under it. Here are the snippets:</para>
  import org.jboss.cache.pojo.PojoCacheFactory;
  import org.jboss.cache.pojo.PojoCache;
  import org.jboss.cache.pojo.test.*;
  show();  // verbose mode
  String configFile = "META-INF/replSync-service.xml";
  boolean toStart = false;
  cache = PojoCacheFactory.createInstance(configFile, toStart);
  joe = new Person();
  joe.setName("Joe Black");
  addr = new Address();
  addr.setStreet("123 Albert Ave");
  cache.start();  // kick start cache
  cache.attach("pojo/joe", joe); // add pojocache sanctioned object
  // since it is pojocache-sanctioned, use of plain get/set methods will take care of cache content automatically.
      <para>Note the API needed to put the object (and its dependent ones) into
      cache is attach. Once the second window finishes execution, you should
      see the first GUI window has been populated with entries of
      joe/address. Click on each tree node will display different values
      associated with that node.</para>
       <para>Like we have explained in the reference documentation, PojoCache uses physical "flat-space" mapping
       strategy. As a result, you don't see the sub-POJO stored directly under the user-specified node. Instead,
       a <literal>PojoReference</literal> is stored there (Figure 1). You can follow the internal reference and
       click on there to inspect the fields there (Figure 2).</para>
      <para>For example, to see PojoCache in action, you can do plain get/set methods
      without ever worrying about put it in the cache. For example, you can do
      in the shell window joe.getAddress().setCity("Taipei"); and see that GUI gets updated with the
      age field automatically (if not, click away and back will refresh the GUI content. See Figure 3.)</para>
          <title>Gui demo: Joe reference</title>
                <imagedata fileref="images/demoJoe.png"/>
          <title>Gui demo: Address reference</title>
                <imagedata fileref="images/demoAddressInternal.png"/>
          <title>Gui demo: Address</title>
                <imagedata fileref="images/demoAddress.png"/>
      <para>Finally, PojoCache also supports get/set with parameter type of
      Collection classes (i.e., List, Map, and Set). For example, type the
      following in the shell command line:</para>
      <programlisting>ArrayList lang = new ArrayList();
      <title>PojoCache with Transaction</title>
      <para>To see PojoCache transaction at work, you start with the same setup
      with last section except you load the bsh of pojocacheWithTx.bsh (instead of
      pojocache.bsh). The additional snippets are:</para>
  import org.jboss.cache.pojo.PojoCache;
  import org.jboss.cache.pojo.PojoCacheFactory;
  import org.jboss.cache.pojo.test.*;
  import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;
  import javax.naming.*;
  import org.jboss.cache.transaction.DummyTransactionManager;
  show();  // verbose mode
  // Set up transaction manager
  prop = new Properties();
  tx = (UserTransaction)new InitialContext(prop).lookup("UserTransaction");
  String configFile = "META-INF/replSync-service.xml";
  boolean toStart = false;
  cache = PojoCacheFactory.createInstance(configFile, toStart);
  joe = new Person();
  joe.setName("Joe Black");
  addr = new Address();
  addr.setStreet("123 Albert Ave");
  cache.start();  // kick start tree cache
  cache.attach("pojo/joe", joe); // add pojocache sanctioned object
  // since it is pojocache-sanctioned, use of plain get/set methods will take care of cache content automatically.
  // This is also transacted.
      <para>Note that, in this example, a default dummy transaction manager is used. You can also try out in the
      Beanshell window as follows:</para>

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