[jboss-cvs] repository.jboss.com/jacorb/2.2.3.cp01/src ...

Scott Stark scott.stark at jboss.com
Thu Mar 29 21:37:20 EDT 2007

  User: starksm 
  Date: 07/03/29 21:37:20

  Added:       jacorb/2.2.3.cp01/src   JBAS-3475.patch JacORB-cp01.zip
  Create a 2.2.3.cp01 patch which includes JBAS-3475
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1      date: 2007/03/30 01:37:20;  author: starksm;  state: Exp;repository.jboss.com/jacorb/2.2.3.cp01/src/JBAS-3475.patch
  Index: JBAS-3475.patch
  diff -w -r JacORB/src/org/jacorb/orb/CDROutputStream.java JacORB-cp01/src/org/jacorb/orb/CDROutputStream.java
  <         // size indicator ulong + length in chars( i.e. bytes for type char)
  <         // incl. terminating NUL char
  <         int size = 4 + s.length() + 1;
  >         // size leaves room for ulong, plus the string itself (3 bytes
  >         // per char in the string might be needed in the case of UTF-8
  >         // encoding), plus the terminating NUL char
  >         int size = 4 + 3 * s.length() + 1;
  <                 // go to the beginning of the chunk and write the size tag
  <                 // check(7, 4); // DO NOT align to a 4-byte boundary
  <                 int current_pos = pos;
  <                 int current_idx = index;
  <                 pos = chunk_size_tag_pos;
  <                 index = chunk_size_tag_index;
  <                 write_long( current_pos - chunk_octets_pos );
  <                 pos = current_pos;
  <                 index = current_idx;
  >                rewrite_long(chunk_size_tag_pos,
  >                      chunk_size_tag_index,
  >                      pos - chunk_octets_pos);
  >      * Writes a CORBA long value to (write_pos, write_index) without clearing
  >      * the buffer padding. In the case of a non-sequential write, clearing
  >      * buffer positions after the data just written is likely to erase data
  >      * previously written.
  >      */
  >     private final void rewrite_long(int write_pos,
  >                                     int write_index,
  >                                     final int value)
  >     {
  >         final int align = 4;
  >         int remainder = align - (write_index % align);
  >         if (remainder != align)
  >         {
  >             write_index += remainder;
  >             write_pos += remainder;
  >         }
  >         _write4int(buffer, write_pos, value);
  >      }
  >     /**
  diff -w -r JacORB/src/org/jacorb/util/Version.java JacORB-cp01/src/org/jacorb/util/Version.java
  <     public static final String version = "2.2.3";
  <     public static final String date = "10-Dec-2005";
  >     public static final String version = "2.2.3.cp01";
  >     public static final String date = "29-MAR-2007";
  diff -w JacORB/etc/jacorb_jar.manifest JacORB-cp01/etc/jacorb_jar.manifest
  > Specification-Title: JacORB
  > Specification-Version: 2.2.3.cp01
  > Specification-Vendor: JacORB (http://www.jacorb.org/)
  > Implementation-Title: JBoss [Zion]
  > Implementation-URL: http://www.jboss.org/
  > Implementation-Version: 2.2.3.cp01
  > Implementation-Vendor: JBoss.org
  > Implementation-Vendor-Id: http://www.jboss.org/
  1.1      date: 2007/03/30 01:37:20;  author: starksm;  state: Exp;repository.jboss.com/jacorb/2.2.3.cp01/src/JacORB-cp01.zip
  	<<Binary file>>

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