[jboss-cvs] jboss-seam/examples/wiki/src/main/org/jboss/seam/wiki/plugin/blogdirectory ...

Christian Bauer christian at hibernate.org
Sat Aug 25 13:59:21 EDT 2007

  User: cbauer  
  Date: 07/08/25 13:59:21

  Modified:    examples/wiki/src/main/org/jboss/seam/wiki/plugin/blogdirectory    
                        BlogEntry.java BlogDirectory.java
  Added:       examples/wiki/src/main/org/jboss/seam/wiki/plugin/blogdirectory    
                        BlogDAO.java BlogEntryCount.java
  Major refactoring of navigation
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.4       +6 -0      jboss-seam/examples/wiki/src/main/org/jboss/seam/wiki/plugin/blogdirectory/BlogEntry.java
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: BlogEntry.java
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam/examples/wiki/src/main/org/jboss/seam/wiki/plugin/blogdirectory/BlogEntry.java,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -b -r1.3 -r1.4
  --- BlogEntry.java	26 Apr 2007 15:11:51 -0000	1.3
  +++ BlogEntry.java	25 Aug 2007 17:59:21 -0000	1.4
  @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
       Document entryDocument;
       Long commentCount;
  +    public BlogEntry() {}
       public BlogEntry(Document entryDocument) {
           this.entryDocument = entryDocument;
  @@ -33,4 +35,8 @@
       public void setCommentCount(Long commentCount) {
           this.commentCount = commentCount;
  +    public String toString() {
  +        return "BlogEntry: " + entryDocument + " Comments: " + commentCount;
  +    }
  1.13      +103 -71   jboss-seam/examples/wiki/src/main/org/jboss/seam/wiki/plugin/blogdirectory/BlogDirectory.java
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: BlogDirectory.java
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam/examples/wiki/src/main/org/jboss/seam/wiki/plugin/blogdirectory/BlogDirectory.java,v
  retrieving revision 1.12
  retrieving revision 1.13
  diff -u -b -r1.12 -r1.13
  --- BlogDirectory.java	17 Aug 2007 13:00:32 -0000	1.12
  +++ BlogDirectory.java	25 Aug 2007 17:59:21 -0000	1.13
  @@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
       NodeDAO nodeDAO;
  +    BlogDAO blogDAO;
  +    @In
       FacesMessages facesMessages;
  @@ -38,23 +41,36 @@
       Boolean allEntries;
  +    private Integer year;
  +    private Integer  month;
  +    private Integer  day;
  +    private Integer page = 0;
  -    private void setBlogPage(Integer blogPage) {
  -        if (blogPage != null) this.page = blogPage;
  +    public void setPage(Integer page) {
  +        if (page != null) {
  +            this.page = page;
  +    }
  +    @RequestParameter
  +    public void setYear(Integer year) {
  +        this.year = year;
  +    }
  +    @RequestParameter
  +    public void setMonth(Integer month) {
  +        this.month = month;
  +    }
  +    @RequestParameter
  +    public void setDay(Integer day) {
  +        this.day = day;
  +    }
  +    private long numOfBlogEntries;
       private List<BlogEntry> blogEntries;
  -    // Need to expose this as a datamodel so Seam can convert our map to a bunch of Map.Entry objects
  +    private List<BlogEntryCount> blogEntryCountsByYearAndMonth;
  +    // Need to expose this as a datamodel so Seam can convert our map to a collection of Map.Entry objects
       private Map<Date, List<BlogEntry>> recentBlogEntries;
  -    @DataModel
  -    private Map<Date, List<BlogEntry>> allBlogEntries;
  -    private String orderByProperty;
  -    private boolean orderDescending;
  -    private int totalRowCount;
  -    private int page;
       private long pageSize;
  @@ -62,39 +78,53 @@
       public void initialize() {
  -        orderByProperty = "createdOn";
  -        orderDescending = true;
  -    private void queryRowCount() {
  -        totalRowCount = nodeDAO.getRowCountWithParent(Document.class, currentDirectory, currentDocument);
  +    private void queryNumOfBlogEntries() {
  +        numOfBlogEntries = blogDAO.countBlogEntries(currentDirectory, currentDocument, 99l, year, month, day);
       private void queryBlogEntries() {
  -        // TODO: This could be done in one query but I'm too lazy to write the GROUP BY clause because Hibernate doesn't do it for me
  -        List<Document> documents =
  -                nodeDAO.findWithParent(Document.class, currentDirectory, currentDocument,
  -                                       orderByProperty, orderDescending, page * pageSize, pageSize);
  -        Map<Long,Long> commentCounts = nodeDAO.findCommentCount(currentDirectory);
  -        for (Document document : documents) {
  -            blogEntries.add(
  -                new BlogEntry(document, commentCounts.get(document.getId()) )
  +        blogEntries =
  +            blogDAO.findBlogEntriesWithCommentCount(
  +                    currentDirectory,
  +                    currentDocument,
  +                    99l,
  +                    "createdOn",
  +                    true,
  +                    page * pageSize,
  +                    pageSize,
  +                    year, month, day
  +    private void queryBlogEntryCountsByYearAndMonth() {
  +        blogEntryCountsByYearAndMonth = blogDAO.countAllBlogEntriesGroupByYearMonth(currentDirectory, currentDocument, 99l);
  -    private void queryRecentBlogEntries() {
  -        List<Document> documents =
  -                nodeDAO.findWithParent(Document.class, currentDirectory, currentDocument, "createdOn", true, 0, recentBlogEntriesCount);
  +    @Factory(value = "recentBlogEntries")
  +    @Observer("PreferenceComponent.refresh.blogDirectoryPreferences")
  +    public void queryRecentBlogEntries() {
  +        List<BlogEntry> recentBlogEntriesNonAggregated =
  +            blogDAO.findBlogEntriesWithCommentCount(
  +                    currentDirectory,
  +                    currentDocument,
  +                    99l,
  +                    "createdOn",
  +                    true,
  +                    0,
  +                    recentBlogEntriesCount,
  +                    null, null, null
  +            );
  +        // Now aggregate by day
           recentBlogEntries = new LinkedHashMap<Date, List<BlogEntry>>();
  -        for (Document document : documents) {
  +        for (BlogEntry blogEntry : recentBlogEntriesNonAggregated) {
               // Find the day (ignore the hours, minutes, etc.)
               Calendar createdOn = new GregorianCalendar();
  -            createdOn.setTime(document.getCreatedOn());
  +            createdOn.setTime(blogEntry.getEntryDocument().getCreatedOn());
               GregorianCalendar createdOnDay = new GregorianCalendar(
                   createdOn.get(Calendar.YEAR), createdOn.get(Calendar.MONTH), createdOn.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)
  @@ -106,55 +136,33 @@
                   ? recentBlogEntries.get(createdOnDate)
                   : new ArrayList<BlogEntry>();
  -            entriesForDay.add(new BlogEntry(document));
  +            entriesForDay.add(blogEntry);
               recentBlogEntries.put(createdOnDate, entriesForDay);
  -    private void queryAllBlogEntries() {
  -        if (allEntries == null || !allEntries) return; // Don't query if the index isn't displayed
  -        List<Document> documents =
  -                nodeDAO.findWithParent(Document.class, currentDirectory, currentDocument, "createdOn", true, 0, 0);
  -        allBlogEntries = new LinkedHashMap<Date, List<BlogEntry>>();
  -        for (Document document : documents) {
  -            // Find the month (ignore the days, hours, minutes, etc.)
  -            Calendar createdOn = new GregorianCalendar();
  -            createdOn.setTime(document.getCreatedOn());
  -            GregorianCalendar createdOnMonth = new GregorianCalendar(
  -                createdOn.get(Calendar.YEAR), createdOn.get(Calendar.MONTH), 1
  -            );
  -            Date createdOnDate = createdOnMonth.getTime(); // Jesus, this API is just bad...
  -            // Aggregate by month
  -            List<BlogEntry> entriesForMonth =
  -                allBlogEntries.containsKey(createdOnDate)
  -                ? allBlogEntries.get(createdOnDate)
  -                : new ArrayList<BlogEntry>();
  -            entriesForMonth.add(new BlogEntry(document));
  -            allBlogEntries.put(createdOnDate, entriesForMonth);
  -        }
  -    }
  -    @Observer("Preferences.blogDirectoryPreferences")
  +    @Observer("PreferenceComponent.refresh.blogDirectoryPreferences")
       public void refreshBlogEntries() {
           blogEntries = new ArrayList<BlogEntry>();
  -        queryRowCount();
  -        if (totalRowCount != 0) {
  +        queryNumOfBlogEntries();
  +        if (numOfBlogEntries != 0){
  -            queryRecentBlogEntries();
  -            queryAllBlogEntries();
  +    public long getNumOfBlogEntries() {
  +        return numOfBlogEntries;
  +    }
       public List<BlogEntry> getBlogEntries() {
           return blogEntries;
  -    public int getTotalRowCount() {
  -        return totalRowCount;
  +    public List<BlogEntryCount> getBlogEntryCountsByYearAndMonth() {
  +        if (blogEntryCountsByYearAndMonth == null) {
  +            queryBlogEntryCountsByYearAndMonth();
  +        }
  +        return blogEntryCountsByYearAndMonth;
       public int getNextPage() {
  @@ -174,22 +182,46 @@
       public long getLastRow() {
  -        return (page * pageSize + pageSize) > totalRowCount
  -                ? totalRowCount
  +        return (page * pageSize + pageSize) > numOfBlogEntries
  +                ? numOfBlogEntries
                   : page * pageSize + pageSize;
       public long getLastPage() {
  -        long lastPage = (totalRowCount / pageSize);
  -        if (totalRowCount % pageSize == 0) lastPage--;
  +        long lastPage = (numOfBlogEntries / pageSize);
  +        if (numOfBlogEntries % pageSize == 0) lastPage--;
           return lastPage;
       public boolean isNextPageAvailable() {
  -        return blogEntries != null && totalRowCount > ((page * pageSize) + pageSize);
  +        return blogEntries != null && numOfBlogEntries > ((page * pageSize) + pageSize);
       public boolean isPreviousPageAvailable() {
           return blogEntries != null && page > 0;
  +    public String getDateUrl() {
  +        return dateAsString(year, month, day);
  +    }
  +    // Utilities
  +    public static String dateAsString(Integer year, Integer month, Integer day) {
  +        StringBuilder dateUrl = new StringBuilder();
  +        if (year != null) dateUrl.append("/").append(year);
  +        if (month != null) dateUrl.append("/").append(padInteger(month, 2));
  +        if (day != null) dateUrl.append("/").append(padInteger(day, 2));
  +        return dateUrl.toString();
  +    }
  +    private static String padInteger(Integer raw, int padding) {
  +        String rawInteger = raw.toString();
  +        StringBuilder paddedInteger = new StringBuilder( );
  +        for ( int padIndex = rawInteger.length() ; padIndex < padding; padIndex++ ) {
  +            paddedInteger.append('0');
  +        }
  +        return paddedInteger.append( rawInteger ).toString();
  +    }
  1.1      date: 2007/08/25 17:59:21;  author: cbauer;  state: Exp;jboss-seam/examples/wiki/src/main/org/jboss/seam/wiki/plugin/blogdirectory/BlogDAO.java
  Index: BlogDAO.java
  package org.jboss.seam.wiki.plugin.blogdirectory;
  import org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.model.Node;
  import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
  import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Transactional;
  import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In;
  import org.jboss.seam.annotations.AutoCreate;
  import org.hibernate.Query;
  import org.hibernate.Session;
  import org.hibernate.transform.Transformers;
  import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
  import java.util.List;
  public class BlogDAO {
      protected EntityManager restrictedEntityManager;
      public List<BlogEntry> findBlogEntriesWithCommentCount(Node startNode,
                                                             Node ignoreNode,
                                                             Long maxDepth,
                                                             String orderByProperty,
                                                             boolean orderDescending,
                                                             long firstResult,
                                                             long maxResults,
                                                             Integer year,
                                                             Integer month,
                                                             Integer day) {
          StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder();
          queryString.append("select n1 as entryDocument").append(", ");
          queryString.append("(select count(c) from Comment c where c.document.id = n1.id) as commentCount").append(" ");
          queryString.append("from ").append(startNode.getTreeSuperclassEntityName()).append(" n1, ");
          queryString.append(startNode.getTreeSuperclassEntityName()).append(" n2 ");
          queryString.append("fetch all properties").append(" ");
          queryString.append("where n1.nsThread = :thread and n2.nsThread = :thread").append(" ");
          queryString.append("and n1.nsLeft between n2.nsLeft and n2.nsRight").append(" ");
          queryString.append("and n2.nsLeft > :startLeft and n2.nsRight < :startRight").append(" ");
          queryString.append("and n2.class = :clazz").append(" ");
          queryString.append("and not n1 = :ignoreNode").append(" ");
          if (year != null) queryString.append("and year(n1.createdOn) = :limitYear").append(" ");
          if (month != null) queryString.append("and month(n1.createdOn) = :limitMonth").append(" ");
          if (day != null) queryString.append("and day(n1.createdOn) = :limitDay").append(" ");
          queryString.append("group by").append(" ");
          for (int i = 0; i < startNode.getTreeSuperclassPropertiesForGrouping().length; i++) {
              if (i != startNode.getTreeSuperclassPropertiesForGrouping().length-1) queryString.append(", ");
          queryString.append(" ");
          queryString.append("order by n1.").append(orderByProperty).append(" ");
          queryString.append( orderDescending ? "desc" : "asc").append("");
          Query nestedSetQuery = getSession().createQuery(queryString.toString());
          nestedSetQuery.setParameter("thread", startNode.getNsThread());
          nestedSetQuery.setParameter("startLeft", startNode.getNsLeft());
          nestedSetQuery.setParameter("startRight", startNode.getNsRight());
          nestedSetQuery.setParameter("clazz", "DOCUMENT"); // TODO: Hibernate can't bind the discriminator? Not even with Hibernate.CLASS type...
          nestedSetQuery.setParameter("ignoreNode", ignoreNode);
          if (year != null) nestedSetQuery.setParameter("limitYear", year);
          if (month != null) nestedSetQuery.setParameter("limitMonth", month);
          if (day != null) nestedSetQuery.setParameter("limitDay", day);
          nestedSetQuery.setFirstResult( new Long(firstResult).intValue() );
          nestedSetQuery.setMaxResults( new Long(maxResults).intValue() );
          return (List<BlogEntry>)nestedSetQuery.list();
      public Long countBlogEntries(Node startNode, Node ignoreNode, Long maxDepth, Integer year, Integer month, Integer day ) {
          return countBlogEntries(startNode, ignoreNode, maxDepth, false, false, false, year, month, day).get(0).getNumOfEntries();
      public List<BlogEntryCount> countAllBlogEntriesGroupByYearMonth(Node startNode, Node ignoreNode, Long maxDepth) {
          return countBlogEntries(startNode, ignoreNode, maxDepth, true, true, false, null, null, null);
      private List<BlogEntryCount> countBlogEntries(Node startNode, Node ignoreNode, Long maxDepth,
                                                   boolean projectYear, boolean projectMonth, boolean projectDay,
                                                   Integer limitYear, Integer limitMonth, Integer limitDay) {
          StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder();
          queryString.append("select count(n1.id) as numOfEntries");
          if (projectYear) queryString.append(", ").append("year(n1.createdOn) as year");
          if (projectMonth) queryString.append(", ").append("month(n1.createdOn) as month");
          if (projectDay) queryString.append(", ").append("day(n1.createdOn) as day");
          queryString.append(" ");
          queryString.append("from ").append(startNode.getTreeSuperclassEntityName()).append(" n1, ");
          queryString.append(startNode.getTreeSuperclassEntityName()).append(" n2 ");
          queryString.append("where n1.nsThread = :thread and n2.nsThread = :thread").append(" ");
          queryString.append("and n1.nsLeft between n2.nsLeft and n2.nsRight").append(" ");
          queryString.append("and n2.nsLeft > :startLeft and n2.nsRight < :startRight").append(" ");
          queryString.append("and n2.class = :clazz").append(" ");
          queryString.append("and not n1 = :ignoreNode").append(" ");
          if (limitYear != null) queryString.append("and year(n1.createdOn) = :limitYear").append(" ");
          if (limitMonth!= null) queryString.append("and month(n1.createdOn) = :limitMonth").append(" ");
          if (limitDay != null) queryString.append("and day(n1.createdOn) = :limitDay").append(" ");
          if (projectYear || projectMonth || projectDay)  queryString.append("group by").append(" ");
          if (projectYear)    queryString.append("year(n1.createdOn)");
          if (projectMonth)   queryString.append(", month(n1.createdOn)");
          if (projectDay)     queryString.append(", day(n1.createdOn)");
          queryString.append(" ");
          if (projectYear || projectMonth || projectDay) queryString.append("order by").append(" ");
          if (projectYear)    queryString.append("year(n1.createdOn) desc");
          if (projectMonth)   queryString.append(", month(n1.createdOn) desc");
          if (projectDay)     queryString.append(", day(n1.createdOn) desc");
          queryString.append(" ");
          Query nestedSetQuery = getSession().createQuery(queryString.toString());
          nestedSetQuery.setParameter("thread", startNode.getNsThread());
          nestedSetQuery.setParameter("startLeft", startNode.getNsLeft());
          nestedSetQuery.setParameter("startRight", startNode.getNsRight());
          nestedSetQuery.setParameter("clazz", "DOCUMENT"); // TODO: Hibernate can't bind the discriminator? Not even with Hibernate.CLASS type...
          nestedSetQuery.setParameter("ignoreNode", ignoreNode);
          if (limitYear != null) nestedSetQuery.setParameter("limitYear", limitYear);
          if (limitMonth!= null) nestedSetQuery.setParameter("limitMonth", limitMonth);
          if (limitDay != null) nestedSetQuery.setParameter("limitDay", limitDay);
          return nestedSetQuery.list();
      private Session getSession() {
          return ((Session)((org.jboss.seam.persistence.EntityManagerProxy) restrictedEntityManager).getDelegate());
  1.1      date: 2007/08/25 17:59:21;  author: cbauer;  state: Exp;jboss-seam/examples/wiki/src/main/org/jboss/seam/wiki/plugin/blogdirectory/BlogEntryCount.java
  Index: BlogEntryCount.java
  package org.jboss.seam.wiki.plugin.blogdirectory;
  public class BlogEntryCount {
      Long numOfEntries;
      Integer year;
      Integer month;
      Integer day;
      public BlogEntryCount() {}
      public BlogEntryCount(Long numOfEntries, Integer year, Integer month, Integer day) {
          this.numOfEntries = numOfEntries;
          this.year = year;
          this.month = month;
          this.day = day;
      public Long getNumOfEntries() {
          return numOfEntries;
      public Integer getYear() {
          return year;
      public Integer getMonth() {
          return month;
      public Integer getDay() {
          return day;
      public String getAsString() {
          return BlogDirectory.dateAsString(year, month, day);
      public String toString() {
          return "NumOfEntries: " + getNumOfEntries() + " Year: " + getYear() + " Month: " + getMonth() + " Day: " + getDay();

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