[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r61393 - trunk/testsuite.

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Sat Mar 17 01:09:49 EDT 2007

Author: scott.stark at jboss.org
Date: 2007-03-17 01:09:48 -0400 (Sat, 17 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 61393

- Restore the minimal config test.
- Add a validate-server-configs target to ttest start/stop of the testsuite server configs

Modified: trunk/testsuite/build.xml
--- trunk/testsuite/build.xml	2007-03-17 04:53:22 UTC (rev 61392)
+++ trunk/testsuite/build.xml	2007-03-17 05:09:48 UTC (rev 61393)
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@
       <record name="${basedir}/build.log" append="no" action="start" loglevel="${buildlog.level}"/>
       <property name="nojars" value="true"/>
-<!--      <antcall target="jboss-minimal-tests" />-->
+      <antcall target="jboss-minimal-tests" />
       <antcall target="jboss-all-config-tests"/>
       <antcall target="tests-security-manager"/>
       <antcall target="tests-clustering-all-stacks"/>
@@ -3699,6 +3699,60 @@
       <ant antfile="${aspects.root}/build-test50.xml" inheritAll="false" dir="${aspects.root}" target="tests"/>
+   <target name="validate-server-configs"
+      description="Validate the start/stop of the testsuite server configs">
+      <!-- minimal -->
+      <server:start name="minimal"/>
+      <copy file="${build.lib}/shutdown.sar"
+         todir="${jboss.dist}/server/minimal/deploy" />
+      <echo message="Minimal server started, stopping"/>
+      <sleep seconds="5"/>
+      <delete file="${jboss.dist}/server/minimal/deploy/shutdown.sar" />
+      <sleep seconds="7"/>
+      <!-- minimal -->
+      <server:start name="all"/>
+      <server:stop name="all"/>
+      <!-- tests-apache-tomcat-clustering -->
+      <create-cluster-node conf="node0"/>
+      <server:start name="node0" />
+      <create-cluster-node conf="node1"/>
+      <server:start name="node1"/>
+      <server:stop name="node0"/>
+      <server:stop name="node1"/>
+      <apache location="${apache.location}" action-type="stop"/>
+      <!-- Test the default UDP stack -->
+      <antcall target="tests-clustering-configure">
+         <param name="jboss-junit-configuration" value="udp"/>
+      </antcall>
+      <server:start name="cluster-udp-0"/>
+      <server:start name="cluster-udp-1"/>
+      <server:stop name="cluster-udp-0"/>
+      <server:stop name="cluster-udp-1"/>
+      <!-- Test a TCP stack.-->
+      <antcall target="tests-clustering-configure">
+         <param name="jboss-junit-configuration" value="tcp"/>
+      </antcall>
+      <server:start name="cluster-tcp-0"/>
+      <server:start name="cluster-tcp-1"/>
+      <server:stop name="cluster-tcp-0"/>
+      <server:stop name="cluster-tcp-1"/>
+      <!-- Test a TCP_NIO stack.-->
+      <antcall target="tests-clustering-configure">
+         <param name="jboss-junit-configuration" value="tcp_nio"/>
+      </antcall>
+      <server:start name="cluster-tcp_nio-0"/>
+      <server:start name="cluster-tcp_nio-1"/>
+      <server:stop name="cluster-tcp_nio-0"/>
+      <server:stop name="cluster-tcp_nio-1"/>
+   </target>
    <!-- Reporting targets that generate reports from JUnit output.
    <target name="reports" depends="tests-report"

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