[jboss-cvs] jboss-seam/bootstrap/conf ...

Peter Muir peter at bleepbleep.org.uk
Wed Nov 14 06:50:49 EST 2007

  User: pmuir   
  Date: 07/11/14 06:50:49

  Added:       bootstrap/conf     login-config.xml jbossjta-properties.xml
                        jboss-service.xml bootstrap-beans.xml
  Revert to 2.0.0.GA bootstrap
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +0 -0      jboss-seam/bootstrap/conf/login-config.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: login-config.xml
  RCS file: login-config.xml
  diff -N login-config.xml
  --- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
  +++ login-config.xml	14 Nov 2007 11:50:49 -0000	1.3
  @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
  +<?xml version='1.0'?>
  +<!DOCTYPE policy PUBLIC
  +      "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS Security Config 3.0//EN"
  +      "http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/security_config.dtd">
  +<!-- The XML based JAAS login configuration read by the
  +org.jboss.security.auth.login.XMLLoginConfig mbean. Add
  +an application-policy element for each security domain.
  +The outline of the application-policy is:
  +<application-policy name="security-domain-name">
  +  <authentication>
  +    <login-module code="login.module1.class.name" flag="control_flag">
  +      <module-option name = "option1-name">option1-value</module-option>
  +      <module-option name = "option2-name">option2-value</module-option>
  +      ...
  +    </login-module>
  +    <login-module code="login.module2.class.name" flag="control_flag">
  +      ...
  +    </login-module>
  +    ...
  +  </authentication>
  +$Revision: 1.3 $
  +   <application-policy name="HsqlDbRealm">
  +     <authentication>
  +       <login-module code="org.jboss.resource.security.ConfiguredIdentityLoginModule"
  +         flag="required">
  +         <module-option name="principal">sa</module-option>
  +         <module-option name="userName">sa</module-option>
  +         <module-option name="password"></module-option>
  +         <module-option name="managedConnectionFactoryName">jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=DefaultDS</module-option>
  +       </login-module>
  +     </authentication>
  +   </application-policy>
  +   <application-policy name="messaging">
  +      <authentication>
  +         <login-module code="org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule" flag = "required">
  +            <module-option name="unauthenticatedIdentity">guest</module-option>
  +            <module-option name="usersProperties">conf/props/messaging-users.properties</module-option>
  +            <module-option name="rolesProperties">conf/props/messaging-roles.properties</module-option>
  +         </login-module>
  +      </authentication>
  +   </application-policy>
  +  <!-- Used by clients within the application server VM such as
  +  mbeans and servlets that access EJBs.
  +  -->
  +  <application-policy name="client-login">
  +    <authentication>
  +      <login-module code="org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule"
  +        flag="required">
  +         <!-- Any existing security context will be restored on logout -->
  +         <module-option name="restore-login-identity">true</module-option>
  +      </login-module>
  +    </authentication>
  +  </application-policy>
  +  <application-policy name="other">
  +    <!-- A simple server login module, which can be used when the number
  +    of users is relatively small. It uses two properties files:
  +    users.properties, which holds users (key) and their password (value).
  +    roles.properties, which holds users (key) and a comma-separated list of
  +    their roles (value).
  +    The unauthenticatedIdentity property defines the name of the principal
  +    that will be used when a null username and password are presented as is
  +    the case for an unuathenticated web client or MDB. If you want to
  +    allow such users to be authenticated add the property, e.g.,
  +    unauthenticatedIdentity="nobody"
  +    -->
  +    <authentication>
  +      <login-module code="org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule"
  +        flag="required"/>
  +    </authentication>
  +  </application-policy>
  1.3       +0 -0      jboss-seam/bootstrap/conf/jbossjta-properties.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: jbossjta-properties.xml
  RCS file: jbossjta-properties.xml
  diff -N jbossjta-properties.xml
  --- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
  +++ jbossjta-properties.xml	14 Nov 2007 11:50:49 -0000	1.3
  @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
  +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  +    <properties depends="common" name="arjuna">
  +        <!--
  +        Transaction Reaper Timeout (default is 120000 microseconds).
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.txReaperTimeout" value="120000"/>
  +        <!--
  +        Transaction Reaper Mode, can be: NORMAL or DYNAMIC (default is NORMAL).
  +      -->
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.txReaperMode" value="NORMAL"/>
  +        <!--
  +        (default is NO)
  +      -->
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.asyncCommit" value="NO"/>
  +        <!--
  +        (default is NO)
  +      -->
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.asyncPrepare" value="NO"/>
  +        <!--
  +        (default is YES)
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.commitOnePhase" value="YES"/>
  +        <!--
  +        (default is defaultStore)
  +      -->
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.localOSRoot" value="defaultStore"/>
  +        <!--
  +        default is under user.home - must be writeable!)
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.objectStoreDir" value="PutObjectStoreDirHere"/>
  +        <!--
  +        (default is ON)
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.objectStoreSync" value="ON"/>
  +        <!--
  +        (default is ShadowNoFileLockStore)
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.objectStoreType" value="ShadowNoFileLockStore"/>
  +        <!--
  +        (default is 255)
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.hashedDirectories" value="255"/>
  +        <!--
  +        (default is ON)
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.transactionSync" value="ON"/>
  +        <!--
  +        (Must be unique across all Arjuna instances.)
  +      -->
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.xa.nodeIdentifier" value="1"/>
  +        <!-- property
  +        name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.actionStore"
  +		value="HashedActionStore"
  +		value="JDBCActionStore"
  +      -->
  +        <!-- property
  +        name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.jdbcTxDbAccess"
  +		value="JDBCAccess"
  +      -->
  +        <!-- property
  +        name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.objectStoreType"
  +		value="ShadowNoFileLockStore"
  +		value="JDBCStore"
  +      -->
  +        <!-- property
  +        name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.jdbcUserDbAccess"
  +		value="JDBCAccess"
  +      -->
  +        <!-- property
  +        name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.jdbcPoolSizeInitial"
  +		value="1"
  +      -->
  +        <!-- property
  +        name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.jdbcPoolSizeMaximum"
  +		value="1"
  +      -->
  +        <!-- property
  +        name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.jdbcPoolPutConnections"
  +		value="false"
  +      -->
  +        <!-- property
  +        name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.internal.arjuna.objectstore.cacheStore.size"
  +		value=""
  +      -->
  +        <!-- property
  +        name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.internal.arjuna.objectstore.cacheStore.period"
  +		value=""
  +      -->
  +        <!--
  +        The location for creating temporary files, e.g., Uids.
  +        Default is under user.home.
  +        IMPORTANT: make sure the directory is lockable, e.g., /tmp on Unix
  +        may not be!
  +      -->
  +        <!--
  +        <property
  +          name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.varDir"
  +          value="var"/>
  +      -->
  +    </properties>
  +    <properties name="common">
  +        <!-- CLF 2.0 properties -->
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.common.util.logging.DebugLevel"
  +            type="System" value="0x00000000"/>
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.common.util.logging.FacilityLevel"
  +            type="System" value="0xffffffff"/>
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.common.util.logging.VisibilityLevel"
  +            type="System" value="0xffffffff"/>
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.common.util.logger" type="System" value="log4j"/>
  +    </properties>
  +    <properties depends="arjuna" name="txoj">
  +        <!--
  +        (default is LockStore of installation - must be writeable!)
  +      -->
  +        <!--
  +        <property
  +          name="com.arjuna.ats.txoj.lockstore.lockStoreDir"
  +          value="LockStore"/>
  +      -->
  +        <!--
  +        (default is BasicLockStore)
  +      -->
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.ats.txoj.lockstore.lockStoreType" value="BasicLockStore"/>
  +        <!--
  +        (default is NO)
  +      -->
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.ats.txoj.lockstore.multipleLockStore" value="NO"/>
  +        <!--
  +        (default is YES)
  +      -->
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.ats.txoj.lockstore.singleLockStore" value="YES"/>
  +        <!--
  +        (default is YES)
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.txoj.lockstore.allowNestedLocking" value="YES"/>
  +    </properties>
  +    <properties depends="arjuna" name="jta">
  +        <!--
  +        Support subtransactions in the JTA layer?
  +        Default is NO.
  +      -->
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.ats.jta.supportSubtransactions" value="NO"/>
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.ats.jta.jtaTMImplementation" value="com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.TransactionManagerImple"/>
  +        <!--
  +			com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.TransactionManagerImple
  +			-->
  +        <property name="com.arjuna.ats.jta.jtaUTImplementation" value="com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.UserTransactionImple"/>
  +        <!--
  +			com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.UserTransactionImple
  +			-->
  +    </properties>
  +    <properties depends="arjuna,txoj,jta" name="recoverymanager">
  +        <!--
  +        Properties used only by the RecoveryManager.
  +      -->
  +        <!--
  +        Periodic recovery settings.
  +        Time values in this section are in seconds.
  +      -->
  +        <!--
  +        Interval in seconds between initiating the periodic recovery modules.
  +        Default is 120 seconds.
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.periodicRecoveryPeriod" value="120"/>
  +        <!--
  +        Interval in seconds between first and second pass of periodic recovery.
  +        Default is 10 seconds.
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.recoveryBackoffPeriod" value="10"/>
  +        <!--
  +        Periodic recovery modules to use.  Invoked in sort-order of names.
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.recoveryExtension1" value="com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.AtomicActionRecoveryModule"/>
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.recoveryExtension2" value="com.arjuna.ats.internal.txoj.recovery.TORecoveryModule"/>
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.recoveryExtension3" value="com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.recovery.arjunacore.XARecoveryModule"/>
  +        <!--
  +        Expired entry removal
  +      -->
  +        <!--
  +        Expiry scanners to use (order of invocation is random).
  +        Names must begin with "com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.expiryScanner"
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.expiryScannerTransactionStatusManager" value="com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.ExpiredTransactionStatusManagerScanner"/>
  +        <!--
  +        Interval, in hours, between running the expiry scanners.
  +        This can be quite long. The absolute value determines the interval -
  +        if the value is negative, the scan will NOT be run until after one
  +        interval has elapsed. If positive the first scan will be immediately
  +        after startup. Zero will prevent any scanning.
  +        Default  = 12 = run immediately, then every 12 hours.
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.expiryScanInterval" value="12"/>
  +        <!--
  +        Age, in hours, for removal of transaction status manager item.
  +        This should be longer than any ts-using process will remain running.
  +        Zero = Never removed.  Default is 12.
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.transactionStatusManagerExpiryTime" value="12"/>
  +        <!--
  +        Use this to fix the port on which the TransactionStatusManager listens,
  +        The default behaviour is to use any free port.
  +      -->
  +        <property
  +            name="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.transactionStatusManagerPort" value="0"/>
  +    </properties>
  +    <properties depends="jta" name="jdbc">
  +        <!--
  +           property name="com.arjuna.ats.jdbc.isolationLevel" value="TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE"/>
  +        -->
  +    </properties>
  1.4       +152 -132  jboss-seam/bootstrap/conf/jboss-service.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: jboss-service.xml
  RCS file: jboss-service.xml
  diff -N jboss-service.xml
  --- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
  +++ jboss-service.xml	14 Nov 2007 11:50:49 -0000	1.4
  @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
  +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  +<!-- $Id: jboss-service.xml,v 1.4 2007/11/14 11:50:49 pmuir Exp $ -->
  +<!-- ===================================================================== -->
  +<!--  JBoss Server Configuration                                           -->
  +<!-- ===================================================================== -->
  +   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  +   <!-- Main Deployer                                                        -->
  +   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  +   <mbean code="org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer"
  +          name="jboss.system:service=MainDeployer">
  +   	<!-- This is used to delegate the deployment handling -->
  +      <attribute name="KernelMainDeployer"><inject bean="MainDeployer" /></attribute>
  +   </mbean>
  +   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  +   <!-- SAR Deployer                                                        -->
  +   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  +   <mbean code="org.jboss.deployment.SARDeployer"
  +          name="jboss.system:service=ServiceDeployer">
  +      <depends>jboss.system:service=MainDeployer</depends>
  +   </mbean>
  +   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  +   <!-- Security                                                             -->
  +   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  +   <mbean code="org.jboss.security.plugins.SecurityConfig"
  +      name="jboss.security:service=SecurityConfig">
  +      <attribute name="LoginConfig">jboss.security:service=XMLLoginConfig</attribute>
  +      <depends>jboss.security:service=XMLLoginConfig</depends>
  +   </mbean>
  +   <mbean code="org.jboss.security.auth.login.XMLLoginConfig"
  +      name="jboss.security:service=XMLLoginConfig">
  +      <attribute name="ConfigResource">${jboss.embedded.bootstrap.resource.path}conf/login-config.xml</attribute>
  +   </mbean>
  +   <!-- JAAS security manager and realm mapping -->
  +   <mbean code="org.jboss.security.plugins.JaasSecurityManagerService"
  +      name="jboss.security:service=JaasSecurityManager">
  +      <!-- A flag which indicates whether the SecurityAssociation server mode
  +      is set on service creation. This is true by default since the
  +      SecurityAssociation should be thread local for multi-threaded server
  +      operation.
  +      -->
  +      <attribute name="ServerMode">true</attribute>
  +      <attribute name="SecurityManagerClassName">org.jboss.security.plugins.JaasSecurityManager</attribute>
  +      <attribute name="DefaultUnauthenticatedPrincipal">anonymous</attribute> 
  +      <!-- DefaultCacheTimeout: Specifies the default timed cache policy timeout
  +      in seconds.
  +      If you want to disable caching of security credentials, set this to 0 to
  +      force authentication to occur every time. This has no affect if the
  +      AuthenticationCacheJndiName has been changed from the default value.
  +      -->
  +       <attribute name="DefaultCacheTimeout">1800</attribute>
  +      <!-- DefaultCacheResolution: Specifies the default timed cache policy
  +      resolution in seconds. This controls the interval at which the cache
  +      current timestamp is updated and should be less than the DefaultCacheTimeout
  +      in order for the timeout to be meaningful. This has no affect if the
  +      AuthenticationCacheJndiName has been changed from the default value.
  +      -->
  +      <attribute name="DefaultCacheResolution">60</attribute>
  +      <!-- DeepCopySubjectMode: This set the copy mode of subjects done by the
  +      security managers to be deep copies that makes copies of the subject
  +      principals and credentials if they are cloneable. It should be set to
  +      true if subject include mutable content that can be corrupted when
  +      multiple threads have the same identity and cache flushes/logout clearing
  +      the subject in one thread results in subject references affecting other
  +      threads.
  +      -->
  +      <attribute name="DeepCopySubjectMode">false</attribute>
  +   </mbean> 
  +   <!-- Authorization manager-->
  +   <mbean code="org.jboss.security.plugins.AuthorizationManagerService"
  +      name="jboss.security:service=AuthorizationManager"> 
  +      <attribute name="AuthorizationManagerClassName">org.jboss.security.plugins.JBossAuthorizationManager</attribute>
  +   </mbean>
  +   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  +   <!-- Transactions                                                         -->
  +   <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  +   <!-- The configurable Xid factory.  For use with Oracle, set pad to true -->
  +   <mbean code="org.jboss.tm.XidFactory"
  +      name="jboss:service=XidFactory">
  +      <!--attribute name="Pad">true</attribute-->
  +   </mbean>
  +   <!--
  +      | The fast in-memory transaction manager.
  +      | Deprecated in 5.0.  Use JBossTS JTA instead.
  +      <mbean code="org.jboss.tm.TransactionManagerService"
  +      name="jboss:service=TransactionManager"
  +      xmbean-dd="resource:xmdesc/TransactionManagerService-xmbean.xml">
  +      <attribute name="TransactionTimeout">300</attribute>
  +      <attribute name="XARetryTimeout">60</attribute>
  +      <attribute name="PreparedTimeout">60</attribute>
  +      <attribute name="GlobalIdsEnabled">true</attribute>
  +      <depends optional-attribute-name="XidFactory">jboss:service=XidFactory</depends>
  +      </mbean>
  +   -->
  +   <!-- JBossTS JTA -->
  +   <mbean code="com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx.jta.TransactionManagerService"
  +      name="jboss:service=TransactionManager">
  +      <attribute name="TransactionTimeout">300</attribute>
  +   </mbean>
  +   <mbean code="org.jboss.util.threadpool.BasicThreadPool"
  +          name="jboss.jca:service=WorkManagerThreadPool">
  +      <!-- The name that appears in thread names -->
  +      <attribute name="Name">WorkManager</attribute>
  +      <!-- The maximum amount of work in the queue -->
  +      <attribute name="MaximumQueueSize">1024</attribute>
  +      <!-- The maximum number of active threads -->
  +      <attribute name="MaximumPoolSize">100</attribute>
  +      <!-- How long to keep threads alive after their last work (default one minute) -->
  +      <attribute name="KeepAliveTime">60000</attribute>
  +   </mbean>
  +   <mbean code="org.jboss.resource.work.JBossWorkManager"
  +          name="jboss.jca:service=WorkManager">
  +      <depends optional-attribute-name="ThreadPoolName">jboss.jca:service=WorkManagerThreadPool</depends>
  +      <depends optional-attribute-name="XATerminatorName">jboss:service=TransactionManager</depends>
  +   </mbean>
  +   <!--
  +      | The CachedConnectionManager is used partly to relay started UserTransactions to 
  +      | open connections so they may be enrolled in the new tx.
  +    -->
  +   <mbean code="org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.CachedConnectionManager"
  +          name="jboss.jca:service=CachedConnectionManager">
  +     <depends optional-attribute-name="TransactionManagerServiceName">jboss:service=TransactionManager</depends>
  +     <!-- Enable connection close debug monitoring -->
  +     <attribute name="Debug">true</attribute>
  +   </mbean>
  +   <mbean code="org.jboss.naming.JNDIView"
  +   	name="jboss:service=JNDIView"
  +   	xmbean-dd="resource:xmdesc/JNDIView-xmbean.xml">
  +   	<!-- The HANamingService service name -->
  +   	<attribute name="HANamingService">jboss:service=HAJNDI</attribute>
  +   </mbean>
  1.5       +214 -230  jboss-seam/bootstrap/conf/bootstrap-beans.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: bootstrap-beans.xml
  RCS file: bootstrap-beans.xml
  diff -N bootstrap-beans.xml
  --- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
  +++ bootstrap-beans.xml	14 Nov 2007 11:50:49 -0000	1.5
  @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
  +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  +   The bootstrap of the server
  +<deployment xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">
  +   <bean name="SystemProperties" class="org.jboss.embedded.util.SystemProperties">
  +      <property name="properties">
  +         <map keyClass="java.lang.String" valueClass="java.lang.String">
  +            <entry>
  +               <key>jboss.bind.address</key>
  +               <value></value>
  +            </entry>
  +            <entry>
  +               <key>com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.propertiesFile</key>
  +               <value>${jboss.home.dir}/conf/jbossjta-properties.xml</value>
  +            </entry>
  +            <entry>
  +               <key>com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.objectStoreDir</key>
  +               <value>${jboss.server.data.dir}/ObjectStore</value>
  +            </entry>
  +         </map>
  +      </property>
  +   </bean>
  +   <!-- The legacy JMX kernel -->
  +   <bean name="JMXKernel" class="org.jboss.embedded.adapters.JMXKernel">
  +      <property name="kernel">
  +         <inject bean="jboss.kernel:service=Kernel"/>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="serverConfig">
  +         <inject bean="ServerConfig"/>
  +      </property>
  +   </bean>
  +   <!-- The MainDeployer -->
  +   <bean name="MainDeployer" class="org.jboss.deployers.plugins.deployment.MainDeployerImpl">
  +      <property name="structureDeployers">
  +         <list>
  +            <!-- A declared structure descriptor deployer -->
  +            <bean name="DeclaredStructure" class="org.jboss.deployers.plugins.structure.vfs.explicit.DeclaredStructure">
  +            </bean>
  +            <!-- JAR Structure -->
  +            <bean name="JARStructure" class="org.jboss.deployers.plugins.structure.vfs.jar.JARStructure">
  +               <!-- Unless specified the default list of suffixes is .zip, .ear, .jar, ,.rar, .war, .sar, .har, .aop -->
  +               <constructor>
  +                  <parameter>
  +                     <set elementClass="java.lang.String">
  +                        <value>.zip</value>
  +                        <value>.ear</value>
  +                        <value>.jar</value>
  +                        <value>.rar</value>
  +                        <value>.war</value>
  +                        <value>.sar</value>
  +                        <value>.har</value>
  +                        <value>.aop</value>
  +                        <value>.deployer</value>
  +                        <value>.beans</value>
  +                     </set>
  +                  </parameter>
  +               </constructor>
  +               <property name="candidateStructureVisitorFactory">
  +                  <!-- Any file that is not an ordinary directory is a candidate -->
  +                  <bean name="JARStructureCandidates"
  +                        class="org.jboss.deployers.plugins.structure.vfs.jar.JARCandidateStructureVisitorFactory">
  +                     <!-- A filter to exclude some obvious non-subdeployments -->
  +                     <property name="filter">
  +                        <bean name="JARFilter" class="org.jboss.virtual.plugins.vfs.helpers.SuffixesExcludeFilter">
  +                           <constructor>
  +                              <parameter>
  +                                 <list elementClass="java.lang.String">
  +                                    <!-- Exclude class files as subdeployments -->
  +                                    <value>.class</value>
  +                                 </list>
  +                              </parameter>
  +                           </constructor>
  +                        </bean>
  +                     </property>
  +                  </bean>
  +               </property>
  +            </bean>
  +            <!-- File Structure -->
  +            <bean name="FileStructure" class="org.jboss.deployers.plugins.structure.vfs.file.FileStructure">
  +               <!-- Unless specified the default list of suffixes is -service.xml, -beans.xml, -ds.xml, -aop.xml -->
  +               <constructor>
  +                  <parameter>
  +                     <set elementClass="java.lang.String">
  +                        <value>-service.xml</value>
  +                        <value>-beans.xml</value>
  +                        <value>-ds.xml</value>
  +                        <value>-aop.xml</value>
  +                     </set>
  +                  </parameter>
  +               </constructor>
  +            </bean>
  +         </list>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="deployers">
  +         <list>
  +            <!-- POJO Deployment -->
  +            <bean name="BeanDeployer" class="org.jboss.deployers.plugins.deployers.kernel.BeanDeployer"/>
  +            <bean name="KernelDeploymentDeployer"
  +                  class="org.jboss.deployers.plugins.deployers.kernel.KernelDeploymentDeployer"/>
  +            <bean name="BeanMetaDataDeployer" class="org.jboss.deployers.plugins.deployers.kernel.BeanMetaDataDeployer">
  +               <constructor>
  +                  <parameter>
  +                     <inject bean="jboss.kernel:service=Kernel"/>
  +                  </parameter>
  +               </constructor>
  +            </bean>
  +            <!-- JMX Deployment -->
  +            <bean name="SARDeployer" class="org.jboss.system.deployers.SARDeployer"/>
  +            <bean name="ServiceClassLoaderDeployer" class="org.jboss.embedded.ClassLoaderDeployer"/>
  +            <bean name="ServiceDeploymentDeployer" class="org.jboss.system.deployers.ServiceDeploymentDeployer"/>
  +            <bean name="ServiceDeployer" class="org.jboss.system.deployers.ServiceDeployer">
  +               <constructor>
  +                  <parameter>
  +                     <inject bean="JMXKernel" property="serviceController"/>
  +                  </parameter>
  +               </constructor>
  +            </bean>
  +         </list>
  +      </property>
  +   </bean>
  +   <!-- A filter for excluding files from the scanner -->
  +   <bean name="DeploymentFilter" class="org.jboss.virtual.plugins.vfs.helpers.ExtensibleFilter">
  +      <!-- Files starting with theses strings are ignored -->
  +      <property name="prefixes">#,%,\,,.,_$</property>
  +      <!-- Files ending with theses strings are ignored -->
  +      <property name="suffixes">#,$,%,~,\,v,.BAK,.bak,.old,.orig,.tmp,.rej,.sh</property>
  +      <!-- Files matching with theses strings are ignored -->
  +      <property name="matches">.make.state,.nse_depinfo,CVS,CVS.admin,RCS,RCSLOG,SCCS,TAGS,core,tags</property>
  +   </bean>
  +   <!--
  +        JNDI Initialization of basic beans (NO REMOTING)
  +     -->
  +   <bean name="Naming" class="org.jnp.server.SingletonNamingServer"/>
  +   <bean name="java:comp" class="org.jboss.naming.JavaCompInitializer"/>
  +   <!-- register Naming bean with dispatcher just in case we want to have a remote JNDI connection -->
  +   <bean name="JndiRegistration" class="org.jboss.aspects.remoting.DispatcherRegistration">
  +      <property name="oid">JNDI</property>
  +      <property name="target"><inject bean="Naming"/></property>
  +   </bean>
  +   <!--
  +        Bootstrap old JMX-based core services
  +        setup deployers
  +        setup deploy/ directory
  +     -->
  +   <bean name="ResourcesToDeploy" class="org.jboss.embedded.DeploymentScanner">
  +      <property name="filter">
  +         <inject bean="DeploymentFilter"/>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="mainDeployer">
  +         <inject bean="MainDeployer"/>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="kernel">
  +         <inject bean="jboss.kernel:service=Kernel"/>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="resources">
  +         <list elementClass="java.lang.String">
  +            <value>${jboss.embedded.bootstrap.resource.path}conf/jboss-service.xml</value>
  +         </list>
  +      </property>
  +   </bean>
  +   <bean name="UserTransaction" class="org.jboss.embedded.adapters.LocalOnlyUserTransaction"/>
  +   <bean name="UserTransactionBinding" class="org.jboss.naming.JndiBinder">
  +      <property name="target">
  +         <inject bean="UserTransaction"/>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="bindTo">UserTransaction</property>
  +      <property name="serializable">false</property>
  +   </bean>
  +   <!-- added for Seam because java:comp/UserTransaction not defined in standard dist -->
  +   <bean name="JavaCompUserTransactionBinding" class="org.jboss.naming.JndiBinder">
  +      <property name="target">
  +         <inject bean="UserTransaction"/>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="bindTo">java:comp/UserTransaction</property>
  +      <property name="serializable">false</property>
  +   </bean>
  +   <bean name="ResourcesToDeploy2" class="org.jboss.embedded.DeploymentScanner">
  +      <property name="filter">
  +         <inject bean="DeploymentFilter"/>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="mainDeployer">
  +         <inject bean="MainDeployer"/>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="kernel">
  +         <inject bean="jboss.kernel:service=Kernel"/>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="directoriesByResource">
  +         <list elementClass="java.lang.String">
  +            <value>${jboss.embedded.bootstrap.resource.path}conf/jboss-service.xml/../deployers</value>
  +         </list>
  +      </property>
  +   </bean>
  +   <bean name="ResourcesToDeploy3" class="org.jboss.embedded.DeploymentScanner">
  +      <property name="filter">
  +         <inject bean="DeploymentFilter"/>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="mainDeployer">
  +         <inject bean="MainDeployer"/>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="kernel">
  +         <inject bean="jboss.kernel:service=Kernel"/>
  +      </property>
  +      <property name="directoriesByResource">
  +         <list elementClass="java.lang.String">
  +            <value>${jboss.embedded.bootstrap.resource.path}conf/jboss-service.xml/../deploy</value>
  +         </list>
  +      </property>
  +   </bean>

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