[jboss-cvs] JBossCache/docs ...

Manik Surtani manik at jboss.org
Tue Jul 3 13:03:40 EDT 2007

  User: msurtani
  Date: 07/07/03 13:03:39

  Modified:    docs     Changelog.txt
  Updated for CR3
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.30      +40 -4     JBossCache/docs/Changelog.txt
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: Changelog.txt
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/JBossCache/docs/Changelog.txt,v
  retrieving revision 1.29
  retrieving revision 1.30
  diff -u -b -r1.29 -r1.30
  --- Changelog.txt	30 May 2007 14:03:10 -0000	1.29
  +++ Changelog.txt	3 Jul 2007 17:03:39 -0000	1.30
  @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
  -$Id: Changelog.txt,v 1.29 2007/05/30 14:03:10 msurtani Exp $
  +$Id: Changelog.txt,v 1.30 2007/07/03 17:03:39 msurtani Exp $
  -Release 2.0.0.CR2 (May 30, 2007)
  +Release 2.0.0.CR3 (July 3, 2007)
   Release Notes for JBoss Cache
  -Includes versions: 2.0.0.ALPHA1 2.0.0.ALPHA2 2.0.0.BETA1 2.0.0.BETA2 2.0.0.CR1 2.0.0.CR2
  +Includes versions: 2.0.0.ALPHA1 2.0.0.ALPHA2 2.0.0.BETA1 2.0.0.BETA2 2.0.0.CR1 2.0.0.CR2 2.0.0.CR3
   ** Sub-task
       *  [ JBCACHE-542 ] Fix initialization of Node.IdentityLock to actually lazy create
  @@ -20,13 +20,18 @@
       *  [ JBCACHE-914 ] Adapt JBCACHE-913 fix for JBC 2.0
       *  [ JBCACHE-928 ] Add a method to expose lifecycle state
       *  [ JBCACHE-958 ] Add unit tests of JBCACHE-955
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1013 ] Document configuration for the microcontainer
       *  [ JBCACHE-1014 ] Improve testsuite coverage of microcontainer style configuration
       *  [ JBCACHE-1044 ] RuntimeConfig's channel factory should be type ChannelFactory not JChannelFactoryMBean
       *  [ JBCACHE-1046 ] CacheImpl.channel should be type Channel
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1052 ] Add a JMX chapter to the docs
       *  [ JBCACHE-1056 ] Develop wrapper class to allow PojoCache deployment via legacy AS Microkernel
       *  [ JBCACHE-1068 ] Get rid of LifeCycle interface
       *  [ JBCACHE-1069 ] Support injection of CacheJmxWrapper into TcpCacheServer
       *  [ JBCACHE-1071 ] Merge CacheLegacyJmxWrapper into CacheJmxWrapper
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1086 ] Test PojoCache against JDK 1.6
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1089 ] PojoCacheJmxWrapper should implement NotificationEmitter
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1090 ] Emit JMX Notifications the JBAS JSR-77 layer expects
   ** Feature Request
       *  [ JBCACHE-9 ] Streaming state transfer, for large states
  @@ -52,12 +57,20 @@
       *  [ JBCACHE-961 ] Optimistic locking to support more sophisticated merging of child maps
       *  [ JBCACHE-962 ] optimisticValidation unnecessarily checks DataVersion types during simpleValidate() - should delegate this to the DataVersion impl
       *  [ JBCACHE-969 ] Move transaction classes to org.jboss.cache.transaction
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1022 ] All notifications should go thru the Notifier and Notification Interceptor
       *  [ JBCACHE-1023 ] Inject preconfigured JGroups Channel from external implementation
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1029 ] Review unit tests around isolation levels
       *  [ JBCACHE-1037 ] Node API should have a replaceAll() to complement putAll()
       *  [ JBCACHE-1038 ] When using optimistic locking and implicit transactions, failures due to rollbacks should be propagated as CacheExceptions and not swallowed.
       *  [ JBCACHE-1058 ] Cache lifecycle methods can be invoked twice
       *  [ JBCACHE-1063 ] CacheJmxWrapper exposes getLocalAddress() and getMembers()
       *  [ JBCACHE-1073 ] nodePassivated/nodeActivated callbacks in CacheListener to provide data
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1080 ] Add filtering capabilities to notification listeners
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1084 ] stop() should clear all in-memory state.
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1097 ] XmlConfigurationParser to check system classloader as well as context classloader for cfg file
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1107 ] All notifier calls to be in a separate thread
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1109 ] Rename InitialStateRetrievalTimeout to StateRetrievalTimeout
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1115 ] Refactor notifications to use annotations
   ** Bug
       *  [ JBCACHE-565 ] Optimistic locking - cache.exists() refers to the tree while cache.get() refers to the workspace
  @@ -114,7 +127,6 @@
       *  [ JBCACHE-1028 ] getTables() length > 1 on Derby even when cache table DNE
       *  [ JBCACHE-1030 ] CR1 Build failing - aopc now requires concurrent.jar
       *  [ JBCACHE-1031 ] AdjListJDBCCacheLoaderConfig should not depend on JDBCCacheLoaderOld
  -    *  [ JBCACHE-1035 ] StateTransfer200AopTest fails
       *  [ JBCACHE-1041 ] Tutorial - GUI/beanshell block if node modified within transaction and node status queried via GUI
       *  [ JBCACHE-1050 ] CacheImpl.getInterceptorChain() throws NPE if invoked before create()
       *  [ JBCACHE-1051 ] Update of expiry time does not work correctly due to Comparable/equals inconsistency in TreeSet
  @@ -122,6 +134,19 @@
       *  [ JBCACHE-1057 ] Modifying a detached POJO still shows changes in the cache (under /__JBossInternal__) and replicates it to other caches
       *  [ JBCACHE-1060 ] Tutorial - removing a child node from the root still leaves the node in memory
       *  [ JBCACHE-1070 ] Inconsistent handling of Configuration.replicationVersion
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1079 ] UML diagram in JBoss Cache User Guide is out of date
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1081 ] The docs/faq/en/master.xml file has been through a shredder
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1085 ] Test against JDK 1.6
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1093 ] ClusteredCacheLoader attempts to propagate remove()s
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1095 ] ClusteredCacheLoader doesn't properly deal with inactive marshalling regions
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1096 ] UpgradeException should print IdentityLock instances
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1101 ] PessimisticLockInterceptor nukes the transaction entry before NotificationInterceptor delivers
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1102 ] setForceWriteLock acquires WLs on ALL nodes, not just the leaf node
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1110 ] Pojo returns null values after a local detach, even when values were set locally.
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1111 ] PojoCache does not work with BuddyReplication and autoDataGravitation=false
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1113 ] GenericTransactionManagerLookup logging is too high level
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1114 ] StackOverflowError with Glassfish TransactionManager
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1117 ] CacheLoader.getChildrenNames() returns a Set<String>. Should be Set<Object>
   ** Task
       *  [ JBCACHE-156 ] Refactor the docs directory
  @@ -133,9 +158,11 @@
       *  [ JBCACHE-764 ] Update docs, examples and tutorial to reflect 2.0.0 API
       *  [ JBCACHE-787 ] Documentation: Add a chapter on extending JBoss Cache
       *  [ JBCACHE-807 ] Document limitations of FileCacheLoader
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-809 ] Pojo-style configuration for use by Microcontainer
       *  [ JBCACHE-832 ] Develop wrapper class to allow Cache deployment via legacy AS Microkernel
       *  [ JBCACHE-845 ] Clonability of Configuration classes
       *  [ JBCACHE-852 ] PojoCache implementation class AOP instrumentation is version dependent
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-854 ] JMX Management rationalization
       *  [ JBCACHE-867 ] Refactor use of TreeCacheProxyImpl
       *  [ JBCACHE-868 ] Renamed PojoCache annotation
       *  [ JBCACHE-870 ] Make Marshallers pluggable
  @@ -171,6 +198,7 @@
       *  [ JBCACHE-1033 ] Clarify usage of DummyTransactionManager in 2.0
       *  [ JBCACHE-1034 ] Investigate implicit transaction problems with optimistic locking
       *  [ JBCACHE-1036 ] Documentation: FetchInMemoryState/FetchPersistentState should be set for nodes giving state as well
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1042 ] make all unit tests pass 100%
       *  [ JBCACHE-1043 ] Upgrade to a reasonably stable JBoss AOP version
       *  [ JBCACHE-1045 ] Clean up lifecycle methods
       *  [ JBCACHE-1054 ] Get rid of JmxUtil.getMBeanServer()
  @@ -178,13 +206,21 @@
       *  [ JBCACHE-1061 ] BeanShell version JBossCache uses does not support entering generic Collections
       *  [ JBCACHE-1062 ] CacheImpl.remoteAnnounceBuddyPoolName should take Address not IpAddress
       *  [ JBCACHE-1064 ] PojoCacheException should declare a serialVersionUID
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1065 ] TreeCacheView should just inject Cache
       *  [ JBCACHE-1072 ] Add a README in the lib directory explaining what each jar does and whether they are optional
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1074 ] Look into reducing generic-related warnings
       *  [ JBCACHE-1075 ] JGroups file in lib should be named jgroups-all.jar
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1083 ] Look at inlining MarshalledValue, etc. and ditching jboss-common.jar
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1087 ] Add collection modification notifications
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1092 ] Move EvictionPolicyConfig to org.jboss.cache.config
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1108 ] Move CacheListeners to their own thread pool
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1116 ] Refactor out the use of UnversionedNode.getChildrenMapDirect() due to inherent inefficiencies
   ** Patch
       *  [ JBCACHE-891 ] Patch to use Java 1.5 concurrent lock classes
       *  [ JBCACHE-948 ] Patch to add return value (boolean) to removeChild*() and removeNode*() methods
       *  [ JBCACHE-1040 ] Update JBC User Guide
  +    *  [ JBCACHE-1078 ] Race condition when adding an object to PojoCache while another thread may read that object

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