[jboss-cvs] JBossCache/docs/tutorial/en ...

Manik Surtani manik at jboss.org
Tue Apr 17 03:45:14 EDT 2007

  User: msurtani
  Date: 07/04/17 03:45:14

  Modified:    docs/tutorial/en  master.xml
  Rewrote tutorial
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.17      +289 -374  JBossCache/docs/tutorial/en/master.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: master.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/JBossCache/docs/tutorial/en/master.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.16
  retrieving revision 1.17
  diff -u -b -r1.16 -r1.17
  --- master.xml	23 Oct 2006 17:51:38 -0000	1.16
  +++ master.xml	17 Apr 2007 07:45:14 -0000	1.17
  @@ -3,35 +3,34 @@
       <title>JBoss Cache core Cache Tutorial</title>
        <releaseinfo>Release 2.0.0</releaseinfo>
  -     <pubdate>January 2007</pubdate>
  -    <author>
  -       <firstname>Ben</firstname>
  -       <surname>Wang</surname>
  -       <email>ben.wang at jboss.com</email>
  -    </author>
  +      <pubdate>June 2007</pubdate>
  -      <firstname>Bela</firstname>
  -      <surname>Ban</surname>
  -      <email>bela at jboss.com</email>
  +         <firstname>Manik</firstname>
  +         <surname>Surtani</surname>
  +         <email>manik at jboss.org</email>
  -    <para>JBoss Cache is an in-memory replicated (synchronous or
  -    asynchronous), transactional, and fine-grained cache. It consists of two subsystems:
  -       Cache (generic cache) and PojoCache (object-oriented POJO cache).
  -       In this tutorial, we will demonstrate the usage of generic Cache feature.
  -       For details of the usage and APIs, please
  -    refer to the user manuals for <ulink
  -    url="http://labs.jboss.org/portal/jbosscache/docs/index.html">Cache</ulink>. There is a separate
  -    tutorial on PojoCache.</para>
  +      <para>
  +         JBoss Cache is an in-memory replicated, transactional, and fine-grained cache.
  +         This tutorial focuses on the core Cache API. Please refer to the accompanying tutorial
  +         for the Pojo Cache API if it is the Pojo Cache API you are interested in.
  +      </para>
  +      <para>
  +         For details of configuration, usage and APIs, please refer to the
  +         <ulink
  +               url="http://labs.jboss.org/portal/jbosscache/docs/index.html">user manuals
  +         </ulink>
  +         .
  +      </para>
  -    <title>Scope</title>
  +      <title>What You Will Learn</title>
  @@ -39,15 +38,11 @@
  -        <para>Replication</para>
  -      </listitem>
  -       <listitem>
  -         <para>Transaction</para>
  +            <para>Replication of state</para>
  -         <para>Cache loader</para>
  +            <para>Transactions</para>
  @@ -55,33 +50,41 @@
  -    <para>First download the standalone JBoss Cache (2.x) code from <ulink
  -    url="http://labs.jboss.org/portal/jbosscache/download/index.html">here</ulink>.
  -    Unzip it, and you will get a root directory (jboss-cache in our
  -    example).</para>
  -    <para>The configuration files are located under the etc directory. You can
  -    modify the behavior of Cache through editing the various configuration
  -    files.</para>
  +      <para>First download the JBoss Cache 2.x distribution from
  +         <ulink
  +               url="http://labs.jboss.org/portal/jbosscache/download/index.html">the download page
  +         </ulink>
  +         . You probably want the
  +         <literal>JBossCache-core-2.X.Y.zip</literal>
  +         distribution.
  +         Unzip it, and you will get a directory containing the distribution, such as
  +         <literal>JBossCache-core-2.X.Y</literal>
  +         .
  +         For the sake of this tutorial, I will refer to this as
  +         <literal>JBossCache</literal>
  +         .
  +      </para>
  +      <para>The configuration files are located in the
  +         <literal>JBossCache/etc</literal>
  +         directory. You can
  +         modify the behavior of the cache by editing the various configuration files.
  +      </para>
  -        <para><literal>log4j.xml</literal>. Logging output. You can turn on logging level or
  -        change log file directory (default is
  -        <literal>/tmp/jbosscache.log</literal>).</para>
  +            <para>
  +               <literal>log4j.xml</literal>
  +               . Logging output. You can enable logging, specify log levels or
  +               change the name and path to the log file.
  +            </para>
  -        <para><literal>replSync-service.xml</literal>. Cache configuration file (file name
  -        is not fixed. You specify the file to be read in the
  -        <literal>Configuration</literal>). The settings are for a
  -        replicated, synchronous, and transactional cache. The default
  -        DummyTransactionManager is used with a transaction isolation level of
  -        REPEATABLE_READ. For details of the configuration parameters, please
  -        refer to the <ulink url="http://www.jboss.org/products/jbosscache/docs">Cache</ulink>. Note that
  -        this file is used in the BSH (<ulink
  -        url="http://www.beanshell.org/">BeanShell</ulink>, a lightweight Java
  -        compatible scripting language) script to configure the cache.</para>
  +            <para>
  +               <literal>META-INF/replSync-service.xml</literal>
  +               . Cache configuration file used for this tutorial.
  +            </para>
  @@ -89,289 +92,201 @@
  -    <para>The script files that are needed (located under the installed directory)
  -    in this tutorial are:</para>
  +      <para>The only script needed for this tutorial is the
  +         <literal>JBossCache/build.xml</literal>
  +         ant script and the accompanying
  +         driver scripts (
  +         <literal>build.sh</literal>
  +         for Unix and
  +         <literal>build.bat</literal>
  +         for Windows).
  +      </para>
  +   </section>
  +   <section>
  +      <title>Running The Demo GUI</title>
  +      <para>
  +         The demo is run by calling the ant script (via the driver) with the
  +         <literal>run.demo</literal>
  +         target. E.g.,
  +      </para>
  +      <para>
  +         <literal>./build.sh run.demo</literal>
  +      </para>
  +      <para>
  +         This will cause a GUI window to appear, giving you a tree view of the cache in the top pane and a BeanShell
  +         view
  +         of the JVM in the lower pane.
  +      </para>
  +      <para>
  +         The BeanShell view is preset with the following variables:
  -        <para><literal>build.sh</literal> (or <literal>build.bat</literal> for DOS/Windows). Simple build script that wraps
  -        around ant. Users can simply type <literal>sh build.sh</literal> for
  -        help. Note from now on, we will only refer to the Unix version with
  -        the understanding that there is a corresponding DOS counterpart. The
  -        same goes for runDemoShell explained next.</para>
  -      </listitem>
  -      <listitem>
  -        <para><literal>runDemoShell.sh</literal>. Simple run script that wraps around BeanShell.
  -        This is used to operate the replicated cache through interactive
  -        command line.</para>
  +               <literal>cache</literal>
  +               - a reference to the Cache interface, used by the GUI instance.
  -         <para><literal>plain.bsh</literal>. Java code that instantiate and configure the cache.
  -         It also creates an example cache entry.</para>
  +               <literal>root</literal>
  +               - a reference to the root Node instance for the above cache.
  -         <para><literal>oodb.bsh</literal>. Java code that instantiate and configure the cache to use
  -            cache loader.</para>
  +               <literal>transactionManager</literal>
  +               - a reference to the registered transaction manager.
  +         The references made available to the BeanShell window point to the same cache instance used by the tree view in
  +         the
  +         GUI above.
  +      </para>
  +      <para>
  +         To run the demo as a replicated demo, it is useful to start another command line window and run the ant script
  +         again as you did above. Now you will have two cache instances running in two separate GUIs, replicating state
  +         to
  +         each other.
  +      </para>
  -    <title>Demo</title>
  +      <title>Tutorials</title>
  +      Note that it is recommended that you shut down and restart the demo GUI for each of the following tutorials, to
  +      ensure
  +      clean caches every time.
  +      <section>
  +         <title>Caches and Nodes</title>
  +         <para>
  +            For this tutorial, start a single instance of the demo GUI. In this tutorial, we will:
  -    <para>To run the demo, you will need at least two windows: one to peruse
  -    the cache contents and the other to operate the
  -    cache directly. Of course, you can also open more than one GUI window to
  -    see the cache replication at work to multiple members. You will also need
  -    to run the scripts under jboss-cache installation directory after you
  -    unzip the release package (jboss-cache-dist.zip). Due to the limitation of the
  -     GUI, please note that:</para>
  -       <listitem>For each
  -    demo example, it'd be best if you re-start the whole setup.</listitem>
  +               <listitem>Create nodes under the root node.</listitem>
  +               <listitem>Remove nodes under the root node, both individually and recursively.</listitem>
  +               <listitem>Add and remove data from nodes.</listitem>
  -    <para>The two demo programs to run are:</para>
  +            <orderedlist>
  +               <listitem>Set up the Fqns you need. In the BeanShell pane, create 3 Fqn variables:
  +                  <programlisting><![CDATA[
  +   childFqn1 = Fqn.fromString("/child1");
  +   childFqn2 = Fqn.fromString("/child2");
  +   childFqn3 = Fqn.fromString("/child2/child3");
  +                    ]]></programlisting>
  +               </listitem>
  -    <itemizedlist>
  -        <para>On the first window for the GUI, type <literal>sh
  -        build.sh</literal> to see the available commands. To run the GUI, type
  -        <literal>sh build.sh run.demo</literal>. It will startup a
  -        Cache GUI. Later on, you can click on a node to view the the
  -        contents. Note that you can also add/modify the node contents for
  -        generic cache entries. Since the GUI entry only accepts String for
  -        now, operation on aop cache from the GUI will not always work (unless
  -        it is a String type).</para>
  +                  Create child nodes under the root node.
  +                  <programlisting><![CDATA[
  +   child1 = root.addChild(child1);
  +   child2 = root.addChild(child2);
  +   child3 = root.addChild(child3);
  +                     ]]></programlisting>
  -        <para>On the second window for the interactive Java commands, type sh
  -        runShellDemo.sh to fire off the BeanShell interactive command shell
  -        (you can use either ^D or ^Z in Windows and Unix to exit afterward).
  -        You can then read in the Java code scripts to showcase the cache
  -        capabilities (e.g., plain.bsh). See the
  -        following for details.</para>
  +                  Query the nodes
  +                  <programlisting><![CDATA[
  +   root.hasChild(child1); // should return true
  +   child2.hasChild(childFqn3.getLastElement()); // should return true
  +   child3.getParent(); // should return child2
  +   child2.getParent(); // should return root
  +                 ]]></programlisting>
  -    </itemizedlist>
  -  </section>
  -  <section>
  -    <title>Plain cache</title>
  -    <para>Once you are in the shell, you can either execute the script to
  -    populate the cache, or type it in manually by command line. To run the
  -    script, type <literal>sourceRelative("plain.bsh");</literal> under the
  -    interactive BSH shell. For this to work, you'll need to have your working
  -    directory set to the directory in which plain.bsh resides (otherwise give
  -    the full pathname of plain.bsh). Basically, the script will create cache
  -    entries that will be replicated onto the GUI. (You may have to type show() into
  -    the resulting beanshell window yourself)
  -    Here are the snippets for
  -    the script:</para>
  -    <programlisting>import org.jboss.cache.*;
  -show(); // verbose mode for bean shell
  -// This will start the cache automatically
  -Cache cache = new DefaultCacheFactory().createCache("META-INF/replSync-service.xml");
  -cache.put(Fqn.fromString("/a/b/c"), "key1", "val1");
  -// Node "/a/b/c" will be created if not yet existed.</programlisting>
  -    <para>You should see in the GUI that a new entry of
  -    <literal>/a/b/c</literal> has been created. Click on the node c to see the
  -    content. You can modify the contents from the GUI as well. To create
  -    another node, for example, you can type in the shell:</para>
  +               <listitem>
  +                  Put some data in the nodes.
  +                  <programlisting><![CDATA[
  -    <programlisting>tree.put(Fqn.fromString("/a/b/c/d"), "JBoss", "Open Source");
  -tree.get(Fqn.fromString("/a/b/c/d"), "JBoss");</programlisting>
  -  </section>
  +   child1.put("key1", "value1");
  +   child1.put("key2", "value2");
  +   child2.put("key3", "value3");
  +   child2.put("key4", "value4");
  +   child3.put("key5", "value5");
  +   child3.put("key6", "value6");
  -  <section>
  -    <title>CacheLoader examples</title>
  +                 ]]></programlisting>
  -    <para>All the examples below are based on the JBossCache standalone
  -    distribution. We assume the ZIP file has been unzipped into a directory
  -    <literal>jboss-cache</literal>.</para>
  +                  By selecting the nodes in the tree view, you should see the contents of each node.
  +               </listitem>
  -    <section>
  -      <title>Replicated cache with shared datastore</title>
  +               <listitem>
  +                  Query some of the data.
  -      <para>The scenario that we'll run in this example is described in the
  -      documentation for JBossCache. It consists of 2 separate nodes that
  -      replicate their contents between each other. In addition, they both
  -      point to the <emphasis>same</emphasis> datastore. The configuration is
  -      in file
  -      <literal>jboss-cache/output/etc/META-INF/replAsyncSharedCacheLoader-service.xml</literal>:</para>
  -      <programlisting>&lt;!-- Whether or not to fetch state on joining a cluster --&gt;
  -&lt;attribute name="FetchStateOnStartup"&gt;false&lt;/attribute&gt;
  -&lt;attribute name="CacheLoaderClass"&gt;org.jboss.cache.loader.FileCacheLoader&lt;/attribute&gt;
  -&lt;attribute name="CacheLoaderConfig"&gt;
  -    location=c:\\tmp
  -&lt;attribute name="CacheLoaderShared"&gt;true&lt;/attribute&gt;
  -&lt;attribute name="CacheLoaderPreload"&gt;/&lt;/attribute&gt;
  -&lt;attribute name="CacheLoaderFetchTransientState"&gt;false&lt;/attribute&gt;
  -&lt;attribute name="CacheLoaderFetchPersistentState"&gt;true&lt;/attribute&gt;</programlisting>
  -      <para>The <literal>FetchStateOnStartup</literal> attribute set to
  -      <literal>false</literal> means that a newly started cache will
  -      <emphasis>not</emphasis> attempt to fetch the state (neither transient
  -      nor persistent). Therefore, attributes
  -      <literal>CacheLoaderFetchTransientState</literal> and
  -      <literal>CacheLoaderFetchPersistentState</literal> will be ignored.
  -      <literal>CacheLoaderShared</literal> set to <literal>true</literal>
  -      means that both nodes will share the same datastore, which resides in
  -      <literal>c:\tmp</literal> in the example (this assumes that both nodes
  -      have access to the same file system). Please make sure that
  -      <literal>c:\tmp</literal> exists, or point the config string to a
  -      different existing directory.</para>
  -      <para>This configuration would essentially provide for two
  -      <literal>cold</literal> nodes, in the sense that all contents of a new
  -      cache is in the datastore, and is lazy-loaded via the CacheLoader when
  -      accessed. However, this is not true, as
  -      <literal>CacheLoaderPreload</literal> points to "/", which is the root
  -      of the entire tree. Therefore, all of the contents of the cache are
  -      recursively pre-loaded. This is probably a bad configuration when you
  -      have a lot of data in the cache, because <emphasis>all</emphasis> of
  -      your data will be loaded into the cache.</para>
  -      <para>Note that with a shared datastore, the node that makes a
  -      modification is the one who writes it to the store using the
  -      CacheLoader. This prevents both nodes from writing the same data
  -      twice.</para>
  -      <para>We can now start 2 instances by opening two shells and executing
  -      the following ANT target:</para>
  -      <programlisting>bela at laptop /cygdrive/c/jboss-cache
  -$ ./build.sh run.demo.async.shared.cacheloader
  -Buildfile: build.xml
  -     [java] ** node loaded: /a
  -     [java] ** node loaded: /a/b
  -     [java] ** node loaded: /a/b/c
  -     [java] ** node loaded: /uno
  -     [java] ** node loaded: /uno/due
  -     [java] -------------------------------------------------------
  -     [java] GMS: address is
  -     [java] -------------------------------------------------------
  -     [java] interceptor chain is:
  -     [java] class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.CallInterceptor
  -     [java] class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.ReplicationInterceptor
  -     [java] class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.CacheLoaderInterceptor
  -     [java] class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.TransactionInterceptor
  -     [java] ** view change: [|1] [,]
  -     [java] ** node modified: /
  -      <para>2 GUI instances will appear, showing the tree structure of the
  -      cache graphically. Nodes can be added, modified or removed by
  -      right-clicking or using the menu. Any modification is replicated between
  -      the two nodes. If both nodes are killed, and subsequently one or both
  -      nodes are restarted, the state is the same as before shutdown as it was
  -      persisted to the shared store via the CacheLoader.</para>
  +                  <programlisting><![CDATA[
  -      <para>Note that the example above shows the 2 nodes running on the same
  -      machine ( on ports 1355 and 1357.</para>
  -    </section>
  +   child1.getKeys();
  +   child2.getData();
  -    <section>
  -      <title>Replicated cache with unshared (local) datastore</title>
  +                 ]]></programlisting>
  +               </listitem>
  -      <para>In this example, we'll run 2 nodes again, but this time, instead
  -      of sharing the same datastore, each node has its own datastore. The
  -      configuration is in file
  -      <literal>jboss-cache/output/etc/META-INF/node{1,2}.xml</literal>. We'll
  -      look at node1.xml:</para>
  -      <programlisting>&lt;attribute name="CacheLoaderClass"&gt;org.jboss.cache.loader.bdbje.BdbjeCacheLoader&lt;/attribute&gt;
  -&lt;attribute name="CacheLoaderConfig"&gt;
  -   location=c:\\tmp\\node1
  -&lt;attribute name="CacheLoaderShared"&gt;false&lt;/attribute&gt;
  -&lt;attribute name="CacheLoaderPreload"&gt;/&lt;/attribute&gt;
  -&lt;attribute name="CacheLoaderFetchTransientState"&gt;false&lt;/attribute&gt;
  -&lt;attribute name="CacheLoaderFetchPersistentState"&gt;true&lt;/attribute&gt;
  -      <para>Again, we use the Sleepycat CacheLoader implementation in
  -      <literal>CacheLoaderClass</literal>. The
  -      <literal>CacheLoaderConfig</literal> points to
  -      <literal>c:\tmp\node1</literal>. This is the directory in which the
  -      Sleepycat DB for node1 will reside. File node2.xml has a configuration
  -      that points to <literal>c:\tmp\node2</literal>, so we have 2 different
  -      unshared datastores. Note that, of course, we still have the same
  -      filesystem in our case, because we run the 2 nodes on the same machine.
  -      In practice those two directories would reside on two different
  -      machines, and each machine would run one JBossCache process. Note that
  -      the 2 directories have to exis</para>
  -      <para>To create an unshared datastore, we set the
  -      <literal>CacheLoaderShared</literal> attribute to
  -      <literal>false</literal>.</para>
  -      <para>The example can be run by again opening 2 shells, and running 2
  -      ANT targets (here we show the target for node1):</para>
  -      <programlisting>bela at laptop /cygdrive/c/jboss-cache
  -$ ./build.sh run.demo.unshared.node2
  -Buildfile: build.xml
  -     [java] ** node loaded: /a
  -     [java] ** node loaded: /a/a2
  -      <para>The <literal>run.demo.unshared.node2</literal> target runs node2,
  -      which will have its own store located at <literal>c:\tmp\node2</literal>
  -      (shown above). Whenever a change is made on either of the 2 nodes, it is
  -      replicated to the other node, and persisted in both local datastores.
  -      You can kill and restart a node, or even both nodes, and the data will
  -      still be available due to the persistent backend store(s).</para>
  -    </section>
  -  </section>
  -  <section>
  -    <title>Troubleshooting</title>
  +               <listitem>
  +                  Remove some data in the nodes.
  -    <para>Here are some tips for troubleshooting, if you encounter problems
  -    during this demo.</para>
  +                  <programlisting><![CDATA[
  +   child1.remove("key1");
  +   child2.remove("key3");
  +   child3.clearData();
  +                 ]]></programlisting>
  +               </listitem>
  -    <itemizedlist>
  -        <para>Most of the time, the problem will come from cache replication
  -        layer, i.e., JGroups package. On the output window, you can see the
  -        JGroups membership view. See if it is updated when you run the BSH
  -        commands. It should show a view with at least two members. For
  -        example, on my window, I see</para>
  -        <programlisting> [java] ** view change: [BWANG-HOME:4381|1] [BWANG-HOME:4381, BWANG-HOME:4383]</programlisting>
  -        <para>with 2 members: 4381 and 4383. On the other hand, if you don't
  -        close the previous running cache instance, the membership view will
  -        also include the previous existing ones. This can corrupt the states.
  -        So you will have to make sure there is no running TreeCache processes
  -        before each demo. If you have problem with this, please consult the
  -        <ulink
  -        url="http://www.jgroups.org/javagroupsnew/docs/index.html">JGroups
  -        website</ulink>.</para>
  +                  Delete nodes
  +                  <programlisting><![CDATA[
  +   root.removeChild(childFqn1); // will also remove any data held under child1
  +   root.removeChild(childFqn2); // will recursively remove child3 as well.
  +                 ]]></programlisting>
  -    </itemizedlist>
  +            </orderedlist>
  +            In addition to the above, you should refer to the
  +            <literal>Cache</literal>
  +            and
  +            <literal>Node</literal>
  +            <ulink
  +                  url="http://labs.jboss.org/portal/jbosscache/docs/index.html">API docs
  +            </ulink>
  +            and try out the APIs in the BeanShell script.
  +         </para>
  +      <section>
  +         <title>Replication</title>
  +         <para>
  +            For this tutorial, start two instances instance of the demo GUI. Repeat the exercises in the previous
  +            tutorial,
  +            only alternating between the two GUI windows when creating/removing nodes or adding/removing data. This
  +            demonstrates
  +            how the two cache instances in the two GUIs are kept in sync.
  +         </para>
  +      </section>
  +      <section>
  +         <title>Transactions</title>
  +         <para>
  +            For this tutorial, start two instances instance of the demo GUI. Repeat the exercises in the previous
  +            tutorial,
  +            only starting transactions before creating/removing nodes or adding/removing data. This will depict how
  +            replication only occurs on transaction boundaries. Try rolling back a few transactions as well, to see how
  +            nothing gets replicated in these cases.
  +         </para>
  +      </section>
  +   </section>

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