[jboss-cvs] jboss-seam/examples/wiki/src/etc ...

Christian Bauer christian at hibernate.org
Wed Apr 18 11:34:29 EDT 2007

  User: cbauer  
  Date: 07/04/18 11:34:29

  Modified:    examples/wiki/src/etc   import-dev.sql
  Removed:     examples/wiki/src/etc   components.properties
  Disabled broken stuff (RichFaces trees, arithmetic EL) and finished comments plugin
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.20      +10 -1     jboss-seam/examples/wiki/src/etc/import-dev.sql
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: import-dev.sql
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam/examples/wiki/src/etc/import-dev.sql,v
  retrieving revision 1.19
  retrieving revision 1.20
  diff -u -b -r1.19 -r1.20
  --- import-dev.sql	10 Apr 2007 08:08:11 -0000	1.19
  +++ import-dev.sql	18 Apr 2007 15:34:29 -0000	1.20
  @@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
   insert into PREFERENCE(PREF_ID, OBJ_VERSION, COMPONENT_NAME, PROPERTY_NAME, LONG_VALUE)     values (24, 0, 'feedTeasersPreferences', 'truncateDescription', '200')
   insert into PREFERENCE(PREF_ID, OBJ_VERSION, COMPONENT_NAME, PROPERTY_NAME, BOOLEAN_VALUE)  values (25, 0, 'feedTeasersPreferences', 'showAuthor', true)
  +insert into PREFERENCE(PREF_ID, OBJ_VERSION, COMPONENT_NAME, PROPERTY_NAME, BOOLEAN_VALUE)  values (26, 0, 'commentsPreferences', 'listAscending', true)
   // Development test data
   // Some users and their home directories/home pages
  @@ -86,7 +88,7 @@
   insert into NODE (NODE_ID, NODE_TYPE, NODE_REVISION, CREATED_BY_USER_ID, AREA_NR, PARENT_NODE_ID, NODE_POSITION, OBJ_VERSION, NAME, WIKINAME, MENU_ITEM, CONTENT, CREATED_ON, LAST_MODIFIED_ON, WRITE_ACCESS_LEVEL, READ_ACCESS_LEVEL, NAME_AS_TITLE) values (10, 'DOCUMENT', 1, 1, 9, 9, 0, 0, 'Welcome!', 'Welcome', true,'You should see an image on the right, embedded in the page.@@LF@@@@LF@@<div style="float:right;border: 1px solid grey; padding:4px;margin-left:10px;margin-bottom:1px;">[=>wiki://13]</div>Login with admin-admin, member-member, special-member, or super-member to try different access levels.@@LF@@@@LF@@To attach or embedd a file, click /Browse/, upload it, and then simply link to it like you would link to another document.@@LF@@@@LF@@[This guy=>Member Area|member] has a blog.@@LF@@@@LF@@Testing [a link=>wiki://11] to some page, this should be a [broken link=>wiki://99999], a normal link without alternative text [=>wiki://12], a link to to some nonexistent [=>page]!
  and a link to a [different area=>Member Area|member]. This is [a link=>jbseam://1151] to JBoss Seam JIRA and this is a link to Hibernate JIRA: [=>hhh://2549].@@LF@@@@LF@@A plugin:@@LF@@@@LF@@<div style="width:300px;float:left;margin-right:10px;">[<=feedTeasers]</div>@@LF@@@@LF@@Seam Text is a human-friendly language for formatting text in blogs, forums and wikis. It''s easy to enter text in *bold*, /italic/, |monospace|, ~deleted~ or ^superscript^; you can easily enter links, lists, quotes and code blocks.@@LF@@@@LF@@[This is a regular link to the Hibernate website.=>http://hibernate.org]@@LF@@@@LF@@You can *not* enter HTML entities, even escaped: \&amp; \&lt; \&gt; \&quot; \&nbsp;@@LF@@@@LF@@And even emoticons: ;) :-) :-{ ;-)@@LF@@@@LF@@Another plugin on the right:@@LF@@@@LF@@<div style="float:right;margin-left:10px;">[<=lastModifiedDocuments]</div>@@LF@@@@LF@@Here is an ordered list:@@LF@@@@LF@@#JBoss@@LF@@#Seam@@LF@@#Hibernate@@LF@@@@LF@@And this is an unordered list:@@!
"Here is a quote from someone else"@@LF@@@@LF@@`<p>Here is some code</p>`@@LF@@@@LF@@And some plain HTML (restricted subset):@@LF@@@@LF@@<b>Foo</b>@@LF@@@@LF@@You should see some comments on this document.[<=comments]','2005-06-27 13:45:00', '2005-06-27 13:45:00', 0, 0, true)
  -insert into NODE (NODE_ID, NODE_TYPE, NODE_REVISION, CREATED_BY_USER_ID, AREA_NR, PARENT_NODE_ID, NODE_POSITION, OBJ_VERSION, NAME, WIKINAME, MENU_ITEM, CONTENT, CREATED_ON, LAST_MODIFIED_ON, WRITE_ACCESS_LEVEL, READ_ACCESS_LEVEL) values (11, 'DOCUMENT', 1, 1, 9, 9, 1, 0, 'Foo', 'Foo', true, 'Foo@@LF@@@@LF@@[<=comments]','2005-06-27 13:45:00', '2005-06-27 13:45:00', 1, 0)
  +insert into NODE (NODE_ID, NODE_TYPE, NODE_REVISION, CREATED_BY_USER_ID, AREA_NR, PARENT_NODE_ID, NODE_POSITION, OBJ_VERSION, NAME, WIKINAME, MENU_ITEM, CONTENT, CREATED_ON, LAST_MODIFIED_ON, WRITE_ACCESS_LEVEL, READ_ACCESS_LEVEL) values (11, 'DOCUMENT', 1, 1, 9, 9, 1, 0, 'Foo', 'Foo', true, 'This page has comments and nothing else.@@LF@@@@LF@@[<=comments]','2005-06-27 13:45:00', '2005-06-27 13:45:00', 1, 0)
   insert into NODE (NODE_ID, NODE_TYPE, NODE_REVISION, CREATED_BY_USER_ID, AREA_NR, PARENT_NODE_ID, NODE_POSITION, OBJ_VERSION, NAME, WIKINAME, MENU_ITEM, CONTENT, CREATED_ON, LAST_MODIFIED_ON, WRITE_ACCESS_LEVEL, READ_ACCESS_LEVEL) values (12, 'DOCUMENT', 1, 1, 9, 9, 2, 0, 'Bar', 'Bar', false ,'Bar','2005-06-27 13:45:00', '2005-06-27 13:45:00', 1, 0)
   update NODE set DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_ID = '10' where NODE_ID='9'
  @@ -115,3 +117,10 @@
   insert into FEED_FEEDENTRY (FEEDENTRY_ID, FEED_ID) values (2, 1)
   insert into FEED_FEEDENTRY (FEEDENTRY_ID, FEED_ID) values (2, 2)
  +// Add some comments
  +insert into COMMENTS (COMMENT_ID, OBJ_VERSION, SUBJECT, FROM_USER_NAME, FROM_USER_EMAIL, FROM_USER_HOMEPAGE, DOCUMENT_ID, COMMENT_TEXT, CREATED_ON) values (1, 0, 'This is a Test comment', 'My Name', 'my at email.address.com', 'http://www.my.home.page.com/', 10, 'Collaboration-oriented websites require a human-friendly markup language for easy entry of formatted text in forum posts, wiki pages, blogs, comments, etc. Seam provides the <s:formattedText/> control for display of formatted text that conforms to the Seam Text language. Seam Text is implemented using an ANTLR-based parser. You do not need to know anything about ANTLR to use it, however.', '2005-06-27 13:45:00')
  +insert into COMMENTS (COMMENT_ID, OBJ_VERSION, SUBJECT, FROM_USER_NAME, FROM_USER_EMAIL, FROM_USER_HOMEPAGE, DOCUMENT_ID, COMMENT_TEXT, CREATED_ON) values (2, 0, 'This is another comment', 'My Name', 'my at email.address.com', 'http://www.my.home.page.com/', 10, 'Collaboration-oriented websites require a human-friendly markup language for easy entry of formatted text in forum posts, wiki pages, blogs, comments, etc. Seam provides the <s:formattedText/> control for display of formatted text that conforms to the Seam Text language. Seam Text is implemented using an ANTLR-based parser. You do not need to know anything about ANTLR to use it, however.', '2005-06-28 13:45:00')
  +insert into COMMENTS (COMMENT_ID, OBJ_VERSION, SUBJECT, FROM_USER_NAME, FROM_USER_EMAIL, FROM_USER_HOMEPAGE, DOCUMENT_ID, COMMENT_TEXT, CREATED_ON) values (3, 0, 'This is a third comment', 'My Name', 'my at email.address.com', 'http://www.my.home.page.com/', 10, 'Collaboration-oriented websites require a human-friendly markup language for easy entry of formatted text in forum posts, wiki pages, blogs, comments, etc. Seam provides the <s:formattedText/> control for display of formatted text that conforms to the Seam Text language. Seam Text is implemented using an ANTLR-based parser. You do not need to know anything about ANTLR to use it, however.', '2005-06-29 13:45:00')

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