[jboss-cvs] JBoss Messaging SVN: r3002 - trunk.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Fri Aug 10 05:13:21 EDT 2007

Author: timfox
Date: 2007-08-10 05:13:20 -0400 (Fri, 10 Aug 2007)
New Revision: 3002

Changed remoting dependency to 2.2.1.SP1.experimental

Modified: trunk/build-thirdparty.xml
--- trunk/build-thirdparty.xml	2007-08-10 07:50:58 UTC (rev 3001)
+++ trunk/build-thirdparty.xml	2007-08-10 09:13:20 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- =========================================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                                             -->
-<!-- JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source                                                     -->
-<!-- Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated                        -->
-<!-- by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a                        -->
-<!-- full listing of individual contributors.                                                    -->
-<!--                                                                                             -->
-<!-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it                             -->
-<!-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as                                 -->
-<!-- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of                            -->
-<!-- the License, or (at your option) any later version.                                         -->
-<!--                                                                                             -->
-<!-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                            -->
-<!-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                              -->
-<!-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU                            -->
-<!-- Lesser General Public License for more details.                                             -->
-<!--                                                                                             -->
-<!-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public                            -->
-<!-- License along with this software; if not, write to the Free                                 -->
-<!-- Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA                          -->
-<!-- 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.                                    -->
-<!--                                                                                             -->
-<!-- =========================================================================================== -->
-<!-- =========================================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                                             -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<!--                                                                                             -->
-<!-- =========================================================================================== -->
-<project name="main.build" default="synchronize">
-   <!-- ======================================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Configuration                                                                            -->
-   <!-- ======================================================================================== -->
-   <property file="local.properties"/>
-   <property file="synchronize.properties"/>
-   <property name="librariesEntFile" value="./thirdparty/libraries.ent"/>
-   <property environment="ENV"/>
-   <!--
-      | Allow jbossbuild.repository to be set from (in order or priority)
-      | 1) Command line -Djbossbuild.repository=...
-      | 2) synchronize.properties jbossbuild.repository setting
-      | 3) JBOSS_REPOSITORY environment variable
-   -->
-   <condition property="jbossbuild.repository" value="${ENV.JBOSS_REPOSITORY}">
-      <isset property="ENV.JBOSS_REPOSITORY"/>
-   </condition>
-   <!--
-      | Fall back to default.
-   -->
-   <property name="jbossbuild.repository" value="http://repository.jboss.com"/>
-   <import file="./tools/etc/jbossbuild/tasks.xml"/>
-   <!--
-      | This is where JBoss Messaging external dependencies are declared. The repository is in CVS
-      | under the module repository.jboss.com whose contents are pushed to the
-      | http://repository.jboss.com site.
-   -->
-   <build id="jboss-messaging"
-          impltitle="JBoss Messaging"
-          implversion="undefined"
-          implvendor="JBoss Inc."
-          implurl="http://www.jboss.org"
-          description="JBoss Messaging"
-          cvsroot="${cvs.prefix}@cvs.forge.jboss.com:/cvsroot/jboss"
-          thirdpartypath="./thirdparty/"
-          location="${jbossbuild.repository}"
-          targetdefs="targets">
-      <!--
-           Dependencies required to build the project.
-      -->
-      <componentref name="retrotranslator" version="0.9.6jboss"/>
-      <componentref name="sun-javacc" version="3.2"/>
-      <componentref name="oswego-concurrent" version="1.3.4-brew"/>
-      <componentref name="apache-log4j" version="1.2.14-brew"/>
-      <componentref name="javassist" version="3.5.0.GA-brew"/>
-      <componentref name="jgroups" version="2.4.1.SP3-brew"/>
-      <componentref name="trove" version="1.0.2-brew"/>
-      <componentref name="jboss/common" version="1.2.0.GA-brew"/>
-      <componentref name="jboss/aop" version="1.5.5.GA"/>
-      <componentref name="jboss/remoting" version="2.2.0.SP4"/>
-      <componentref name="jboss/jbossts14" version="4.2.3.SP3"/>
-      <componentref name="jbossas/core-libs" version="4.2.0.GA"/>
-      <!--
-          Totally unapropriate here, but this is what we need to do for the time being if we
-          want HTTP.
-          See http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4022727 for more details.
-      -->
-      <componentref name="apache-tomcat" version="5.5.15"/>
-      <!--
-           Dependencies required to test the project.
-      -->
-      <componentref name="junit" version="3.8.2-brew"/>
-      <componentref name="hsqldb" version=""/>
-      <componentref name="dom4j" version="1.6.1-brew"/>
-      <componentref name="apache-xerces" version="2.7.1-brew"/> <!-- needed by org.jboss.logging.Log4jLoggerPlugin -->
-      <componentref name="jboss/profiler/jvmti" version="1.0.0.CR5-brew"/>
-      <componentref name="jboss/jbossxb" version="1.0.0.GA-brew"/>
-      <componentref name="jboss/test14" version="1.0.0.GA"/>
-      <!-- This is a non declared dependency of jboss/test14 -->
-      <componentref name="jboss/jbossretro-rt" version="1.0.5.GA"/>
-      <!-- This is a non declared dependency of jboss/test14 -->
-      <componentref name="jboss/backport-concurrent" version="2.1.0.GA"/>
-   </build>
-   <synchronizeinfo/>
-   <!--
-      | Generate the targets.
-   -->
-   <generate generate="jboss-messaging"/>
-   <target name="generate-libraries-ent" depends="synchronize">
-      <gen-lib-file path="tools/etc/buildmagic" filename="${librariesEntFile}"/>
-      <visit-componentref-graph componentVisitor="org.jboss.ant.util.graph.ComponentRefGraphLicenseVisitor"/>
-   </target>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- =========================================================================================== -->
+<!--                                                                                             -->
+<!-- JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source                                                     -->
+<!-- Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated                        -->
+<!-- by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a                        -->
+<!-- full listing of individual contributors.                                                    -->
+<!--                                                                                             -->
+<!-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it                             -->
+<!-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as                                 -->
+<!-- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of                            -->
+<!-- the License, or (at your option) any later version.                                         -->
+<!--                                                                                             -->
+<!-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                            -->
+<!-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                              -->
+<!-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU                            -->
+<!-- Lesser General Public License for more details.                                             -->
+<!--                                                                                             -->
+<!-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public                            -->
+<!-- License along with this software; if not, write to the Free                                 -->
+<!-- Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA                          -->
+<!-- 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.                                    -->
+<!--                                                                                             -->
+<!-- =========================================================================================== -->
+<!-- =========================================================================================== -->
+<!--                                                                                             -->
+<!-- $Id$ -->
+<!--                                                                                             -->
+<!-- =========================================================================================== -->
+<project name="main.build" default="synchronize">
+   <!-- ======================================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Configuration                                                                            -->
+   <!-- ======================================================================================== -->
+   <property file="local.properties"/>
+   <property file="synchronize.properties"/>
+   <property name="librariesEntFile" value="./thirdparty/libraries.ent"/>
+   <property environment="ENV"/>
+   <!--
+      | Allow jbossbuild.repository to be set from (in order or priority)
+      | 1) Command line -Djbossbuild.repository=...
+      | 2) synchronize.properties jbossbuild.repository setting
+      | 3) JBOSS_REPOSITORY environment variable
+   -->
+   <condition property="jbossbuild.repository" value="${ENV.JBOSS_REPOSITORY}">
+      <isset property="ENV.JBOSS_REPOSITORY"/>
+   </condition>
+   <!--
+      | Fall back to default.
+   -->
+   <property name="jbossbuild.repository" value="http://repository.jboss.com"/>
+   <import file="./tools/etc/jbossbuild/tasks.xml"/>
+   <!--
+      | This is where JBoss Messaging external dependencies are declared. The repository is in CVS
+      | under the module repository.jboss.com whose contents are pushed to the
+      | http://repository.jboss.com site.
+   -->
+   <build id="jboss-messaging"
+          impltitle="JBoss Messaging"
+          implversion="undefined"
+          implvendor="JBoss Inc."
+          implurl="http://www.jboss.org"
+          description="JBoss Messaging"
+          cvsroot="${cvs.prefix}@cvs.forge.jboss.com:/cvsroot/jboss"
+          thirdpartypath="./thirdparty/"
+          location="${jbossbuild.repository}"
+          targetdefs="targets">
+      <!--
+           Dependencies required to build the project.
+      -->
+      <componentref name="retrotranslator" version="0.9.6jboss"/>
+      <componentref name="sun-javacc" version="3.2"/>
+      <componentref name="oswego-concurrent" version="1.3.4-brew"/>
+      <componentref name="apache-log4j" version="1.2.14-brew"/>
+      <componentref name="javassist" version="3.5.0.GA-brew"/>
+      <componentref name="jgroups" version="2.4.1.SP3-brew"/>
+      <componentref name="trove" version="1.0.2-brew"/>
+      <componentref name="jboss/common" version="1.2.0.GA-brew"/>
+      <componentref name="jboss/aop" version="1.5.5.GA"/>
+      <componentref name="jboss/remoting" version="2.2.1.SP1-experimental"/>
+      <componentref name="jboss/jbossts14" version="4.2.3.SP3"/>
+      <componentref name="jbossas/core-libs" version="4.2.0.GA"/>
+      <!--
+          Totally unapropriate here, but this is what we need to do for the time being if we
+          want HTTP.
+          See http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4022727 for more details.
+      -->
+      <componentref name="apache-tomcat" version="5.5.15"/>
+      <!--
+           Dependencies required to test the project.
+      -->
+      <componentref name="junit" version="3.8.2-brew"/>
+      <componentref name="hsqldb" version=""/>
+      <componentref name="dom4j" version="1.6.1-brew"/>
+      <componentref name="apache-xerces" version="2.7.1-brew"/> <!-- needed by org.jboss.logging.Log4jLoggerPlugin -->
+      <componentref name="jboss/profiler/jvmti" version="1.0.0.CR5-brew"/>
+      <componentref name="jboss/jbossxb" version="1.0.0.GA-brew"/>
+      <componentref name="jboss/test14" version="1.0.0.GA"/>
+      <!-- This is a non declared dependency of jboss/test14 -->
+      <componentref name="jboss/jbossretro-rt" version="1.0.5.GA"/>
+      <!-- This is a non declared dependency of jboss/test14 -->
+      <componentref name="jboss/backport-concurrent" version="2.1.0.GA"/>
+   </build>
+   <synchronizeinfo/>
+   <!--
+      | Generate the targets.
+   -->
+   <generate generate="jboss-messaging"/>
+   <target name="generate-libraries-ent" depends="synchronize">
+      <gen-lib-file path="tools/etc/buildmagic" filename="${librariesEntFile}"/>
+      <visit-componentref-graph componentVisitor="org.jboss.ant.util.graph.ComponentRefGraphLicenseVisitor"/>
+   </target>

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