[jboss-cvs] JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules ...

Manik Surtani msurtani at jboss.com
Mon Jan 22 22:04:03 EST 2007

  User: msurtani
  Date: 07/01/22 22:04:03

  Modified:    docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules     configuration.xml
                        configuration_reference.xml introduction.xml
  finished API docs up to chapter 3.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +61 -215   JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules/configuration.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: configuration.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules/configuration.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -b -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- configuration.xml	22 Jan 2007 22:50:09 -0000	1.2
  +++ configuration.xml	23 Jan 2007 03:04:03 -0000	1.3
  @@ -1,235 +1,81 @@
   <chapter id="configuration">
  -   <para>All properties of the cache are configured via setters and can be
  -      retrieved via getters. This can be done either manually, or via the
  -      <literal>PropertyConfigurator</literal>
  -      and an XML file.
  -   </para>
  -   <para>You should refer to
  -      <link linkend="configuration_reference">the Configuration Reference chapter</link>
  -      for a comprehensive list of all confiruration options available.
  -   </para>
  -      <title>Sample XML-Based Configuration</title>
  +      <title>XML-based Configuration</title>
  -         A sample XML configuration file is shown
  -         below:
  +         The most convenient way to configure JBoss Cache is via an XML file. The JBoss Cache distribution ships
  +         with a number of configuration files for common use cases. It is recommended that these files are used as
  +         a starting point, and tweaked to meet specific needs.
  -      <programlisting>
  -         <![CDATA[
  -         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  -         <server>~/
  -         <classpath codebase="./lib" archives="jboss-cache.jar, jgroups.jar" />
  -         <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  -         <!-- Defines TreeCache configuration -->
  -         <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  -         <mbean code="org.jboss.cache.TreeCache" name="jboss.cache:service=TreeCache">
  -         <depends>jboss:service=Naming</depends>
  -         <depends>jboss:service=TransactionManager</depends>
  -         <!-- Configure the TransactionManager -->
  -         <attribute name="TransactionManagerLookupClass">org.jboss.cache.DummyTransactionManagerLookup</attribute>
  -         <!-- Node locking scheme : PESSIMISTIC (default)
  -         OPTIMISTIC
  -         -->
  -         <attribute name="NodeLockingScheme">PESSIMISTIC</attribute>
  -         <!-- Node locking isolation level : SERIALIZABLE
  -         REPEATABLE_READ (default)
  -         READ_COMMITTED
  -         NONE
  -         (ignored if NodeLockingScheme is OPTIMISTIC)
  -         -->
  -         <attribute name="IsolationLevel">REPEATABLE_READ</attribute>
  -         <!-- Valid modes are LOCAL
  -         REPL_ASYNC
  -         REPL_SYNC
  -         -->
  -         <attribute name="CacheMode">LOCAL</attribute>
  -         <!-- Whether each interceptor should have an mbean
  -         registered to capture and display its statistics. -->
  -         <attribute name="UseInterceptorMbeans">true</attribute>
  -         <!-- Name of cluster. Needs to be the same for all TreeCache nodes in a
  -         cluster, in order to find each other -->
  -         <attribute name="ClusterName">JBoss-Cache-Cluster</attribute>
  -         <!-- Uncomment next three statements to enable JGroups multiplexer.
  -         This configuration is dependent on the JGroups multiplexer being
  -         registered in an MBean server such as JBossAS. -->
  -         <!--
  -         <depends>jgroups.mux:name=Multiplexer</depends>
  -         <attribute name="MultiplexerService">jgroups.mux:name=Multiplexer</attribute>
  -         <attribute name="MultiplexerStack">udp</attribute>
  -         -->
  -         <!-- JGroups protocol stack properties. ClusterConfig isn't used if the
  -         multiplexer is enabled and successfully initialized. -->
  -         <attribute name="ClusterConfig">
  -         <config>
  -         <!-- UDP: if you have a multihomed machine,
  -         set the bind_addr attribute to the appropriate NIC IP address
  -         -->
  -         <!-- UDP: On Windows machines, because of the media sense feature
  -         being broken with multicast (even after disabling media sense)
  -         set the loopback attribute to true
  -         -->
  -         <UDP mcast_addr="" mcast_port="45566" ip_ttl="64" ip_mcast="true"
  -         mcast_send_buf_size="150000" mcast_recv_buf_size="80000" ucast_send_buf_size="150000"
  -         ucast_recv_buf_size="80000" loopback="false" />
  -         <PING timeout="2000" num_initial_members="3" up_thread="false" down_thread="false" />
  -         <MERGE2 min_interval="10000" max_interval="20000" />
  -         <FD shun="true" up_thread="true" down_thread="true" />
  -         <VERIFY_SUSPECT timeout="1500" up_thread="false" down_thread="false" />
  -         <pbcast.NAKACK gc_lag="50" max_xmit_size="8192" retransmit_timeout="600,1200,2400,4800"
  -         up_thread="false" down_thread="false" />
  -         <UNICAST timeout="600,1200,2400" window_size="100" min_threshold="10" down_thread="false" />
  -         <pbcast.STABLE desired_avg_gossip="20000" up_thread="false" down_thread="false" />
  -         <FRAG frag_size="8192" down_thread="false" up_thread="false" />
  -         <pbcast.GMS join_timeout="5000" join_retry_timeout="2000" shun="true"
  -         print_local_addr="true" />
  -         <pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER up_thread="false" down_thread="false" />
  -         </config>
  -         </attribute>
  -         <!-- The max amount of time (in milliseconds) we wait until the
  -         initial state (ie. the contents of the cache) are retrieved from
  -         existing members in a clustered environment
  -         -->
  -         <attribute name="InitialStateRetrievalTimeout">5000</attribute>
  -         <!-- Number of milliseconds to wait until all responses for a
  -         synchronous call have been received.
  -         -->
  -         <attribute name="SyncReplTimeout">10000</attribute>
  -         <!-- Max number of milliseconds to wait for a lock acquisition -->
  -         <attribute name="LockAcquisitionTimeout">15000</attribute>
  -         <!-- Name of the eviction policy class. -->
  -         <attribute name="EvictionPolicyClass">org.jboss.cache.eviction.LRUPolicy</attribute>
  -         <!-- Specific eviction policy configurations. This is LRU -->
  -         <attribute name="EvictionPolicyConfig">
  -         <config>
  -         <attribute name="wakeUpIntervalSeconds">5</attribute>
  -         <!-- Cache wide default -->
  -         <region name="/_default_">
  -         <attribute name="maxNodes">5000</attribute>
  -         <attribute name="timeToLiveSeconds">1000</attribute>
  -         <!-- Maximum time an object is kept in cache regardless of idle time -->
  -         <attribute name="maxAgeSeconds">120</attribute>
  -         </region>
  -         <region name="/org/jboss/data">
  -         <attribute name="maxNodes">5000</attribute>
  -         <attribute name="timeToLiveSeconds">1000</attribute>
  -         </region>
  -         <region name="/org/jboss/test/data">
  -         <attribute name="maxNodes">5</attribute>
  -         <attribute name="timeToLiveSeconds">4</attribute>
  -         </region>
  -         </config>
  -         </attribute>
  -         <!-- New 1.3.x cache loader config block -->
  -         <attribute name="CacheLoaderConfiguration">
  -         <config>
  -         <!-- if passivation is true, only the first cache loader is used; the rest are ignored -->
  -         <passivation>false</passivation>
  -         <preload>/a/b, /allTempObjects, /some/specific/fqn</preload>
  -         <shared>false</shared>
  -         <!-- we can now have multiple cache loaders, which get chained -->
  -         <cacheloader>
  -         <class>org.jboss.cache.loader.FileCacheLoader</class>
  -         <!-- same as the old CacheLoaderConfig attribute -->
  -         <properties>
  -         location=/tmp/myFileStore
  -         </properties>
  -         <!-- whether the cache loader writes are asynchronous -->
  -         <async>false</async>
  -         <!-- only one cache loader in the chain may set fetchPersistentState to true.
  -         An exception is thrown if more than one cache loader sets this to true. -->
  -         <fetchPersistentState>true</fetchPersistentState>
  -         <!-- determines whether this cache loader ignores writes - defaults to false. -->
  -         <ignoreModifications>false</ignoreModifications>
  -         <!-- if set to true, purges the contents of this cache loader when the cache starts up.
  -         Defaults to false. -->
  -         <purgeOnStartup>false</purgeOnStartup>
  -         </cacheloader>
  -         <cacheloader>
  -         <class>org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader</class>
  -         <!-- same as the old CacheLoaderConfig attribute -->
  -         <properties>
  -         cache.jdbc.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  -         cache.jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jbossdb
  -         cache.jdbc.user=root
  -         cache.jdbc.password=
  -         </properties>
  -         <!-- whether the cache loader writes are asynchronous -->
  -         <async>true</async>
  -         <!-- only one cache loader in the chain may set fetchPersistentState to true.
  -         An exception is thrown if more than one cache loader sets this to true. -->
  -         <fetchPersistentState>false</fetchPersistentState>
  -         <!-- determines whether this cache loader ignores writes - defaults to false. -->
  -         <ignoreModifications>true</ignoreModifications>
  -         <!-- if set to true, purges the contents of this cache loader when the cache starts up.
  -         Defaults to false. -->
  -         <purgeOnStartup>false</purgeOnStartup>
  -         </cacheloader>
  -         </config>
  -         </attribute>
  -         </mbean>
  -         </server>     ]]></programlisting>
  +      <para>
  +         A sample XML file is in
  +         <link linkend="sample_xml_file">the configuration reference</link>
  +         section of this book,
  +         along with
  +         <link linkend="configuration_reference">a handy look-up table</link>
  +         of
  +         the various options.
  +      </para>
  +   </section>
  -      <para>The PropertyConfigurator.configure() method needs to have as
  -         argument a filename which is located on the classpath; it will use be used
  -         to configure JBoss Cache from the properties defined in it. Note that
  -         this configuration file is used to configure JBoss Cache both as a
  -         standalone cache, and as an MBean if run inside the JBoss
  -         container.
  -         <footnote>
  -            <para>We will switch to using an XMBean in a future release.</para>
  -         </footnote>
  +   <section>
  +      <title>Programmatic Configuration</title>
  +      <para>
  +         In addition to the XML-based configuration above, a programmatic configuration option is available.
  +         <literal>org.jboss.cache.config.Configuration</literal>
  +         is central to configuring JBoss Cache programmatically,
  +         and an instance is is created, configured and passed in to a
  +         <literal>org.jboss.cache.CacheFactory</literal>
  +         to
  +         create a cache.
  +      <para>
  +         When constructed, the
  +         <literal>Configuration</literal>
  +         object is preset with JBoss Cache defaults and can even
  +         be used as-is for a quick start.
  +      </para>
  +   </section>
  +   <section>
  +      <title>Dynamic Reconfiguration</title>
  +      <para>
  +         Dynamically changing the configuration of certain options while the cache is running is supported for
  +         certain options, by programmatically obtaining the
  +         <literal>Configuration</literal>
  +         object from the
  +         running cache and changing values. E.g.,
  +         <programlisting>
  +            Configuration liveConfig = cache.getConfiguration();
  +            liveConfig.setLockAcquisitionTimeout(2000);
  +         </programlisting>
  +         A complete listing of which options may be changed dynamically is in the
  +         <link linkend="configuration_reference">configuration reference</link>
  +         section. A
  +         <literal>org.jboss.cache.config.ConfigurationException</literal>
  +         will be thrown if you attempt to change a
  +         setting that is not dynamic.
  +      </para>
  -      <title>Overriding options</title>
  +      <title>Overriding Configuration Options</title>
  -         As of JBoss Cache 1.3.0, a new API has been introduced, to allow you to override certain behaviour of the cache
  -         on a per invocation basis.
  +         The Option API allows you to override certain behaviour of the cache on a per invocation basis.
            This involves creating an instance of
  -         , setting the options you wish to override on the
  +         , setting the options
  +         you wish to override on the
  -         object and passing it in as a parameter to overloaded versions of
  -         <literal>get()</literal>
  -         ,
  -         <literal>put()</literal>
  -         and
  -         <literal>remove()</literal>
  -         . See the javadocs on the
  +         object and passing it in the
  +         <literal>InvocationContext</literal>
  +         before invoking your method on the cache. More of this is discussed later.
  +      </para>
  +      <para>
  +         See the javadocs on the
  -         class for details on these options.
  +         class for details on the options available.
  \ No newline at end of file
  1.2       +423 -410  JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules/configuration_reference.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: configuration_reference.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules/configuration_reference.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -b -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- configuration_reference.xml	22 Jan 2007 22:50:09 -0000	1.1
  +++ configuration_reference.xml	23 Jan 2007 03:04:03 -0000	1.2
  @@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
  -<chapter id="configuration_reference">
  +<chapter id="configuration_reference_chapter">
  +   <title>Configuration References</title>
  +   <section id="sample_xml_file">
  +      <title>Sample XML Configuration File</title>
  +      <para>
  +         This is what a typical XML configuration file looks like. It is recommended that you use one of the
  +         configurations
  +         shipped with the JBoss Cache distribution and tweak according to your needs rather than write one from scratch.
  +      </para>
  +   </section>
  +   <section id="configuration_reference">
  -      Definition of XML attributes
  +         Reference table of XML attributes
  -   <para>A list of definitions of each of the XML attributes used above:</para>
  +      <para>A list of definitions of each of the XML attributes used above.</para>
      <informaltable frame="all">
         <tgroup cols="2">
  @@ -408,4 +420,5 @@
  +   </section>
  \ No newline at end of file
  1.3       +45 -9     JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules/introduction.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: introduction.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules/introduction.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -b -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- introduction.xml	23 Jan 2007 01:12:37 -0000	1.2
  +++ introduction.xml	23 Jan 2007 03:04:03 -0000	1.3
  @@ -104,20 +104,56 @@
  +      <title>
  +         Requirements
  +      </title>
  +      <para>
  +         Although written in and baselined against Java 5.0, JBoss Cache does ship with a Java 1.4.x compatible jar as
  +         well,
  +         making use of
  +         <ulink url="http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossRetro">JBossRetro</ulink>
  +         to retroweave the Java 5.0 binaries.
  +      </para>
  +      <para>
  +         In addition, JBoss Cache has dependencies on
  +         <ulink url="http://www.jgroups.org">JGroups</ulink>
  +         , Apache's
  +         <ulink
  +                 url="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/">commons-logging
  +         </ulink>
  +         and
  +         <ulink url="http://labs.jboss.com/portal/serialization/">JBoss-serialization</ulink>
  +         for
  +         performant serialization of objects. JBoss Cache ships with all dependent libraries necessary to run out of the
  +         box.
  +      </para>
  +   </section>
  +   <section>
            JBoss Cache is an open source product, using the business and OEM-friendly
            <ulink url="http://www.opensource.org/">OSI-approved</ulink>
  -         <ulink url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL license</ulink>
  -         . Commercial development support,
  -         production support and training for JBoss Cache is available through
  -         <ulink url="http://www.jboss.com">JBoss, a division of Red Hat Inc</ulink>
  -         .
  -      </para>
  +         <ulink url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL license.</ulink>
  +         Commercial development support,
  +         production support and training for JBo
  +         s avai able through
  +         <ulink url="http://www.jboss.com">JBos
  +         s, a div
  +       Red Ha
  +      /ulink
  +         /para>
  -         JBoss Cache is a part of the JBoss Professional Open Source
  -         <ulink url="http://www.jboss.com/products/index">JEMS</ulink>
  -         (JBoss Enterprise Middleware Suite).
  +         JBoss Cache is a part of the J
  +         ssiona  Open Source
  +         <ulink url="http://www.j
  +         boss.com
  +         index">JEMS</ulink>
  +         (JBoss
  +      ise Mid
  +   are Suite)
  1.2       +234 -178  JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules/basic_api.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: basic_api.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/modules/basic_api.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -b -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- basic_api.xml	19 Jan 2007 17:01:00 -0000	1.1
  +++ basic_api.xml	23 Jan 2007 03:04:03 -0000	1.2
  @@ -1,180 +1,236 @@
   <chapter id="api">
  -   <title>Basic API</title>
  -   <para>Here's some sample code before we dive into the API itself:</para>
  -   <programlisting>TreeCache tree = new TreeCache();
  -      tree.setClusterName("demo-cluster");
  -      tree.setClusterProperties("default.xml"); // uses defaults if not provided
  -      tree.setCacheMode(TreeCache.REPL_SYNC);
  -      tree.createService(); // not necessary, but is same as MBean lifecycle
  -      tree.startService(); // kick start tree cache
  -      tree.put("/a/b/c", "name", "Ben");
  -      tree.put("/a/b/c/d", "uid", new Integer(322649));
  -      Integer tmp = (Integer) tree.get("/a/b/c/d", "uid");
  -      tree.remove("/a/b");
  -      tree.stopService();
  -      tree.destroyService(); // not necessary, but is same as MBean lifecycle
  -   </programlisting>
  -   <para>The sample code first creates a
  -      <literal>TreeCache</literal>
  -      instance and then
  -      configures it. There is another constructor which accepts a number of
  -      configuration options. However, the
  -      <literal>TreeCache</literal>
  -      can be configured entirely
  -      from an XML file (shown later) and we don't recommend manual configuration
  -      as shown in the sample.
  -   </para>
  -   <para>The cluster name, properties of the underlying JGroups stack, and
  -      cache mode (synchronous replication) are configured first (a list of
  -      configuration options is shown later). Then we start the
  -      <literal>TreeCache</literal>
  -      . If
  -      replication is enabled, this will make the
  -      <literal>TreeCache</literal>
  -      join the cluster, and acquire initial state from an existing node.
  -   </para>
  -   <para>Then we add 2 items into the cache: the first element creates a node
  -      "a" with a child node "b" that has a child node "c". (
  -      <literal>TreeCache</literal>
  -      by default
  -      creates intermediary nodes that don't exist). The key "name" is then
  -      inserted into the "/a/b/c" node, with a value of "Ben".
  -   </para>
  -   <para>The other element will create just the subnode "d" of "c" because
  -      "/a/b/c" already exists. It binds the integer 322649 under key
  -      "uid".
  -   </para>
  -   <para>The resulting tree looks like this:</para>
  -   <figure>
  -      <title>Sample Tree Nodes</title>
  +   <title>User API</title>
  +   <section>
  +      <title>API Classes</title>
  +      <para>
  -            <imagedata fileref="images/TreeNodeExample.gif"/>
  +               <imagedata fileref="images/PublicAPI.png" format="PNG"/>
  -   </figure>
  -   <para>The
  -      <literal>TreeCache</literal>
  -      has 4 nodes "a", "b", "c" and "d". Nodes "/a/b/c" has
  -      values "name" associated with "Ben" in its map, and node "/a/b/c/d"
  -      has values "uid" and 322649.
  -   </para>
  +         The
  +         <literal>Cache</literal>
  +         interface is the primary mechanism for interacting with JBoss Cache. It is
  +         constructed and optionally started using the
  +         <literal>CacheFactory</literal>
  +         . The
  +         <literal>CacheFactory</literal>
  +         allows you to create a
  +         <literal>Cache</literal>
  +         either from a
  +         <literal>Configuration</literal>
  +         object
  +         or an XML file. Once you have a reference to a
  +         <literal>Cache</literal>
  +         , you can use it to look up
  +         <literal>Node</literal>
  +         objects in the tree structure, and store data in the tree.
  +      </para>
  +   </section>
  +   <section>
  +      <title>Creating and Starting the Cache</title>
  +      <para>
  +         Here is a simple example of using the API.
  +         <programlisting>
  +            // Let's start a cache using default config values.
  +            // We could have created and configured a Configuration object to be passed in to the factory instead,
  +            // or even passed in the name of an XML file (which would need to be available in the class path)
  +            CacheFactory factory = DefaultCacheFactory.getInstance();
  +            // The factory method used creates a cache with default settings, and starts it.
  +            // There are many overloaded factory methods; see CacheFactory javadocs for details.
  +            Cache cache = factory.createCache();
  +            // All nodes in the tree structure are identified by Fqn objects.
  +            Fqn peterGriffinFqn = Fqn.fromString("/griffin/peter");
  +            // let's get a hold of the root node.
  +            Node rootNode = cache.getRoot();
  +            // and create a child
  +            Node peterGriffin = rootNode.addChild(peterGriffinFqn);
  +            // let's store some data in the node
  +            peterGriffin.put("isCartoonCharacter", Boolean.TRUE);
  +            peterGriffin.put("favouriteDrink", new Beer());
  +            // some tests
  +            assertTrue(peterGriffin.get("isCartroonCharacter"));
  +            assertEquals(peterGriffinFqn, peterGriffin.getFqn());
  +            assertTrue(rootNode.hasChild(peterGriffinFqn));
  +            Set keys = new HashSet();
  +            keys.add("isCartoonCharacter");
  +            keys.add("favouriteDrink");
  -   <para>Each node can be retrieved by its absolute name (e.g. "/a/b/c") or
  -      by navigating from parent to children (e.g. navigate from "a" to "b", then
  -      from "b" to "c").
  -   </para>
  +            assertEquals(keys, peterGriffin.getKeys());
  -   <para>The next method in the example gets the value associated with
  -      key="uid" in node "/a/b/c/d", which is the integer 322649.
  -   </para>
  -   <para>The remove() method then removes node "/a/b" and all subnodes
  -      recursively from the cache. In this case, nodes "/a/b/c/d", "/a/b/c" and
  -      "/a/b" will be removed, leaving only "/a".
  +            cache.stop();
  +         </programlisting>
  +   </section>
  -   <para>Finally, the
  -      <literal>TreeCache</literal>
  -      is stopped. This will cause it to leave the
  -      cluster, and every node in the cluster will be notified. Note that
  -      <literal>TreeCache</literal>
  -      can be stopped and started again. When it is stopped, all
  -      contents will be deleted. And when it is restarted, if it joins a cache
  -      group, the state will be replicated initially. So potentially you can
  -      recreate the contents.
  -   </para>
  +   <section>
  +      <title>Cache Modes</title>
  +      <para>
  +         JBoss Cache modes are denoted by the
  +         <literal>org.jboss.cache.config.Configuration.CacheMode</literal>
  +         enumeration.
  +         They comprise of:
  +         <itemizedlist>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <emphasis>LOCAL</emphasis>
  +               - local, non-clustered cache. Local caches don't join a cluster and don't
  +               communicate with other caches in a cluster. Therefore their contents don't need to be Serializable;
  +               however, we recommend making them Serializable, allowing you the flexibility to change the cache mode at
  +               any time.
  +            </listitem>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <emphasis>REPL_SYNC</emphasis>
  +               - synchronous replication. Replicated caches replicate all changes to the other
  +               caches in the cluster. Synchronous replication means that changes are replicated and the caller blocks
  +               until replication acknowledgements are received.
  +            </listitem>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <emphasis>REPL_ASYNC</emphasis>
  +               - asynchronous replication. Similar to REPL_SYNC above, replicated caches replicate
  +               all changes to the other caches in the cluster. Being asynchronous, the caller does not block until
  +               replication acknowledgements are received.
  +            </listitem>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <emphasis>INVALIDATION_SYNC</emphasis>
  +               - if a cache is configured for invalidation rather than replication,
  +               every time data is changed in a cache other caches in the cluster
  +               receive a message informing them that their data is now stale and should
  +               be evicted from memory. This reduces replication overhead while still being able to invalidate stale data
  +               on
  +               remote caches.
  +            </listitem>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <emphasis>INVALIDATION_ASYNC</emphasis>
  +               - as above, except this invalidation mode causes invalidation messages
  +               to be broadcast asynchronously.
  +            </listitem>
  +         </itemizedlist>
  +      </para>
  +   </section>
  +   <section>
  +      <title>
  +         Adding a CacheListener
  +      </title>
  +      <para>
  +         <mediaobject>
  +            <imageobject>
  +               <imagedata fileref="images/Listeners.png" format="PNG"/>
  +            </imageobject>
  +         </mediaobject>
  +         The
  +         <literal>org.jboss.cache.CacheListener</literal>
  +         interface is a convenient mechanism for receiving notifications from a Cache
  +         about events that happen in the Cache. The interface may be implemented directly, or as a convenience,
  +         <literal>org.jboss.cache.AbstractCacheListener</literal>
  +         can be extended.
  +         <literal>AbstractCacheListener</literal>
  +         implements all the methods in
  +         <literal>CacheListener</literal>
  +         as no-ops, so you could just override the callbacks
  +         that you are interested in.
  +         <programlisting>
  +            CacheListener myListener = new AbstractCacheListener()
  +            {
  +            public void nodeCreated(Fqn fqn, boolean pre, boolean isLocal)
  +            {
  +            System.out.println("Node " + fqn + (pre ? "is about to be created" : "has been created"));
  +            }
  +            };
  -   <para>In the sample, replication was enabled, which caused the 2 put() and
  -      the 1 remove() methods to replicated their changes to all nodes in the
  -      cluster. The get() method was executed on the local cache only.
  -   </para>
  +            cache.addCacheListener(myListener);
  -   <para>Keys into the cache can be either strings separated by slashes
  -      ('/'), e.g. "/a/b/c", or they can be fully qualified names Fqns . An Fqn
  -      is essentially a list of Objects that need to implement hashCode() and
  -      equals(). All strings are actually transformed into Fqns internally. Fqns
  -      are more efficient than strings, for example:
  -   </para>
  +            assertTrue(cache.getCacheListeners().contains(myListener));
  -   <programlisting>String n1 = "/300/322649";
  -      Fqn n2 = new Fqn(new Object{new Integer(300), new Integer(322649)});
  +      </para>
  +   </section>
  -   <para>In this example, we want to access a node that has information for
  -      employee with id=322649 in department with id=300. The string version
  -      needs two map lookups on Strings, whereas the Fqn version needs two
  -      map lookups on Integers. In a large hashtable, the hashCode() method
  -      for String may have collisions, leading to actual string comparisons.
  -      Also, clients of the cache may already have identifiers for their objects
  -      in Object form, and don't want to transform between Object and Strings,
  -      preventing unnecessary copying.
  -   </para>
  -   <para>Note that the modification methods are put() and remove(). The only
  -      get method is get().
  -   </para>
  -   <para>There are 2 put() methods
  -      <footnote>
  -         <para>Plus their equivalent helper methods taking a String as node
  -            name.
  -         </para>
  -      </footnote>
  -      :
  -      <literal>put(Fqn node, Object key, Object key)</literal>
  -      and
  -      <literal>put(Fqn node, Map values)</literal>
  -      . The former takes the
  -      node name, creates it if it doesn't yet exist, and put the key and value
  -      into the node's map, returning the previous value. The latter takes a
  -      map of keys and values and adds them to the node's map,
  -      overwriting existing keys and values. Content that is not in the new
  -      map remains in the node's map.
  -   </para>
  -   <para>There are 3 remove() methods:
  -      <literal>remove(Fqn node, Object
  -         key)
  -      </literal>
  -      ,
  -      <literal>remove(Fqn node)</literal>
  -      and
  -      <literal>removeData(Fqn node)</literal>
  -      . The first removes the given key
  -      from the node. The second removes the entire node and all subnodes, and
  -      the third removes all elements from the given node's map.
  -   </para>
  -   <para>The get methods are:
  -      <literal>get(Fqn node)</literal>
  -      and
  -      <literal>get(Fqn node, Object key)</literal>
  -      . The former returns a
  -      Node
  -      <footnote>
  -         <para>This is mainly used internally, and we may decide to remove
  -            public access to the Node in a future release.
  -         </para>
  -      </footnote>
  -      object, allowing for direct navigation, the latter returns
  -      the value for the given key for a node.
  -   </para>
  -   <para>Also, the
  -      <literal>TreeCache</literal>
  -      has a number of getters and setters. Since the
  -      API may change at any time, we recommend the Javadoc for up-to-date
  -      information.
  +   <section>
  +      <title>Using Cache Loaders</title>
  +      <para>
  +         CacheLoaders are an important part of JBoss Cache. They allow persistence of nodes to disk or to remote cache
  +         clusters, and allow for passivation when caches run out of memory. In addition, CacheLoaders allow JBoss Cache
  +         to perform 'warm starts', where in-memory state can be preloaded from persistent storage. JBoss Cache ships
  +         with a number of CacheLoader implementations.
  +         <itemizedlist>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <literal>org.jboss.cache.loader.FileCacheLoader</literal>
  +               - a basic, filesystem based cache loader that persists data to disk. Non-transactional and not very
  +               performant, but a very simple solution.
  +            </listitem>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <literal>org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader</literal>
  +               - uses a JDBC connection to store data. Connections could be created and maintained in an internal pool,
  +               or from a configured DataSource. The database this CacheLoader connects to could be local or remotely
  +               located.
  +            </listitem>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <literal>org.jboss.cache.loader.BdbjeCacheLoader</literal>
  +               - uses Oracle's BerkeleyDB file-based transactional database to persist data. Transactional and very
  +               performant, but potentially restrictive license.
  +            </listitem>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <literal>org.jboss.cache.loader.JdbmCacheLoader</literal>
  +               - an upcoming open source alternative to the BerkeleyDB.
  +            </listitem>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <literal>org.jboss.cache.loader.tcp.TcpCacheLoader</literal>
  +               - uses a TCP socket to "persist" data to a remote cluster, using a "far cache" pattern.
  +            </listitem>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <literal>org.jboss.cache.loader.ClusteredCacheLoader</literal>
  +               - used as a "read-only" CacheLoader, where other nodes in the cluster are queried for state.
  +            </listitem>
  +         </itemizedlist>
  +         These CacheLoaders, along with advanced aspects and tuning issues, are discussed in the
  +         <link linkend="cache_loaders">chapter dedicated to CacheLoaders</link>
  +         .
  +      </para>
  +   </section>
  +   <section>
  +      <title>Using Eviction Policies</title>
  +      <para>
  +         Eviction policies are the counterpart to CacheLoaders. They are necessary to make sure the cache does not run
  +         out of memory and when the cache starts to fill,
  +         the eviction algorithm running in a separate thread offloads in-memory state to the CacheLoader and frees up
  +         memory. Eviction policies can be configured
  +         on a per-region basis, so different subtrees in the cache could have different eviction preferences.
  +         JBoss Cache ships with several eviction policies:
  +         <itemizedlist>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <literal>org.jboss.cache.eviction.LRUPolicy</literal>
  +               - an eviction policy that evicts the least recently used nodes when thresholds are hit.
  +            </listitem>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <literal>org.jboss.cache.eviction.LFUPolicy</literal>
  +               - an eviction policy that evicts the least frequently used nodes when thresholds are hit.
  +            </listitem>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <literal>org.jboss.cache.eviction.MRUPolicy</literal>
  +               - an eviction policy that evicts the most recently used nodes when thresholds are hit.
  +            </listitem>
  +            <listitem>
  +               <literal>org.jboss.cache.eviction.FIFOPolicy</literal>
  +               - an eviction policy that creates a first-in-first-out queue and evicts the oldest nodes when thresholds
  +               are hit.
  +            </listitem>
  +         </itemizedlist>
  +         Detailed configuration and implementing custom eviction policies are discussed in the
  +         <link linkend="eviction_policies">chapter dedicated to eviction policies.</link>
  +         .
  +   </section>
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