[jboss-cvs] JBossCache/tests/perf/org/jboss/cache/manualtests/cacheloader ...

Mircea Markus mircea.markus at gmail.com
Sat Feb 10 12:47:02 EST 2007

  User: mmarkus 
  Date: 07/02/10 12:47:02

  Added:       tests/perf/org/jboss/cache/manualtests/cacheloader     
                        Benchmark.java BenchmarkRunner.java
                        BaseBenchmark.java RepeatingBenchmark.java
  JDBCCaheLoader performance improvements. Also added benchmarks for comparisons and backward compatibility  tests
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1      date: 2007/02/10 17:47:02;  author: mmarkus;  state: Exp;JBossCache/tests/perf/org/jboss/cache/manualtests/cacheloader/Benchmark.java
  Index: Benchmark.java
  package org.jboss.cache.manualtests.cacheloader;
  import org.jboss.cache.loader.*;
  import org.jboss.cache.Fqn;
  import org.jboss.cache.CacheImpl;
  import org.jboss.cache.DefaultCacheFactory;
  import java.util.*;
   * Defines the algorithm used for measuring performance. The actual operation that will be investigated is defined
   * in a subclass. Buidls a homogeneous tree structure of configurable depth, each node having the same number
   * of chlidren and the same associated attribute map. The persisted tree represents the fixture for the benchmak-ed
   * operation.
   * Benchmarks are runed through {@link BenchmarkRunner}
   * @author Mircea.Markus at iquestint.com
   * @version 1.0
  public abstract class Benchmark
       * When recursively building the tree, stop at this depth.
      protected abstract int getDepth();
       * When recursively building the tree, for each node <tt>numberOfChildren</tt> children
      protected abstract int getNumnerOfChildren();
       * The actual loader implementation. Not started.
      protected abstract CacheLoader getCacheLoader() throws Exception;
       * This method will be called with all the nodes that are about to be added. Implementations can filter them
       * or scuffle etc.
      protected abstract List<Fqn> beforeInsertion(List<Fqn> nodesToAdd);
       * When recursively building the tree, for each node persist this attribute map.
      protected abstract Map getAttributeMap(Fqn fqn);
       * The analysed operation will only be performed on those node. E.g. in the case of remove, select a list of nodes
       * of various depths for which you want to compare the perfomance.
      protected abstract List<Fqn> selectRelevantNodes(List<Fqn> allNodes);
       * Perform the call(set of calls) for which you want to measure performance. Clock will be started right before
       * calling this.
      protected abstract void processOperation(Fqn node, CacheLoader loader) throws Exception;
       * Register operation duration. Calld imediatelly after <tt>processOperation</tt>.
      protected abstract void logOperationDuration(long duration, Fqn processedFqn);
       * Logs the duration of persisisting the test tree structure. Does not include the time needed for
       * generating the test tree structure.
      protected abstract void logInsertionDuration(long duration);
       * Return the name of the benchmark.
      protected abstract String getName();
      public void testPerformance() throws Exception
          int numnerOfChildren = getNumnerOfChildren();
          int depth = getDepth();
          List<Fqn> nodesToAdd = buildTree(depth, numnerOfChildren);
          CacheLoader cacheLoader = getCacheLoader();
          cacheLoader.setCache((CacheImpl) DefaultCacheFactory.getInstance().createCache(false));//this is needed for marshaller
          //1st step = preprocess nodes to add
          List<Fqn> processedNodes = beforeInsertion(nodesToAdd);
          //2nd step = add all the nodes
          long insStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
          for (Fqn fqn : processedNodes)
              cacheLoader.put(fqn, getAttributeMap(fqn));
          logInsertionDuration(System.currentTimeMillis() - insStartTime);
          //3d step = select relevant nodes for our operation
          List<Fqn> relevantNodes = selectRelevantNodes(processedNodes);
          //4th step - perform the desired operation on each selected node and log performance
          for (Fqn node : relevantNodes)
              long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
              processOperation(node, cacheLoader);
              logOperationDuration(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, node);
      protected List<Fqn> buildTree(int depth, int numberOfChildren) throws Exception
          List<Fqn> treeNodes = new ArrayList<Fqn>();
          for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChildren; i++)
              buildNode(i, 1, "", depth, numberOfChildren, treeNodes);
          return treeNodes;
      private void buildNode(int sequence, int depth, String parent, int maxDepth, int numberOfChildren,
                             List<Fqn> treeNodes)
          String newFqn = parent + Fqn.SEPARATOR + depth + "_" + sequence;
          Fqn thisNode = Fqn.fromString(newFqn);
          if (depth < maxDepth)
              for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChildren; i++)
                  buildNode(i, depth + 1, thisNode.toString(), maxDepth, numberOfChildren, treeNodes);
  1.1      date: 2007/02/10 17:47:02;  author: mmarkus;  state: Exp;JBossCache/tests/perf/org/jboss/cache/manualtests/cacheloader/BenchmarkRunner.java
  Index: BenchmarkRunner.java
  package org.jboss.cache.manualtests.cacheloader;
  import org.jboss.cache.manualtests.cacheloader.newimpl.*;
  import org.jboss.cache.manualtests.cacheloader.oldimpl.*;
   * Entry point for running the benchmarks. The benchmark to be run are defined here, see "benchmark" static field.
   * @author Mircea.Markus at iquestint.com
   * @version 1.0
  public class BenchmarkRunner
      private static String[] benchmarks = {
              /* end of new impl benchmarks */
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
          for (int i = 0; i < benchmarks.length; i++)
              Benchmark benchmark = (Benchmark) Class.forName(benchmarks[i]).newInstance();
              System.out.println("Running benchmark " + benchmark.getName());
              System.out.println("Done running benchmark " + benchmark.getName() + "\n \n");
  1.1      date: 2007/02/10 17:47:02;  author: mmarkus;  state: Exp;JBossCache/tests/perf/org/jboss/cache/manualtests/cacheloader/BaseBenchmark.java
  Index: BaseBenchmark.java
  package org.jboss.cache.manualtests.cacheloader;
  import org.jboss.cache.Fqn;
  import org.jboss.cache.factories.XmlConfigurationParser;
  import org.jboss.cache.xml.XmlHelper;
  import org.jboss.cache.config.CacheLoaderConfig;
  import org.w3c.dom.Element;
  import java.util.*;
   * Implements the common operations.
   * @see Benchmark
   * @author Mircea.Markus at iquestint.com
   * @version 1.0
  public abstract class BaseBenchmark extends Benchmark
      public static final int NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN = 3;
      public static final int DEPTH = 7;
      public static final Map ATTRIBUTE_MAP = new HashMap();
          ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("a", "b");
          ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("b", "c");
          ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("c", "d");
          ATTRIBUTE_MAP.put("d", "e");
      protected int getDepth()
          return DEPTH;
      protected int getNumnerOfChildren()
          return NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN;
      protected List<Fqn> beforeInsertion(List<Fqn> nodesToAdd)
          return nodesToAdd;
      protected Map getAttributeMap(Fqn fqn)
          return ATTRIBUTE_MAP;
      protected List<Fqn> selectRelevantNodes(List<Fqn> allNodes)
          List<Fqn> result = new ArrayList<Fqn>();
          selectAtThisDepth(Fqn.ROOT, 1, result);
          return result;
      private static void selectAtThisDepth(Fqn parent, int depth, List<Fqn> result)
          String forRemoval = parent + Fqn.SEPARATOR + depth + "_" + 0;
          Fqn forRemovalFqn = Fqn.fromString(forRemoval);
          if (depth < DEPTH)
              String next = parent + Fqn.SEPARATOR + depth + "_" + 1;
              Fqn nextFqn = Fqn.fromString(next);
              selectAtThisDepth(nextFqn, depth + 1, result);
      protected void logOperationDuration(long duration, Fqn processedFqn)
          System.out.println((getDepth() + 1) - processedFqn.size() + " " + duration);
      protected void logInsertionDuration(long duration)
          System.out.println("Insertion took = " + duration);
      protected CacheLoaderConfig getSingleCacheLoaderConfig(boolean passivation, String preload, String cacheloaderClass, String properties, boolean async, boolean fetchPersistentState, boolean shared, boolean purgeOnStartup) throws Exception
          String xml = "<config>\n" +
                  "<passivation>" + passivation + "</passivation>\n" +
                  "<preload>" + preload + "</preload>\n" +
                  "<cacheloader>\n" +
                  "<class>" + cacheloaderClass + "</class>\n" +
                  "<properties>" + properties + "</properties>\n" +
                  "<async>" + async + "</async>\n" +
                  "<shared>" + shared + "</shared>\n" +
                  "<fetchPersistentState>" + fetchPersistentState + "</fetchPersistentState>\n" +
                  "<purgeOnStartup>" + purgeOnStartup + "</purgeOnStartup>\n" +
                  "</cacheloader>\n" +
          Element element = XmlHelper.stringToElement(xml);
          return XmlConfigurationParser.parseCacheLoaderConfig(element);
      protected Properties getProperties() throws Exception
          Properties prop = new Properties();
              return prop;
          catch (Exception e)
              throw new Exception("Error loading jdbc properties ", e);
  1.1      date: 2007/02/10 17:47:02;  author: mmarkus;  state: Exp;JBossCache/tests/perf/org/jboss/cache/manualtests/cacheloader/RepeatingBenchmark.java
  Index: RepeatingBenchmark.java
  package org.jboss.cache.manualtests.cacheloader;
  import org.jboss.cache.Fqn;
  import org.jboss.cache.loader.CacheLoader;
   * Executing some operations only once is not relevant. E.g. in the case of exits() we only get relevant timing when
   * executing it 10 timese or so.
   * @author Mircea.Markus at iquestint.com
   * @version 1.0
  public abstract class RepeatingBenchmark extends BaseBenchmark
      public static final int NUMBER_OF_TIMES = 100;
      protected void processOperation(Fqn node, CacheLoader loader) throws Exception
          for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TIMES; i++)
              repeatOperation(node, loader);
      public abstract void repeatOperation(Fqn node, CacheLoader loader) throws Exception;
  1.1      date: 2007/02/10 17:47:02;  author: mmarkus;  state: Exp;JBossCache/tests/perf/org/jboss/cache/manualtests/cacheloader/OneConnectionFactory.java
  Index: OneConnectionFactory.java
  package org.jboss.cache.manualtests.cacheloader;
  import org.jboss.cache.loader.ConnectionFactory;
  import org.jboss.cache.loader.AdjListJDBCClassLoaderConfig;
  import java.sql.Connection;
  import java.sql.SQLException;
  import java.sql.DriverManager;
   * Gives only one connection all the time. There is no need for pooling as all the operations are performed
   * sequentially - so this is the leess time consuming poolig mechanism available. 
   * @author Mircea.Markus at iquestint.com
   * @version 1.0
  public class OneConnectionFactory implements ConnectionFactory
      private AdjListJDBCClassLoaderConfig config;
      private Connection conn;
      public void setConfig(AdjListJDBCClassLoaderConfig config)
          this.config = config;
      public void start() throws Exception
          conn = DriverManager.getConnection(config.getJdbcURL(), config.getJdbcUser(), config.getJdbcPassword());
      public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException
          return conn;
      public void prepare(Object tx)
      public void commit(Object tx)
      public void rollback(Object tx)
      public void close(Connection con)
      public void stop()
          } catch (SQLException e)

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