[jboss-cvs] jboss-seam/examples/itext/view ...

Norman Richards norman.richards at jboss.com
Tue May 8 14:51:38 EDT 2007

  User: nrichards
  Date: 07/05/08 14:51:38

  Modified:    examples/itext/view  chart.xhtml
  update example
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +43 -35    jboss-seam/examples/itext/view/chart.xhtml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: chart.xhtml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam/examples/itext/view/chart.xhtml,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -b -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- chart.xhtml	7 May 2007 15:24:57 -0000	1.4
  +++ chart.xhtml	8 May 2007 18:51:38 -0000	1.5
  @@ -24,20 +24,6 @@
           <p:data key="baz" value="20" sectionPaint="#555555" sectionOutlineStroke="dot2" />
  -    <p:piechart title="Pie Chart" width="500" height="500" legend="true" is3D="true"
  -               borderBackgroundPaint="#ffffff" borderStroke="dot1" borderPaint="blue" borderVisible="false"
  -               plotBackgroundPaint="#ffffff"  plotBackgroundAlpha="1" plotForegroundAlpha="1"
  -               plotOutlinePaint="blue" plotOutlineStroke="dot1"
  -               labelBackgroundPaint="gray"  labelPaint="white" labelLinkStroke="dot2"
  -               direction="anticlockwise" >
  -        <ui:repeat value="#{data.pieData}" var="item">
  -            <p:data key="#{item.name}" value="#{item.value}" sectionPaint="#777777" sectionOutlineStroke="dot2" />
  -        </ui:repeat>
  -        <p:data key="foo" value="20" explodedPercent=".2" sectionPaint="#111111" />
  -        <p:data key="bar" value="20" explodedPercent=".3" sectionPaint="#333333" />
  -        <p:data key="baz" value="20" sectionPaint="#555555" sectionOutlineStroke="dot2" />
  -    </p:piechart>
       <p:piechart title="3d Pie Chart" width="500" height="500" legend="true" is3D="true" backgroundPaint="bar"
           <ui:repeat value="#{data.pieData}" var="item">
  @@ -78,35 +64,57 @@
  -    <p:linechart title="Line Chart" width="500" height="500" 
  -                 domainAxisLabel="domain" rangeAxisLabel="range">
  +    <p:linechart title="Line Chart3D" width="500" height="500"
  +                 is3D="true" legend="true"
  +                 domainAxisLabel="domain" rangeAxisLabel="range" foo="bar">
  +        <p:series key="data1" seriesPaint="bar"  seriesStroke="dot2">
           <ui:repeat value="#{data.pieData}" var="item">
  -            <p:data columnKey="#{item.name}" rowKey="data1" value="#{item.value}" />
  +                <p:data columnKey="#{item.name}" value="#{item.value}" />
  +            <p:data columnKey="foo" value="75.1" />
  +        </p:series>
  +        <p:series key="data2" seriesPaint="green"  seriesStroke="dot2">
  +            <p:data columnKey="foo" value="75.1" />
           <ui:repeat value="#{data.pieData}" var="item">
  -            <p:data columnKey="#{item.name}" rowKey="data2" value="#{item.value*1.4}" />
  +                <p:data columnKey="#{item.name}" value="#{item.value+5}" />
  +        </p:series>
  +        <p:series key="data3">
  +            <p:data columnKey="foo" value="10" />
           <ui:repeat value="#{data.pieData}" var="item">
  -            <p:data columnKey="#{item.name}" rowKey="data3" value="#{item.value*.8+6.0}" />
  +                <p:data columnKey="#{item.name}" value="#{item.value+12}" />
  +        </p:series>
  -    <p:linechart title="Line Chart3D" width="500" height="500"
  -                 is3D="true" legend="true"
  +    <p:linechart title="Line Chart" width="500" height="500"
  +                 is3D="false" legend="true"
                    domainAxisLabel="domain" rangeAxisLabel="range" foo="bar">
  +        <p:series key="data1" seriesPaint="green"  seriesStroke="dot2">
  +            <ui:repeat value="#{data.pieData}" var="item">
  +                <p:data columnKey="#{item.name}" value="#{item.value}" />
  +            </ui:repeat>
  +            <p:data columnKey="foo" value="75.1" />
  +        </p:series>
  +        <p:series key="data2" seriesPaint="bar"  seriesStroke="dot2">
  +            <p:data columnKey="foo" value="75.1" />
           <ui:repeat value="#{data.pieData}" var="item">
  -            <p:data columnKey="#{item.name}" rowKey="data1" value="#{item.value}" />
  +                <p:data columnKey="#{item.name}"  value="#{item.value+5}" />
  -        <p:data columnKey="foo" rowKey="data1" value="75.1" />
  +        </p:series>
  +        <p:series key="data3">
  +            <p:data columnKey="foo" value="10" />
           <ui:repeat value="#{data.pieData}" var="item">
  -            <p:data columnKey="#{item.name}" rowKey="data2" value="#{item.value+5}" />
  +                <p:data columnKey="#{item.name}" value="#{item.value+6}" />
  -        <p:data columnKey="foo" rowKey="data2" value="75.1" />
  +        </p:series>

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