[jboss-cvs] jboss-seam/trinidad/examples/seamdiscs/view ...

Peter Muir peter at bleepbleep.org.uk
Sun Apr 15 20:28:06 EDT 2007

  User: pmuir   
  Date: 07/04/15 20:28:06

  Modified:    trinidad/examples/seamdiscs/view  home.xhtml
  Help modalPanel's for seamdiscs
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +3 -34     jboss-seam/trinidad/examples/seamdiscs/view/home.xhtml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: home.xhtml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam/trinidad/examples/seamdiscs/view/home.xhtml,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -b -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- home.xhtml	15 Apr 2007 17:45:41 -0000	1.1
  +++ home.xhtml	16 Apr 2007 00:28:06 -0000	1.2
  @@ -24,45 +24,14 @@
       		<h:outputText value="JBoss RichFaces" />
       		<h:outputText value="JBoss Ajax4jsf" />
       		<h:outputText value="EJB3/JPA" />
  +    		<h:outputText value="Facelets" />
  -    	<p>It also uses "in place" editing - you use the same screens 
  -    	to view and edit (if you are logged in) information.</p>
  +    	<p>Use the links at the bottom of the screen to learn more about
  +    	the techniques used in creating this application.</p>
       	<p>You can log in as <code>administrator</code>/<code>administrator</code>.</p>
  -    <rich:modalPanel>
  -    	<p>This example was built using seam-gen.  To add in Trinidad, the trinidad-api jar was added to 
  -    	the ear (and referenced from application.xml) and the trinidad-impl jar, <code>jboss-seam-trinidad.jar</code> (Seam-Trinidad
  -    	integration) &amp; <code>a4j-trinidad.jar</code> (Ajax4jsf-Trinidad integration) were added to <code>WEB-INF/lib</code>.</p>
  -    	<p><code>jboss-seam-trinidad.jar</code> provides an improved DataModel for Trinidad components such as <code>&lt;tr:table /&gt;</code>, 
  -    	<code>&lt;tr:treeTable /&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;tr:tree /&gt;</code> that, when backed by a Seam Application Framework EntityQuery,
  -    	uses the database to sort and page.</p>
  -    	<p>Of course Trinidad and RichFaces offer some complementary components (e.g. tables, trees) - it's up to you which you choose!</p>
  -    </rich:modalPanel>
  -    <rich:modalPanel>
  -    	<p>Trinidad and Ajax4jsf both provide partial page refresh and submit.  For Trinidad PPR to work, it needs to be surrounded by a component
  -    	which enables PPR.  As the example doesn't use Trinidad to render the whole page (just sections), the <code>&lt;tr:panelPartialRoot /&gt;</code>
  -    	surrounds any Trinidad components which we want PPR to work on.</p>
  -    </rich:modalPanel>
  -    <rich:modalPanel>
  -    	<p>The example also shows how you can use Trinidad components to achieve "in-place" editing - the same views are used to display and edit
  -    	informtation.  A casual visitor to the site navigates around, and see's the components in <code>readOnly</code> mode;  once logged in,
  -    	these components are editable, and button's are rendered to submit information.</p>
  -    	<p>You could easily achieve the same using Seam's <code>&lt;s:decorate /&gt;</code> tag - and better yet, you get complete control over styling and placement
  -    	of labels, help text and error messages!</p>
  -    </rich:modalPanel>
  -    <rich:modalPanel>
  -    	<p>The example uses the Seam Application Framework; page parameters, <code>EntityHome</code> and <code>EntityQuery</code> are used for all CRUD
  -    	operations.  Where possible these are defined in XML, using extension only where extra functionality is needed (for example auto-suggest).</p>
  -    </rich:modalPanel>
  -    <rich:modalPanel>
  -    	<p>You'll notice that Trinidad and RichFaces components don't exactly provide a consistent look-and-feel - there are plans afoot to improve this out of the box.</p>
  -    	<p>However both Trinidad and RichFaces have powerful and mature skinning/theming APIs - so you all you need to do is write some CSS!</p>
  -    </rich:modalPanel>
   	    <f:facet name="header">All Discs</f:facet>	

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