[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r63797 - projects/microcontainer/trunk/docs/gettingstarted/src/docbkx/en/modules.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Tue Jul 3 09:47:08 EDT 2007

Author: alesj
Date: 2007-07-03 09:47:08 -0400 (Tue, 03 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 63797

Initial deployers guide.

Modified: projects/microcontainer/trunk/docs/gettingstarted/src/docbkx/en/modules/deployers.xml
--- projects/microcontainer/trunk/docs/gettingstarted/src/docbkx/en/modules/deployers.xml	2007-07-03 12:22:39 UTC (rev 63796)
+++ projects/microcontainer/trunk/docs/gettingstarted/src/docbkx/en/modules/deployers.xml	2007-07-03 13:47:08 UTC (rev 63797)
@@ -1,11 +1,317 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
 <chapter id="deployers">
    <title>Deployers module</title>
-      Deployers ...
+      With re-writing the new application server Kernel from JMX based to POJO oriented, we also re-wrote the whole 
+      Deployer architecture which was also based on the old JMX MBeans. Let's first look at the new concepts and then
+      do an example of each new change.
+   <para>
+      Combined with previously mentioned new VFS implementation we introduced a new kind of Deployers, the
+      Structure Deployer. The purpose of Structure Deployer is to recognise the deployment type and prepare this
+      information for the actual Deployers. There are already default implementations for standard types such as
+      JAR, WAR, EAR and specific files. You can simply implement your own StructureDeployer or extend the
+      AbstractStructureDeployer. Or you can use the declarative approach by defining your structure with XML
+      file - META-INF/jboss-structure.xml. This file will be automatically picked up by DeclarativeStructureDeployer.
+      Let's now look at how to use one of the existing StructureDeployer implementations, write our own or use the
+      declarative one.
+   </para>
+   <programlisting></programlisting>
+   <para>
+      This is how we can add our own new file support. This one defines that -spring.xml files are also treated
+      as metadata files.
+   </para>
+   <programlisting></programlisting>
+   <para>
+      This is a simple implementation for our own deployment structure which holds metadata information in mydata
+      direcotry and has Java classes in myclasses directory.
+   </para>
+   <programlisting></programlisting>
+   <para>
+      Here we simply write a plain XML file defining where to look for ... TODO
+   </para>
+   <para>
+      With the old style of JBoss Deployers, a single deployer implementation would handle all the processing
+      for the matching top level deployment unit. This behaviour was completely changed in the new Deployers
+      architecture. Here we have a new way of handling deployment unit, we call it an aspectized deployment, meaning
+      that each deployer implementation does just one thing. This way it is easier to control how much it gets done
+      and even easier to swap out the behaviour. But what is that one thing? We are all familiar with parsing, creating
+      ClassLoaders, installing services, etc. So, basically any part of previous deployment process, we can see as a
+      separate process, parsing the jboss-service.xml file, creating ServiceMetaData, setting up RepositoryCL
+      and finally registring MBeans into the MBeanServer instance.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+      Let's see this aspectization on the listing below. This is a real example from the current Microcontainer
+      beans deployment.
+      <itemizedlist>
+         <listitem>Parsing Deployers
+            <itemizedlist>
+               <listitem>Turns XML into metadata model</listitem>
+               <listitem>e.g. my-beans.xml -> KernelDeployment</listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>ClassLoading Deployers
+            <itemizedlist>
+               <listitem>Creates classloaders from metadata</listitem>
+               <listitem>e.g. Uses the information from StructureDeployers</listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>Component Deployers
+            <itemizedlist>
+               <listitem>Splits complicated deployments into units</listitem>
+               <listitem>e.g. KernelDeployment -> BeanMetaDatas</listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>Real Deployers
+            <itemizedlist>
+               <listitem>Does the real work of deployment</listitem>
+               <listitem>e.g. BeanMetaData -> controller.install()</listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+         </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+   </para>
+   <para>
+      Before we start coding the new Deployers there is another concept that we still need to have a look at.
+      What is the way to store the information between different deployers? We keep this information in so called
+      Attachments. There are two types of attachments, predetermined and transient. e.g. predetermined can be
+      set by ProfileService, where we would get the transient one's from parsing the XML file. You must be aware that
+      a predetermined overriddes transient. This is a simple API to get a hold of the Attachments reference from
+      the underlying DeploymentUnit instance.
+   </para>
+   <programlisting>
+      public interface DeploymentUnit extends MutableAttachments
+      {
+         /**
+          * Get all the metadata for the expected type
+          *
+          * @param &lt;T> the type to get
+          * @param type the type
+          * @return a set of metadata matching the type
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the type is null
+          */
+         &lt;T> Set&lt;? extends T> getAllMetaData(Class&lt;T> type);
+         /**
+          * Get the transient managed objects
+          *
+          * @return the managed objects
+          */
+         MutableAttachments getTransientManagedObjects();
+         ...
+      }
+      public interface MutableAttachments extends Attachments
+      {
+         /**
+          * Add attachment
+          *
+          * @param name the name of the attachment
+          * @param attachment the attachment
+          * @return any previous attachment
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null name or attachment
+          * @throws UnsupportedOperationException when not supported by the implementation
+          */
+         Object addAttachment(String name, Object attachment);
+         /**
+          * Add attachment
+          *
+          * @param &lt;T> the expected type
+          * @param name the name of the attachment
+          * @param attachment the attachment
+          * @param expectedType the expected type
+          * @return any previous attachment
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null name, attachment or expectedType
+          * @throws UnsupportedOperationException when not supported by the implementation
+          */
+         &lt;T> T addAttachment(String name, T attachment, Class&lt;T> expectedType);
+         /**
+          * Add attachment
+          *
+          * @param &lt;T> the expected type
+          * @param attachment the attachment
+          * @param type the type
+          * @return any previous attachment
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null name, attachment or type
+          * @throws UnsupportedOperationException when not supported by the implementation
+          */
+         &lt;T> T addAttachment(Class&lt;T> type, T attachment);
+         /**
+          * Remove attachment
+          *
+          * @param name the name of the attachment
+          * @return the attachment or null if not present
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null name
+          * @throws UnsupportedOperationException when not supported by the implementation
+          */
+         Object removeAttachment(String name);
+         /**
+          * Remove attachment
+          *
+          * @param &lt;T> the expected type
+          * @param name the name of the attachment
+          * @return the attachment or null if not present
+          * @param expectedType the expected type
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null name or expectedType
+          * @throws UnsupportedOperationException when not supported by the implementation
+          */
+         &lt;T> T removeAttachment(String name, Class&lt;T> expectedType);
+         /**
+          * Remove attachment
+          *
+          * @param &lt;T> the expected type
+          * @return the attachment or null if not present
+          * @param type the type
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null name or type
+          */
+         &lt;T> T removeAttachment(Class&lt;T> type);
+         /**
+          * Set the attachments
+          *
+          * @param map the new attachments a map of names to attachments
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null map
+          */
+         void setAttachments(Map&lt;String, Object> map);
+         /**
+          * Clear the attachments
+          *
+          * @throws UnsupportedOperationException when not supported by the implementation
+          */
+         void clear();
+         /**
+          * Get the number of changes that have happened.
+          *
+          * @return number of adds/removes that have happened since creation or clearChangeCount.
+          */
+         int getChangeCount();
+         /**
+          * Reset the change count to zero.
+          */
+         void clearChangeCount();
+      }
+      public interface Attachments extends Serializable
+      {
+         /**
+          * Get all the attachments
+          *
+          * @return the unmodifiable attachments
+          */
+         Map&lt;String, Object> getAttachments();
+         /**
+          * Get attachment
+          *
+          * @param name the name of the attachment
+          * @return the attachment or null if not present
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null name
+          */
+         Object getAttachment(String name);
+         /**
+          * Get attachment
+          *
+          * @param &lt;T> the expected type
+          * @param name the name of the attachment
+          * @param expectedType the expected type
+          * @return the attachment or null if not present
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null name or expectedType
+          */
+         &lt;T> T getAttachment(String name, Class&lt;T> expectedType);
+         /**
+          * Get attachment
+          *
+          * @param &lt;T> the expected type
+          * @param type the type
+          * @return the attachment or null if not present
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null name or type
+          */
+         &lt;T> T getAttachment(Class&lt;T> type);
+         /**
+          * Is the attachment present
+          *
+          * @param name the name of the attachment
+          * @return true when the attachment is present
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null name
+          */
+         boolean isAttachmentPresent(String name);
+         /**
+          * Is the attachment present
+          *
+          * @param name the name of the attachment
+          * @param expectedType the expected type
+          * @return true when the attachment is present
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null name or expectedType
+          */
+         boolean isAttachmentPresent(String name, Class&lt;?> expectedType);
+         /**
+          * Is the attachment present
+          *
+          * @param type the type
+          * @return true when the attachment is present
+          * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null name or type
+          */
+         boolean isAttachmentPresent(Class&lt;?> type);
+         /**
+          * Are there any attachments
+          *
+          * @return true if there are any attachments, false otherwise.
+          */
+         boolean hasAttachments();
+      }
+   </programlisting>
+   <para>
+      Since we are now familiar with attachments we can talk about the order of our Deployers.
+      What would be the natural order of our Deployers? Probably the first thing it comes to our mind is a plain
+      number ordering. Old and proven way to do the ordering. But since we waited to introduce the attachments
+      before we talked about ordering there must be something better. We can define the order by simply providing
+      the information about Attachment requirements / demands (inputs) and supplies (outputs). Let's explain this
+      in more detail on the actual example.
+   </para>
+   <programlisting>
+      public MyDeployer()
+      {
+         setInputs(SomeMetaData1.class, SomeMetaData2.class);
+         setOutputs(MyOutput.class);
+      }
+   </programlisting>
+   <para>
+      Here we can see that our MyDeployer depends on SomeMetaData1 and SomeMetaData2 instance attachments, and provides
+      further MyOutput instance attachment for next deployers to use. So any deployer that provides
+      SomeMetaData1 and SomeMetaData2 instance attachments should be before our MyDeployer and any one that uses
+      MyOutput instance attachment should be after.
+   </para>

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