[jboss-cvs] jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules ...

Peter Muir peter at bleepbleep.org.uk
Mon Aug 27 17:31:25 EDT 2007

  User: pmuir   
  Date: 07/08/27 17:31:25

  Added:       doc/reference/en/modules  oc4j.xml
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1      date: 2007/08/27 21:31:25;  author: pmuir;  state: Exp;jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules/oc4j.xml
  Index: oc4j.xml
  <chapter id="oc4j">
    <title>Seam on OC4J</title>
        OC4J (Oracle Containers for Java) 11g (currently a "Technology Preview" 
        release) is Oracle's JEE 5 application server. We will will start by 
        looking at the building and deploying the Hotel Booking example 
        application which comes with Seam, and then at deploying a project 
        generated by seam-gen. This project will integrate Seam, RichFaces Ajax 
        and components, Seam Security (with Drools), Facelets and JPA provided 
        by Hibernate.
        This section requires you to use OC4J 11g Technology Preview (not OC4J 
        10g). You can download OC4J 11g from 
        <ulink url="http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/java/oc4j/11/">http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/java/oc4j/11/</ulink>.
        <title>The <literal>jee5/booking</literal> example</title>
          The <literal>jee5/booking</literal> example is based on the Hotel 
          Booking example (which runs on JBoss AS). Out of the box it is designed 
          to run on Glassfish, but it's easy to build it for OC4J.
          <title>Booking Example Dependencies</title>
            First, lets look at the dependencies of the booking example. Armed 
            with this knowledge we can look at the extra dependencies requirements 
            that OC4J adds.
                <literal>jboss-seam.jar</literal> &#8212; We declare this as an 
                EJB3 module (why? well Seam needs to be able to interact with 
                container managed transactions; this is implemented as an EJB3 
                Stateful Session Bean)
                <literal>jboss-seam-ui.jar</literal> &#8212; Seam's JSF controls 
                depend on Apache's commons-beanutils
                <literal>ajax4jsf-1.1.1.jar</literal> &#8212; which requires Apache 
                commons-digester and commons-beanutils
          <title>Extra dependencies required by OC4J</title>
                Hibernate &#8212; of course, we decided to use Hibernate as the 
                JPA provider (rather than TopLink Essentials which ships with 
                To use Hibernate as your JPA provider you need three jars 
                (<literal>hibernate3.jar</literal>, <literal>hibernate-annotations.jar</literal>,
                <literal>hibernate-entitymanager.jar</literal>) and their 
                dependencies (<literal>jboss-common.jar</literal>, 
                <literal>jboss-archive-browsing.jar</literal> and
                <literal>ejb3-persistence.jar</literal>). You can find these 
                in the <literal>hibernate/lib</literal> directory in the Seam 
                <literal>thirdparty-all.jar</literal> &#8212; a selection of 
                third party libraries on which Seam depends (like javassist).
            Running Seam on most application servers (such as JBoss AS or 
            Glassfish) you only need to include the dependencies for those bits 
            of Seam you actually use (e.g. if you use Seam Text you need to 
            include ANTLR); but, on OC4J, due to its "interesting" classloading 
            you must always include them:
                <literal>antlr-2.7.6.jar</literal> &#8212; needed for Seam Text 
                (not used in the example).
                <literal>jbpm-jpdl.jar</literal> &#8212; needed for Seam's JBPM 
                integration (not used in the example).
                Drools &#8212; needed for Seam Security. We aren't using Seam 
                security with Drools, but have to include it. Drools consists 
                of 5 jars - <literal>drools-core-4.0.0.jar</literal>,
                <literal>mvel14-1.2rc1.jar</literal> and
                <literal>antlr-runtime-3.0.jar</literal>. Drools integration 
                is not used in the example.
          <title>Configuration file changes</title>
          <para>There are just a few changes to be made:</para>
                  you need to declare all your ejb's in the 
                  <literal>web.xml</literal>. This is a silly requirement of a 
                  number of JEE 5 application servers - for example OC4J and 
                  you need to provide the correct configuration for your JPA 
                  implementation. We are using Hibernate and due to OC4J 
                  bundling an old ANTLR, we need to use an alternative query 
                  factory, we also want to use the OC4J transaction manager:
     value="org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory" />
     value="org.hibernate.transaction.OrionTransactionManagerLookup" />]]></programlisting>
          <title>Building the <literal>jee5/booking</literal> example</title>
              <para>Modify the following files in the project:</para>
                    <literal>build.xml</literal> &#8212; Un-comment the 
                    OC4J-related libraries
                    <literal>resources/META-INF/persistence.xml</literal> &#8212;
                    Comment out the Glassfish properties and un-comment the OC4J 
                Build the demo app by running <literal>ant</literal>. The build 
                target is <literal>dist/jboss-seam-jee5.ear</literal>
                  Copy <literal>hsqldb.jar</literal> to OC4J:
                  <literal>cp ../../seam-gen/lib/hsqldb.jar $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/applib/</literal>
                  (OC4J doesn't come with an embedded database so we decided to 
                  use HSQLDB)
        <title>Deploying a Seam application to OC4J</title>
          This mini-tutorial describes the (fairly tedious) steps required to 
          deploy a JEE 5 application to OC4J. It assumes you are deploying the 
          <literal>jee5/booking</literal> example, using the embedded hsqldb 
          database. To deploy another application you would need to alter the 
          datasource and application name.
              Download and unzip OC4J
              Make sure you have <literal>$JAVA_HOME</literal> and
              <literal>$ORACLE_HOME</literal> set as environment variables 
              (<literal>$ORACLE_HOME</literal> is the directory to which you 
              unzip OC4J). For further information on installing OC4J, consult 
              the <literal>Readme.txt</literal> distributed with OC4J
              Edit the OC4J datasource
              and, inside <literal>&lt;data-sources&gt;</literal>, add
     name="jee5-managed-data-source" />
  <connection-pool name="jee5-connection-pool">
        url="jdbc:hsqldb:." />
              The <literal>jndi-name</literal> is used as the
              <literal>jta-data-source</literal> in 
              Edit <literal>$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/server.xml</literal>
             and, inside <literal>&lt;application-server&gt;</literal>, add
            <programlisting><![CDATA[<application name="jboss-seam-jee5"
   start="true" />]]></programlisting>
              To keep things simple use the same names as you used for project.
              Edit <literal>$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/default-web-site.xml</literal>,
              and, inside <literal>&lt;web-site&gt;</literal>, add
            <programlisting><![CDATA[<web-app application="jboss-seam-jee5"
   root="/seam-jee5" />]]></programlisting>
              The <literal>root</literal> is the context path you will put into 
              your web browser to access the application.
              Copy the application to OC4J: 
              <literal>cp dist/jboss-seam-jee5.ear $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/applications/</literal>
              Start OC4J:
              <literal>$ORACLE_HOME/bin/oc4j -start</literal>
              You will be asked to set the admin password if this is
              the first time you've started OC4J
              Checkout the app at:
              You can stop the server by pressing <literal>CTRL-C</literal> in 
              the console on which the server is running.
          Deploying an application created using <literal>seam-gen</literal>
          to OC4J
          The following explanation assumes you are using the command line and 
          a simple text editor, but of course you can use your favourite IDE - 
          <literal>seam-gen</literal> projects come with support for Eclipse 
          and Netbeans.
          We start by creating a pretty simple application using
          <literal>seam-gen</literal>.  <literal>seam-gen</literal> uses 
          Hibernate Tools to reverse engineer a database schema to JPA entity 
          beans; it also genereates Seam Application Framework components and 
          JSF views for CRUD. This tutorial uses MySQL (but of course you 
          could use any database, altering the SQL as appropriate); install, 
          configure and run MySQL, then create a database with some sample 
          Next, run <literal>./seam setup</literal> in the seam directory. 
        <programlisting><![CDATA[> ./seam setup
  Buildfile: build.xml
      [echo] Welcome to seam-gen :-)
      [input] Enter your Java project workspace (the directory that contains your Seam projects) [/home/pmuir/workspace] [/home/pmuir/workspace]
      [input] Enter your JBoss home directory [/home/pmuir/java/jboss-4.2.1.GA] [/home/pmuir/java/jboss-4.2.1.GA]
      [input] Enter the project name [oc4j-example] [oc4j-example]
      [input] Is this project deployed as an EAR (with EJB components) or a WAR (with no EJB support) [ear]  ([ear], war, )
      [input] Enter the Java package name for your session beans [org.jboss.seam.tutorial.oc4j.action] [org.jboss.seam.tutorial.oc4j.action]
      [input] Enter the Java package name for your entity beans [org.jboss.seam.tutorial.oc4j.model] [org.jboss.seam.tutorial.oc4j.model]
      [input] Enter the Java package name for your test cases [org.jboss.seam.tutorial.oc4j.test] [org.jboss.seam.tutorial.oc4j.test]
      [input] What kind of database are you using? [mysql]  (hsql, [mysql], oracle, postgres, mssql, db2, sybase, enterprisedb, )
      [input] Enter the Hibernate dialect for your database [org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect] [org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect]
      [input] Enter the filesystem path to the JDBC driver jar [lib/mysql.jar] [lib/mysql.jar]
      [input] Enter JDBC driver class for your database [com.mysql.jdbc.Driver] [com.mysql.jdbc.Driver]
      [input] Enter the JDBC URL for your database [jdbc:mysql:///oc4j] [jdbc:mysql:///oc4j]
      [input] Enter database username [user] [user]
      [input] Enter database password [password] [password]
      [input] skipping input as property hibernate.default_schema.new has already been set.
      [input] Enter the database catalog name (it is OK to leave this blank) [] []
      [input] Are you working with tables that already exist in the database? [y]  ([y], n, )
      [input] Do you want to drop and recreate the database tables and data in import.sql each time you deploy? [n]  (y, [n], )
      [propertyfile] Updating property file: /home/pmuir/workspace/jboss-seam/seam-gen/build.properties
      [echo] Installing JDBC driver jar to JBoss server
      [echo] Type 'seam new-project' to create the new project
  BUILD SUCCESSFUL]]></programlisting>
          Type <literal>./seam new-project</literal> to create your project and
          <literal>cd</literal> to the newly created project.
          Type <literal>./seam generate-entities</literal> to run create the 
          entities, the Seam Application Framework classes and the relevant 
          We now need to make some changes to the generated project. Let's 
          start with the configuration files:
                    Alter the <literal>jta-data-source</literal> to be 
                    <literal>jdbc/__oc4jExample</literal> (and use this as the
                    <literal>jndi-name</literal> when creating the data source 
                    in <literal>data-sources.xml</literal>).
                  <para>Add the properties (described above):</para>
                  <programlisting><![CDATA[<property name="hibernate.query.factory_class"
     value="org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory" />
  <property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class"
     value="org.hibernate.transaction.OrionTransactionManagerLookup" />
  <property name="hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion" 
  <property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class" 
                    Remove the JBoss AS specific method of exposing the
                    You'll need to alter <literal>persistence-prod.xml</literal>
                    as well if you want to deploy to OC4J using the prod profile.
                You can delete this file as we aren't deploying to JBoss AS 
                (<literal>jboss-app.xml</literal> is used to enable 
                classloading isolation in JBoss AS)
                You can delete these file as we aren't deploying to JBoss AS 
                (these files define datasources in JBoss AS, in OC4J you have 
                to edit the master <literal>data-sources.xml</literal> file)
                    Enable container managed transaction integration - add the 
                    <literal>&lt;transaction:ejb-transaction /&gt;</literal>
                    component, and it's namespace declaration
                    Alter the <literal>jndi-pattern</literal> to 
                    We want to use a Seam Managed Persistence Context in our 
                    application. Unfortunately OC4J doesn't expose the 
                    EntityManagerFactory in JNDI, but Seam provides a built-in
                    manager component:
   persistence-unit-name="oc4j-example" />]]></programlisting>
                    We then need to tell Seam to use it, so we alter the 
                    <literal>managed-persistence-context</literal> injecting 
                    the Entity Manager Factory:
   entity-manager-factory="#{oc4jEntityManagerFactory}" />]]>
                You need to declare all your EJBs here. Remember to include 
                the Seam container managed transaction integration:
              Change the default target to archive (we aren't going to cover 
              automatic deployment to OC4J).
        <para>Now, lets add in the extra dependencies:</para>
              Hibernate &#8212;
                  Copy the jars from <literal>hibernate/lib</literal> directory 
                  in the Seam distribution <literal>oc4j-example/lib</literal>:
                  <literal>cp ../jboss-seam/hibernate/lib/*.jar lib/</literal>
                  Alter the build.xml to include them in the ear - add these 
                  includes underneath the other libraries being copies:
                <programlisting><![CDATA[<include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar" />
  <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar" />
  <include name="lib/hibernate3.jar" />
  <include name="ejb3-peristence.jar" />
  <include name="lib/jboss-archive-browsing.jar" />
  <include name="lib/jboss-common.jar" />]]></programlisting>
              <literal>thirdparty-all.jar</literal> &#8212; alter the 
              <literal>build.xml</literal> to include it - add this include:
            <programlisting><![CDATA[<include name="lib/thirdparty-all.jar" />]]></programlisting>
              <literal>antlr-2.7.6.jar</literal> &#8212; alter the build.xml to 
              include it - add this include:
            <programlisting><![CDATA[<include name="lib/antlr-*.jar" />]]></programlisting>
              As we are using Drools to provide Seam Security rules, we need 
              to add in Eclipse JDT compiler (you don't need this on JBoss AS; 
              again this is due to OC4J's classloading):
                <programlisting><![CDATA[cp ../jboss-seam/seam-gen/lib/org.eclipse.jdt.core*.jar lib/]]></programlisting>
                  Alter the build.xml to include them in the ear:
                <programlisting><![CDATA[<include name="lib/org.eclipse.jdt.core*.jar" />]]></programlisting>
        <para>You should end up with something like:</para>
        <programlisting><![CDATA[<fileset dir="${basedir}">
     <!-- other libraries added by seam-gen -->
     <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar" />
     <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar" />
     <include name="lib/hibernate3.jar" />
     <include name="lib/jboss-archive-browsing.jar" />
     <include name="lib/jboss-common.jar" />
     <include name="lib/thirdparty-all.jar" />
     <include name="lib/antlr-*.jar" />
     <include name="lib/org.eclipse.jdt.core*.jar" />
          Finally, lets link our <literal>User</literal> entity into Seam 
          Security (we have a <literal>User</literal> table with a 
          <literal>username</literal> column and a <literal>password</literal> 
          column). We're going to make our authentictor a Stateless Session 
          Bean (OC4J is a EJB3 container after all!):
                  Add the <literal>@Stateless</literal> annotation.
                  Rename the class to <literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal>
                  Create an interface called <literal>Authenticator</literal>
                  which <literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal> implements (EJB3 
                  requires session beans to have a local interface). Annotate 
                  the interface with <literal>@Local</literal>, and add a 
                  single method with same signature as the <literal>authenticate</literal>
                  in <literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal>.
            <programlisting><![CDATA[@Name("authenticator") @Stateless public class
              AuthenticatorAction implements Authenticator {]]></programlisting>
            <programlisting><![CDATA[@Local public interface Authenticator { 
    public boolean authenticate(); 
              Use <literal>@PersistenceContext</literal> to inject an 
            <programlisting><![CDATA[@PersistenceContext private EntityManager entityManager;]]></programlisting>
              Implement authenticate:
            <programlisting><![CDATA[public boolean authenticate() {
     List &lt;User&gt; users = entityManager .createQuery("select u from User u where 
     u.username = #{identity.username} and 
     u.password = #{identity.password}") .getResultList();
     if (users.size() == 1) {
        return true; 
     } else {
        return false; 
               And then add the EJB3 reference to <literal>web.xml</literal>:
        Now you can go on and customize your application.
        <title>OC4J Deployment Descriptors for the seam-gen'd application</title>
            To deploy your application use the deployment instructions above in 
            conjunction with these deployment descriptors:
     name="oc4j-example-managed-data-source" />
        url="jdbc:mysql:///oc4j" />
                <programlisting><![CDATA[<application name="oc4j-example"
   start="true" />]]></programlisting>
                <programlisting><![CDATA[<web-app application="oc4j-example"
   root="/oc4j-example" />]]></programlisting>

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