[jboss-cvs] jboss-seam/examples/wiki/src/main/org/jboss/seam/wiki/core/links ...

Christian Bauer christian at hibernate.org
Wed Mar 7 13:37:38 EST 2007

  User: cbauer  
  Date: 07/03/07 13:37:38

  Added:       examples/wiki/src/main/org/jboss/seam/wiki/core/links 
  Moved to hot-redeploy WAR build structure
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1      date: 2007/03/07 18:37:38;  author: cbauer;  state: Exp;jboss-seam/examples/wiki/src/main/org/jboss/seam/wiki/core/links/WikiLinkResolver.java
  Index: WikiLinkResolver.java
  package org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.links;
  import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
  import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In;
  import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Transactional;
  import org.jboss.seam.annotations.AutoCreate;
  import org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.model.Document;
  import org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.model.Directory;
  import org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.dao.NodeDAO;
  import org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.model.*;
  import org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.ui.WikiUtil;
  import org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.ui.WikiLink;
  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  import java.util.regex.Matcher;
  import java.util.Map;
  public class WikiLinkResolver {
      // Prepended to primary keys in the database, e.g. [This is a stored link=>wiki://5]
      public static final String WIKI_PROTOCOL = "wiki://([0-9]+)";
      // Known protocols are rendered as is
      public static final String KNOWN_PROTOCOLS = "(http://)|(https://)|(ftp://)|(mailto:)";
      // Used against page names, simply remove everything that is not alphanumeric, should do for most strings
      public static final String WIKINAME_REMOVECHARACTERS = "[^\\p{Alnum}]+";
      // Render these strings whenever [=>wiki://123] needs to be resolved but can't
      public static final String BROKENLINK_URL = "PageDoesNotExist";
      public static final String BROKENLINK_DESCRIPTION = "?BROKEN LINK?";
      // Match [GROUP1=>GROUP2], used to replace links from user input with wiki:// URLs
      public static final String WIKILINK_REGEX_FORWARD =
              Pattern.quote("[") + "([^" + Pattern.quote("]") + "|" + Pattern.quote("[") + "]*)" +
              "=>([^(?://)@" + Pattern.quote("]") + Pattern.quote("[") + "]+)" + Pattern.quote("]");
      // Match "Foo Bar|Baz Brrr" as two groups
      public static final String WIKILINK_REGEX_CROSSAREA = "^(.+)" + Pattern.quote("|") + "(.*)$";
      // Match [GROUP1=>wiki://GROUP2], used to replace wiki:// URLs with page names
      public static final String WIKILINK_REGEX_REVERSE =
              Pattern.quote("[") + "([^" + Pattern.quote("]") + "|" + Pattern.quote("[") + "]*)" +
              "=>" + WIKI_PROTOCOL + Pattern.quote("]");
      private NodeDAO nodeDAO;
      @In(required = false)
      private Document currentDocument;
      @In(required = false)
      private Directory currentDirectory;
      public static String convertToWikiName(String realName) {
          return realName.replaceAll(WIKINAME_REMOVECHARACTERS, "");
      public String convertToWikiLinks(Directory area, String wikiText) {
          if (wikiText == null) return null;
          StringBuffer replacedWikiText = new StringBuffer(wikiText.length());
          Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(WIKILINK_REGEX_FORWARD).matcher(wikiText);
          // Replace with [Link Text=>wiki://<node id>] or leave as is if not found
          while (matcher.find()) {
              String linkText = matcher.group(2);
              Node node = resolveCrossAreaLinkText(area, linkText);
              if (node != null) matcher.appendReplacement(replacedWikiText, "[$1=>wiki://" + node.getId() + "]");
          return replacedWikiText.toString();
      public String convertFromWikiLinks(Directory area, String wikiText) {
          if (wikiText == null) return null;
          StringBuffer replacedWikiText = new StringBuffer(wikiText.length());
          Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(WIKILINK_REGEX_REVERSE).matcher(wikiText);
          // Replace with [Link Text=>Page Name] or replace with BROKENLINK "page name"
          while (matcher.find()) {
              // Find the node by PK
              Node node = nodeDAO.findNode(Long.valueOf(matcher.group(2)));
              // Node is in current area, just use its name
              if (node != null && node.getAreaNumber().equals(area.getAreaNumber())) {
                  matcher.appendReplacement(replacedWikiText, "[$1=>" + node.getName() + "]");
              // Node is in different area, prepend the area name
              } else if (node != null && !node.getAreaNumber().equals(area.getAreaNumber())) {
                  matcher.appendReplacement(replacedWikiText, "[$1=>" + node.getArea().getName() + "|" + node.getName() + "]");
              // Couldn't find it anymore, its a broken link
              } else {
                  matcher.appendReplacement(replacedWikiText, "[$1=>" + BROKENLINK_DESCRIPTION + "]");
          return replacedWikiText.toString();
      public void resolveWikiLink(Map<String, WikiLink> links, String linkText) {
          // Don't resolve twice
          if (links.containsKey(linkText)) return;
          Matcher wikiUrlMatcher = Pattern.compile(WIKI_PROTOCOL).matcher(linkText);
          Matcher knownProtocolMatcher = Pattern.compile(KNOWN_PROTOCOLS).matcher(linkText);
          WikiLink wikiLink;
          // Check if its a common protocol
          if (knownProtocolMatcher.find()) {
              wikiLink = new WikiLink(null, false, linkText, linkText, true);
          // Check if it is a wiki protocol
          } else if (wikiUrlMatcher.find()) {
              // Find the node by PK
              Node node = nodeDAO.findNode(Long.valueOf(wikiUrlMatcher.group(1)));
              if (node != null) {
                  wikiLink = new WikiLink(node, false, WikiUtil.renderURL(node), node.getName(), false);
              } else {
                  wikiLink = new WikiLink(null, true, BROKENLINK_URL, BROKENLINK_DESCRIPTION, false);
          // Try a WikiWord search in the current or named area
          // (This can happen if the string [foo=>bar] or [foo=>bar|baz] was stored in the database because bar or baz
          // didn't exist at the time of saving, so we need to resolve it now and replace it with wiki://123)
          } else {
              Node node = resolveCrossAreaLinkText(currentDirectory, linkText);
              if (node!=null) {
                  wikiLink = new WikiLink(node, false, WikiUtil.renderURL(node), node.getName(), false);
                  // Run the converter again and UPDATE the currentDocument (yes, this happens during rendering!)
                  currentDocument.setContent(convertToWikiLinks(currentDirectory, currentDocument.getContent()));
                  // This should be updated in the database during the next flush()
              } else {
                  /* TODO: Not sure we should actually implement this..., one of these things that the wiki "designers" got wrong
                  // OK, so it's not any recognized URL and we can't find a node with that wikiname
                  // Let's assume its a page name and render /Area/WikiLink (but encoded, so it gets transported fully)
                  // into the edit page when the user clicks on the link to create the document
                  try {
                      String encodedPagename = currentDirectory.getWikiname() + "/" + URLEncoder.encode(linkText, "UTF-8");
                      wikiLink = new WikiLink(null, true, encodedPagename, linkText);
                  } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                      throw new RuntimeException(e); // Java is so great...
                  wikiLink = new WikiLink(null, true, BROKENLINK_URL, BROKENLINK_DESCRIPTION, false);
          links.put(linkText, wikiLink);
      private Node resolveCrossAreaLinkText(Node currentArea, String linkText) {
          Matcher crossLinkMatcher = Pattern.compile(WIKILINK_REGEX_CROSSAREA).matcher(linkText);
          if (crossLinkMatcher.find()) {
              // Try to find the node in the referenced area
              String areaName = crossLinkMatcher.group(1);
              String nodeName = crossLinkMatcher.group(2);
              Node crossLinkArea = nodeDAO.findArea(convertToWikiName(areaName));
              if ( crossLinkArea != null && (nodeName == null || nodeName.length() == 0) )
                  return crossLinkArea; // Support [=>This is an Area Link|] syntax
              else if (crossLinkArea != null)
                  return nodeDAO.findNodeInArea(crossLinkArea.getAreaNumber(), convertToWikiName(nodeName));
          } else {
              // Try the current area
              return nodeDAO.findNodeInArea(currentArea.getAreaNumber(), convertToWikiName(linkText));
          return null;

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