[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r60563 - trunk/server/src/resources/dtd.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Thu Feb 15 06:11:32 EST 2007

Author: dimitris at jboss.org
Date: 2007-02-15 06:11:32 -0500 (Thu, 15 Feb 2007)
New Revision: 60563

JBAS-4100, synch dtds with Branch_4_2, introduce 4.2 ones

Modified: trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/README-DTD.txt
--- trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/README-DTD.txt	2007-02-15 11:00:24 UTC (rev 60562)
+++ trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/README-DTD.txt	2007-02-15 11:11:32 UTC (rev 60563)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # $Id$
-The following files contained witin this folder are covered by license terms
+The following files contained within this folder are covered by license terms
 documented in docs/licenses/sun-specs.txt of the distribution.

Modified: trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-app_4_0.dtd
--- trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-app_4_0.dtd	2007-02-15 11:00:24 UTC (rev 60562)
+++ trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-app_4_0.dtd	2007-02-15 11:11:32 UTC (rev 60563)
@@ -10,10 +10,24 @@
 <!-- The jboss-app element is the root element.
-<!ELEMENT jboss-app (security-domain?, unauthenticated-principal?,
+<!ELEMENT jboss-app (module-order?,security-domain?, unauthenticated-principal?,
  loader-repository?, jmx-name?, module*, security-role*)>
+ The value of the module-order could be implicit or strict
+ <module-order>strict</module-order>
+ 	or 
+ <module-order>implicit</module-order>
+ The strict value indicates that the deployments of the modules will 
+ be done in the order that would be specified in the application.xml 
+ and jboss-app.xml file . 
+ The implicit value indicates the deployment would follow the order 
+ which would be specified in the DeploymentSorter.
+ The default order will be implicit to support backward compatibility
+<!ELEMENT module-order (#PCDATA)>
   The security-domain element specifies the JNDI name of the security
   manager that implements the EJBSecurityManager and RealmMapping for
   the domain. When specified at the jboss level it specifies the security

Added: trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-app_4_2.dtd
--- trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-app_4_2.dtd	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-app_4_2.dtd	2007-02-15 11:11:32 UTC (rev 60563)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
+<!-- The JBoss 4.x specific elements for ears.
+$Id: jboss-app_4_0.dtd 56293 2006-08-26 12:42:15Z vicky.kak at jboss.com $
+DOCTYPE jboss-app
+    PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD J2EE Application 4.2//EN"
+    "http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss-app_4_2.dtd"
+<!-- The jboss-app element is the root element.
+<!ELEMENT jboss-app (module-order?,security-domain?, unauthenticated-principal?,
+ loader-repository?, jmx-name?, module*, security-role*)>
+ The value of the module-order could be implicit or strict
+ <module-order>strict</module-order>
+ 	or 
+ <module-order>implicit</module-order>
+ The strict value indicates that the deployments of the modules will 
+ be done in the order that would be specified in the application.xml 
+ and jboss-app.xml file . 
+ The implicit value indicates the deployment would follow the order 
+ which would be specified in the DeploymentSorter.
+ The default order will be implicit to support backward compatibility
+<!ELEMENT module-order (#PCDATA)>
+  The security-domain element specifies the JNDI name of the security
+  manager that implements the EJBSecurityManager and RealmMapping for
+  the domain. When specified at the jboss level it specifies the security
+  domain for all j2ee components in the deployment unit.
+  One can override the global security-domain at the container
+  level using the security-domain element at the container-configuration
+  level.
+  Used in: jboss-app
+<!ELEMENT security-domain (#PCDATA)>
+  The unauthenticated-principal element specifies the name of the principal
+  that will be returned by the EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal() method if there
+  is no authenticated user. This Principal has no roles or privaledges to call
+  any other beans.
+<!ELEMENT unauthenticated-principal (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The loader-repository specifies the name of the UnifiedLoaderRepository
+   MBean to use for the ear to provide ear level scoping of classes deployed
+   in the ear. It is a unique JMX ObjectName string. It may also specify
+   an arbitrary configuration by including a loader-repository-config element.
+   <loader-repository>jboss.test:loader=cts-cmp2v1-sar.ear</loader-repository>
+   <loader-repository loaderRepositoryClass='dot.com.LoaderRepository'>
+      dot.com:loader=unique-archive-name
+      <loader-repository-config configParserClass='dot.com.LoaderParser'>
+         java2ParentDelegaton=true
+      </loader-repository-config>
+   </loader-repository>
+<!ELEMENT loader-repository (#PCDATA | loader-repository-config)*>
+<!-- The loaderRepositoryClass attribute gives the classname of the
+org.jboss.mx.loading.LoaderRepository implementation.
+<!ATTLIST loader-repository loaderRepositoryClass CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- The loader-repository-config element specifies any arbitrary configuration
+fragment for use in configuring the loader-repository instance. The actual
+content of this element is specific to the loaderRepositoryClass and the
+code parsing the element.
+<!ELEMENT loader-repository-config (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The configParserClass attribute gives the classname of the
+implementation to use to parse the loader-repository-config content.
+<!ATTLIST loader-repository-config configParserClass CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- The jmx-name element allows one to specify the JMX ObjectName to use
+for the MBean associated with the ejb-jar module. This must be a unique
+name and valid JMX ObjectName string.
+   Used in: jboss-app
+<!ELEMENT jmx-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The module element is used to specify a jboss specific module archive.
+<!ELEMENT module (service | har)>
+<!-- Allow the module to have a unique id -->
+<!ATTLIST module id ID #IMPLIED>
+<!-- The service element specifies a service archive (SAR) to deploy.
+   <module>
+      <service>external.sar</service>
+   </module>
+<!ELEMENT service (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The har element specifies a Hibernate archive (HAR) to deploy.
+   <module>
+      <har>myapp.har</har>
+   </module>
+  The security-role element contains the definition of a security role.
+  The definition consists of an the security role name and principal name element(s).
+Used in: jboss-app
+		<security-role>
+      <role-name>Manager</role-name>
+      <principal-name>j2ee</principal-name>
+      <principal-name>javajoe</principal-name>
+		</security-role>
+<!ELEMENT security-role (role-name, principal-name+)>
+  The role-name element is the name of the role.
+  Used in: security-role
+<!ELEMENT role-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The principal-name element is the name of the principal that is mapped
+  to the assembly role-name.
+  Used in: security-role
+<!ELEMENT principal-name (#PCDATA)>

Added: trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-client_4_2.dtd
--- trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-client_4_2.dtd	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-client_4_2.dtd	2007-02-15 11:11:32 UTC (rev 60563)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
+<!-- The JBoss specific elements used to deploy an application client.
+This version applies to the JBoss 4.2 releases and the
+j2ee-1.4 application-client_1_4.xsd.
+$Id: jboss-client_4_0.dtd 60135 2007-01-31 13:17:30Z thomas.diesler at jboss.com $
+   <!DOCTYPE jboss-client PUBLIC
+       "-//JBoss//DTD Application Client 4.2//EN"
+       "http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss-client_4_2.dtd">
+<!ENTITY % service-ref SYSTEM "./docs/dtd/service-ref_4_2.dtd"> 
+<!-- The jboss-client element is the root element.
+<!ELEMENT jboss-client (jndi-name, ejb-ref*, service-ref*, resource-ref*,
+ resource-env-ref*)>
+<!-- The required jndi-name element specifies the JNDI name of a deployed
+object. It is used in two different contexts:
+1. In jboss-client to specify the location in JNDI on the server side which
+contains the ObjectFactory which handles the java:comp/env enterprise naming
+context (ENC) on the client. The application client code maps its ENC to the
+approriate client jar deployment jboss-client/jndi-name value by specifying this
+location via the j2ee.clientName IntialContext environment property, or as a
+system property. The prototype code for creating the client side InitialContext
+      Properties env = new Properties();
+      env.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,
+         "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
+      env.setProperty(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.naming.client");
+      env.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "jnp://somehost:1099");
+      env.setProperty("j2ee.clientName", "test-client");
+      InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(env);
+      Context enc = (Context) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env");
+2. In resource-ref, resource-env-ref, ejb-ref to specify the the actual server
+side binding location of the target the client ENC binding will link to via a
+JNDI LinkRef.
+Used in: jboss-client, resource-ref, resource-env-ref, ejb-ref
+<!ELEMENT jndi-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The ejb-ref element maps from the servlet ENC relative name
+of the ejb reference to the deployment environment JNDI name of
+the bean.
+    <ejb-ref>
+        <ejb-ref-name>ejb/Bean0</ejb-ref-name>
+        <jndi-name>deployed/ejbs/Bean0</jndi-name>
+    </ejb-ref>
+<!ELEMENT ejb-ref (ejb-ref-name , jndi-name)>
+<!-- The ejb-ref-name element gives the ENC relative name used
+in the client code.
+Used in: ejb-ref
+<!ELEMENT ejb-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!--The resource-ref element maps from the client ENC relative name
+of the resource-ref to the deployment environment JNDI name of
+the resource manager connection factory.
+    <resource-ref>
+        <res-ref-name>jdbc/TheDataSource</res-ref-name>
+        <jndi-name>java:/DefaultDS</jndi-name>
+    </resource-ref>
+    <resource-ref>
+        <res-ref-name>url/XYZHome</res-ref-name>
+        <res-url>http://x.y.z</res-url>
+    </resource-ref>
+<!ELEMENT resource-ref (res-ref-name , (jndi-name | res-url))>
+<!-- The res-ref-name specifies the name of the application-client.xml
+res-ref-name element to which this mapping applies.
+<!ELEMENT res-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!--The resource-env-ref element maps from the servlet ENC relative name
+of the resource-env-ref to the deployment environment JNDI name of
+the administered object resource.
+    <resource-env-ref>
+        <resource-env-ref-name>jms/NewsTopic</resource-env-ref-name>
+        <jndi-name>topic/NewsTopic</jndi-name>
+    </resource-env-ref>
+<!ELEMENT resource-env-ref (resource-env-ref-name , jndi-name)>
+<!-- The resource-env-ref-name specifies the name of the application-client.xml
+resource-env-ref-name element to which this mapping applies.
+<!ELEMENT resource-env-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The res-url element value is a URL string for a resource-ref of
+res-type = java.net.URL. Using a res-url creates a binding of the URL
+instance under the java:comp/env. If you want to link to another binding
+of a URL, you can use the jndi-name to do so.
+// Binds the URL(http://x.y.z) under java:comp/env/jdbc/XYZHome
+    <res-ref-name>jdbc/XYZHome</res-ref-name>
+    <res-url>http://x.y.z</res-url>
+// Binds a link to urls/XYZHomePage under java:comp/env/jdbc/XYZHome
+    <res-ref-name>jdbc/XYZHome</res-ref-name>
+    <res-url>urls/XYZHomePage</res-url>
+   Used in: resource-ref
+<!ELEMENT res-url (#PCDATA)>

Modified: trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-web_4_0.dtd
--- trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-web_4_0.dtd	2007-02-15 11:00:24 UTC (rev 60562)
+++ trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-web_4_0.dtd	2007-02-15 11:11:32 UTC (rev 60563)
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
    The first option is conservative but not optimal (performance-wise): it will replicate the
    session even if its content has not been modified but simply accessed. There is no deterministic
-   way to know if the content of an attribute is not itself modified. Consequently, by default, not
+   way to know if the content of an attribute is not itself modified. Consequently, by default, no
    hypothesis can be done. It is up to the developer to tell us if we can trust this policy.
    The second option is conservative but will only replicate if a non-primitive Object has been

Added: trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-web_4_2.dtd
--- trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-web_4_2.dtd	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss-web_4_2.dtd	2007-02-15 11:11:32 UTC (rev 60563)
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
+<!-- The JBoss specific elements used to integrate the servlet 2.4 web.xml
+elements into a JBoss deployment. This version applies to the JBoss 4.2.x
+$Id: jboss-web_4_0.dtd 60134 2007-01-31 13:14:47Z thomas.diesler at jboss.com $
+  <!DOCTYPE jboss-web PUBLIC
+    "-//JBoss//DTD Web Application 4.2//EN"
+    "http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss-web_4_2.dtd">
+<!ENTITY % service-ref SYSTEM "./docs/dtd/service-ref_4_2.dtd"> 
+<!-- The jboss-web element is the root element.
+<!ELEMENT jboss-web (class-loading?, security-domain?, context-root?,
+   virtual-host*, use-session-cookies?, replication-config?, resource-env-ref*,
+   resource-ref*, security-role*, ejb-ref*, ejb-local-ref*, 
+   message-destination-ref*, message-destination*, 
+   webservice-description*, service-ref*, depends*, servlet*, authenticators*)>
+<!-- The class-loading element allows one to override the default class
+loading behavior of the web container. You can specify the
+   <class-loading java2ClassLoadingCompliance='false'/>
+   <class-loading java2ClassLoadingCompliance='false'>
+      <loader-repository loaderRepositoryClass='dot.com.LoaderRepository'>
+         ...
+      </loader-repository>
+   </class-loading>
+<!ELEMENT class-loading (loader-repository?)>
+<!-- The java2ClassLoadingCompliance attribute indicates if the normal Java2
+parent first class loading model should be used over the servlet 2.3 web
+container first model.
+<!ATTLIST class-loading java2ClassLoadingCompliance CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- The loader-repository specifies the name of the UnifiedLoaderRepository
+   MBean to use for the ear to provide ear level scoping of classes deployed
+   in the ear. It is a unique JMX ObjectName string. It may also specify
+   an arbitrary configuration by including a loader-repository-config element.
+   <class-loading>
+   <loader-repository>jboss.test:loader=cts-cmp2v1-sar.ear</loader-repository>
+   </class-loading>
+   <class-loading java2ClassLoadingCompliance='false'>
+   <loader-repository loaderRepositoryClass='dot.com.LoaderRepository'>
+      dot.com:loader=unique-archive-name
+      <loader-repository-config configParserClass='dot.com.LoaderParser'>
+         java2ParentDelegaton=true
+      </loader-repository-config>
+   </loader-repository>
+   </class-loading>
+<!ELEMENT loader-repository (#PCDATA | loader-repository-config)*>
+<!-- The loaderRepositoryClass attribute gives the classname of the
+org.jboss.mx.loading.LoaderRepository implementation.
+<!ATTLIST loader-repository loaderRepositoryClass CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- The loader-repository-config element specifies any arbitrary configuration
+fragment for use in configuring the loader-repository instance. The actual
+content of this element is specific to the loaderRepositoryClass and the
+code parsing the element.
+<!ELEMENT loader-repository-config (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The configParserClass attribute gives the classname of the
+implementation to use to parse the loader-repository-config content.
+<!ATTLIST loader-repository-config configParserClass CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- The context-root element specifies the context root of a web
+application. This is normally specified at the ear level using the standard
+J2EE application.xml descriptor, but it may be given here for standalone wars.
+This should not override the application.xml level specification.
+<!ELEMENT context-root (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The security-domain element allows one to specify a module wide
+security manager domain. It specifies the JNDI name of the security
+manager that implements the org.jboss.security.AuthenticationManager and
+org.jboss.security.RealmMapping interfaces for the domain.
+<!ELEMENT security-domain (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The flushOnSessionInvalidation attribute is a boolean indicating whether
+the associated security domain cache should be flushed when the web session is
+invalidated. If true, the security manager service 
+flushAuthenticationCache(String, java.security.Principal) is called when the
+session is seen to be invalid due to expiration or explicit invalidation.
+<!ATTLIST security-domain flushOnSessionInvalidation (true|false) 'false'>
+<!-- The virtual-host element allows one to specify which virtual host the war
+should be deployed to. Example, to specify that a war should be deployed to the
+www.jboss-store.org virtual host add the following virtual-host element:
+   <virtual-host>www.jboss-store.org</virtual-host>
+<!ELEMENT virtual-host (#PCDATA)>
+<!--The resource-env-ref element maps from the servlet ENC relative name
+of the resource-env-ref to the deployment environment JNDI name of
+the administered object resource.
+    <resource-env-ref>
+        <resource-env-ref-name>jms/NewsTopic</resource-env-ref-name>
+        <jndi-name>topic/NewsTopic</jndi-name>
+    </resource-env-ref>
+<!ELEMENT resource-env-ref (resource-env-ref-name , jndi-name)>
+<!-- The resource-env-ref-name specifies the name of the web.xml
+resource-env-ref-name element which this mapping applies.
+<!ELEMENT resource-env-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!--The resource-ref element maps from the servlet ENC relative name
+of the resource-ref to the deployment environment JNDI name of
+the resource manager connection factory.
+    <resource-ref>
+        <res-ref-name>jdbc/TheDataSource</res-ref-name>
+        <jndi-name>java:/DefaultDS</jndi-name>
+    </resource-ref>
+    <resource-ref>
+        <res-ref-name>jdbc/TheDataSource</res-ref-name>
+        <res-url>http://x.y.z</res-url>
+    </resource-ref>
+<!ELEMENT resource-ref (res-ref-name , (jndi-name | res-url))>
+<!-- The res-ref-name specifies the name of the web.xml res-ref-name element
+which this mapping applies.
+<!ELEMENT res-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The security-role element contains the definition of a security role.
+  The definition consists of an the security role name and principal name element(s).
+Used in: jboss-web
+		<security-role>
+      <role-name>Manager</role-name>
+      <principal-name>j2ee</principal-name>
+      <principal-name>javajoe</principal-name>
+		</security-role>
+<!ELEMENT security-role (role-name, principal-name+)>
+  The role-name element is the name of the role.
+  Used in: security-role
+<!ELEMENT role-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The principal-name element is the name of the principal that is mapped
+  to the assembly role-name.
+  Used in: security-role
+<!ELEMENT principal-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The ejb-ref element maps from the servlet ENC relative name
+of the ejb reference to the deployment environment JNDI name of
+the bean.
+    <ejb-ref>
+        <ejb-ref-name>ejb/Bean0</ejb-ref-name>
+        <jndi-name>deployed/ejbs/Bean0</jndi-name>
+    </ejb-ref>
+<!ELEMENT ejb-ref (ejb-ref-name , jndi-name)>
+<!-- The ejb-local-ref element maps from the servlet ENC relative name
+of the ejb local reference to the deployment environment JNDI name of
+the bean.
+    <ejb-local-ref>
+        <ejb-ref-name>ejb/Bean0</ejb-ref-name>
+        <local-jndi-name>deployed/ejbs/Bean0</local-jndi-name>
+    </ejb-local-ref>
+<!ELEMENT ejb-local-ref (ejb-ref-name , (local-jndi-name|jndi-name))>
+<!-- The ejb-ref-name element gives the ENC relative name used
+in the web.xml ejb-ref-name element.
+Used in: ejb-ref
+<!ELEMENT ejb-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The jndi-name element specifies the JNDI name of the deployed
+object to which the servlet ENC binding will link to via a JNDI
+Used in: resource-ref, resource-env-ref, ejb-ref, 
+         message-destination-ref, message-destination
+<!ELEMENT jndi-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The JNDI name under with the local home interface should be bound
+  Used in: ejb-local-ref
+<!ELEMENT local-jndi-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The res-url element value is a URL string for a resource-ref of
+res-type = java.net.URL. Using a res-url creates a binding of the URL
+instance under the java:comp/env. If you want to link to another binding
+of a URL, you can use the jndi-name to do so.
+// Binds the URL(http://x.y.z) under java:comp/env/jdbc/XYZHome
+    <res-ref-name>jdbc/XYZHome</res-ref-name>
+    <res-url>http://x.y.z</res-url>
+// Binds a link to urls/XYZHomePage under java:comp/env/jdbc/XYZHome
+    <res-ref-name>jdbc/XYZHome</res-ref-name>
+    <res-url>urls/XYZHomePage</res-url>
+   Used in: resource-ref
+<!ELEMENT res-url (#PCDATA)>
+  The message-destination-ref element is used to configure the
+  jndi-name for a message-destination-ref in ejb-jar.xml
+  Used in: jboss-web
+<!ELEMENT message-destination-ref (message-destination-ref-name, jndi-name)>
+  The message-destination-ref-name element identifies the
+  message-destination-ref. It must match the name in ejb-jar.xml
+  Used in: message-destination-ref
+<!ELEMENT message-destination-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The message-destination element is used to configure the
+  jndi-name for a message-destination in ejb-jar.xml
+  Used in: jboss-web
+<!ELEMENT message-destination (message-destination-name, jndi-name)>
+  The message-destination-name element identifies the
+  message-destination. It must match the name in ejb-jar.xml
+  Used in: message-destination
+<!ELEMENT message-destination-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The depends element gives a JMX ObjectName of a service on which the
+container or ejb depends.
+<!ELEMENT depends (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The use-session-cookies element controls wether this context uses session cookies
+     or not.
+     <use-session-cookies>true</use-session-cookies>
+<!ELEMENT use-session-cookies (#PCDATA)>
+   HTTP Session clustering configuration (optional tags)
+<!ELEMENT replication-config (replication-trigger?, replication-granularity, replication-field-batch-mode?)>
+   Clustering only: Determines when the container should consider that a session
+                    must be replicated accross the cluster.
+                    Possible values are:
+                    1 - "SET_AND_GET"
+                    2 - "SET_AND_NON_PRIMITIVE_GET" (default value)
+                    3 - "SET"
+   The first option is conservative but not optimal (performance-wise): it will replicate the
+   session even if its content has not been modified but simply accessed. There is no deterministic
+   way to know if the content of an attribute is not itself modified. Consequently, by default, no
+   hypothesis can be done. It is up to the developer to tell us if we can trust this policy.
+   The second option is conservative but will only replicate if a non-primitive Object has been
+   accessed (Integer, Long, String, etc. which are immutables). It is the default value.
+   The third option considers that the developer will explicitely call setAttribute on the session
+   if it has to be replicated.
+         <replication-trigger>SET_AND_GET</replication-trigger>
+      or
+         <replication-trigger>SET_AND_NON_PRIMITIVE_GET</replication-trigger>
+      or
+         <replication-trigger>SET</replication-trigger>
+<!ELEMENT replication-trigger (#PCDATA)>
+   Clustering only: Determines the session replication granularity level.
+                    Possible values are:
+                    1 - "SESSION" (default)
+                    2 - "ATTRIBUTE"
+                    3 - "FIELD"
+   The first option indicates that replication is done per session instance, i.e. when
+   the session is considered modified, the whole session object will be serialized
+   and replicated. This is the preferred policy when the sessions are generally small.
+   The second option indicates that replication is performed only for the the dirty
+   attributes in the session, plus some session data, like lastAccessTime. For sessions
+   carrying large amounts of data, parts of which are infrequently accessed,
+   this option can increase replication performance.
+         <replication-granularity>SESSION</replication-granularity>
+      or
+         <replication-granularity>ATTRIBUTE</replication-granularity>
+<!ELEMENT replication-granularity (#PCDATA)>
+   Determine whether to batch the replication when the granularity level is set to FIELD.
+   Default is true.
+   If this is set to TRUE, that means we will replicate the pojo changes only during the
+   http request is finished. To use this, the JBossCacheAop transaction manager class will
+   need to be configured as BatchModeTransactionManager such that a user can still have
+   UserTransaction inside the http request. However, note that the cache will not particiapte
+   in the UserTransaction in this case.
+   If you want cache to participate in the UserTransaction, you can configure the transaction
+   manager class to JBossTransactionManager and set this option to FALSE. The result is for
+   those session attribute changes that are not under transaction will replicate instantaneously,
+   while those particiate under transaction will replicate only when the transaction is
+   completed.
+         <replication-field-batch-mode>TRUE</replication-field-batch-mode>
+      or
+         <replication-field-batch-mode>FALSE</replication-field-batch-mode>
+<!ELEMENT replication-field-batch-mode (true|false)>
+Runtime information about a web service.
+wsdl-publish-location is optionally used to specify
+where the final wsdl and any dependent files should be stored.  This location
+resides on the file system from which deployment is initiated.
+<!ELEMENT webservice-description ( webservice-description-name, config-name?, config-file?, wsdl-publish-location? )>
+Unique name of a webservice within a module
+<!ELEMENT webservice-description-name ( #PCDATA )>
+file: URL of a directory to which a web-service-description's wsdl should be
+published during deployment.  Any required files will be published to this
+directory, preserving their location relative to the module-specific
+wsdl directory(META-INF/wsdl or WEB-INF/wsdl).
+Example :
+  For an ejb.jar whose webservices.xml wsdl-file element contains
+    META-INF/wsdl/a/Foo.wsdl
+  <wsdl-publish-location>file:/home/user1/publish
+  </wsdl-publish-location>
+  The final wsdl will be stored in /home/user1/publish/a/Foo.wsdl
+<!ELEMENT wsdl-publish-location ( #PCDATA )>
+<!-- The servlet element specifies servlet specific bindings. Currently this
+is only the run-as principal identity.
+   Used in: jboss-web
+<!ELEMENT servlet (servlet-name, run-as-principal?)>
+<!-- The servlet-name maps from the web.xml servlet/servlet-name to the
+   Used in: servlet
+<!ELEMENT servlet-name ( #PCDATA )>
+  The run-as-principal element specifies whether a specific run-as identity is
+  to be used. If there is a run-as role defined for a servlet, there can also
+  be a run-as-principal defined here. If you don't define a run-as principal
+  the callee will see ctx.getUserPrincipal() == 'anonymous'
+  Used in: servlet
+<!ELEMENT run-as-principal ( #PCDATA )>
+	Customize the tomcat authenticators at the context or web-app level.
+	These are keyed in by http-auth method specified in login-config in web.xml
+	<authenticators>
+	    <authenticator>
+	      <key>BASIC</key>
+	      <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.BasicAuthenticator</value>
+	    </authenticator>
+	    <authenticator>
+	      <key>CLIENT-CERT</key>
+	      <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SSLAuthenticator</value>
+	    </authenticator>
+	    <authenticator>
+	      <key>DIGEST</key>
+	      <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.DigestAuthenticator</value>
+	    </authenticator>
+	    <authenticator>
+	      <key>FORM</key>
+	      <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator</value>
+	    </authenticator>
+	    <authenticator>
+	      <key>NONE</key>
+	      <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.NonLoginAuthenticator</value>
+	    </authenticator>
+	 </authenticators> 
+<!ELEMENT authenticators (authenticator+)>
+<!ELEMENT authenticator ( key, value )>

Added: trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss_4_2.dtd
--- trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss_4_2.dtd	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jboss_4_2.dtd	2007-02-15 11:11:32 UTC (rev 60563)
@@ -0,0 +1,1689 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
+$Id: jboss_4_0.dtd 60157 2007-02-01 11:06:42Z thomas.diesler at jboss.com $
+This is the XML DTD for the JBoss 4.2 EJB deployment descriptor.
+The DOCTYPE is:
+      "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS 4.2//EN"
+      "http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss_4_2.dtd">
+Overview of the architecture of jboss.xml
+  <enforce-ejb-restrictions />
+  <security-domain />
+  <unauthenticated-principal />
+  <webservices>
+    <context-root>
+    <webservice-description>
+      <webservice-description-name>
+      <wsdl-publish-location>
+    </webservice-description>
+  <webservices>
+  <enterprise-beans>
+    <entity>
+      <ejb-name />
+      <jndi-name />
+      <local-jndi-name />
+      <call-by-value>
+      <read-only>
+      <call-by-value>
+      <configuration-name>
+      <security-proxy>
+      <ejb-ref>
+      <ejb-local-ref>
+      <service-ref>
+      <security-identity>
+        <run-as-principal>
+      </security-identity>
+      <resource-ref>
+        <res-ref-name />
+        <resource-name />
+      </resource-ref>
+      <resource-env-ref>
+      <clustered />
+      <cluster-config>
+    </entity>
+    <session>
+      <ejb-name />
+      <jndi-name />
+      <local-jndi-name />
+      <call-by-value>
+      <configuration-name>
+      <security-proxy>
+      <ejb-ref>
+      <ejb-local-ref>
+      <service-ref>
+      <security-identity>
+        <run-as-principal>
+      </security-identity>
+      <resource-ref>
+        <res-ref-name />
+        <resource-name />
+      </resource-ref>
+      <resource-env-ref>
+      <clustered />
+      <cluster-config>
+      <port-component>
+        <port-component-name>
+        <port-component-uri>
+        <auth-method>
+        <transport-guarantee>
+      </port-component>
+    </session>
+    <message-driven>
+      <ejb-name>
+      <destination-jndi-name>
+      <mdb-user>
+      <mdb-passwd>
+      <mdb-client-id>
+      <mdb-subscription-id>
+      <resource-adapter-name>
+      <configuration-name>
+      <security-proxy>
+      <ejb-ref>
+      <service-ref>
+      <security-identity>
+        <run-as-principal>
+      </security-identity>
+      <resource-ref>
+      <resource-env-ref>
+    </message-driven>
+  </enterprise-beans>
+  <assembly-descriptor>
+    <security-role>
+      <role-name>
+      <principal-name>
+    </security-role>
+  </assembly-descriptor>
+  <resource-managers>
+    <resource-manager>
+      <res-name />
+      <res-jndi-name />
+    </resource-manager>
+    <resource-manager>
+      <res-name />
+      <res-url />
+    </resource-manager>
+  </resource-managers>
+  <container-configurations>
+    <container-configuration>
+      <container-name />
+      <call-logging />
+      <invoker-proxy-binding-name />
+      <sync-on-commit-only />
+      <insert-after-ejb-post-create />
+      <call-ejb-store-on-clean />
+      <store-not-flushed />
+      <container-interceptors />
+      <instance-pool />
+      <instance-cache />
+      <persistence-manager />
+      <web-class-loader />
+      <locking-policy />
+      <container-cache-conf />
+      <container-pool-conf />
+      <commit-option />
+      <optiond-refresh-rate />
+      <security-domain />
+      <cluster-config />
+      <depends />
+    </container-configuration>
+  </container-configurations>
+<!ENTITY % service-ref SYSTEM "./docs/dtd/service-ref_4_0.dtd"> 
+  The jboss element is the root element of the jboss.xml file. It
+  contains all the information used by jboss but not described in the
+  ejb-jar.xml file. All of it is optional.
+  1- the application assembler can define custom container configurations
+     for the beans. Standard configurations are provided in standardjboss.xml
+  2- the deployer can override the jndi names under which the beans are deployed
+  3- the deployer can specify runtime jndi names for resource managers.
+<!ELEMENT jboss (loader-repository?, jmx-name?, enforce-ejb-restrictions?,
+ security-domain?, missing-method-permissions-excluded-mode?,
+ unauthenticated-principal?, exception-on-rollback?,
+ webservices?, enterprise-beans?, assembly-descriptor?,
+ resource-managers?, invoker-proxy-bindings?, container-configurations?)>
+<!-- The loader-repository specifies the name of the UnifiedLoaderRepository
+   MBean to use for the ear to provide ear level scoping of classes deployed
+   in the ear. It is a unique JMX ObjectName string. It may also specify
+   an arbitrary configuration by including a loader-repository-config element.
+   <loader-repository>jboss.test:loader=cts-cmp2v1-sar.ear</loader-repository>
+   <loader-repository loaderRepositoryClass='dot.com.LoaderRepository'>
+      dot.com:loader=unique-archive-name
+      <loader-repository-config configParserClass='dot.com.LoaderParser'>
+         java2ParentDelegaton=true
+      </loader-repository-config>
+   </loader-repository>
+<!ELEMENT loader-repository (#PCDATA | loader-repository-config)*>
+<!-- The loaderRepositoryClass attribute gives the classname of the
+org.jboss.mx.loading.LoaderRepository implementation.
+<!ATTLIST loader-repository loaderRepositoryClass CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- The loader-repository-config element specifies any arbitrary configuration
+fragment for use in configuring the loader-repository instance. The actual
+content of this element is specific to the loaderRepositoryClass and the
+code parsing the element.
+<!ELEMENT loader-repository-config (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The configParserClass attribute gives the classname of the
+implementation to use to parse the loader-repository-config content.
+<!ATTLIST loader-repository-config configParserClass CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- The jmx-name element allows one to specify the JMX ObjectName to use
+for the MBean associated with the ejb-jar module. This must be a unique
+name and valid JMX ObjectName string.
+   Used in: jboss
+<!ELEMENT jmx-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The enforce-ejb-restrictions element tells the container to enforce ejb1.1 restrictions
+  It must be one of the following :
+    <enforce-ejb-restrictions>true</enforce-ejb-restrictions>
+    <enforce-ejb-restrictions>false</enforce-ejb-restrictions>
+  Used in: jboss
+<!ELEMENT enforce-ejb-restrictions (#PCDATA)>
+  The security-domain element specifies the JNDI name of the security
+  manager that implements the EJBSecurityManager and RealmMapping for
+  the domain. When specified at the jboss level it specifies the security
+  domain for all j2ee components in the deployment unit.
+  One can override the global security-domain at the container
+  level using the security-domain element at the container-configuration
+  level.
+  Used in: jboss, container-configuration
+<!ELEMENT security-domain (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The missing-method-permissions-excluded-mode determines the treatment
+of missing method-permission mappings in the ejb-jar descriptor. The ejb 2.1
+spec states: "It is possible that some methods are not assigned to any security
+roles nor contained in the exclude-list element. In this case, it is the
+responsibility of the Deployer to assign method permissions for all of the
+unspecified methods, either by assigning them to security roles, or by marking
+them as unchecked." The missing-method-permissions-excluded-mode is a boolean
+that allows the deployer to globally indicate that all methods without a
+method-permission element should be treated as excluded(= true and the default),
+or that methods without a method-permission element should be treated as
+unchecked(= false)
+<!ELEMENT missing-method-permissions-excluded-mode (#PCDATA)>
+  The unauthenticated-principal element specifies the name of the principal
+  that will be returned by the EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal() method if there
+  is no authenticated user. This Principal has no roles or privaledges to call
+  any other beans.
+<!ELEMENT unauthenticated-principal (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The invoker-proxy-bindings defines the invokers available for use with
+the ejb container configurations.
+<!ELEMENT invoker-proxy-bindings (invoker-proxy-binding*)>
+<!-- The invoker-proxy-binding defines an invoker service and proxy factory
+<!ELEMENT invoker-proxy-binding (name, invoker-mbean, proxy-factory, proxy-factory-config)>
+<!-- The name gives a unique name for the invoker-proxy-binding
+<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The invoker-mbean gives the JMX ObjectName of the invoker MBean service
+<!ELEMENT invoker-mbean (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The org.jboss.ejb.EJBProxyFactory implementation class
+<!ELEMENT proxy-factory (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The proxy-factory-config defines the client-interceptors stack
+and other configuration options to use for the various EJB proxies.
+<!ELEMENT proxy-factory-config (client-interceptors?, endpoint-interceptors? , web-class-loader? ,
+activation-config?, JMSProviderAdapterJNDI? , ServerSessionPoolFactoryJNDI? , 
+CreateJBossMQDestination? , MinimumSize? , MaximumSize? ,
+KeepAliveMillis? , MaxMessages? , MDBConfig? , poa? , register-ejbs-in-jnp-context? , 
+jnp-context? , interface-repository-supported?)>
+  The jndi name of the jms provider adapter in the java:/ namespace.
+  This is mandatory for an MDB and must implement
+  org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderAdapter
+  Used in: proxy-factory-config for JMSContainerInvoker
+<!ELEMENT JMSProviderAdapterJNDI (#PCDATA)>
+  The jndi name of the session pool in the java:/ namespace.
+  This is mandatory for an MDB and must implement
+  org.jboss.jms.asf.ServerSessionPoolFactory
+  Used in: proxy-factory-config for JMSContainerInvoker
+<!ELEMENT ServerSessionPoolFactoryJNDI (#PCDATA)>
+  Whether to create destinations in JBossMQ if the
+  destination cannot be found.
+  Used in: proxy-factory-config for JMSContainerInvoker
+<!ELEMENT CreateJBossMQDestination (#PCDATA)>
+  The maximum number of messages parameter for the mdb's
+  connection consumer.
+  Used in: proxy-factory-config for JMSContainerInvoker
+<!ELEMENT MaxMessages (#PCDATA)>
+  Configuration for the MDB
+  Used in: proxy-factory-config for JMSContainerInvoker
+<!ELEMENT MDBConfig (ReconnectIntervalSec , DeliveryActive? , DLQConfig?)>
+  The time to wait (in seconds) before trying to recover
+  the connection to the JMS server.
+  Used in: MDBConfig
+<!ELEMENT ReconnectIntervalSec (#PCDATA)>
+  Whether delivery of messages is active at startup,
+  valid values are "True" or "False".
+  Used in: MDBConfig
+<!ELEMENT DeliveryActive (#PCDATA)>
+  Configuration for an MDB's dead letter queue, used
+  when messages are redelivered too many times.
+  Used in: MDBConfig
+<!ELEMENT DLQConfig (DestinationQueue , MaxTimesRedelivered , TimeToLive, DLQUser?,  DLQPassword?)>
+  The jndi name of the queue to use as the dead letter queue.
+  Used in: DLQConfig
+<!ELEMENT DestinationQueue (#PCDATA)>
+  The maximum number of times a message is redelivered before it
+  is placed in the dead letter queue.
+  Used in: DLQConfig
+<!ELEMENT MaxTimesRedelivered (#PCDATA)>
+  The time-to-live of the message in the dead letter queue.
+  See javax.jms.Message
+  Used in: DLQConfig
+<!ELEMENT TimeToLive (#PCDATA)>
+  The user for the dlq connection
+  Used in: DLQConfig
+  The password for the dlq connection
+  Used in: DLQConfig
+  The portable object adapter usage, one of
+  <poa>per-servent</poa>
+  <poa>shared</poa>
+  Used in: proxy-factory-config for IORFactory
+  Whether to register ejbs in jnp (jndi)
+  Used in: proxy-factory-config for IORFactory
+<!ELEMENT register-ejbs-in-jnp-context (#PCDATA)>
+  The jndi context in which to register ejbs
+  Used in: proxy-factory-config for IORFactory
+<!ELEMENT jnp-context (#PCDATA)>
+  Whether a deployed ejb has its own CORBA interface repository or not
+  Used in: proxy-factory-config for IORFactory
+<!ELEMENT interface-repository-supported (#PCDATA)>
+  The enterprise-beans element contains additional information about
+  the beans. These informations, such as jndi names, resource managers and
+  container configurations, are specific to jboss and not described in
+  ejb-jar.xml.
+  jboss will provide a standard behaviour if no enterprise-beans element
+  is found, see container-configurations, jndi-name and resource-managers
+  for defaults.
+  Used in: jboss
+<!ELEMENT webservices (context-root?, webservice-description*)>
+<!-- The context-root element specifies the context root of the web
+application that the EJB service endpoints are deployed to. 
+If it is not specified it will be derived from the deployment short name.
+<!ELEMENT context-root (#PCDATA)>
+Runtime information about a web service.
+wsdl-publish-location is optionally used to specify
+where the final wsdl and any dependent files should be stored.  This location
+resides on the file system from which deployment is initiated.
+<!ELEMENT webservice-description ( webservice-description-name, config-name?, config-file?, wsdl-publish-location? )>
+Unique name of a webservice within a module. It corresponds to the <webservice-description-name>
+element in webservices.xml
+<!ELEMENT webservice-description-name ( #PCDATA )>
+file: URL of a directory to which a web-service-description's wsdl should be
+published during deployment.  Any required files will be published to this
+directory, preserving their location relative to the module-specific
+wsdl directory(META-INF/wsdl or WEB-INF/wsdl).
+Example :
+  For an ejb.jar whose webservices.xml wsdl-file element contains
+    META-INF/wsdl/a/Foo.wsdl
+  <wsdl-publish-location>file:/home/user1/publish
+  </wsdl-publish-location>
+  The final wsdl will be stored in /home/user1/publish/a/Foo.wsdl
+<!ELEMENT wsdl-publish-location ( #PCDATA )>
+  The enterprise-beans element contains additional information about
+  the beans. These informations, such as jndi names, resource managers and
+  container configurations, are specific to jboss and not described in
+  ejb-jar.xml.
+  jboss will provide a standard behaviour if no enterprise-beans element
+  is found, see container-configurations, jndi-name and resource-managers
+  for defaults.
+  Used in: jboss
+<!ELEMENT enterprise-beans ((session | entity | message-driven)*)>
+  The entity element holds information specific to jboss and not declared
+  in ejb-jar.xml about an entity bean, such as jndi name, container
+  configuration, and resource managers. (see tags for details)
+  The bean should already be declared in ejb-jar.xml, with the same
+  ejb-name.
+  Used in: enterprise-beans
+<!ELEMENT entity (ejb-name , jndi-name? , local-jndi-name? , call-by-value?, read-only?,
+ exception-on-rollback?, timer-persistence?, configuration-name? , invoker-bindings?,
+ security-proxy? , ejb-ref* , ejb-local-ref* , service-ref*, security-identity? ,
+ resource-ref* , resource-env-ref*, message-destination-ref* , method-attributes? ,
+ clustered? , cluster-config?, cache-invalidation? , cache-invalidation-config?,
+ depends*, ior-security-config?)>
+<!-- Allow the entity to have a unique id -->
+<!ATTLIST entity id ID #IMPLIED>
+  The session element holds information specific to jboss and not declared
+  in ejb-jar.xml about a session bean, such as jndi name, container
+  configuration, and resource managers. (see tags for details)
+  The bean should already be declared in ejb-jar.xml, with the same
+  ejb-name.
+  Used in: enterprise-beans
+<!ELEMENT session (ejb-name , jndi-name? , local-jndi-name?, call-by-value?,
+ exception-on-rollback?, timer-persistence?, configuration-name?, invoker-bindings?,
+ security-proxy? , ejb-ref* ,  ejb-local-ref* , service-ref*, security-identity? ,
+ resource-ref* , resource-env-ref*, message-destination-ref* , clustered? ,
+ cluster-config?, method-attributes?, depends*,
+ ior-security-config?, port-component*,  ejb-timeout-identity?)>
+<!-- Allow the session to have a unique id -->
+<!ATTLIST session id ID #IMPLIED>
+  The message-driven element holds information specific to jboss and not declared
+  in ejb-jar.xml about a message-driven bean, such as container
+  configuration and resources.
+  The bean should already be declared in ejb-jar.xml, with the same
+  ejb-name.
+  Used in: enterprise-beans
+<!ELEMENT message-driven (ejb-name , activation-config?, destination-jndi-name? ,
+ local-jndi-name?,
+ mdb-user?,  mdb-passwd? , mdb-client-id? , mdb-subscription-id? , resource-adapter-name? ,
+ exception-on-rollback?, timer-persistence?, configuration-name? , invoker-bindings?,
+ security-proxy? , ejb-ref* ,  ejb-local-ref*, service-ref*, security-identity?, resource-ref*,
+ resource-env-ref*, message-destination-ref*, depends*, ior-security-config?,
+ ejb-timeout-identity?)>
+<!-- Allow the message-driven to have a unique id -->
+<!ATTLIST message-driven id ID #IMPLIED>
+  The ejb-name element gives the name of the bean, it must correspond to
+  an ejb-name element in ejb-jar.xml
+  Used in: entity, session, and message-driven
+<!ELEMENT ejb-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The jndi-name element gives the actual jndi name under which
+  the bean will be deployed when used in the entity, session and
+  message-driven elements. If it is not provided jboss will assume
+  "jndi-name" = "ejb-name"
+  When used in the ejb-ref,  ejb-local-ref, resource-ref, resource-env-ref, 
+  message-destination-ref, message-destination elements this specifies the jndi name to 
+  which the reference should link.
+  Used in: entity, session and message-driven
+    ejb-ref, resource-ref, resource-env-ref
+<!ELEMENT jndi-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The JNDI name under with the local home interface should be bound
+  Used in: entity and session
+<!ELEMENT local-jndi-name (#PCDATA)>
+  Determine if the bean should use by value call semantics
+  Used in: entity and session
+<!ELEMENT call-by-value (#PCDATA)>
+  The read-only element flags an entity bean as read only.
+  The bean will never be ejbStored. Defaults to false.
+  It must be one of the following :
+    <read-only>true</read-only>
+    <read-only>false</read-only>
+  Used in: entity
+<!ELEMENT read-only (#PCDATA)>
+  Whether to throw an exception if the CMT controlled
+  transaction is no longer active (e.g. marked rollback)
+  but the application has not itself thrown an exception.
+  If the bean specifies false, it uses the
+  jboss/exception-on-rollback config.
+  Defaults to false.
+  It must be one of the following :
+    <exception-on-rollback>true</exception-on-rollback>
+    <exception-on-rollback>false</exception-on-rollback>
+  Used in: jboss, session, entity and message-driven
+<!ELEMENT exception-on-rollback (#PCDATA)>
+  The timer-persistence element determines whether ejb timers should
+  be persisted across application redeployment. Defaults to true.
+  It must be one of the following:
+    <timer-persistence>true</timer-persistence>
+    <timer-persistence>false</timer-persistence>
+  Used in: session, entity and message-driven
+<!ELEMENT timer-persistence (#PCDATA)>
+  The configuration-name element gives the name of the container
+  configuration for this bean. It must match one of the container-name
+  tags in the container-configurations section, or one of the standard
+  configurations. If no element is provided, jboss will automatically use the
+  right standard configuration, see container-configurations.
+  Note: unlike earlier releases, this element may not be specified as an
+   empty element to achieve the same effect as not specifying the element.
+  Used in: entity, session, and message-driven
+<!ELEMENT configuration-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The depends element gives a JMX ObjectName of a service on which the
+container or ejb depends.
+<!ELEMENT depends (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The queue/topic jndi name from which we receive messages -->
+<!ELEMENT destination-jndi-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The optional user for the jms connection that delivers messages -->
+<!ELEMENT mdb-user (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The optional password for the jms connection that delivers messages -->
+<!ELEMENT mdb-passwd (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The optional client-id for the jms connection that delivers messages -->
+<!ELEMENT mdb-client-id (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The subscription name for topic delivery -->
+<!ELEMENT mdb-subscription-id (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The name of the rar used in JCA 1.5 message inflow
+   <resource-adapter-name>jms-ra.rar</resource-adapter-name>
+or for embedded rars
+   <resource-adapter-name>myapp.ear#myconnector.rar</resource-adapter-name>
+<!ELEMENT resource-adapter-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The security-proxy gives the class name of the security proxy implementation.
+  This may be an instance of org.jboss.security.SecurityProxy, or an
+  just an object that implements methods in the home or remote interface
+  of an EJB without implementating any common interface.
+      Used in: entity, session, and message-driven
+<!ELEMENT security-proxy (#PCDATA)>
+  The ejb-ref element is used to give the jndi-name of an external
+  ejb reference. In the case of an external ejb reference, you don't
+  provide a ejb-link element in ejb-jar.xml, but you provide a jndi-name
+  in jboss.xml
+  Used in: entity, session, and message-driven
+<!ELEMENT ejb-ref (ejb-ref-name , jndi-name)>
+  The ejb-ref-name element is the name of the ejb reference as given in
+  ejb-jar.xml.
+  Used in: ejb-ref
+<!ELEMENT ejb-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The ejb-local-ref element is used to give the jndi-name of an external
+  ejb reference. This is an alternative to using ejb-link in ejb-jar.xml
+  Used in: entity, session, and message-driven
+<!ELEMENT ejb-local-ref (ejb-ref-name , local-jndi-name)>
+  The security-identity element specifies whether a specific run-as identity is to be
+  used. If there is a run-as role defined for an enterprise bean, there can also be a
+  run-as-principal define here. If you don't define a run-as principal the callee will
+  see ctx.getCallerPrincipal() == 'anonymous'
+  Used in: entity, message-driven, session
+<!ELEMENT security-identity (run-as-principal)>
+  The ejb-timeout-identity element specifies the run-as used for the ejbTimeout
+  callback method. If the run-as-principal is specified this is the identity
+  that will be set as the callback run-as. If the run-as-principal is empty,
+  then no security context is specified at the container level. Any access of
+  secured resources will require that the ejbTimeout method establish the
+  security context.
+<!ELEMENT ejb-timeout-identity (run-as-principal)>
+  The run-as-principal element is the name of the principal that is used
+  when the enterprise bean calls out with a run-as role.
+  Used in: security-identity
+<!ELEMENT run-as-principal (#PCDATA)>
+  The resource-env-ref element gives a mapping between the "code name"
+  of a env resource (res-ref-name, provided by the Bean Developer) and
+  its deployed JNDI name.
+  Used in: session, entity, message-driven
+<!ELEMENT resource-env-ref (resource-env-ref-name , jndi-name)>
+  The resource-env-ref-name element gives the "code name" of a resource. It is
+  provided by the Bean Developer.
+  Used in: resource-env-ref
+<!ELEMENT resource-env-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The method-attributes element can be used to specify which methods are read only
+  or idempotent.  This is used to reduce the need for locks and replication.
+<!ELEMENT method-attributes (method*)>
+  The method element is used to specify attributes for one method or all those
+  matching a pattern startingstring*.
+<!ELEMENT method (method-name, read-only?, idempotent?, transaction-timeout?)>
+  The method-name element specifies a complete method name or a pattern consisting of an
+  initial match followed by '*'
+<!ELEMENT method-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The idempotent element is used in method-attributes to indicate that a method
+  is completely stateless. Really the same as read-only and should be dropped.
+<!ELEMENT idempotent (#PCDATA)>
+  The transaction timeout in seconds (overriding the default timeout).
+  This will only work for Required (where the method starts the transaction) and RequiresNew.
+  The special value of 0 (zero) uses the default timeout configured on jboss:service=TransactionManager
+  NOTE: any subsequent use of RequiresNew that is not explicitly overridden will use this value.
+<!ELEMENT transaction-timeout (#PCDATA)>
+  The clustered element indicates if this bean will run in a cluster of JBoss instances.
+  It is provided by the deployer. If not, jboss will assume clustered = False
+  Possible values: "True", "False" (default)
+  Used in: entity and session
+<!ELEMENT clustered (#PCDATA)>
+  The cluster-config element allows to specify cluster specific settings.
+  WARNING: session-state-manager-jndi-name is only for SFSB.
+  Used in: session, entity, container-configuration
+<!ELEMENT cluster-config (partition-name? , home-load-balance-policy? ,
+ bean-load-balance-policy? , session-state-manager-jndi-name?)>
+  The partition-name element indicates the name of the HAPartition to be used
+  by the container to exchange clustering information. This is a name and *not*
+  a JNDI name. Given name will be prefixed by "/HASessionState/" by the container to get
+  the actual JNDI name of the HAPartition. If not, jboss will assume partition-name = "DefaultPartition".
+  Used in: entity and session (in clustered-config element)
+<!ELEMENT partition-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The home-load-balance-policy element indicates the java class name to be used
+  to load balance calls in the home proxy.
+  If not, jboss will assume home-load-balance-policy = "org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.RoundRobin".
+  Used in: entity and session (in clustered-config element)
+<!ELEMENT home-load-balance-policy (#PCDATA)>
+  The bean-load-balance-policy element indicates the java class name to be used
+  to load balance calls in the bean proxy.
+  If not, jboss will assume :
+    - for EB and SFSB : bean-load-balance-policy = "org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.RoundRobin"
+    - for SLSB        : bean-load-balance-policy = "org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.RoundRobin"
+  Used in: entity and session (in clustered-config element)
+<!ELEMENT bean-load-balance-policy (#PCDATA)>
+  The cache-invalidation element indicates if this bean cache should listen to cache
+  invalidation events and clear its cache accordingly as well as send cache invalidation
+  messages.
+  It is provided by the deployer. If not, jboss will assume cache-invalidation = False
+  NOTE: This value will *only* be applied if the correct cache plugin and interceptor(s)
+        are defined in the container configuration.
+  Possible values: "True", "False" (default)
+  Used in: entity (only commit-option A and D will invalidate their cache)
+<!ELEMENT cache-invalidation (#PCDATA)>
+  The cache-invalidation-config element allows to specify cache invalidation specific settings.
+  Used in: entity
+<!ELEMENT cache-invalidation-config (invalidation-group-name? , invalidation-manager-name?)>
+  The invalidation-group-name element indicates the name of a group in which all
+  invalidation messages are exchanged i.e. all beans sharing a given invalidation-group-name
+  should share the same PK semantic.
+  By default, invalidation-group-name equals to the EJB name. Thus, when using cache invalidation
+  accross a cluster, it is not necessary to specify a name as all beans will have the same name
+  accross the cluster. Nevertheless, if you deploy, on the same node, the same EJB, once with
+  commit-option C (RW access) and once in commit-option A (RO) and want the RW EJB to invalidate
+  entries of RO EJB, each one will obviously have its own EJB name. Consequently, you can assign
+  a common invalidation-group-name to both EJBs so that they share their cache invalidation messages.
+  Used in: entity (in cache-invalidation-config element)
+<!ELEMENT invalidation-group-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The invalidation-manager-name references the InvalidationManager MBean to be used.
+  By Default, the default InvalidationManager is used.
+  Used in: entity (in cache-invalidation-config element)
+<!ELEMENT invalidation-manager-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The session-state-manager-jndi-name element indicates the name of the HASessionState to be used
+  by the container as a backend for state session management in the cluster.
+  This *is* a JNDI name (not like the partition-name element).
+  If not, jboss will assume partition-name = "/HASessionState/Default".
+  Used in: session (in clustered-config element)
+<!ELEMENT session-state-manager-jndi-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The resource-ref element gives a mapping between the "code name"
+  of a resource (res-ref-name, provided by the Bean Developer) and
+  its "xml name" (resource-name, provided by the Application Assembler).
+  If no resource-ref is provided, jboss will assume that
+  "xml-name" = "code name"
+  See resource-managers.
+  Used in: entity, session, and message-driven
+<!ELEMENT resource-ref (res-ref-name , (resource-name | jndi-name | res-url))>
+  The res-ref-name element gives the "code name" of a resource. It is
+  provided by the Bean Developer. See resource-managers for the actual
+  configuration of the resource.
+  Used in: resource-ref
+<!ELEMENT res-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The resource-name element gives the "xml name" of the resource. It is
+  provided by the Application Assembler. See resource-managers for the
+  actual configuration of the resource.
+  Used in: resource-ref
+<!ELEMENT resource-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The resource-managers element is used to declare resource managers.
+  A resource has 3 names:
+  - the "code name" is the name used in the code of the bean, supplied by
+    the Bean Developer in the resource-ref section of the ejb-jar.xml file
+  - the "xml name" is an intermediary name used by the Application Assembler
+    to identify resources in the XML file.
+  - the "runtime jndi name" is the actual jndi-name or url of the deployed
+    resource, it is supplied by the Deployer.
+  The mapping between the "code name" and the "xml name" is given
+  in the resource-ref section for the bean. If not, jboss will assume that
+  "xml name" = "code name".
+  The mapping between the "xml name" and the "runtime jndi name" is given in
+  a resource-manager section. If not, and if the datasource is of type
+  javax.sql.DataSource, jboss will look for a javax.sql.DataSource in the jndi
+  tree.
+  Used in: jboss
+<!ELEMENT resource-managers (resource-manager*)>
+  The resource-manager element is used to provide a mapping between the
+  "xml name" of a resource (res-name) and its "runtime jndi name"
+  (res-jndi-name or res-url according to the type of the resource).
+  If it is not provided, and if the type of the resource is
+  javax.sql.DataSource, jboss will look for a javax.sql.DataSource in the
+  jndi tree.
+  See resource-managers.
+  Used in: resource-managers
+<!ELEMENT resource-manager (res-name , (res-jndi-name | res-url))>
+  The res-name element gives the "xml name" of a resource, it is provided
+  by the Application Assembler. See resource-managers.
+  Used in: resource-manager
+<!ELEMENT res-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The res-jndi-name element is the "deployed jndi name" of a resource, it
+  is provided by the Deployer. See resource-managers.
+  Used in: resource-manager
+<!ELEMENT res-jndi-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The res-url element value is a URL string for a resource-ref of
+res-type = java.net.URL. Using a res-url creates a binding of the URL
+instance under the java:comp/env. If you want to link to another binding
+of a URL, you can use the jndi-name to do so.
+// Binds the URL(http://x.y.z) under java:comp/env/jdbc/XYZHome
+    <res-ref-name>jdbc/XYZHome</res-ref-name>
+    <res-url>http://x.y.z</res-url>
+// Binds a link to urls/XYZHomePage under java:comp/env/jdbc/XYZHome
+    <res-ref-name>jdbc/XYZHome</res-ref-name>
+    <res-url>urls/XYZHomePage</res-url>
+   Used in: resource-ref, resource-manager
+<!ELEMENT res-url (#PCDATA)>
+  The message-destination-ref element is used to configure the
+  jndi-name for a message-destination-ref in ejb-jar.xml
+  Used in: entity, session, and message-driven
+<!ELEMENT message-destination-ref (message-destination-ref-name, jndi-name)>
+  The message-destination-ref-name element identifies the
+  message-destination-ref. It must match the name in ejb-jar.xml
+  Used in: message-destination-ref
+<!ELEMENT message-destination-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The assembly-descriptor element contains application-assembly information.
+  The definition of security roles allows you to map assembly roles to one or more
+  principals. For example, you may define a run-as principal in the security-identity
+  element and include that principal in one or more security-role(s) in the
+  assembly descriptor. When called with a run-as role, the callee will see all
+  those roles in ctx.isCallerInRole(...)
+  Used in: jboss
+<!ELEMENT assembly-descriptor (security-role*, message-destination*)>
+  The security-role element contains the definition of a security role.
+  The definition consists of an the security role name and principal name element(s).
+Used in: assembly-descriptor
+		<security-role>
+      <role-name>Manager</role-name>
+      <principal-name>j2ee</principal-name>
+      <principal-name>javajoe</principal-name>
+		</security-role>
+<!ELEMENT security-role (role-name, principal-name+)>
+  The role-name element is the name of the role.
+  Used in: security-role
+<!ELEMENT role-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The principal-name element is the name of the principal that is mapped
+  to the assembly role-name.
+  Used in: security-role
+<!ELEMENT principal-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The message-destination element is used to configure the
+  jndi-name for a message-destination in ejb-jar.xml
+  Used in: assembly-descriptor
+<!ELEMENT message-destination (message-destination-name, jndi-name)>
+  The message-destination-name element identifies the
+  message-destination. It must match the name in ejb-jar.xml
+  Used in: message-destination
+<!ELEMENT message-destination-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The container-configurations element declares the different possible
+  container configurations that the beans can use. standardjboss.xml
+  provides 15 standard configurations with the following container-names:
+    - Standard CMP 2.x EntityBean
+    - Standard CMP EntityBean
+    - Clustered CMP 2.x EntityBean
+    - Clustered CMP EntityBean
+    - IIOP CMP 2.x EntityBean
+    - IIOP CMP EntityBean
+    - Standard Stateless SessionBean
+    - Clustered Stateless SessionBean
+    - IIOP Stateless SessionBean
+    - Standard Stateful SessionBean
+    - Clustered Stateful SessionBean
+    - IIOP Stateful SessionBean
+    - Standard BMP EntityBean
+    - Clustered BMP EntityBean
+    - IIOP BMP EntityBean
+    - Standard message Driven Bean
+  The standard configurations will automatically be used if no custom
+  configuration is specified.
+  The application assembler can define advanced custom configurations here.
+  Used in: jboss
+<!ELEMENT container-configurations (container-configuration*)>
+  The container-configuration element describes a configuration for the
+  container.
+  The different plugins to use are declared here, as well as their
+  configurations. The configuration-class attribute is no longer used.
+  Used in: container-configurations
+<!ELEMENT container-configuration (container-name , call-logging?,
+ invoker-proxy-binding-name?, sync-on-commit-only?,
+ insert-after-ejb-post-create?, call-ejb-store-on-clean?, store-not-flushed?, container-interceptors? ,
+ instance-pool? , instance-cache? ,  persistence-manager? , web-class-loader? ,
+ locking-policy? ,  container-cache-conf? , container-pool-conf? ,
+ commit-option? , optiond-refresh-rate? , security-domain?, cluster-config?,
+ depends*)>
+<!-- The extends attribute gives the container-name value of the configuration the container-configuration
+is extending. This allows one to specify an extension configuration without having to reiterate all of
+the other duplicate configuration info.
+        <container-configuration extends="Standard Stateful SessionBean">
+            <container-name>Secure Stateless SessionBean</container-name>
+            <security-domain>java:/jaas/other</security-domain>
+        </container-configuration>
+<!ATTLIST container-configuration extends CDATA  #IMPLIED>
+  The container-name element gives the name of the configuration being
+  defined. Beans may refer to this name in their configuration-name tag.
+  Used in: container-configuration
+<!ELEMENT container-name (#PCDATA)>
+  The call-logging element tells if the container must log every method
+  invocation for this bean or not. Its value must be true or false.
+  Used in: container-configuration
+<!ELEMENT call-logging (#PCDATA)>
+  The invoker-bindings element gives the invokers configuration for an
+  ejb container.
+  Used in: entity, session, message-driven
+<!ELEMENT invoker-bindings (invoker+)>
+ -->
+<!ELEMENT invoker (invoker-proxy-binding-name, jndi-name?, ejb-ref*)>
+<!-- The invoker-proxy-binding-name elements maps to the name element of
+an invoker-proxy-binding definition.
+  Used in: container-configuration, invoker
+<!ELEMENT invoker-proxy-binding-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The sync-on-commit-only element determines the behavior of ejbStore
+calls on finds, selects and removes. If set to true, ejbStore will only be
+called on transaction commit.
+<!ELEMENT sync-on-commit-only (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The insert-after-ejb-post-create element defines when the INSERT
+ statement will be executed for created entity instance.
+ Possible values are:
+ false - the default value, INSERT will be executed after ejbCreate but before
+         ejbPostCreate;
+ true - INSERT will be executed after ejbPostCreate.
+<!ELEMENT insert-after-ejb-post-create (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The call-ejb-store-for-clean says whether ejbStore should be called on clean instances
+ at synchronization time. By the spec it should be true. But users wanted it to be false.
+ False is the default, meaning ejbStore is called only on dirty instances.
+<!ELEMENT call-ejb-store-on-clean (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The store-not-flushed says whether dirty instances that could not be evicted
+ from the cache should or should not (to prevent potential data inconsistency)
+ be stored. The default value is TRUE.
+<!ELEMENT store-not-flushed (#PCDATA)>
+  The container-interceptors element gives the chain of Interceptors
+  (instances of org.jboss.ejb.Interceptor) that are associated with the container.
+  The declared order of the interceptor elements corresponds to the order of the
+  interceptor chain.
+  Used in: container-configuration
+<!ELEMENT container-interceptors (interceptor+)>
+The client-interceptors defines the home and bean client side interceptor chain
+  Used in: proxy-factory-config
+<!ELEMENT client-interceptors (home , bean, list-entity?)>
+<!-- Define whether the ejb proxy should expose an org.jboss.proxy.IClientContainer
+   interface to provide access to the invocation context and interceptors.
+<!ATTLIST client-interceptors exposeContainer (true | false )  "false">
+The endpoint-interceptors element gives the chain of interceptors
+(instances of org.jboss.proxy.Interceptor) that are associated with the
+message endpoint.
+  Used in: proxy-factory-config for message inflow
+<!ELEMENT endpoint-interceptors (interceptor+)>
+The home element gives the chain of interceptors
+(instances of org.jboss.proxy.Interceptor) that are associated with the home
+proxy and operate in the client VM. The declared order of the interceptor
+elements corresponds to the order of the interceptor chain.
+  Used in: client-interceptors
+<!ELEMENT home (interceptor+)>
+The bean element gives the chain of interceptors
+(instances of org.jboss.proxy.Interceptor) that are associated with the remote
+proxy and operate in the client VM. The declared order of the interceptor
+elements corresponds to the order of the interceptor chain.
+  Used in: client-interceptors
+<!ELEMENT bean (interceptor+)>
+The list-entity element gives the chain of interceptors
+(instances of org.jboss.proxy.Interceptor) that are associated with the remote
+proxy and operate in the client VM. The declared order of the interceptor
+elements corresponds to the order of the interceptor chain.
+  Used in: client-interceptors
+<!ELEMENT list-entity (interceptor+)>
+  The interceptor element specifies an instance of org.jboss.ejb.Interceptor
+  that is to be added to the container interceptor stack.
+  Used in: home, bean, list-entity, endpoint-interceptors
+<!ELEMENT interceptor ANY>
+<!-- possible content for the TxInterceptorCMT -->
+<!ELEMENT retry-handlers (handler+)>
+<!ELEMENT handler (#PCDATA)>
+  The transaction attribute is used to indicate what type of container its
+  interceptor applies to. It is an enumerated value that can take on one of: Bean,
+  Container or Both. A value of Bean indicates that the interceptor should only be
+  added to a container for bean-managed transaction.
+  A value of Container indicates that the interceptor should only be added to a
+  container for container-managed transactions.
+  A value of Both indicates that the interceptor should be added to all
+  containers. This is the default value if the transaction attribute is not
+  explictlygiven.
+<!ATTLIST interceptor transaction     (Bean | Container | Both )  "Both">
+  The metricsEnabled attributes is used to indicate if the interceptor
+  should only be included when the org.jboss.ejb.ContainerFactory metricsEnabled
+  flag is set to true. The allowed values are true and false with false being the
+  default if metricsEnabled is not explicitly given.
+<!ATTLIST interceptor metricsEnabled  (true | false )  "false">
+  The call-by-value attribute is used to indicate that the interceptor
+  should only be included when the value of the attribute corresponds
+  to the value of org.jboss.metadata.BeanMetaData callByValue.
+  For example, if a bean defines the element <call-by-value>true</call-by-value>
+  then a marshalling invoker interceptor will be used instead of the
+  non marshalling optimized invoker interceptor.
+<!ATTLIST interceptor call-by-value  (true | false )  #IMPLIED>
+  The instance-pool element gives the class name of the instance pool
+  jboss must use for in this configuration. This class must implement
+  the org.jboss.ejb.InstancePool interface. The defaults are:
+  - org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstancePool for entity beans
+  - org.jboss.ejb.plugins.StatelessSessionInstancePool for stateless
+  session beans.
+  - no pool is used for stateful session beans
+  Used in: container-configuration
+<!ELEMENT instance-pool (#PCDATA)>
+  The instance-cache element gives the class name of the instance cache
+  jboss must use for in this configuration. This class must implement
+  the org.jboss.ejb.InstanceCache interface. The defaults are:
+  - org.jboss.ejb.plugins.NoPassivationEntityInstanceCache for entity beans
+  - org.jboss.ejb.plugins.NoPassivationStatefulSessionInstanceCache for
+  stateful session beans.
+  - no cache is used for stateless session beans
+  Used in: container-configuration
+<!ELEMENT instance-cache (#PCDATA)>
+  The persistence-manager element gives the class name of the persistence
+  manager / persistence store jboss must use for in this configuration.
+  This class must implement:
+  - org.jboss.ejb.EntityPersistenceStore for CMP Entity Beans (default is
+  org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jaws.JAWSPersistenceManager)
+  - org.jboss.ejb.EntityPersistenceManager for BMP entity beans (default
+  is org.jboss.ejb.plugins.BMPPersistenceManager)
+  - org.jboss.ejb.StatefulSessionPersistenceManager for stateless session
+  beans.
+  - no persistence-manager is used for stateless session beans
+  Used in: container-configuration
+<!ELEMENT persistence-manager (#PCDATA)>
+  The locking-policy element gives the class name of the EJB lock
+  implementation JBoss must use for in this configuration. This class must
+  implement  the org.jboss.ejb.BeanLock interface. The default is
+  org.jboss.ejb.plugins.lock.QueuedPessimisticEJBLock.
+  Used in: container-configuration
+<!ELEMENT locking-policy (#PCDATA)>
+  The web-class-loader element gives the class name of the web classloader
+  jboss must use for in this configuration. This class must be a subclass
+  of org.jboss.web.WebClassLoader. The default is org.jboss.web.WebClassLoader.
+  Used in: container-configuration
+  Used in: proxy-factory-config
+<!ELEMENT web-class-loader (#PCDATA)>
+  The container-cache-conf element holds dynamic configuration data
+  for the instance cache.
+  jboss does not read directly the subtree for this element: instead,
+  it is passed to the instance cache instance (if it implements
+  org.jboss.metadata.XmlLoadable) for it to load its parameters.
+  Used in: container-configuration
+<!ELEMENT container-cache-conf (cache-policy? , cache-policy-conf?, cache-policy-conf-other?)>
+  The implementation class for the cache policy, which controls
+  when instances will be passivated, etc.
+  Used in: container-cache-conf
+<!ELEMENT cache-policy (#PCDATA)>
+  The configuration settings for the selected cache policy.  This
+  is currently only valid for the LRU cache.
+  When the cache is the LRU one for the stateful container, the elements
+  remover-period and max-bean-life specifies the period of the remover
+  task that removes stateful beans (that normally have been passivated)
+  that have age greater than the specified max-bean-life element.
+  Used in: container-cache-conf (when cache-policy is the LRU cache)
+<!ELEMENT cache-policy-conf (min-capacity? , max-capacity? , remover-period? ,
+ max-bean-life? , overager-period? , max-bean-age? , resizer-period? ,
+ max-cache-miss-period? , min-cache-miss-period? , cache-load-factor?, flush-enabled?)>
+  The minimum capacity of this cache
+<!ELEMENT min-capacity (#PCDATA)>
+  The maximum capacity of this cache
+<!ELEMENT max-capacity (#PCDATA)>
+  The period of the overager's runs
+<!ELEMENT overager-period (#PCDATA)>
+  The period of the remover's runs
+<!ELEMENT remover-period (#PCDATA)>
+  The max-bean-life specifies the period of the remover
+  task that removes stateful beans (that normally have been passivated)
+  that have age greater than the specified max-bean-life element.
+<!ELEMENT max-bean-life (#PCDATA)>
+  The period of the resizer's runs
+<!ELEMENT resizer-period (#PCDATA)>
+  The age after which a bean is automatically passivated
+<!ELEMENT max-bean-age (#PCDATA)>
+  Shrink cache capacity if there is a cache miss every or more
+  this member's value
+<!ELEMENT max-cache-miss-period (#PCDATA)>
+  Enlarge cache capacity if there is a cache miss every or less
+  this member's value
+<!ELEMENT min-cache-miss-period (#PCDATA)>
+  The resizer will always try to keep the cache capacity so that
+  the cache is this member's value loaded of cached objects
+<!ELEMENT cache-load-factor (#PCDATA)>
+  For the NoPassivationCachePolicy. Can be true or false
+<!ELEMENT flush-enabled (#PCDATA)>
+  Arbitrary XML configuration
+<!ELEMENT cache-policy-conf-other ANY>
+  Possible content for the cache-policy-conf-other
+<!ELEMENT partitions (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT batch-commit-strategy (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT invalidable EMPTY>
+  The container-pool-conf element holds configuration data for the
+  instance pool.
+  jboss does not read directly the subtree for this element: instead,
+  it is passed to the instance pool instance (if it implements
+  org.jboss.metadata.XmlLoadable) for it to load its parameters.
+  The default instance pools, EntityInstancePool and
+  StatelessSessionInstancePool, both accept the following configuration.
+  Used in: container-configuration
+<!ELEMENT container-pool-conf (MinimumSize?, MaximumSize?,
+   strictMaximumSize?, strictTimeout?)>
+<!-- The theoretical minimum size of the pool. Currently unused by JBoss
+EJB pools.
+Used in: invoker-proxy-conf for JMSContainerInvoker
+<!ELEMENT MinimumSize (#PCDATA)>
+  The capacity of the Pool. For pools where reclaim is possible, the pool will
+  also be repopulated when the instance is free to be reused.
+  This is not an hard limit, if instances are needed when the pool is at
+  its MaximumSize, new instances will be created following the demand unless
+  a strictMaximumSize of true is specified.
+  Used in: container-pool-conf and invoker-proxy-conf for JMSContainerInvoker
+<!ELEMENT MaximumSize (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- A boolean flag indicating if attempts to access the pool will block when
+MaximumSize instances are active. The default is false.
+  Used in: container-pool-conf
+<!ELEMENT strictMaximumSize (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The time in milliseconds to wait for the strictMaximumSize semaphore. The
+default is Long.MAX_VALUE or essentially enternity.
+  Used in: container-pool-conf
+<!ELEMENT strictTimeout (#PCDATA)>
+  The number of millis to keep an unused object in the pool. Currently unused by
+  JBoss EJB Pools.
+  Used in: invoker-proxy-conf for JMSContainerInvoker
+<!ELEMENT KeepAliveMillis (#PCDATA)>
+  This option is only used for entity container configurations.
+  The commit-option element tells the container which option to use for transactions.
+  Its value must be A, B C, or D.
+  - option A: the entiry instance has exclusive access to the database. The instance
+  stays ready after a transaction.
+  - option B: the entity instance does not have exclusive access to the database.
+  The state is loaded before the next transaction.
+  - option C: same as B, except the container does not keep the instance after commit:
+  a passivate is immediately performed after the commit.
+  - option D: a lazy update. default is every 30 secs.
+               can be updated with <optiond-refresh-rate>
+  See ejb1.1 specification for details (p118).
+  Used in: container-configuration
+<!ELEMENT commit-option (#PCDATA)>
+  This element is used to specify the refresh rate of commit option d
+<!ELEMENT optiond-refresh-rate (#PCDATA)>
+ior-security-config element describes the security configuration information for the IOR.
+<!ELEMENT ior-security-config ( transport-config? , as-context?, sas-context?  )> 
+transport-config is the root element for security between the end points
+<!ELEMENT transport-config ( integrity, confidentiality,
+ establish-trust-in-target, establish-trust-in-client, detect-misordering?,
+ detect-replay?)> 
+integrity element indicates if the server (target) supports integrity protected messages. 
+The valid values are NONE, SUPPORTED or REQUIRED
+<!ELEMENT integrity ( #PCDATA)>
+confidentiality element indicates if the server (target) supports privacy protected 
+messages. The values are NONE, SUPPORTED or REQUIRED
+<!ELEMENT confidentiality ( #PCDATA)>
+establish-trust-in-target element indicates if the target is capable of authenticating to a client. 
+The values are NONE or SUPPORTED.
+<!ELEMENT establish-trust-in-target ( #PCDATA)>
+establish-trust-in-client element indicates if the target is capable of authenticating a client. The
+<!ELEMENT establish-trust-in-client ( #PCDATA)>
+The optional detect-misordering indicates if the server (target) supports
+detection of message sequence errors. The values are NONE, SUPPORTED or REQUIRED.
+<!ELEMENT detect-misordering ( #PCDATA)>
+The optional detect-replay indicates if the server (target) supports detection
+of message replay attempts. The values are NONE, SUPPORTED or REQUIRED.
+<!ELEMENT detect-replay ( #PCDATA)>
+as-context (CSIv2 authentication service) is the element describing the authentication 
+mechanism that will be used to authenticate the client. If specified it will be the 
+username-password mechanism.
+<!ELEMENT as-context ( auth-method, realm, required )> 
+required element specifies if the authentication method specified is required
+to be used for client authentication. If so the EstablishTrustInClient bit
+will be set in the target_requires field of the AS_Context. The element value
+is either true or false. 
+<!ELEMENT required ( #PCDATA )> 
+auth-method element describes the authentication method. The only supported value
+for as-context is USERNAME_PASSWORD
+For port-component, the auth-method element is used to configure the
+authentication mechanism for the web service. As a prerequisite to gaining
+access to any web service which are protected by an authorization
+constraint, a user must have authenticated using the configured
+mechanism. Legal values for this element are "BASIC", or "CLIENT-CERT".
+Used in: as-context, port-component
+<!ELEMENT auth-method ( #PCDATA )> 
+realm element describes the realm in which the user is authenticated. Must be 
+a valid realm that is registered in server configuration.
+<!ELEMENT realm ( #PCDATA )> 
+sas-context (related to CSIv2 security attribute service) element describes 
+the sas-context fields.
+<!ELEMENT sas-context ( caller-propagation )> 
+caller-propagation element indicates if the target will accept propagated caller identities
+The values are NONE or SUPPORTED.
+<!ELEMENT caller-propagation ( #PCDATA) >
+<!-- The port-component element specifies a mapping from a webservice
+port-component whose service-impl-bean/ejb-link value maps to an ejb.
+Used in: session
+<!ELEMENT port-component (port-component-name, port-component-uri?, auth-method?,
+ transport-guarantee?) >
+<!-- Maps to the port-component-name in the webservices.xml descriptor.
+Used in: port-component
+<!ELEMENT port-component-name (#PCDATA) >
+<!-- Relative path that is appended to the <context-root> element to form fully qualified
+endpoint address for a web service endpoint. 
+For backwards compatibility, it may also be the absolute path starting with web context root 
+to form fully qualified endpoint address for a web service endpoint. In this case, the port component uri
+must contain at least two token seperated by '/'. The first token is the web context root,
+which must be identical among all port component uris in a given deployment.
+Used in: port-component
+<!ELEMENT port-component-uri (#PCDATA) >
+The transport-guarantee element specifies that the communication
+between client and server should be NONE, INTEGRAL, or
+CONFIDENTIAL. NONE means that the application does not require any
+transport guarantees. A value of INTEGRAL means that the application
+requires that the data sent between the client and server be sent in
+such a way that it can't be changed in transit. CONFIDENTIAL means
+that the application requires that the data be transmitted in a
+fashion that prevents other entities from observing the contents of
+the transmission. In most cases, the presence of the INTEGRAL or
+CONFIDENTIAL flag will indicate that the use of SSL is required.
+Used in: port-component
+<!ELEMENT transport-guarantee (#PCDATA)>
+Activation config
+used in message-driven and proxy-factory-config
+<!ELEMENT activation-config ( activation-config-property* )>
+Activation config properties 
+used in activation-config
+<!ELEMENT activation-config-property ( activation-config-property-name, 
+                                       activation-config-property-value )>
+Activation config property name
+used in activation-config-property
+<!ELEMENT activation-config-property-name ( #PCDATA )>
+Activation config property value
+used in activation-config-property
+<!ELEMENT activation-config-property-value ( #PCDATA )>

Added: trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jbosscmp-jdbc_4_2.dtd
--- trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jbosscmp-jdbc_4_2.dtd	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/jbosscmp-jdbc_4_2.dtd	2007-02-15 11:11:32 UTC (rev 60563)
@@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
+This is the XML DTD for the jbosscmp-jdbc deployment descriptor.
+  <!DOCTYPE jbosscmp-jdbc PUBLIC
+      "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSSCMP-JDBC 4.2//EN"
+      "http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jbosscmp-jdbc_4_2.dtd">
+The root element of JBossCMP-JDBC configuration files.
+<!ELEMENT jbosscmp-jdbc (defaults?, enterprise-beans?, relationships?,
+          dependent-value-classes?, type-mappings?, entity-commands?,
+          user-type-mappings? , reserved-words?)>
+The optional defaults elements contains the default values for
+entities, and relationships.
+<!ELEMENT defaults (datasource?, datasource-mapping?, create-table?,
+         alter-table?, remove-table?, post-table-create?, read-only?, read-time-out?,
+         row-locking?, pk-constraint?, fk-constraint?,
+         preferred-relation-mapping?, read-ahead?, list-cache-max?, clean-read-ahead-on-load?,
+         fetch-size?, unknown-pk?, entity-command?, ql-compiler?, throw-runtime-exceptions?)>
+The optional datasource element contains the jndi-name used to lookup
+the datasource.  All database connections used by an entity or relation table are obtained from the datasource.
+<!ELEMENT datasource (#PCDATA)>
+The optional datasource-mapping element contains the name of the type mapping
+that will be used for this datasource.
+<!ELEMENT datasource-mapping (#PCDATA)>
+Should the persistence manager attempt to create tables if they are
+not present?
+The create-table element must be one of the two following:
+         <create-table>true</create-table>
+         <create-table>false</create-table>
+<!ELEMENT create-table (#PCDATA)>
+Should the persistence manager attempt to remove tables during shutdown?
+The remove-table element must be one of the two following:
+         <remove-table>true</remove-table>
+         <remove-table>false</remove-table>
+<!ELEMENT remove-table (#PCDATA)>
+Should the persistence manager attempt to update the table structure at deployment
+The remove-table element must be one of the two following:
+         <alter-table>true</alter-table>
+         <alter-table>false</alter-table>
+<!ELEMENT alter-table (#PCDATA)>
+Execute arbitrary SQL code directly after the database table is created.
+This command is only executed if create-table is true and the table
+did not previously exist.
+<!ELEMENT post-table-create (sql-statement+)>
+The SQL Statement to be executed. Note that this is not translated
+into database specific SQL, but passed literally to the database.
+<!ELEMENT sql-statement (#PCDATA)>
+Is the entity or cmp-field read-only?
+The read-only element must be one of the two following:
+         <read-only>true</read-only>
+         <read-only>false</read-only>
+<!ELEMENT read-only (#PCDATA)>
+Specifies the ammount of time that a read-only field is considered
+valid (milliseconds).
+<!ELEMENT read-time-out (#PCDATA)>
+Should select statements the SELECT ... FOR UPDATE syntax?
+The row-locking element must be one of the two following:
+         <row-locking>true</row-locking>
+         <row-locking>false</row-locking>
+<!ELEMENT row-locking (#PCDATA)>
+Should a foreign key constraint be added for this relationship role?
+The fk-constraint element must be one of the two following:
+         <fk-constraint>true</fk-constraint>
+         <fk-constraint>false</fk-constraint>
+<!ELEMENT fk-constraint (#PCDATA)>
+Should a primary key constraint be added when creating tables?
+The pk-constraint element must be one of the two following:
+         <pk-constraint>true</pk-constraint>
+         <pk-constraint>false</pk-constraint>
+<!ELEMENT pk-constraint (#PCDATA)>
+Specifies the preferred mapping style for relationships.
+The preferred-relation-mapping element must be one of the two following:
+   <preferred-relation-mapping>foreign-key</preferred-relation-mapping>
+   <preferred-relation-mapping>relation-table</preferred-relation-mapping>
+<!ELEMENT preferred-relation-mapping (#PCDATA)>
+Specifies the read ahead strategy.
+         <read-ahead>
+            <strategy>on-load</strategy>
+            <page-size>255</page-size>
+            <eager-load-group>*</eager-load-group>
+         </read-ahead>
+<!ELEMENT read-ahead (strategy, page-size?, eager-load-group?, left-join*)>
+Specifies the strategy used to read-ahead data in queries.
+The strategy element must be one of the two following:
+         <strategy>none</strategy>
+         <strategy>on-load</strategy>
+         <strategy>on-find</strategy>
+<!ELEMENT strategy (#PCDATA)>
+Specifies the number of entities that will be read in a single
+read-ahead load query.
+<!ELEMENT page-size (#PCDATA)>
+Specifies a related entity that will be fetched on-find with LEFT JOIN.
+   <read-ahead>
+      <strategy>on-find</strategy>
+      <eager-load-group>report</eager-load-group>
+      <left-join cmr-field="lineItems"/>
+         <left-join cmr-field="product" eager-load-group="short"/>
+      </left-join>
+      <left-join cmr-field="customer" eager-load-group="basic"/>
+   </read-ahead>
+<!ELEMENT left-join (left-join*)>
+The CMR field name to LEFT JOIN.
+<!ATTLIST left-join cmr-field CDATA  #REQUIRED>
+The eager load group of the related entity.
+<!ATTLIST left-join eager-load-group CDATA  #IMPLIED>
+Specifies whether the read-ahead cache should be cleaned after the instance was loaded.
+Allowed values are true and false.
+Since 3.2.5RC1. Previously, read-ahead cache was cleaned after loading.
+<!ELEMENT clean-read-ahead-on-load (#PCDATA)>
+Specifies the number of simultaneous queries that can be tracked by
+the cache for an entity.
+<!ELEMENT list-cache-max (#PCDATA)>
+Specifies the number of entities to read in one round-trip to
+the underlying datastore.
+<!ELEMENT fetch-size (#PCDATA)>
+Should runtime exceptions be thrown when unexpected exception occurs ?
+The throw-runtime-exceptions element must be one of the two following:
+         <throw-runtime-exceptions>true</throw-runtime-exceptions>
+         <throw-runtime-exceptions>false</throw-runtime-exceptions>
+<!ELEMENT throw-runtime-exceptions (#PCDATA)>
+The enterprise-beans element contains the entity elements that will
+be configured.
+<!ELEMENT enterprise-beans (entity+)>
+The entity element contains the configuration of an entity
+<!ELEMENT entity (ejb-name, datasource?, datasource-mapping?, create-table?,
+         remove-table?, post-table-create?, read-only?, read-time-out?,
+         row-locking?, pk-constraint?, read-ahead?, list-cache-max?, clean-read-ahead-on-load?,
+         fetch-size?, table-name?, cmp-field*, load-groups?, eager-load-group?,
+         lazy-load-groups?, query*, unknown-pk?, entity-command?,
+         optimistic-locking?, audit?)>
+Name of the entity being configured.  This must match an entity declared
+in the ejb-jar.xml file.
+<!ELEMENT ejb-name (#PCDATA)>
+This is the name of the table that will hold data for this entity.
+Each entity instance will be stored in one row of this table.
+<!ELEMENT table-name (#PCDATA)>
+The cmp-field element contains the configuration of a cmp-field.
+<!ELEMENT cmp-field (field-name, read-only?, read-time-out?,
+         column-name?, not-null?, ((jdbc-type, sql-type) | (property+))?,
+         auto-increment?, dbindex?, check-dirty-after-get?, state-factory? )>
+Name of the cmp-field being configured.  This must match a cmp-field
+declared for this entity in the ejb-jar.xml file.
+<!ELEMENT field-name (#PCDATA)>
+The name of the column that will hold the data for this field.
+<!ELEMENT column-name (#PCDATA)>
+If present the field will not allow a field value.
+<!ELEMENT not-null EMPTY>
+If present, the server will try to create an index on the column
+in the database called <fieldname>_index
+<!ELEMENT dbindex EMPTY>
+This is the JDBC type that is used when setting parameters in a JDBC
+PreparedStatement or loading data from a JDBC ResultSet for this
+cmp-field. The valid types are defined in java.sql.Types.
+<!ELEMENT jdbc-type (#PCDATA)>
+This is the SQL type that is used in create table statements for
+this field. Valid sql-types are only limited by your database vendor.
+<!ELEMENT sql-type (#PCDATA)>
+The property element contains the configuration of a dependent
+value class property of a cmp-field that is the type of a dependent
+value class.
+<!ELEMENT property (property-name, column-name?, not-null?,
+         (jdbc-type, sql-type)?)>
+Name of the property being configured. In a dependent-value-class
+element this must match a JavaBean property of the class. In a
+cmp-field element this must match a flattened propety of the
+dependent-value-class field type.
+<!ELEMENT property-name (#PCDATA)>
+Can be true or false.
+If true, the field will be checked for dirty state at synchronization time.
+By default, all fields except for the fields of primitive and their wrapper types
+are checked for dirty state after get.
+<!ELEMENT check-dirty-after-get (#PCDATA)>
+Fully qualified class name of the implementation of
+ org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.CMPFieldStateFactory.
+<!ELEMENT state-factory (#PCDATA)>
+Contains the named load groups.
+<!ELEMENT load-groups (load-group+)>
+A named group of fields that will be loaded together.
+<!ELEMENT load-group (description?, load-group-name, field-name+)>
+Contains the name of a load group.
+<!ELEMENT load-group-name (#PCDATA)>
+Contains the name of the load group that will eager loaded for this entity.
+<!ELEMENT eager-load-group (#PCDATA)>
+Contains the names of the groups that will be lazy loaded together.
+<!ELEMENT lazy-load-groups (load-group-name+)>
+Descriptive text.
+<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
+The query element contains the configuration of a query.
+<!ELEMENT query (description?, query-method,
+      (jboss-ql | dynamic-ql | declared-sql)?, read-ahead?, ql-compiler?, lazy-resultset-loading?)>
+The query method that being configured.  This must match a
+query-method declared for this entity in the ejb-jar.xml file.
+<!ELEMENT query-method (method-name, method-params)>
+The name of the query method that is being configured.
+<!ELEMENT method-name (#PCDATA)>
+The method-parameters contains the parameters of the method that is
+being configured. Method parameters must be in the same order as the
+method and have the same type.
+<!ELEMENT method-params (method-param*)>
+The java class of one parameter for a query.
+An example follows:
+   <method-param>java.lang.String</method-param>
+<!ELEMENT method-param (#PCDATA)>
+JBossQL query.  JBossQL is a superset of EJB-QL.
+<!ELEMENT jboss-ql (#PCDATA)>
+Dynamic JBossQL query.  The JBossQL is passed to the query and compiled
+on the fly.
+<!ELEMENT dynamic-ql EMPTY>
+Explicitly declared sql fragments.
+<!ELEMENT declared-sql (select?, from?, where?, order?, other?)>
+Delcares what is to be selected.  A finder may only have the distinct element.
+<!ELEMENT select (distinct?, (ejb-name, field-name?)?, alias?, additional-columns?)>
+Delared additional SQl to append to the generated from clause.
+Example:  <from>, FullAddressEJB as a</from>
+<!ELEMENT from (#PCDATA)>
+If the empty distinct element is present, the SELECT DISTINCT
+syntax will be used. This syntax is used by default for ejbSelect
+methods that return a java.util.Set.
+<!ELEMENT distinct EMPTY>
+Declares the where clause for the query.
+Example: <where>TITLE={0} OR ARTIST={0} OR TYPE={0} OR NOTES={0}</where>
+<!ELEMENT where (#PCDATA)>
+Declares the order clause for the query.
+Example: <order>TITLE</order>
+<!ELEMENT order (#PCDATA)>
+Declares the other sql that is appended to the end of a query.
+Example: <other>LIMIT 100 OFFSET 200</other>
+<!ELEMENT other (#PCDATA)>
+Declare the alias to use for the main select table.
+Example: <alias>my_table</alias>
+<!ELEMENT alias (#PCDATA)>
+Declares other columns to be selected to satisfy ordering
+by arbitrary columns with ejbFinders or to facilitate aggregate
+functions in ejbSelects.
+Example: <additional-columns>, join-table1.column1,
+            join-table2.column2</additional-columns>
+<!ELEMENT additional-columns (#PCDATA)>
+Fully qualified name of QL compiler implementation class.
+<!ELEMENT ql-compiler (#PCDATA)>
+The relationships element contains the ejb-relation elements that will
+be configured.
+<!ELEMENT relationships (ejb-relation+)>
+The ejb-relation element contains the configuration of an
+<!ELEMENT ejb-relation (ejb-relation-name, read-only?, read-time-out?,
+         (foreign-key-mapping | relation-table-mapping)?,
+         (ejb-relationship-role, ejb-relationship-role)?)>
+Name of the ejb-relation being configured.  This must match an
+ejb-relation declared in the ejb-jar.xml file.
+<!ELEMENT ejb-relation-name (#PCDATA)>
+Specifies that the ejb-relation should be mapped with foreign-keys.
+This mapping is not available for many-to-many relationships.
+<!ELEMENT foreign-key-mapping EMPTY>
+Specifies that the ejb-relation should be mapped with a relation-table.
+<!ELEMENT relation-table-mapping (table-name?,
+         (datasource, datasource-mapping)?, create-table?, remove-table?,
+         post-table-create?,
+         row-locking?, pk-constraint?)>
+The ejb-rejationship-role element contains the configuration of an
+<!ELEMENT ejb-relationship-role (ejb-relationship-role-name,
+         fk-constraint?, key-fields?, read-ahead?, batch-cascade-delete?)>
+The batch-cascade-delete element specifies that, this side of the relationship
+should be batch deleted with one SQL statement of the form
+DELETE FROM <related-table> WHERE <foreign-key> = ?
+The presense of cascade-delete element in ejb-jar.xml for the matching
+ejb-relationship-role is mandatory.
+<!ELEMENT batch-cascade-delete EMPTY>
+Name of the ejb-relationship-role being configured.  This must match
+an ejb-relationship-role declared for this ejb-relation in the
+ejb-jar.xml file.
+<!ELEMENT ejb-relationship-role-name (#PCDATA)>
+Contains the key fields. The interperation of the key fields depends
+on the mapping style of the relationship.
+<!ELEMENT key-fields (key-field*)>
+The key-field element declared the configuration of a key field.
+The field-name element must match the field-name of one of the
+primary key fields of the this entity.
+<!ELEMENT key-field (field-name,
+         ((column-name, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?) | (property*)),
+         dbindex?)>
+Contains the known dependent value classes.
+<!ELEMENT dependent-value-classes (dependent-value-class*)>
+The dependent-value-class element contains the configuration of a
+dependent value class.
+<!ELEMENT dependent-value-class (description?, class, property+)>
+Name of the java class to which the dependent value class configuration
+<!ELEMENT class (#PCDATA)>
+The type-mappings element contains the java to sql mappings.
+<!ELEMENT type-mappings (type-mapping+)>
+The type-mapping element contains a named java to sql mapping.
+This includes both type mapping and function mapping.
+<!ELEMENT type-mapping (name, row-locking-template, pk-constraint-template,
+      fk-constraint-template, auto-increment-template?,
+      add-column-template?, alter-column-template?, drop-column-template?,
+      alias-header-prefix,
+      alias-header-suffix, alias-max-length, subquery-supported,
+      true-mapping, false-mapping, max-keys-in-delete?,
+      function-mapping*, mapping+)>
+Name of the type-mapping.
+<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
+This is the template used to create a row lock on the selected rows. The
+arguments supplied are as follows:
+1. Select clause
+2. From clasue; the order of the tables is currently not guarenteed
+3. Where clause
+If row locking is not supported in select statement this element should be
+empty. The most common form of row locking is select for update as in the
+example that follows:
+<!ELEMENT row-locking-template (#PCDATA)>
+This is the template used to create a primary key constraint in the create
+table statement. The arguments supplied are as follows:
+1. Primary key constraint name; which is always pk_{table-name}
+2. Comma sepperated list of primary key column names
+If a primary key constraint clause is not supported in a create table statement
+this element should be empty. The most common form of a primary key constraint
+<!ELEMENT pk-constraint-template (#PCDATA)>
+This is the template used to create a foreign key constraint in sepperate
+statement. The arguments supplied are as follows:
+1. Table name
+2. Foreign key constraint name; which is always fk_{table-name}_{cmr-field-name}
+3. Comma sepperated list of foreign key column names
+4. References table name
+5. Comma sepperated list of the referenced primary key column names
+If the datasource does not support foreign key constraints this element should
+be empty. The most common form of a foreign key constraint follows:
+<!ELEMENT fk-constraint-template (#PCDATA)>
+This element is used to define auto-increment template for a column
+<!ELEMENT auto-increment-template (#PCDATA)>
+Template to add a column to the database.
+Arguments are as follows :
+1. Table name
+2. Column new
+3. Column type
+Default value is
+<!ELEMENT add-column-template (#PCDATA)>
+Template to alter a column to the database.
+Arguments are as follows :
+1. Table name
+2. Column new
+3. Column type
+Default value is
+<!ELEMENT alter-column-template (#PCDATA)>
+Template to drop a column to the database.
+Arguments are as follows :
+1. Table name
+2. Column new
+Default value is
+<!ELEMENT drop-column-template (#PCDATA)>
+An alias header is prepended to a generated table alias by the EJB-QL compiler
+to prevent name collisions. An alias header is constructed as folows:
+alias-header-prefix + int_counter + alias-header-suffix
+<!ELEMENT alias-header-prefix (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT alias-header-suffix (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT alias-max-length (#PCDATA)>
+Does this type-mapping support subqueries. Some EJB-QL opperators are mapped
+to exists subqueries.  If subquery is false the EJB-QL compiler will use a
+left join and is null.
+The subquery-supported element must be one of the two following:
+         <create-table>true</create-table>
+         <create-table>false</create-table>
+<!ELEMENT subquery-supported (#PCDATA)>
+The true and false mappings are the mappings for true and false in EJB-QL
+<!ELEMENT true-mapping (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT false-mapping (#PCDATA)>
+The maximum number of key pairs that can appear in a single DELETE statement for relation table
+<!ELEMENT max-keys-in-delete (#PCDATA)>
+Specifies the mapping from a java type to a jdbc and a sql type.
+<!ELEMENT mapping (java-type, jdbc-type, sql-type, param-setter?, result-reader?)>
+Specifies the java class type to be mapped.
+<!ELEMENT java-type (#PCDATA)>
+Fully qualified name of the JDBCParameterSetter implementation.
+<!ELEMENT param-setter (#PCDATA)>
+Fully qualified name of the JDBCResultSetReader implementation.
+<!ELEMENT result-reader (#PCDATA)>
+Specifies the mapping from an EJB-QL function to a sql function.
+<!ELEMENT function-mapping (function-name, function-sql)>
+The name of the function to be mapped.
+<!ELEMENT function-name (#PCDATA)>
+The sql to which the function is mapped.  The sql can contain
+parameters specified with a question mark followed by the base one
+parameter number.  For example, function mapping for concat in Oracle
+   <function-name>concat</function-name>
+   <function-sql>(?1 || ?2)</function-sql>
+<!ELEMENT function-sql (#PCDATA)>
+Unknown primary key configuration
+<!ELEMENT unknown-pk (key-generator-factory?, unknown-pk-class, field-name?,
+   read-only?, read-time-out?,
+   column-name?, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?, auto-increment? )>
+The unknown primary key class.
+<!ELEMENT unknown-pk-class (#PCDATA)>
+If present the field will auto-incremented by the database
+<!ELEMENT auto-increment EMPTY>
+This element declares available for entity commands
+<!ELEMENT entity-commands (entity-command*)>
+This element represents an entity command
+<!ELEMENT entity-command (attribute*)>
+This attribute specifies the command name
+<!ATTLIST entity-command name CDATA  #REQUIRED>
+This attribute specifies the command class
+<!ATTLIST entity-command class CDATA  #IMPLIED>
+The attribute for create-method.
+<!ELEMENT attribute (#PCDATA)>
+The name of the attribute
+<!ATTLIST attribute name CDATA #REQUIRED>
+Optimistic locking configuration
+<!ELEMENT optimistic-locking (
+   group-name |
+   modified-strategy |
+   read-strategy |
+   ((version-column | timestamp-column | (key-generator-factory, field-type)),
+     field-name?, column-name?, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?)
+Optimistic locking field group name.
+This name must match one of the entity's load-group-name.
+The fields in this group will be used for optimistic locking.
+<!ELEMENT group-name (#PCDATA)>
+Optimistic locking modified strategy.
+This means the fields that were modified during transaction
+will be used for optimistic locking
+<!ELEMENT modified-strategy EMPTY>
+Optimistic locking read strategy.
+This strategy implies that the fields that were read/changed
+in the transaction will be used for optimistic locking
+<!ELEMENT read-strategy EMPTY>
+Optimistic locking version column strategy.
+Setting this element will add to entity bean additional version field
+of type java.lang.Long that will be used for optimistic locking.
+Each update of the entity will increase the value of this field.
+<!ELEMENT version-column EMPTY>
+Optimistic locking timestamp column strategy.
+Setting this element will add to entity bean additional field of type
+java.util.Date that will be used for optimistic locking.
+Each update of the entity will set the value of this field to the current
+<!ELEMENT timestamp-column EMPTY>
+Optimistic locking field type.
+The type for locking field in optimistic locking.
+<!ELEMENT field-type (#PCDATA)>
+Key generator factory JNDI name.
+This element specifies the JNDI name of key generator factory that is
+used to obtain key generator for locking column used in optimistic locking.
+<!ELEMENT key-generator-factory (#PCDATA)>
+Audit fields, choose the audit fields
+The created by and updated by require a caller principal
+The fields can also be cmp fields, use the same field-name
+<!ELEMENT audit (created-by?, created-time?, updated-by?, updated-time?)>
+Created by principal, default is audit_created_by
+<!ELEMENT created-by (field-name?, column-name?, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?)>
+Created time, default is audit_created_time
+<!ELEMENT created-time (field-name?, column-name?, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?)>
+Updated by principal, default is audit_updated_by
+<!ELEMENT updated-by (field-name?, column-name?, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?)>
+Updated time, default is audit_updated_time
+<!ELEMENT updated-time (field-name?, column-name?, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?)>
+  Container for user-type-mapping elements
+<!ELEMENT user-type-mappings (user-type-mapping+)>
+  Defines a mapping of a user type to a column providing a mapper class.
+  Mapper is like a mediator: when storing, it takes an instance of the user
+  type and translates it to a column value; when loading, it takes a column
+  value and translates it to an instance of the user type.
+<!ELEMENT user-type-mapping (java-type, mapped-type, mapper, check-dirty-after-get?, state-factory?)>
+  The type a java-type in user-type-mapping is mapped to.
+<!ELEMENT mapped-type (#PCDATA)>
+  Mapper class for user-type-mapping.
+<!ELEMENT mapper (#PCDATA)>
+  Provide reserved words that should be escaped when generating tables
+<!ELEMENT reserved-words (word+)>
+<!ELEMENT word (#PCDATA)>
+Is relevant only for multi-object queries. Allowed values are true and false.
+If true, ResultSet will be read on demand, i.e. when user iterates through the collection.
+If false, user is given completely initialized result, i.e. when user got the result
+ResultSet is read till the end and closed.
+<!ELEMENT lazy-resultset-loading (#PCDATA)>

Modified: trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/service-ref_4_0.dtd
--- trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/service-ref_4_0.dtd	2007-02-15 11:00:24 UTC (rev 60562)
+++ trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/service-ref_4_0.dtd	2007-02-15 11:11:32 UTC (rev 60563)
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 	$Id: jboss-client_5_0.dtd 58121 2006-11-04 19:57:58Z thomas.diesler at jboss.com $
   The service-ref element provides jboss specific deployment values to
   the web service reference in application-client.xml.

Added: trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/service-ref_4_2.dtd
--- trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/service-ref_4_2.dtd	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/server/src/resources/dtd/service-ref_4_2.dtd	2007-02-15 11:11:32 UTC (rev 60563)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  $Id: jboss-web_4_0.dtd 60134 2007-01-31 13:14:47Z thomas.diesler at jboss.com $
+  The service-ref element provides jboss specific deployment values to
+  the web service reference in application-client.xml.
+  Example:
+    <service-ref>
+        <service-ref-name>OrganizationService</service-ref-name>
+        <wsdl-override>file:/wsdlRepository/organization-service.wsdl</wsdl-override>
+    </service-ref>
+    <service-ref>
+        <service-ref-name>OrganizationService</service-ref-name>
+        <config-name>Secure Client Config</config-name>
+        <config-file>META-INF/jbossws-client-config.xml</config-file>
+        <port-component-ref>
+          <service-endpoint-interface>com.dot.SEI</service-endpoint-interface>
+          <call-property>
+            <prop-name>X</prop-name>
+            <prop-value>Y</prop-value>
+          </call-property>
+        </port-component-ref>
+    </service-ref>
+<!ELEMENT service-ref (service-ref-name, config-name?, config-file?, port-component-ref*, wsdl-override?, call-property*)>
+<!-- The service-ref-name element gives the ENC relative name used
+in the ejb-jar.xml service-ref-name element.
+Used in: service-ref
+<!ELEMENT service-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The optional config-name element gives the client configuration name that must be present in
+the configuration given by element config-file. 
+The default is: Standard Client
+Used in: service-ref
+<!ELEMENT config-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The optional config-file element gives the to a URL or resource name for the client configuration.
+The default is: META-INF/standard-jbossws-client-config.xml
+Used in: service-ref
+<!ELEMENT config-file (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The port-component-ref element provides additional information about
+the standard j2ee service-reference/port-component-ref. Currently this includes
+properties that should be associated with the call/stub for the port.
+Used in: service-ref
+<!ELEMENT port-component-ref (service-endpoint-interface?, call-property*)>
+<!-- The wsdl-override element the actual wsdl docuement the web service client
+uses to connect to the remote service. It overrides the value of wsdl-file in ejb-jar.xml.
+Used in: service-ref
+<!ELEMENT wsdl-override (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- Fully qualified name of service endpoint interface
+<!ELEMENT service-endpoint-interface ( #PCDATA )>
+<!-- Arbitrary jaxrpc property values that should be set on a Call object
+before it's returned to the web service client. The valid properties can be any
+properties supported by the jaxrpc Call implementation.
+<!ELEMENT call-property ( prop-name, prop-value )>
+<!-- The string value of a property name
+<!ELEMENT prop-name (#PCDATA)>
+<!-- The string value of a property value
+<!ELEMENT prop-value (#PCDATA)>

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