[jboss-cvs] jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules ...

Shane Bryzak sbryzak at redhat.com
Sun Dec 2 23:12:58 EST 2007

  User: sbryzak2
  Date: 07/12/02 23:12:58

  Modified:    doc/reference/en/modules  conversations.xml
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.40      +113 -0    jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules/conversations.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: conversations.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam/doc/reference/en/modules/conversations.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.39
  retrieving revision 1.40
  diff -u -b -r1.39 -r1.40
  --- conversations.xml	2 Oct 2007 14:08:52 -0000	1.39
  +++ conversations.xml	3 Dec 2007 04:12:56 -0000	1.40
  @@ -603,6 +603,119 @@
  +        <title>Natural conversation ids</title>
  +        <para>
  +            When working with conversations that deal with persistent objects, it may be 
  +            desirable to use the natural business key of the object instead of the standard,
  +            "surrogate" conversation id.
  +        </para>
  +        <section>
  +            <title>Configuration</title>        
  +            <para>
  +                Natural conversations are configured in <literal>pages.xml</literal>: 
  +            </para>
  +            <programlisting><![CDATA[  <conversation name="PlaceBid"
  +                  parameter-name="auctionId"
  +                  parameter-value="#{auction.auctionId}"/>]]></programlisting>
  +            <para>
  +                The first thing to note from the above configuration is that the conversation
  +                has a name, in this case <literal>PlaceBid</literal>.  This name uniquely
  +                identifies this particular named conversation, and is used by the 
  +                <literal>page</literal> definition to identify a named conversation to participate
  +                in.
  +            </para>
  +            <para>
  +                The next attribute, <literal>parameter-name</literal> defines the request parameter 
  +                that will contain the natural conversation id, in place of the default conversation 
  +                id parameter (which is typically either <literal>cid</literal> or <literal>conversationId</literal>).  
  +                In this example, the <literal>parameter-name</literal> is <literal>auctionId</literal>.  
  +                This means that instead of a conversation parameter like <literal>cid=123</literal> 
  +                appearing in the URL for your page, it will contain <literal>auctionId=765432</literal> 
  +                instead.
  +            </para>
  +            <para>
  +                The last attribute in the above configuration, <literal>parameter-value</literal>,
  +                defines an EL expression used to evaluate the value of the natural business key to
  +                use as the conversation id.  In this example, the conversation id will be the primary
  +                key value of the <literal>auction</literal> instance currently in scope.
  +            </para>
  +            <para>
  +                The next step is to configure which pages will participate in the named conversation.
  +                This is done by specifying the <literal>conversation</literal> attribute for a
  +                <literal>page</literal> definition:
  +            </para>
  +            <programlisting><![CDATA[  <page view-id="/bid.xhtml" conversation="PlaceBid" login-required="true">
  +      <navigation from-action="#{bidAction.confirmBid}">        
  +          <rule if-outcome="success">
  +              <redirect view-id="/auction.xhtml">
  +                  <param name="id" value="#{bidAction.bid.auction.auctionId}"/>
  +              </redirect>
  +          </rule>        
  +      </navigation>
  +  </page>]]></programlisting>
  +        </section>
  +        <section>
  +            <title>Redirecting to a natural conversation</title>
  +            <para>
  +                When starting, or redirecting to, a natural conversation there are a number
  +                of options for specifying the natural conversation name.  Let's start by looking at
  +                the following page configuration:
  +            </para>
  +            <programlisting><![CDATA[  <page view-id="/auction.xhtml">
  +    <param name="id" value="#{auctionDetail.selectedAuctionId}"/>
  +    <navigation from-action="#{bidAction.placeBid}">
  +      <redirect view-id="/bid.xhtml"/>
  +    </navigation>
  +  </page>]]></programlisting>
  +            <para>
  +                From here, we can see that invoking the action <literal>#{bidAction.placeBid}</literal>
  +                from our auction view (by the way, all these examples are taken from the seamBay example in Seam),
  +                that we will be redirected to <literal>/bid.xhtml</literal>, which as we saw previously
  +                is configured with the natural conversation <literal>PlaceBid</literal>.  The declaration for
  +                our action method looks like this:                
  +            </para>
  +            <programlisting><![CDATA[   @Begin(join = true)
  +   public void placeBid()]]></programlisting>
  +            <para>
  +                When named conversations are specified in the <literal>&lt;page/&gt;</literal> element,
  +                redirection to the named conversation occurs as part of navigation rules, after the 
  +                action method has already been invoked.  This is a problem when redirecting to an
  +                existing conversation, as redirection needs to be occur before the action method is 
  +                invoked.  To cater for this, it is necessary to specify the conversation name when
  +                the action is invoked.  One way of doing this is by using the <literal>s:conversationName</literal>
  +                tag:
  +            </para>
  +            <programlisting><![CDATA[  <h:commandButton id="placeBidWithAmount" styleClass="placeBid" action="#{bidAction.placeBid}">
  +    <s:conversationName value="PlaceBid"/>
  +  </h:commandButton>]]></programlisting>
  +            <para>
  +              Another alternative is to specify the <literal>conversationName</literal> attribute when
  +              using either <literal>s:link</literal> or <literal>s:button</literal>:
  +            </para>
  +            <programlisting><![CDATA[  <s:link value="Place Bid" action="#{bidAction.placeBid}" conversationName="PlaceBid"/>]]></programlisting>
  +        </section>
  +    </section>
  +    <section>
           <title>Workspace management</title>

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