[jboss-cvs] JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules ...

Manik Surtani msurtani at jboss.com
Mon Jan 22 11:20:00 EST 2007

  User: msurtani
  Date: 07/01/22 11:20:00

  Added:       docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules  preface.xml
  Refactoring docs dir
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1      date: 2007/01/22 16:20:00;  author: msurtani;  state: Exp;JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules/preface.xml
  Index: preface.xml
  <preface id="preface">
        This and its accompanying documents describe JBoss Cache's
        TreeCache, a tree-structured replicated, transactional cache. JBoss
        Cache's PojoCache, an "object-oriented" cache that is the AOP-enabled
        subclass of TreeCache, allowing for Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) to be
        inserted and replicated transactionally in a cluster, is described
        separately in a similar user guide.
        The TreeCache is fully configurable. Aspects of the system such as
        replication mechanisms, transaction isolation levels, eviction policies,
        and transaction managers are all configurable. The TreeCache can be used
        in a standalone fashion - independent of JBoss Application Server or any
        other application server. PojoCache on the other hand requires both
        TreeCache and the JBossAOP standalone subsystem. PojoCache, documented
        separately, is the first in the market to provide a POJO cache
        This document is meant to be a user guide to explain the
        architecture, api, configuration, and examples for JBoss Cache's
        TreeCache. Good knowledge of the Java programming language along with a
        string appreciation and understanding of transactions and concurrent
        threads is presumed. No prior knowledge of JBoss Application Server is
        expected or required.
        If you have questions, use the
        <ulink url="http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&amp;op=viewforum&amp;f=157">user forum</ulink>
        linked on the
        <ulink url="http://labs.jboss.com/jbosscache">JBoss Cache website</ulink>
        . We also provide a mechanism for
        tracking bug reports and feature requests on the
        <ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com">JBoss JIRA issue tracker</ulink>
        . If you are
        interested in the development of JBoss Cache or in translating this documentation into other languages, we'd love
        hear from you. Please post a message on the user forum or contact us on the
        <ulink url="http://lists.jboss.org">developer mailing list</ulink>
        JBoss Cache is an open-source product based on LGPL. Commercial
        development support, production support and training for JBoss Cache is
        available through
        <ulink url="http://www.jboss.com">JBoss Inc</ulink>
        JBoss Cache is a product in JBoss Professional Open Source
        <ulink url="http://www.jboss.com/products/index">JEMS</ulink>
        (JBoss Enterprise Middleware Suite).

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