[jboss-cvs] jboss-seam ...

Norman Richards norman.richards at jboss.com
Fri Feb 23 17:03:03 EST 2007

  User: nrichards
  Date: 07/02/23 17:03:03

  Modified:    jboss-seam    build.xml changelog.txt readme.txt
  bump version numbers
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.153     +1 -1      jboss-seam/build.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.152
  retrieving revision 1.153
  diff -u -b -r1.152 -r1.153
  --- build.xml	23 Feb 2007 17:32:23 -0000	1.152
  +++ build.xml	23 Feb 2007 22:03:03 -0000	1.153
  @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
       <property name="Name"                 value="JBoss Seam"/>
       <property name="name"                 value="jboss-seam"/>
       <property name="version"              value="1.1"/>
  -    <property name="patchlevel"           value="6.GA"/>
  +    <property name="patchlevel"           value="7.RC1"/>
       <!-- set global properties for this build -->
       <property name="build.dir"            value="build"/>
  1.42      +74 -1     jboss-seam/changelog.txt
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: changelog.txt
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam/changelog.txt,v
  retrieving revision 1.41
  retrieving revision 1.42
  diff -u -b -r1.41 -r1.42
  --- changelog.txt	8 Feb 2007 00:05:25 -0000	1.41
  +++ changelog.txt	23 Feb 2007 22:03:03 -0000	1.42
  @@ -1,7 +1,80 @@
   JBoss Seam Changelog
  -Changes in version 1.1.6.GA (February 2007)
  +Changes in version 1.1.7.RC1 (February 2007)
  +Release Notes - JBoss Seam - Version 1.1.7.RC1
  +** Bug
  +    * [JBSEAM-701] - Typo in UICell's evaluation of the useBorderPadding attribute
  +    * [JBSEAM-770] - Gmail displays alternative text part
  +    * [JBSEAM-778] - MultipartRequest does not work with h:selectManyCheckbox
  +    * [JBSEAM-789] - build of Seam makes bad seam_reference.pdf
  +    * [JBSEAM-800] - s:hasPermission vs view-id wildcards
  +    * [JBSEAM-801] - Strange exceptions when accessing a restricted page without being logged in
  +    * [JBSEAM-803] - Query: getLastFirstResult possible raises an exception
  +    * [JBSEAM-805] - Support other encodings
  +    * [JBSEAM-809] - seam-gen explodes when it hits a self-association
  +    * [JBSEAM-814] - ConverterChain not running all converters for getAsString
  +    * [JBSEAM-825] - Overloaded messages on FacesMessages are ambiguous
  +    * [JBSEAM-836] - Security interceptor should not be triggered for lifecycle methods
  +    * [JBSEAM-839] - Mail example logs errors at DEBUG level
  +    * [JBSEAM-840] - Mail example doesn't work ootb on tomcat
  +    * [JBSEAM-841] - HibernateSecurityInterceptor hammers any user-defined interceptor
  +    * [JBSEAM-848] - TransactionPropagationType.isNewTransactionRequired() logic is incorrect for MANDATORY and NEVER
  +    * [JBSEAM-850] - License violation
  +    * [JBSEAM-852] - Internal Seam log messages are not producing line numbers or method name under Log4J.
  +    * [JBSEAM-856] - @Restrict on a class doesn't restrict access to methods implemented in super-classes
  +    * [JBSEAM-860] - Documentation of page navigation is incorrect
  +    * [JBSEAM-861] - class not found error javax.interceptor.InvocationContext when running hibernate2 example on head
  +    * [JBSEAM-862] - Minor error in view.xhtml.ftl Seam Gen Template
  +    * [JBSEAM-879] - UISelectItems doesn't take into account converters registered using converter-for-class
  +    * [JBSEAM-890] - UISelectItems leaks memory/state
  +    * [JBSEAM-893] - Calling Component.getInstance() and passing a Class that does not have a @Name throws NPE
  +    * [JBSEAM-894] - pages-1.1.dtd defines incorrect request scope option
  +    * [JBSEAM-896] - seamspace ContentServlet broken
  +    * [JBSEAM-897] - namespaced component configuration and component precedence
  +    * [JBSEAM-899] - Throw exception for dupe <navigation> elements on a page
  +** Feature Request
  +    * [JBSEAM-562] - Support composite keys in seam-gen templates
  +    * [JBSEAM-648] - seam-gen should create a Hibernate Console configuration
  +    * [JBSEAM-695] - RequestContextPath for mail tags
  +    * [JBSEAM-696] - Spring integration
  +    * [JBSEAM-732] - Entity security
  +    * [JBSEAM-741] - auto-redirect to HTTPS
  +    * [JBSEAM-763] - Dropdown for Year and for Month in <s:selectDate>
  +    * [JBSEAM-764] - Roles based security without drools jars
  +    * [JBSEAM-766] - Use Seam/Security in the examples
  +    * [JBSEAM-780] - support message severities in redirect with message
  +    * [JBSEAM-790] - Create a universal SeamFilter
  +    * [JBSEAM-792] - seamspace example should use page parameters and login redirect-and-back
  +    * [JBSEAM-797] - s:fragment
  +    * [JBSEAM-799] - security documentation issues
  +    * [JBSEAM-810] - optimize stack frames of built-in interceptors
  +    * [JBSEAM-811] - many-to-one association editing in seam-gen
  +    * [JBSEAM-813] - DocumentStoreServlet should set up its own Seam contexts
  +    * [JBSEAM-818] - To add a createFacesMessageFromResourceBundle method to FacesMessages
  +    * [JBSEAM-819] - Create a Seam resource servlet
  +    * [JBSEAM-837] - <page login-required="true">
  +    * [JBSEAM-838] - Should not require empty drl file to use security
  +    * [JBSEAM-845] - Allow configuration of which actions are restricted for entity security
  +    * [JBSEAM-846] - SeamTest setField() not recognize fields in super classes.
  +    * [JBSEAM-858] - Add a explicit section to the conversation section of the documentation about the components bindings in conversation scoped components
  +    * [JBSEAM-863] - Remember-Me automatic authentication
  +    * [JBSEAM-891] - Better jbpm control through pages.xml
  +    * [JBSEAM-901] - Enhance Conversation.endAndRedirect with a boolean parameter to specify destruction of the conversation before the redirect
  +    * [JBSEAM-904] - Ajax4JSF support and validation in seam-gen
  +** Patch
  +    * [JBSEAM-795] - allow MockHttpServletRequest and MockExternalContext to support cookies
  +    * [JBSEAM-820] - CLONE -allow MockHttpServletRequest and MockExternalContext to support cookies
  +    * [JBSEAM-900] - Seam taglibrary descriptor not recogniced
  +** Task
  +    * [JBSEAM-887] - Replicate booking demo fixes to all versions of the demo
   Release Notes - JBoss Seam - Version 1.1.6.GA
   ** Bug
  1.31      +1 -1      jboss-seam/readme.txt
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: readme.txt
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam/readme.txt,v
  retrieving revision 1.30
  retrieving revision 1.31
  diff -u -b -r1.30 -r1.31
  --- readme.txt	7 Feb 2007 22:49:52 -0000	1.30
  +++ readme.txt	23 Feb 2007 22:03:03 -0000	1.31
  @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   JBoss Seam - Contextual Component framework for Java EE 5
  -version 1.1.6.GA, February 2007
  +version 1.1.7.RC1, February 2007
   This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Lesser Gnu
   Public License (see lgpl.txt).

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