[jboss-cvs] JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en ...

Manik Surtani msurtani at jboss.com
Tue Jan 23 14:20:33 EST 2007

  User: msurtani
  Date: 07/01/23 14:20:33

  Modified:    docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en  master.xml
  Chapter 6
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.6       +121 -0    JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/master.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: master.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/JBossCache/docs/JBossCache-UserGuide/en/master.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision 1.6
  diff -u -b -r1.5 -r1.6
  --- master.xml	23 Jan 2007 15:23:24 -0000	1.5
  +++ master.xml	23 Jan 2007 19:20:33 -0000	1.6
  @@ -105,12 +105,133 @@
  +      <!-- these are placeholders for incomplete sections -->
  +      <chapter id="clustering">
  +         <title>Clustering</title>
  +         <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         <section>
  +            <title>Cache Replication Modes</title>
  +            <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +            <section>
  +               <title>LOCAL</title>
  +               <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +            </section>
  +            <section>
  +               <title>REPL_SYNC, REPL_ASYNC</title>
  +               <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +               <section>
  +               <title>Buddy Replication</title>
  +               <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +               </section>
  +            </section>
  +            <section>
  +               <title>Invalidation</title>
  +               <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +            </section>
  +         </section>
  +         <section>
  +            <title>Class Loading and regions</title>
  +            <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         </section>
  +         <section>
  +            <title>State Transfer</title>
  +            <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         </section>
  +      </chapter>
  +      <chapter id="cache_loaders">
  +         <title>Cache Loaders</title>
  +         <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         <section>
  +            <title>Configuration Strategies</title>
  +            <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         </section>
  +         <section>
  +            <title>Shipped CacheLoaders</title>
  +            <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         </section>
  +         <section>
  +            <title>Writing Your Own CacheLoader</title>
  +            <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         </section>
  +      </chapter>
  +      <chapter id="eviction_policies">
  +         <title>Eviction Policies</title>
  +         <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         <section>
  +            <title>Eviction Regions</title>
  +            <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         </section>
  +         <section>
  +            <title>Configuring Eviction</title>
  +            <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         </section>
  +         <section>
  +            <title>Shipped Policies</title>
  +            <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         </section>
  +         <section>
  +            <title>Writing Your Own Policy</title>
  +            <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         </section>
  +      </chapter>
  +      <chapter id="transactions">
  +         <title>Transactions And Concurrency</title>
  +         <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         <section>
  +            <title>Concurrent Access</title>
  +            <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +            <section>
  +               <title>Locks</title>
  +               <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +               <section>
  +                  <title>Pessimistic Locking</title>
  +                  <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +                  <section>
  +                     <title>Isolation Levels</title>
  +                     <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +                  </section>
  +               </section>
  +               <section>
  +                  <title>Optimistic Locking</title>
  +                  <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +                  <section>
  +                     <title>Architecture</title>
  +                     <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +                  </section>
  +                  <section>
  +                     <title>Data Versioning</title>
  +                     <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +                  </section>
  +               </section>
  +            </section>
  +         </section>
  +         <section>
  +            <title>Transaction Support</title>
  +            <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +            <section>
  +               <title>TransactionManagerLookup</title>
  +               <para><emphasis>TODO</emphasis></para>
  +         </section>
  +         </section>
  +      </chapter>
  +      <!--
  +      -->
      <part label="III">

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