[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r61404 - trunk/testsuite/src/resources/test-configs/tomcat-webctx/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Sat Mar 17 18:12:03 EDT 2007

Author: scott.stark at jboss.org
Date: 2007-03-17 18:12:03 -0400 (Sat, 17 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 61404

Correct the beans descriptor name

Deleted: trunk/testsuite/src/resources/test-configs/tomcat-webctx/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/war-deployer-beans.xml
--- trunk/testsuite/src/resources/test-configs/tomcat-webctx/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/war-deployer-beans.xml	2007-03-17 18:54:28 UTC (rev 61403)
+++ trunk/testsuite/src/resources/test-configs/tomcat-webctx/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/war-deployer-beans.xml	2007-03-17 22:12:03 UTC (rev 61404)
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-    Web application deployers
-    $Id:$
-<deployment xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">
-    <!-- Tomcat
-        <bean name="VFSClassLoader" class="org.jboss.virtual.classloading.VFSClassLoader">
-        <constructor factoryClass="org.jboss.virtual.classloading.VFSClassLoaderFactory"
-        factoryMethod="newClassLoader">
-        <parameter class="java.net.URI">${jboss.server.home.url}/deployers/jboss-web.deployer/</parameter>
-        <parameter>
-        <array class="[Ljava.lang.String;" elementClass="java.lang.String">
-        <value>*.jar</value>
-        <value>jsf-libs/*.jar</value>
-        </array>
-        </parameter>
-        </constructor>
-        </bean>
-    -->
-    <!-- web.xml parsing deployer -->
-    <bean name="WebAppParsingDeployer" class="org.jboss.deployment.WebAppParsingDeployer">
-        <install bean="MainDeployer" method="addDeployer">
-            <parameter><this/></parameter>
-        </install>
-        <uninstall bean="MainDeployer" method="removeDeployer">
-            <parameter><this/></parameter>
-        </uninstall>
-        <property name="type">war</property>
-        <property name="relativeOrder">2000</property>
-    </bean>
-    <bean name="JBossWebAppParsingDeployer" class="org.jboss.deployment.JBossWebAppParsingDeployer">
-        <install bean="MainDeployer" method="addDeployer">
-            <parameter><this/></parameter>
-        </install>
-        <uninstall bean="MainDeployer" method="removeDeployer">
-            <parameter><this/></parameter>
-        </uninstall>
-        <property name="type">war</property>
-        <property name="relativeOrder">2001</property>
-    </bean>
-    <!-- Allow for war local class loaders: in testing
-        <bean name="WarClassLoaderDeployer" class="org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.deployers.WarClassLoaderDeployer">
-        <install bean="MainDeployer" method="addDeployer">
-        <parameter><this/></parameter>
-        </install>
-        <uninstall bean="MainDeployer" method="removeDeployer">
-        <parameter><this/></parameter>
-        </uninstall>
-        <!- - CLASSLOADER_DEPLOYER - 1 - ->
-        <property name="relativeOrder">3999</property>
-        <!- - A flag indicating if the JBoss Loader should be used. This loader
-        uses a unified class loader as the class loader rather than the tomcat
-        specific class loader.
-        The default is false to ensure that wars have isolated class loading
-        for duplicate jars and jsp files.
-        - ->
-        <property name="useJBossWebLoader">false</property>
-        <!- - The list of package prefixes that should not be loaded without
-        delegating to the parent class loader before trying the web app
-        class loader. The packages listed here are those tha are used by
-        the web container implementation and cannot be overriden. The format
-        is a comma separated list of the package names. There cannot be any
-        whitespace between the package prefixes.
-        This setting only applies when UseJBossWebLoader=false.
-        - ->
-        <property name="filteredPackages">javax.servlet,org.apache.commons.logging</property>
-        </bean>
-    -->
-    <!-- The WebMetaData to service mbean deployer -->
-    <bean name="WarDeployer" class="org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.deployers.TomcatDeployer">
-        <install bean="MainDeployer" method="addDeployer">
-            <parameter><this/></parameter>
-        </install>
-        <uninstall bean="MainDeployer" method="removeDeployer">
-            <parameter><this/></parameter>
-        </uninstall>
-        <property name="type">war</property>
-        <!-- You can configure a set of authenticators keyed by http-auth method
-            used. This will apply the same set of authenticators across all web
-            applications. You can override the set of authenticators at the web
-            application level by adding <authenticators> element to the respective
-            jboss-web.xml
-        -->      
-        <property name="authenticators">
-            <map class="java.util.Properties" keyClass="java.lang.String" valueClass="java.lang.String">
-                <entry>
-                    <key>BASIC</key>
-                    <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.BasicAuthenticator</value>
-                </entry>
-                <entry>
-                    <key>CLIENT-CERT</key>
-                    <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SSLAuthenticator</value>
-                </entry>
-                <entry>
-                    <key>DIGEST</key>
-                    <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.DigestAuthenticator</value>
-                </entry>
-                <entry>
-                    <key>FORM</key>
-                    <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator</value>
-                </entry>
-                <entry>
-                    <key>NONE</key>
-                    <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.NonLoginAuthenticator</value>
-                </entry>
-            </map>         
-        </property>
-        <!-- The JAAS security domain to use in the absense of an explicit
-            security-domain specification in the war WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml
-        -->
-        <property name="defaultSecurityDomain">java:/jaas/other</property>
-        <!-- Get the flag indicating if the normal Java2 parent first class
-            loading model should be used over the servlet 2.3 web container first
-            model.
-        -->
-        <property name="java2ClassLoadingCompliance">false</property>
-        <!-- A flag indicating if the JBoss Loader should be used. This loader
-            uses a unified class loader as the class loader rather than the tomcat
-            specific class loader.
-            The default is false to ensure that wars have isolated class loading
-            for duplicate jars and jsp files.
-        -->
-        <property name="useJBossWebLoader">true</property>
-        <!-- The list of package prefixes that should not be loaded without
-            delegating to the parent class loader before trying the web app
-            class loader. The packages listed here are those tha are used by
-            the web container implementation and cannot be overriden. The format
-            is a comma separated list of the package names. There cannot be any
-            whitespace between the package prefixes.
-            This setting only applies when UseJBossWebLoader=false.
-        -->
-        <property name="filteredPackages">javax.servlet</property>
-        <property name="lenientEjbLink">true</property>
-        <!--Flag to delete the Work Dir on Context Destroy -->
-        <property name="deleteWorkDirOnContextDestroy">false</property>
-        <!--
-            Class of the session manager (used if context is marked as 'distributable'. Currently allowed values:
-            - org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JBossCacheManager
-        -->
-        <property name="managerClass">org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JBossCacheManager</property>
-        <!-- The class used as the deployment wrapper -->
-        <property name="deploymentClass">org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.deployers.TomcatDeployment</property>
-        <!-- The name of the request property under with the authenticated JAAS
-            Subject is stored on successful authentication. If null or empty then
-            the Subject will not be stored.
-        -->
-        <!--
-            <property name="subjectAttributeName">j_subject</property>
-        -->
-        <!-- The SessionIdAlphabet is the set of characters used to create a session Id
-            It must be made up of exactly 65 unique characters
-            <property name="sessionIdAlphabet">ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-*</property>
-        -->
-        <!--
-            *******************************************************
-            ****************** CLUSTERING *************************
-            *******************************************************
-            In order to activate HTTP Session clustering for Tomcat
-            make sure you run JBoss's "all" configuration i.e.
-            "run -c all"
-            (the default configuration doesn't contain clustering)
-            Furthermore, you may change SnapshotMode and
-            SnapshotInterval propertys below to indicate when to
-            synchronize changes with the other node(s).
-            If you use Apache+mod_jk(2) you will most probably use
-            the AJP1.3 connector below. Thus, if you so wish,
-            you may comment (i.e. deactivate) the HTTP connector
-            as it won't be used anymore.
-            *******************************************************
-            *******************************************************
-            *******************************************************
-        -->
-        <!--
-            If you are using clustering, the following two propertys
-            define when the sessions are replicated to the other nodes.
-            The default value, "instant", synchronously replicates changes
-            to the other nodes at the end of requests. In this case, the 
-            "SnapshotInterval" property is not used.
-            The "interval" mode, in association with the "SnapshotInterval"
-            property, indicates that modified sessions will only be replicated
-            every "SnapshotInterval" milliseconds at most.	
-            Note that this property is not in effect if the replication-granularity
-            is set to FIELD. If it is FIELD, it will be per http request (that is, 
-            "instant" mode.)
-        -->
-        <property name="snapshotMode">instant</property> <!-- you may switch to "interval" -->
-        <property name="snapshotInterval">2000</property>
-        <!--
-            Whether to use MOD_JK(2) for load balancing with sticky session 
-            combined with JvmRoute. If set to true, it will insert a JvmRouteValve 
-            to intercept every request and replace the JvmRoute if it detects a 
-            failover. In addition, you will need to set the JvmRoute inside
-            Tomcat, e.g.,
-            Engine name="jboss.web" jmvRoute="Node1" defaultHost="localhost" 
-            in server.xml.
-            For clustering purpose only.
-        -->
-        <property name="useJK">false</property>
-        <property name="domain">jboss.web</property>
-        <property name="securityManagerService">
-            <inject bean="jboss.security:service=JaasSecurityManager" />
-        </property>
-        <depends>jboss:service=TransactionManager</depends>
-        <depends>SecurityDeployer</depends>
-        <!-- Only needed if the org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.jca.CachedConnectionValve
-            TODO: injection
-            is enabled in the tomcat server.xml file.
-            <depends>jboss.jca:service=CachedConnectionManager</depends>
-        -->
-    </bean>

Copied: trunk/testsuite/src/resources/test-configs/tomcat-webctx/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/war-deployers-beans.xml (from rev 61398, trunk/testsuite/src/resources/test-configs/tomcat-webctx/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/war-deployer-beans.xml)
--- trunk/testsuite/src/resources/test-configs/tomcat-webctx/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/war-deployers-beans.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/testsuite/src/resources/test-configs/tomcat-webctx/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/war-deployers-beans.xml	2007-03-17 22:12:03 UTC (rev 61404)
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    Web application deployers
+    $Id:$
+<deployment xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">
+    <!-- Tomcat
+        <bean name="VFSClassLoader" class="org.jboss.virtual.classloading.VFSClassLoader">
+        <constructor factoryClass="org.jboss.virtual.classloading.VFSClassLoaderFactory"
+        factoryMethod="newClassLoader">
+        <parameter class="java.net.URI">${jboss.server.home.url}/deployers/jboss-web.deployer/</parameter>
+        <parameter>
+        <array class="[Ljava.lang.String;" elementClass="java.lang.String">
+        <value>*.jar</value>
+        <value>jsf-libs/*.jar</value>
+        </array>
+        </parameter>
+        </constructor>
+        </bean>
+    -->
+    <!-- web.xml parsing deployer -->
+    <bean name="WebAppParsingDeployer" class="org.jboss.deployment.WebAppParsingDeployer">
+        <install bean="MainDeployer" method="addDeployer">
+            <parameter><this/></parameter>
+        </install>
+        <uninstall bean="MainDeployer" method="removeDeployer">
+            <parameter><this/></parameter>
+        </uninstall>
+        <property name="type">war</property>
+        <property name="relativeOrder">2000</property>
+    </bean>
+    <bean name="JBossWebAppParsingDeployer" class="org.jboss.deployment.JBossWebAppParsingDeployer">
+        <install bean="MainDeployer" method="addDeployer">
+            <parameter><this/></parameter>
+        </install>
+        <uninstall bean="MainDeployer" method="removeDeployer">
+            <parameter><this/></parameter>
+        </uninstall>
+        <property name="type">war</property>
+        <property name="relativeOrder">2001</property>
+    </bean>
+    <!-- Allow for war local class loaders: in testing
+        <bean name="WarClassLoaderDeployer" class="org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.deployers.WarClassLoaderDeployer">
+        <install bean="MainDeployer" method="addDeployer">
+        <parameter><this/></parameter>
+        </install>
+        <uninstall bean="MainDeployer" method="removeDeployer">
+        <parameter><this/></parameter>
+        </uninstall>
+        <!- - CLASSLOADER_DEPLOYER - 1 - ->
+        <property name="relativeOrder">3999</property>
+        <!- - A flag indicating if the JBoss Loader should be used. This loader
+        uses a unified class loader as the class loader rather than the tomcat
+        specific class loader.
+        The default is false to ensure that wars have isolated class loading
+        for duplicate jars and jsp files.
+        - ->
+        <property name="useJBossWebLoader">false</property>
+        <!- - The list of package prefixes that should not be loaded without
+        delegating to the parent class loader before trying the web app
+        class loader. The packages listed here are those tha are used by
+        the web container implementation and cannot be overriden. The format
+        is a comma separated list of the package names. There cannot be any
+        whitespace between the package prefixes.
+        This setting only applies when UseJBossWebLoader=false.
+        - ->
+        <property name="filteredPackages">javax.servlet,org.apache.commons.logging</property>
+        </bean>
+    -->
+    <!-- The WebMetaData to service mbean deployer -->
+    <bean name="WarDeployer" class="org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.deployers.TomcatDeployer">
+        <install bean="MainDeployer" method="addDeployer">
+            <parameter><this/></parameter>
+        </install>
+        <uninstall bean="MainDeployer" method="removeDeployer">
+            <parameter><this/></parameter>
+        </uninstall>
+        <property name="type">war</property>
+        <!-- You can configure a set of authenticators keyed by http-auth method
+            used. This will apply the same set of authenticators across all web
+            applications. You can override the set of authenticators at the web
+            application level by adding <authenticators> element to the respective
+            jboss-web.xml
+        -->      
+        <property name="authenticators">
+            <map class="java.util.Properties" keyClass="java.lang.String" valueClass="java.lang.String">
+                <entry>
+                    <key>BASIC</key>
+                    <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.BasicAuthenticator</value>
+                </entry>
+                <entry>
+                    <key>CLIENT-CERT</key>
+                    <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SSLAuthenticator</value>
+                </entry>
+                <entry>
+                    <key>DIGEST</key>
+                    <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.DigestAuthenticator</value>
+                </entry>
+                <entry>
+                    <key>FORM</key>
+                    <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator</value>
+                </entry>
+                <entry>
+                    <key>NONE</key>
+                    <value>org.apache.catalina.authenticator.NonLoginAuthenticator</value>
+                </entry>
+            </map>         
+        </property>
+        <!-- The JAAS security domain to use in the absense of an explicit
+            security-domain specification in the war WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml
+        -->
+        <property name="defaultSecurityDomain">java:/jaas/other</property>
+        <!-- Get the flag indicating if the normal Java2 parent first class
+            loading model should be used over the servlet 2.3 web container first
+            model.
+        -->
+        <property name="java2ClassLoadingCompliance">false</property>
+        <!-- A flag indicating if the JBoss Loader should be used. This loader
+            uses a unified class loader as the class loader rather than the tomcat
+            specific class loader.
+            The default is false to ensure that wars have isolated class loading
+            for duplicate jars and jsp files.
+        -->
+        <property name="useJBossWebLoader">true</property>
+        <!-- The list of package prefixes that should not be loaded without
+            delegating to the parent class loader before trying the web app
+            class loader. The packages listed here are those tha are used by
+            the web container implementation and cannot be overriden. The format
+            is a comma separated list of the package names. There cannot be any
+            whitespace between the package prefixes.
+            This setting only applies when UseJBossWebLoader=false.
+        -->
+        <property name="filteredPackages">javax.servlet</property>
+        <property name="lenientEjbLink">true</property>
+        <!--Flag to delete the Work Dir on Context Destroy -->
+        <property name="deleteWorkDirOnContextDestroy">false</property>
+        <!--
+            Class of the session manager (used if context is marked as 'distributable'. Currently allowed values:
+            - org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JBossCacheManager
+        -->
+        <property name="managerClass">org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JBossCacheManager</property>
+        <!-- The class used as the deployment wrapper -->
+        <property name="deploymentClass">org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.deployers.TomcatDeployment</property>
+        <!-- The name of the request property under with the authenticated JAAS
+            Subject is stored on successful authentication. If null or empty then
+            the Subject will not be stored.
+        -->
+        <!--
+            <property name="subjectAttributeName">j_subject</property>
+        -->
+        <!-- The SessionIdAlphabet is the set of characters used to create a session Id
+            It must be made up of exactly 65 unique characters
+            <property name="sessionIdAlphabet">ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-*</property>
+        -->
+        <!--
+            *******************************************************
+            ****************** CLUSTERING *************************
+            *******************************************************
+            In order to activate HTTP Session clustering for Tomcat
+            make sure you run JBoss's "all" configuration i.e.
+            "run -c all"
+            (the default configuration doesn't contain clustering)
+            Furthermore, you may change SnapshotMode and
+            SnapshotInterval propertys below to indicate when to
+            synchronize changes with the other node(s).
+            If you use Apache+mod_jk(2) you will most probably use
+            the AJP1.3 connector below. Thus, if you so wish,
+            you may comment (i.e. deactivate) the HTTP connector
+            as it won't be used anymore.
+            *******************************************************
+            *******************************************************
+            *******************************************************
+        -->
+        <!--
+            If you are using clustering, the following two propertys
+            define when the sessions are replicated to the other nodes.
+            The default value, "instant", synchronously replicates changes
+            to the other nodes at the end of requests. In this case, the 
+            "SnapshotInterval" property is not used.
+            The "interval" mode, in association with the "SnapshotInterval"
+            property, indicates that modified sessions will only be replicated
+            every "SnapshotInterval" milliseconds at most.	
+            Note that this property is not in effect if the replication-granularity
+            is set to FIELD. If it is FIELD, it will be per http request (that is, 
+            "instant" mode.)
+        -->
+        <property name="snapshotMode">instant</property> <!-- you may switch to "interval" -->
+        <property name="snapshotInterval">2000</property>
+        <!--
+            Whether to use MOD_JK(2) for load balancing with sticky session 
+            combined with JvmRoute. If set to true, it will insert a JvmRouteValve 
+            to intercept every request and replace the JvmRoute if it detects a 
+            failover. In addition, you will need to set the JvmRoute inside
+            Tomcat, e.g.,
+            Engine name="jboss.web" jmvRoute="Node1" defaultHost="localhost" 
+            in server.xml.
+            For clustering purpose only.
+        -->
+        <property name="useJK">false</property>
+        <property name="domain">jboss.web</property>
+        <property name="securityManagerService">
+            <inject bean="jboss.security:service=JaasSecurityManager" />
+        </property>
+        <depends>jboss:service=TransactionManager</depends>
+        <depends>SecurityDeployer</depends>
+        <!-- Only needed if the org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.jca.CachedConnectionValve
+            TODO: injection
+            is enabled in the tomcat server.xml file.
+            <depends>jboss.jca:service=CachedConnectionManager</depends>
+        -->
+    </bean>

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